THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : fometry of Rochester, and has had | KEEP TLE OES | SPORTING NEWS [1:52 WINTER | {of all classes of lenses ; 1 WELL IN | : | This business has developed sfead- ir ci > { ily since its beginning and while the | { ~ Winter is a dangerous season for Roe aston Teuus Wi | local trade has figst call on the plant | the little ones. The days are change- | the winners of both bas- | [OF its needs--it is rapidiy becoming | able--one bright, the next one cold teams were the oth bas- | dominion-wide #5 far as its clientele and stormy, that the mother is atraid |Ketball games played against Belle- | concerned, repeat orders being re- | to take the chlidren out for the fresh j ville Collegiate in Queen's gymnasi- ceived from. patrons from all 8 fi air and exercise they need so much. jam Friday evening, when the Jocal | Canada... ENsland rand GU u on {In consequence they are often coop- |girls won the first game by a score id is As itself of th e USA, | etar cast of vocalists will be the at- |prano; Renee Lowrie, lyric soprano; | ed up in overheated. badly ventilated ot 12 to 11 and the boys the second | © dence 11 Jtstif of the excellence | fraction at the Grand Opera House, [Albert Ransome, tenor. and Vito | rooms and are soon seized with colds [game by a score of 36 to 24. f of the ser 5 Ay on. | matinee and night This splendid |Moscato. baritone--every one aor grippe. . What is needed to keep | \7The girls' game was very close As we said in opening, we feel that | i | : SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 1921. ® |the programme revealing the an-| swer. The Metropolitan Trio, com- | |prised of Ida Fontana, violin selo- {ist; Sasha Kasakoff, 'cello soloist. | ' $ and Irving Cummings, plano soloist, ce " |is_ capable of providing a splendid "Hubby in Distress." {entertainment in itself, and enjoys | A treat is in store for mugic-!a most enviable reputation. How- lovers of Kingston on Saturday, |ever, it {s but one feature of § March 12th, when the Metropolitan talented group of musicians. wh Trio of instrumentalists and the all- [includes Helen Moore, coloratura Theatrical S0~ © organization of musicians comes Singer of note. The programme is a | the little ones well is Baby's Own {throughout, Belleville leading a' [Siagatn and the me te here under the management of varied on: which should appeal to | Tablets. They will regulate the |, if time by 4 to 2. In the second UY Is ronanale In nayine such a wel | Charles Mann, well-known impres- every taste, for it ranges from arias | Stomach and bowais asd Siive Sut | period both teams seemed to find the | ouilne Pa ae 3 hove | sario, who is presenting a new forny from Rigoletto to an international to 3 nd y thelt Nae 148 5a yn | baskets easier. but K.C.I. girls Weye | 1° 029 LEDE 08 eas Ti ton (oub. | of entertainment--a combination of |transcription of "Way Down Upon | * perfect co Beth The Tablets are |able to overcome thy lead and in the | 0, WU it is eyeglasses and G5 > | concert and opera at popular prices. the Swanee River." There are|g 4 by medicine dealers or by mail latter part of the perfod won the | le to be fitted, and fitted properly, | Critics have been unanimous in de- (eleven numbers on the concert sec-|a¢ 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- game. For the winners Miss Prager |. a tew hotirs when anythin hap- | claring that this form of entertain- tion of the evrtertainment, while the | ljams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. {did most of the scoring, while Miss | ior to the old gasses, or -- need ment is delightful when offered by [second part comprises (the light | . Easson, at centre floor, and Miss | ew ones, is something of incalulable such a galaxy of talent as comprises |Opera, "Hubby in Distress," which | 2s, Is 8 Woods, on the defence, played well. | Asiel- | the personnel, and the idea » has [was written by the. famous Offen- | : "| value--we congratulate Mr. y Miss Wrightimiréy of they forward | yn. orig enterprises, and proph- | and give a new lease of life to the wensil. 