Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Mar 1921, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH IED OF WHE WAG GOONS Of Ti |= Chown. Store Hours: 9 to 5 daily. | ! A ------ | Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. W. Swaine, plano tuner. Orders at Rev. S. D. Chown. D D:. general | 100 Clergy street Phone 564w. Siperintendent of the Methodist | There was no session of 2he police | Churen Of Canada, addressed the [Court on Saturday morning | members of the Women's issionary Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W | | Society at Sydenham str Metho- |l-indsay, Limited. i i dist church on Friday aftemoon. Dr, Miss Evie Walker, Kingston, has {| Chown, who has recently returned | Passed the New York state board ex- . p oi | from a trip to the mission field in amination for nurses Warden J. C Ponsford, of the the far east, told of the many inters | Portsmouth Pe.iitentiary, has been in 1921 MUSIC AT ~ PRE-WAR PRICES 40c and 50c. Numbers--3 for $1.00 I Know When Friday and Saturday Only, Reg. Including the latest numbers such as Feather Your Nest, Mar gle, Down Texas Way, {esting things which he saw and heard. Where the Flies Go, My Last Waltz With You, Tell Me Little Gypsy, Old Fashioned Garden, He urged® aon the gzatherivg the Ottawa since Thursday. | Love Comes to Your Heart, Linger Longer Letty, Whispering, Japa nese Sandman, Young Man's [heed of more workers to help carry | R.M.C. assault-at-arms armouries, Fancy, Alice Blue Gown, Avalon, Swanee, Rose of My Heart, Rose, Broadway - Rose. Just Like a fon. It is very hard for the mission | Friday and Saturday, March 11th Rose, Tripoli, Let the Rest of the World Go By, I Never Knew, Grieving Foy You, Sweet and Low, |and 12th. Proceeds for G.W.V.A, Kiss a Miss, Darling, etc. : : | aries in many cases, as they have R MC i | Such a large field to cover, and there . MM. C. assault-at-arms, armour- A I $ e way of | ies, Friday ang Saturday, March | . 8 50 much to be dgne in the way o | 1100 una 0p arde, a. w. | Popular Music, Regular 15¢. . Your own selection from the largest and best selected stock of the latest popular hits. | education, ete. Thg missionary con- | 1 ALASKA SABLE, MARTEN, Pre. | ronte versus task when he |V- A. assault-at-arms, ~ I | les, Friday and Saturday, LATEST MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE Cosmopolitan, Motion Pictu re, Ladies' Home Journal, Family Journal, Harpers Bazaar, Advent ure, Shadowland, Picture Play. : [1s no truth their Age aah Eh and 12th. Proceeds fot G. The College Book Store At the New Low Prices SCARFS and CHOKERS-- FOXES-- In White, Black, Silver, Red, Taupe, etc. FISHER-- Mink and Ermine. > .Four for a Quarter armour- ! March | Your inspection invited. [J | tions, and that the gods they worship | w. JOHN McKAY, Ltd. [= is only one true God. 149 to 57 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON V.5, | Gen. King was in Brockville on Friday afternoon inspecting the { Rifles in the place of Gen. Burstall, | | called away. i "In speaking of the customs of the Chinese people, Dr, Chown told of an incident which occurred in One town, . . | i} | One evening there was a great din, | --r op pe awincke!, Drduguce | [J | and the people had brought out fire- | 3 Poet we Sen quite ill in the | sis | arms, fireworks, drums, and in fact | ®Fal hospital for ten days suffering from asthma. | When he enquired what it was al | J. B. Walkem, K.C,, | the diocese of Ontario, attended the st 1 e s about, he was told that there was to { funeral of the late George Y. Chown, jars. dre that would male a noise. | : 3 chancellor of Fox Trot CO AN'S ORCHESTRA PATCHES--Fox Trot-- Coleman's Orch. 10 in. Record--2 16074--$1.00 Come in and hear the record. Then go and see the show. MAHOOD BROS. $2200--Corrighn St; frame: ' 6 rooms; W, C. ° $9000 Montfeal Street; double pressed brick: § rooms; H. W. Heating; H., W. Floors, electric light: gas. $2600--Montreal street: stone, 8 rooms; electricity; gas. $1800---Chatham street; double frame; 4 rooms each; W: C.. Rental $264. $9000=<Earl sireet: stone; 11 rooms; h. w. flors; h. w. heating; good boarding house. ' $9000--Johnson Street; brick; 9 rooms; hw. floors: hot water heating; stable. $1900--Gore street; brick: 5 (1s) Coffee rooms; W. C.; good cellar. > -- $2500-- Markland St.; C. B, 4 [J Yettuco... Celery. Rhubarb rooms; furnace; electricity. 500 doz. Choice Lemons 25¢ daz. The Mann Agency Cullen's R. H. WADDELL 58 BROCK ST. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, 1 Peck Seedless Navel Oranges 500 1bs. Finest Shortening 18c¢c. 1b. 500 1bs. Beef Dripping . 15c. 1b, Oleo--finest quality ..35c. ib, 100 tins Chase-Sanborn Phones 306, 806. Préperly fitted, your Eye Glsss- es should never remind you of their present. It take skill to fit Nose-guards so that they will feel comfortable easy, and hold the glasses in place. / The nationally advertised Shur- ' on Mountings are one of the best Nose-Guards made, when the DPropér type is selected for the in- dividdal. It is fn this selection that experience is required. You will be entirely satisfied if we fit them. "Asselstine Service Meais Eye Glass Comfort." J, S. Asselstine > D. 0.8. 