SATURDAY, MARCH 35, 1921. Sette A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SN WHITE PINE © We have on hand a well assorted stock of Soft White Pine in the most useful widths and thicknesses Grades right and prices right. Allan Lumber. Co. Phone1042, : ; ; : Victoria Street gE = E i pe = BE = n IHR | | | | 3 1 4 | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SAVES | LIFE OF FRONT TIRES One of the most frequent causes of excessive tire wear is faulty align- {ment of the front wheels, which {causes them to scrape the tire along {the road surface at gach revolution When ever excessive tire wear de {velops the wheels should be inspect- {od used in aligning he should have owner is not familiar with the met}- {od used in alingning he should have 'he service station do the job, Front wheels are always canibered and gathered; that i= they '"'toe in". in |front. making the distance fronr wheel to wheel in front less than that in the rear. At the same time the distance be- {tween the points of contact with the |romd is less than the distance be- tween opposite points These dis- | In the Auto World | Spring Seat Lubrication. with springs mounted on seats that oscillate. These spring seats usual-- ly have some means of lubrication, sary to turn the cup each day it is advisable to give this part a Tittle at- tention now and then. In canti- Usually this bearing Operates upon a small steel shaff] éxtending out from the frame. In some cases a tube running transversely of the frame is used and either a grease cup or an oil hole will be found. Cracked Paint Warns Against Vibration. On many makes of car the wind- shield is held in place by steel arms, Many present day cars are fitted | but many car owners never take the | trouble simply to turn up the grease | cup provided. While jt is not neces- | | | | | lever suspensions the centre beating | of the spring should be well ofled. | Pre-Heating Principle Widely Endorsed * The Chalmers pre-heating prin- ciple is now generally recognized as the greatest improvement in Chalmers owners know these things by personal experiences They know that their cars run better. That fuel bills are less. That replacement and repair bills are lower by many dollars. Now this Chalmers reputation for fine performance is becoming more widespread. The public is finding out what a wonderful value this car is." . Learn These Facts People to-day are deeply in- terested in what a car will do. They want definite information. on what it will cost to maintain. _ Chalmers figures are really ex- traordinary. We welcome the opportunity to place these facts before you in detail. We believe that if you will study the data available you will understand why the Chalmers to-day is a wonderful motor car value, automobile motor design in the past three years. which protrude through the cowl and are fastened on the under side by a nut and lock nut. Sometimes these nuts work loose from vibra- tion, with the result that the shield is allowed to move slightly. The first evidence of this is seen in crack- ed finish in the vicinity of the wind- -- shield supports. In making the m necessary periodic inspection for PELL IRIE ILASNY | loose nuts and bolts these windshield | + | supports should not be forgotten, } This principle has now received the endorsement of the United States Bureau of Standards and a committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Phone 1217w, Horse-shoeing and Repairing. Pr ee eee Moisture gathering on the exposed part of the porcelain of the spark | plug will often cause irregular firing. This trouble may be cured by greas- ing the porcelain with gasoline or hard grease, . This wide endorsement is due to the marked improvement in motor performance resulting from pre-heating the fuel. _ Chalmers Owners Know These Things It is endorsed because it assures better combustion of the fuel. Because gasoline consumption is reduced. Because the. motor runs more smoothly, accelerates more rapidly, ok performs better in every way. CANADA REQUIRES TWO MILLION TIRES + _-- 1 Creeping Rims. When the shoulders on the steel wheel designed to hold the demount- able rim become worn, the rim and its tire will creep on the wheel, Na- turally this makes the valve stem project at an acute angle, and if con- tinued long enough may cut it off. If the valve stem is held firmly by means of a cap, the strain falls upon the lower portion of the stem and 4 (that part of the inner tube which 4 | surrounds it. In this connection it {is well to call attention to the need for tightening the rim lugs by de- 000 tires grees. If they are fully tightened The aumber of new cars manu- | O0® after the other and all the way factured and purchased will ap- around the wheel there is apt to be proximate 100,000 cars, which #|!