'caught on" everywhere the com- pach, and created a veritable sensa- , pany has appeared. The reason for [tion 'when first produced in Led line for Belleville, was good. | esy a constantly growing success for ; Less thes @ cont's worth of Vel-Peek i» sufficient to make o thorough, this Is not hard to find, a study of |Bouffe's Parisiennes theatre, where | 1 K.C.L B.H.S. | his laboratory, lasting repaie 20 say kitchen uensil--granite, enamel, tn, bras, copper Ammann | it had a long run and received the | ware. - Public Library Bulletin Forwards. | --~ | Miss Wrightmire : a ; jendorsation of the leading French The size of the hole makes ne difference--}' ol-Peek u soft and plate | critics. --Advt. NEW NOVELS FOR MARCH - Montebank--W. J. Locke Miss Reid | . So . ' : ! * i i yon Sane : Fy | i @s putty. Heated for two minutes, it becomes as hard as won. Have James Beranwood--H. J! Cooper Prairie Flower--Hendry, J. B. Miss Bird package always in the howse in case of emergencies. : In packets at your dealer's for 25¢, or direct from ud SO NOT ACCEPY SUBSTITUTES PANY Golden Apple--Rhodes, K. VOL-PEEK MFG. COMPA Owl Taxi--H. Footner. monTREAL, Lister's Great Adventure--H, Bindloss Rickard. Wallace P. Oppenheim, No Defence--G ker Vagrant Duke--@G. Gibbs Main Street--Lewis, & Wild Fawn M. I. Taylor ' Cloudy Jewel --G. LL. Lutz Tale That Is Told--E. Niven A pot jor kettle ia't done when & prog a lok. Right © yom own kitchen, with 90 tools but your own fingen, you cas remedy that leak Miss Prager Miss Ada --rr Miss - At Griffin's. Life as jt really is, not as some in- | experienced but well-intentioned writers. would have it appear, is viv- | idly depicted at Griffin's theatre | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, where | "The Woman God Sent," a Selznick | special producfion with Zena Keefe | at the head of an all-star cast, is be- | ing shown ! The story as character a young girl, about whose | birth there is considerable mystery, | Working in a factory the girl's fight- | ing spirit is aroused by the many | evils caused through ~ carelessness and greed. Journeying to Washing- ton, she heads the opposition to a certain child labor bill. Here love enters the play and Margaret finds herself arrayed against Jim Connel- ly, who, unknown to her, is her fath- er. Margaret becomes enmeshed in a political fight of the worst kind; Side centre. Miss Miss Lloyd . Miss Yomens Miss Kerr | Miss Miss Miss Graves Miss Hill | Officials--Mrs. Vosber, Belleville, {and Miss McCormick, K.C.I, | | The boys' game in the first period j was fast, with Belleville playing to- | ! gether, the result being that the peri- | od ended 18 to 17 in their favor. But in the second the K.C.I. boys found their pace and ran up the score, while Belleville seemed inef- fective. Sugel and McKay scored most for the locals, the former get- ting sixteen and the latter fourteen points. For Belleville, Wier, on the defence, was good and played a hard game, coming up from the defence to scores on various occasions. K.Cl1 B.H.S. takes its principal Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W B.ALHITEMAN THE "GIRL GOMPERS This is the picture of Miss Anna Weinstock, president of the Women's Trade Unlon League, of Boston, and business agent of the Neckwear Work. ers' Union, the "Samuel Gompers" of Boston's women unions, who hopes to arganize the 155,000 Massachysetts wo- men who are not organized. She i8 an, effective speaker and leader, though her school educatiqn stopped in the ninth grade, wher she started work In a necktie fi 3 {ok Direct from the Oyster beds at Portsmouth, Va. ..50c. a Pint. ; Special attention given fa mily trade. Come and see us. "Stuyvesant" Boston Best Coff ce is making friends. Try it! MISS MARGARET NORWICH i Nursing sister of American Red Cross, visiting Canada, who gives gra- Forwards. phic description of terrible conditiens | CONWAY Agent--All Lines F. Steamship Phone 1197 150 Welllagton Street Let Cuficura Be Your Beauty Doctor B00 Dept Drm, 2 oh, Solty who plications are straightened out by "The Woman God Sent." A special invitation is issued to all the ministers and all societies of Kingston to witness this wonderful story, as it means so much to people in every walk of life. This picture is meant for YOU, so do not fail to, see it. It is the crowning feaure of life as it really is; and has been play- ing to capacity houses wherever it has been shown. It is a production that will never be forgotten by those : GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. who see it.