848 King Be. + Thone 1010w. EEE be ah eclipse of the moon tha' night, and the Chinese believing that the {dragon would enter the moon and that there would be no more light, were trying to frighten him away. The eclipse lasted for two hours and then passed away, the people then { went home satisfied that they had frightened away the monster. That Is just one instance of the many fool- | ish customs fn which they indulge. { In the absence of Miss Daisy | Chown, president of the W.M.8., Mrs hw. T, G. Brown occupied the chalr. '§ | It was announced as a result of the | membership campaign, which Has | been under way for some time, sixty- | four new members had been enrolled { Into the society. Of that number Mrs. | Sarah L. Young secured forty-seven. The membership of the society is now the highest that it has been in its history. The following were made life members: Mrs. W. H. Watts; Mrs. D. A. Cays. Mrs. J. Bannister, Miss Gertrude Muron, Mrs. R. 8. |} | Graham, Mrs J. B Phillips, Mrs. N. | S. Richmond, Mrs. James Gillespie, i} | Mrs. 8. F. Campbell, Mrs. Egerton [VanLuven and Mrs. WM. Camp- | bell. In appreciation of Mrs Young's | good work, the society made her a life member. During the afternoon, Miss Gar- butt's class, known as the "Edith Cavell" class, gave a short dialogue, which was of a missfonary nature, and which was much enjoyed. Miss Dora Amey sang a solo. The Mission Circle also gave a song. Rev. W. T G. Brown was present and closed the meeting with the benediction. At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served, which were kindly provided by the président ONTARIO REFERENDUM ------------ An Explanation as to What the Vote Means, The referendum to be held in this province on April 18th on the pro- Posal fo stop the importation of liqu- or into Ontarlo, is the same as that which was held in Manitoba last Oc- tober except that if there is an af- firmative majority there wil] also be brought into force the Liquor Trans- portation act, known as the "Sandy Bill," which was introduced by Mr. Sandy, M.P.P., for South Victoria, passed by the Ontario législature last year, but which is to become opera- tive only upon a date to be fixed by order-in-council after a favorable vote on the referendum. The "San- dy Bll" was introduced and passed because the amended Wanada Tem- perance act, under which the refer- engdum is held, does not prohibit the manufacture of liquor, and because it was contended that it did not pro- hibit the delivery of liquor from such place of manufacture to any part of the province so long as the contract of sale was made "in Mont- real or some other place outside the province. Consequently the "Sandy Bill" makes it an offegce for any person by Himself, his sefvant or agent to transport, carry; deliver, re- ceive, or take delivery of liquor in He province of Ontario if such lique OF is "'for sale or consumption with- in the proviAce," except "by" or uider the "order of ths board of li- tense commidsioners," and 'by them such order shall be grantsd only for Purposes permitted by the Ontario Temperance act. \ : Church Services, W.€.T.U--The regular meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance parlors, Johnson street, on Tuesday, March 8th, at 3.30 p.m. All ladies in- vited, Queen Street Methodist «Church, corner of Queen and Clergy streefs, --Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A, B.D, pas tor. Missionary anniversary, pastor will preach aggtl a.m, and will give an address off n ht a old Japan, illustrated by coforedMantern slides, at the ev service. Sun- 287" siheol and Bible classes at 3 St. Georgt's Cathedral --Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A, D.D, dean and rector, 78 Wellington street, phohe #156. Rev. W. BE. Kidd, MA. MC. curate, 7 Wellingtot street, phone, 889w. Fourth Sunday in Lent. 8 am., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., choral eucharist. Preacher, ) of the Diocese. 3 pm. Is; 4 pm, Holy Bap- Siam T pam. evensong. Preaclier, t Y.M.C Union will be held in the Y.W.CA.. The. p.m. Seats free Strangers welcome. jon Friday afternoon, | | A special course of lectures for | | butter-makers is to be opened at the | | dairy school on Monday, and a large | {attendance of makers is expected. Telephone 919 Telephone 919 | Rummage sale, St. Paul's school- i | | i | |room, Friday, March 11th, 10 a.m. | People who happen to be on the| [streets about 2 pam. on Monday af-| ter the Kiwanis luncheon are likely | to see a curious sight. | Have you got a bargain at the auc- | | tion sale of dry goods, 248 Princess | |street, every. afternoon at 1.30, also | 7.30 p.m,, Saturday. | "Lindsay's, 121 Princess street, | are receiving new player piano roil "hits'* every month, Send in your name for our monthly malling list. | After six months' rental we will | {allow money paid in rental to apply | |on purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, | | Limited, | The