°° much space on one side of the | creates a further demand for # wheel and too little on the other. another 500,000 tires. The proper way is to tighten one lug, The minimum requirement for then the one nearly opposite it, and Canada, in 1921, is, therefore, 50 01. 1,700,000 new tires. Every Canadian motorist is in- % terested in the tire requirements + of 1921. According to statistics % there are more than 400,000 # cars registered in Canada today. 4 +» + * * + io | | * * $+ + * + + Each of these cars has neces- sarily four tires, and would ave- rage at least one spare. There are then 2,000,000 tires in ac- tual use. Assuming that each car needs three new tires a year, a eonser- vative estimate, there is a yearly replacement demand of 1,200,- rr " All kinds of Phonographs re- One heavy Spring Waggon --suit- [| vary with the different makes ick ce, expert w. . Quick service, expe orkman | dtameter. {wheels should get the exact figure Rephired. 381 KING STREET EAST OUR SERVICE gnd ADVICE are the result of years of battery Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable, paired, cleaned, recharged and able for farmer and three light lof cars, but usually. the gather ship, inch tire, the wheel will be gathered J. M. PATRICK 64, QUEEN ST. || HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Willard experience. We most strongly recomend great care in keeping n Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists, ge , adjusted. Main and governor market or delivery waggons--all | equals three per cent. of the tire |about one inch. However, the car 1490 SYDENHAM BT. [irom the manufacturer. Waggons and Trucks P your battery well charged while car is use, and WINTER DRY WILLARD SERVICE STATION Talking Machines | For S | or vaie springs for all makes in stock. big value at the price. { Thus, with thirty-four owner who proposes aligning hig Phone 2056J. 'rices moderate. WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE 'AND EXPENSE L ATER ON STORAGE for it Immediately when car is laid up. 19 Brock Street Phone 1340. I. LESSES, Prop. TEE EEIL ED by CHALMERS MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED _- WINDSOR, ONTARI® i ---- A ------------ Protect The Windshield, Cold weather places a great strain on the windshield if it is screwed up tight. As a precaution against breakage, it is advisable to unscrew the thumb-nuts on the side of each standard, and then push equally on each side of the metal moulding when opening and closing, * Slipping Belt. When the leather fan belt develops considerable slippage, though it is reasonably tight, jt is very probably because the rough side of the leather is against the pulley surface. The smooth side of the leather has a much greater traction adherence. PERETTI ECTS EN rr A a NEARLY CRAZY WITH ECZEMA No rest day or night for those who | are afflicted with that terrible skin | disease, eczema, or as it 1s often calls ed, salt rheum. With its unbearable burning, itche ing and torturing relief is gladly wel- comed. There is no remedy like Burdock Blood Bitters for giving relief to such sufferers; -no remedy that has | done, or can do more for those who are almost driven tg distraction with the terrible dll Apply it externally and it takes out the stinging, itching and burning, and promotes a healthy healing. Take it internally and it gets at the source of the disease in the olood --for eczema i8 a blood disease -- and, dives it out of the system. Sy iss L. M. Boutilier, 89 Victoria Road, Halifax, N. S., writes: --"] have suffered for years from eczema. I could not rest day or night. 1 suf- fered great agony, and was nearly crazy with the itching and burning. I used all kinds-of salves, but nothing seemed to help me. I saw Burdock Blood Bitters advertised, and was ad- vised to try a bottle. I found great relief, and I really cannot recommend it highly enough for what it has done: for me." ! Burdock Blood Bitters has betn on the market for over forty years, and during that time has been manufac- tured only _by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO, LTD, = KINGSTON, ONTARIO CHALMERS SAVE THE BROKEN PARTS Alaminum, cast iron, Steel, Brass, ete, all welded and made as strong as new. We specialize on welding and building up worn and broken automabile parts. 3 WRIGHT'S Machine Works 40 Princess St. - - rape 1364. Columbia STORAGE BATTERIES For the doctor, salesman, inspector, con- tractor, executor, executive, the Ford Coupe means Electric Connections, When the lights flicker, a cause may be a corroded fuse. Electrical connections will corrode. They should be cleaned now and then to | maintain efficient service, Muffler Cleaning. --more customers and prospects seen per day in less time. ; --protection from weather. --ample roominess and comfort. --a car of modest, business-like re- | refinement and elegance. 