--Advt, At The Strand. Tonight will be the last showing of the screen sensation "The Bait," which has played to capacity houses the later part of thea week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday will see another of the big attractions of 1921 have it's premier presentation. The story is one of strong appeal and is enact- ed by an all-star cgst, including Ruby de Remar, Matt Moore and Claire Whitney and a host of other favorite stars. A special Mack Sen- ensures beautiful, luxuriant hair. eventsbaldness. . nourishes the' roots. beneficia delightful hair drsseing. Price ne ar for a generous bottle. If not obtainableat or druggist, direct from obell Drug Co. Limited, Montreal, nett comedy "It's a Boy', will also of Mignon Telgmann will render the famous selections from "Kismit"' and a popular Medley. The special attrac- The attraction announced for the lat- ter part of the week will be "Paying The Piper', which will also have its first showing in Kingston.--Advt. At the Allen. "Riders of the Dawn," the feature attraction with beautiful Claire Adams, at the Allen, theatre, again attracted large crowds to the big city photoplay house last evening. This picture is a powerful drama of For sale by BARGENT'> vtiUG STORE the times, pulsating with heart in- terest and realism, never to be for- gotten, "The Kick in High Life," is a new venture in the comedy field, and provides a succession of laughs WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. from start to finish. On Monday Tuesday and Wednesday for those who remember "Dinty," a treat is iu '|store for them. Marshall Neilan's mirthquake of laughter, "Don't Ever Marry," is the feature attraction dnd such stars as Marjorie Daw, Matt Moore and Wesley (Freckles) Barry head a wonderful cast. An elec- trician sparks his way into a secret Connelly is beaten and other com- | be screened. The famous Strand or- | chestra under the capable direction | tion will be "The Girl In The Moon," | | actory. Registered Optometrists, The board of examiners in opto- metry in the province of Ontario has | announced the following list of suc- cessful candidates at the recent ex- aminations for registered optomet- rists and prescription opticians. This entitles the successful candidates to the title of registered optomettist or prescription optician by examination: Registered Optometrists Roy Arthey, Kingston; J. S. Asseltine, Kingston; Edward Bind, Toronto; Hal. Brown, Toronto; J. W. Browett, | Toronto; C. H. Cress, Toronto; M. J. Cummings, St. Catharines; A. W. Cole, Woodstock; W. D. Connor, Ham ilton; H. D. Cameron, Shelbyrne; F. S. Creighton, Lindsay; H. E. Davi- son, Guelph; E. F. DeFoe, Toronto; L. H. Edwards, St. Catharines; W. 8. { Emery, Hamilton; Miss G. M. French, | Toronto; N. F. Foy, Toronto; J. J. Gilfillan, Orono; W. D, Graham, Bel- leville; H. P. Heller, Kitchener; D. W. Hall, Galt; L. H, Hobson, Niagata Falls; A. T. Hett, Buffalo; G. K. Johnson, Toronto; G. W. Keevil, To- ronto; Leo N. Lane, St. Thomas; E. A. Lewis, Toronto; I. H. Lewis, Tor- onto; N. McLeod, Cannington; J. A. Mills, Toronto; R. M. Mitchell, Bow- manville; J. A. MgFee, Belleville; I. 8. Nott, Toronto; D. B. Pearsall, To- |ronto; N. J. Penwarden, Welland: W. W. Parker, Toronto; J. L. Rawbon, Toronto; O. R. Rusk, Toronto; A. D. Savage, Guelph; H. Skales, Mount Forest; G. Saporito, Toronto;. W. H. Taylor, Owen Sound; Vernon Tuck, Grimsby; J. C. Thompson, Toronto; A. H. Wallace, 8t. Catharines; E. W. Watt, Sarnia, Prescription Optician-- A. H. Tweedle, Hamilton. \ Refuse to Act as Spies, Vienna, March ges, or janitors, of Vienna apart- ment houses have risen in protest against one of the oldest and most distinctive institutions of HBurope and refused longer to act as spies for the police. Concentrating Troops. Copenhagen, March 5.