organized senior section of | the KingstonY. M. C. A, held a'suc- | cessful meeting in the boys'"depart- | ment of the local association Friday | night with fifty of the members pre- | | sent, including some of the directors. | At the request of the Brockville | police, Police Constables Mullinger and Frederick on Friday night plac- ed under arrest a man named George Sutherland, wanted in that city on | a charge of a breach of the Ontario | | Temperance act. ! T. H. Preston, vice-chairman of | | the Ontario Parole Board, spent | Saturday forenoon in visiting the | penitentiary, * He went to Toronto | this afternoon. Mr Preston is | publisher of the Brantford Exposi- | tor, a first class daily newspaper. Sir William Wallace camp, Sons of Scotland, entertained their friends at a concert after the regular meet- | ing on Thursday night. Rev. Prof. J. F. McFadyen addressed the gath- | {ering on the "The Scot in India," | | which was very interesting. | { gain, Mothers--Be Careful. Much of the trouble in weaning | the baby is developed by the use of a cheap and unsanitary nipple. The Nobility nipple is sterilized and Is | | sanitary, transparent and non-col- | iapsible. 1t is put up in a separate | box with a red band on each nipple. | You will meet with the doctor's ap- | proval if baby uses a Nobility nipple, | --Advt. | S-------------- Local Manager Arrived. | B. Mooring, assistant manager for | the Emglish and Scotch Woollen ! Company at London, Ont., has arriv- | ed in the city to take charge of this | company's new store, which is ow | open at 79 Princess street. ------ | When a man has a toothache it js | useless to try to tell him that any | STIRRING ADDRESS ON one else ever had a toothache. He | "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" won't believe it, y \ |Rev. J. W. Forster Rebuked Social Evils of the Day. ------ At the Lenten service in St. Luke's church on Friday night, Rev. J, W. | Forster delivered a stirring address | {on "The Signs of the Times," and | scathingly rebuked the social evils of | discilpine in the home, stating that {there had been over three hundred | per cent. increase in crime among | the youth of our country during the | last year, and this should cause the | Peopls to pause and meditate deeply. | A large congregation was plesent, | | i | -- Sues Wrecking Company. Application for a writ of attach- land Wreeking Compdny, Limited, | Kingston, an action brought to re- |covér Tor work, labor and the use {of the Isabella H. at Iroquois on {August 7th-9th last in relleving the { récked steamer T. P. Phelan, by | removing a large quantity of the jcargo: The amount of the bili is $987.50, to which is added $83.9¢ interest. ee. Attending A Funeral. Principal W. L. Grant, Upper Canada College, Toronto, and Rev. Dr. 8. D. Chown, general superin- | tendent of the. Methodist chutch, SPRING MUSKRATS ' 25,000 wanted--try us! wefe in the city on Friday afterioon, attending the funeral of the late Mills &C Jeorge Y. Chown, : Co i ea pa George Broadway's leading vaudeville ar- tist Frank Crumit ig singing ""No- Makers of Fine Furs _ body to Love" on record A-£303. 1236 and 128 Princess Street Highest cash prices for all kinds of Raw Fars. = . Fraok says he woyld like to sing In your home. Buy the record at Jina- say's, 121 Princess street. 3 } Good Buys AT THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Girls' Mull Bloomers--Pink--$2. 25 lines Ladies' Knitted Underskirts--broken sizes; A Saturday Night bar- Your choice Ladies' Black Silk Blouses--nearly all sizes; from 34 to 44. A big snap at this price Children's Ribbed Cotton Hose Black--odd sizes, from 5 to 74. 50c. line to clear at PLEASINGLY DIFFERENT are the Suits and Coats we show. They are built by Canadian artist tailors for ladies who care, and priced extremely low. To see is to admire and buy. Newman & Shaw Kingston's Big House F urnishings Store. ['o-night $1.49 98¢. each «re. a ----ny Want to Employ Your Idle Money ? The man who invests in. Real Estate- proves his financial wisdom, Here's a few from our list: $1350--Division Street--Revenue $180.00 per year. $1850--Patrick Street--Revenue $300.00 per year, $2230---York Btreet--Revente $264.00 per year. $8100--James Street--Revenue $436.00 per year. orrigan Street--Revenne $1008.00 per year. A full list at office. - E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Hen! Estate Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. . . . Phones 539w and 530J. $4.95 * Men's Mahogany Brown B oots--marrow and wide toesm---- and all are solid Goodyear weltedd leather soles; lines regu- larly sold at $9.00. - Saturday, . all sizes 83.4 + Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords with either military or Cuban heels. Lines sold in » regular way at all sizes, $8.95 | $0. Saturday, 't sizes , 88.45 92.95--8ale of Boys' Soliq Leather School Boots--8: 2.95 1 S. J. MARTIN, "Shoes of Merii ani Distinction" Phone 2916. : 183 Princess St.

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