1% --above all it is the car of dependa- Automobile Repairs FORD CARS A SPECIALTY ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1080. Res. 1537J. 37% BROCK STREET Ma Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds amd make them as good as new. . Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress .Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. ty Angrove's Repairs | COAL Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 In cleaning the muffler after the part has been dismantled and the parts cleaned with kerosene, it jag well to go over all the holes design- | ed to break up the gas with a sharp punch or fine taper reamer to make sure that these holes have not been reduced in size by accumulations of burned oll or carbon. lity, --the Ford engine has the power. COLUMBIA SIX It's the shutters that make the Columbia Six a true all weather Car. EDMOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage Auto Repairs a Speciaity, 335 King St. + . Phone 2188. We keep your car on the road. We sell genuine Ford parts. Our prices for both parts and repairs are standardized. Let us take you for a trial run. VanLuvenBros. Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. Loose Spokes. Wooden wheels with loose spokes emit a squeaking sound which is in- tensely distinct when the car is being driven around a corner. Sometimes this 1 may be obviated by "| replacing one or more spokes, or it may be tured by forcifig small wood- en wedges between the spokes and the hub. A wheelwright can do the job in #"féw minutes; : Axle Strain. The most severe strain that yp be placed on the rear axle or driving gear is to try to ge: out of a mud hole by backing up a little and then plunging forward on low gear. The best on the market Nor the least money. KINGSTON BATTERY SERVICE Phone 410w, el Some ambitious people rise trom} nothing to something worse. that's on the other fellow. A new Coat for anold Gar OUR friends won't recognize the car after Ou apply a coat of BERRY BROTHE auto COLOR VARNISH, Cars r. Rs "Berry" way are wonderfully enhanced in #ppearance--the lustre is lasting and the Surface impervious to dust and dampness. your bright new enamel finish. Berry Brothers Varnish will afford you com- plete satisfaction, and it dries overnight. Ten choose from. 3 ) Yan Case Devilor. Thavtgh Nee It's easy to see the point of a joke glect of Common Colds. "He started with Just a little cold" is a very common statement when people allude to friends who are down with pleurisy or pneumonia. Every reader should bear this in mind and start treating even the commonest cold as soon as it ap- pears. J The placing of Grip-Fix on the market has given every reader the means of conquering even a bad cold in a single night. This saves all the trouble and inconvenience en- tailed by the cold, as well as guards against the acute diseases which might follow. . uard your health. Keep a box Grip-Fix in the house. itis a ho and reliable remedy. In its capsule form it is convenient for taking, and acts more promptly. ' The ingredi ts §tah Jat Primed on each Soa) aaa What p| cians gen 38 waa generally use ot Sale by all druggists, 35c. per S------ Keép Spark Advance. By keeping the spark lever well advanced, much gasoline will be saved. Besides, the advanced spark gives the engine the full benefit of the power stroke dnd helps the cool- ing of the engine. Proper grip of the fan belt is as important in winter as in summer. Some motorists @gven disconnect the belt in cold winfer, incurring the possibility of over-heating the engine on & long run. wr Choice Pot Roasts 15h Choice Rb Roasts OF STORAGE BATTERIES 6-8 Volt Batteries ..$27.50 12 Volt Batteries . . .. . ...$33.00 Guaranteed brand new stock and as good as any Battery sold in Kingston. This is a rare opportunity, and is worth while looking into even if your own battery is fairly good. : tg DONALD M. CRAIG, an expert on Batteries, will be only too glad to look after anything in that line for you at:-- ually a lost tire or other equip- Blue Gar Limi i od . ment, let it stay there until day- # Phone 567. ages, FAIR, Mted : "3 "eee "3 [+ Even though you see a perfect- # ly good tire in the light of your ¢ % headlamps on the secluded road % ahead of your car, it is not al- # % ways the wisest plan to stop and + + get it. * % For it may be the bait of a ¢ # gang of bandits, who will wait ¢ % until you are out of your car ¢ # before thrusting a weapon in # % your face. * ac-