--Chinese troops have been egncentrated at Moscow by the Russian Soviet gov- ernment, says a Heldingfors despatch to the Belingske Tidende. Railroad 5.--The conciere, J. Crawford Bonguard Armstrong F. Morris Weir Kennedy G. Crawford . Allan Referee--Sterling Gibson. Varsity Senior 0. H. A. Champjons. Senior O.H.A, game Friday night: Varsity 6, Granites 1. Varsity wins the championship by four goals, Intermediate .O.H.A.: Collingwood 2, Galt 1. Qalt wins the champlon- ship by four goals. No Decision Yet Reached, The executive of the O.H.A. met in Toronto on Friday afternoon to deal with the protest entered by De La Salle against five of the players on the Cornwall junior O.H.A. team Considerable evidence was heard, and the meeting was adjourned until Saturday morning... It is expected that Queen's junidrs will be called upon 'to play a sudden-death game with either Cornwall or De La Salle on Monday evening. Final Game on Monday, It has been decided that the final game in the county hockey league will be played between Verona and Wolfe Island at the covered rink on Monday evening. It is expected that there will be a record crowd of spectators at the game. Queen's Leave Sumday. Queen's senior hockey feam will leave on Sunday for Boston, where they will meet Harvard University hockey team in two exhibition games, on Monday and Tuesday. NEW BUSINESS EXTENSION Local Plant Being Considerably En- larged. Kingston may well pride herself in having located here the most mod- ern, up-to-date laboratory for pro- duction of scientifically fitted glasses, spectacles and lenses of all kinds, to be found in the province of Ontario. When J, 8. Asselstine opened his optical establishment some years ago in the Balkans, and tells of the work! of relief missions there { \ 1 STUNNING COSTUMES SEEN Dorothy Dickson's Gowns Are Shown | to Advantage in Film. | A wild debutante with a penchant | for clothes of the mast stunning kind | --that is the role that Dorothy Dick- son has in the George Fitzmaurice production of "Paying the which comes to the Strand theatre pext Thursday, Friday and Saturday, | and in order to act the part convine- | ingly, the actress wears a succession | of gowns that constitute a veritable fashjon show. Among the costumes is a smart sports coat, a Chanel pro- duction that hds only recently been sent over from Paris. It is a straight- lime model, the material being a rough cloth of a dull rust coldt bar- red off in great squares with narrow lines of gray duvetyn couched in duvetyn is used for the high crush collar, Lewis Dickson wears with this coat, one of the off-the-faee modified Napoleonic shapes with upturned brim formed .of a fabric made with white baby ribbon run through rings cut from brilliant tin, Afnavy serge frock is made attrac- tive with inserts of sflver lace placed in panels at the lower part of the straightline model. Among the nu- merous negligees is one of gray georg ette with bands of gray fox and an- other of yellow georgette with red roses and lined in red georgette. An evening frock of chartretise chiffon velvet, with an oddly draped bouf- fancy at the sides makes a:youthful creation.--Advt. Bennett-VanHorn Nuptials. The home of George Van Horn, Dufferin, was the scene of a very pretty house wedding on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, at eight o'clock, when his only daughter, Stella Mead, was united in marriage to J. Russell Ben- nett, Joyceville, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Kingston. The marriage ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. J. D. Boyd, King- ston, in the presence of only the im- mediate relatives and friends. The drawing room was beautifully decor- ated with potted plants 4hd cut Piper," | cross-stitch with black thread. Gray | 194 BARRIE ST. J. GILBERT PHONE 254. AL $4,700.00. $1150.00 cash payment. Phone 68 and 874w. FOR SALE MACK STREET--Frame Semi-Bungalow; ¢ 'rooms; all modern, hardwood floors throughout. Price COLLINGWOOD STREET--Pressed Brick, Semi-Butgdlow; all modern; hardwood floors downstairs; Stationary Tubs. Price $5660.00. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 6 rooms; 3 bed- 56 Brock Street TO VISIT EASTERN ONTAR:) CITIES Manufacturers Wish to Get Idea ofs Their Industrial Development. Toronto, March 5.--Members and officials of the Canadian Manufactur-, ers' Association, to the number of twenty-five or more, will leave To- ronto on Monday morning for their tour of eastern Ontario to meet the Nbusiness men: of the cities and to en- able visiting manufacturers to get an idea of the progress of industrial development of each place, On Mon- day night the party will be the guests of the Brockville board of trade, and on Tuesday Kingston business men will be hosts of the travelling party. Tuesday afternoon and evéning will be spent in Belleville, Wednesday in Peterboro and Thursday in Oshawa. J. 8. McKinnon, president, and W. H. Shapely, member of the executive council, will head the delegation. W. A. Craick will act as secretary. --. PREPARING GERMANS FOR PUNISHMENT Federation of Industries Urge A CANADIAN PACIFIC Kingston-Ottawa Train Service . Time Table. NG on ARRIVE LEAVE LEAVE Ottawa 5.15 p.m. | Kingston $12.05 p.m. Kingston + 4.50 p.m. Ottawa 9.30 n.m, Kingston *11.15 pm. Ottawa 7.40 p.m. RETURNING Ottawa + 950 am, Kingston 3.30 pm, Ottaka + 1.00 pm. Kingston 5.30 pm. Ottasva *11.00 pom. Kingston 9.00 pm. +Dailly except Sunday. *Daily except Saturday New Ticket Ofiee: 180 Wellington SG At Perth Road. Perth Road, March 4. --L. Clow, school attendance officer, made a trip throughout the neighborhood re cently. The members of the L. O. L. held their meeting at the village on Thursday evening. The M. L. M. Cire cle met Saturday at Mrs. H. Amey's and thelr next meeyng will"be at Mrs. Wm. Ritchie's. B, Simkins, wife . and famlly ard moving near the vil: lage for the ensuing year. M. Rines, wife and family are moving to Spaf- / fordton. The Sunday services at Opinicon, Maple Leaf, .and Perth Road were taken by William Guthrie in the absence of Rev. A. E. Duffield. Mrs. H. Shales and Mrs. Wm. Shales' are spending a couple of weeks at Walter E. Shales'. Mrs. Willlam Rit chile is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 8. Slack. Rev. Duffield and R. Smith, attended the boys' conference at Gananoque last week-end. Simons to Remain Firm-- Ready for Penalties. flowers. To the strains of the Wed- ding March, played by Mrs. A. Van Horn, sister-in-law of. the bride, the pretty little dark-haired bride enter- traffic, it is said, 1s proceeding only | the public looked with considerable skepticism on his announcement that he would undertake to test one's eyesight, grind the lenses; and A highbrow has discovered that Shakespeare was a drunkard. Too bad we haven't a few drunkards of Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding rriage by short circuiting a non- rer whose 'olm venture in- | ®ast of Moscow towards Tomsk, Si- to order. Phone 1763. spirés her warning, "Don't Ever |beria. J Berlin, March 5.--Following the Marry." Contact with an unsuspect- ing father-in-law brings batteries of bouquets Res, 1137. mirth quaking complications while the girl pessimist turns the confi- Uptown Fish - Market CHOICE DRESSED YOUNG CHICKENS, SPECIAL TO-DAY TRY OUR ENGLISH PLAICE. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Water: Fish. 831 Princess St. Phone 1430, J. HUSSEY dence into a weapon to compe! the bridegroom Jo pose as her husband to lower the amperage of her own family's ambitions for her. The overture especially chosen for the first half of the coming week will be "Zampa." Lovers of excellent mu- sic, under the artistic leadership of Sid. Hoffman, will be assured of a programme second to none.---Advt. DO NOT CONTRIBUTE x AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT Canada, India and South Africa Pay Little Toward . Empire's Defence. ---- London, March 8.--Urging that the imperial government make an immediate statement of its naval in- tentions, Admiral Adair, speaking in the house of commons declared that With the exception .: Australia and New Zealand, no aominion was mak- ing an adequate contribution to the naval defence of the empire. The dominions, he said, ought to contri- bute two-fifths of the cost of the em- pire"s navies, but India contributed mighty little. Canada's navy was a lamentable failure and South Africa's comribution was ridiculous in view Of her trade The under-secretary to the admiralty ssid mo statement on the naval plans of the government could be made until the estimates were presented. | { It doesn't take long for the patent to expire on the patent leather shoes you buy nowadays. Some men talk more religion in ten minutes than they live in tem years. Whiskey will bloat other things, But it never works that way on a pay envelope, = MOTHER "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative mount them into ' eye-glasses or spectacles the same day, Previous- ly it had been a matter of days and often of weeks after an eye test had been made before the finished glasses were ready for use, and then only by ordering from Toronto or Mont real. Modern machinery, coupled with scientific use of instruments for ~= |! making vision tests--proper meas. urements of facial peculiarities, and grinding and sizing of lenses to the minutest fractions have so revolu- tionized methods of production that Mr. Asselstine has more than made good hig promises of quick produc tion, so much so that his business has become so exténsive that he has found it necessary to increase his plant sevéral times since cvommenc- ing business. . His latest improvement is to have two testing rooms, where he and his assistant, Roy Arthey, make the eye ed the drawing room, leaning on the arm of her father and carrying a beautiful bouquet of carnations, sweet peas and maidenhair fern. She looked very sweet and girlish in her wedding gown of taupe char meuse, which was trimmed with gold lace, and wore a platinum bar, set with diamonds and pearls, the gift of the groom. After the ceremony and receiving of congratulations, the guests ré- paired to the dining room to partake of a dainty wedding supper. The centre of attraction on the table was the bride's cake, which was very prettily finished by a vase of rose bade and primulae. About midnight Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left by motor for their home at Joyceville, amid showers of confetti and good wisfies, the bride wearing a dress of 'Bur- gundy velvet, trimmed with fiver lace and hat to match, and also a handsome seal coat trimmed with fur. The muny costly presents, in- #luding numerous cheques, cut glass, silver, and other beautiful gilts, tus titled to the popularity of the young cn. oe, br You can't-miake a boy admit that licked ales pe receipt of the news of the London Conference, the German press ig pre- paring the public for the breaking off of negotiations and its . ynsequences. At the same time desperate efforts are being made to convince the peo- ple that penalties cannot be put into force before May 1st without viola- tion of the Versailles Treaty. The Federation of German Indus- tries has urged Dr. Simon to remain firm, stating that it is fully prepared for the coi uences, however ser- lous. A similar resolution has been passed by the Essen mu .icipal coun- cil with the support «f Socialists and Communists, who affirm tLat the Paris demands "mean a death sen- tence on the German people," and that the workers of Westphalia quite realize the consequences of rejection and are ready to bear them, ' The organs in the ind@strial cen- tres, however, betray Jinappoint mont at the apparent refusal of the to allow a detailed discussion of the memorandum, prepared by Rathenau, Stinnes apd other magnates. This contains a sentence that reparation selling ed to make reparation without dump. ing, but really intended to insure the development of industries by making the industries of all coun- tries independent, Shakespeare's caliber nowadays. They clalm that the camera can't lie. Bat you can't get a homely wo- man to believe it. s We know a man who loves his en-; emy. But he happens to be ad worst enemy. . NN a ; vy "They WORK while you gleep"