Rw a mt A gongs NR Mk SAI Snr sn 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1021, To T EE -- -- ------------ - cxmsuns ocr cow || INDUSTRIAL YE KINGSTON | Lim ited Manufacturers of MOTHER'S and KINGSTON, ONTARIO. pe J | . a | CONSIDER THE "I" IN "BIG" ----tny THE VINEGAR INDUSTRY oH a 57 QUAKER . x BREAD The Local Factory Produces Goods } R of Rare Quality, p 195 Ontario st. | The Wilson: Lytle, Badgerow Co., | 3 " Ph ! This city is what the people who | co-operation is one of the main things | Ltq., composed of five companies of +f $ one 834, | have lived in it since coming: of | for the growth of the city, and that a which the old firm of A. Haaz & Co. \ EVERYTHING IN LUMBER | Frontenac have made it. It has been Fi of little fellows by working toge- was one, began business with an out- | Lath Shingles Trim improving since then a little at a |ther may make something big. Sure, put of about 300,000 gallons of - Dy time, mostly with the new idehs and {and you can build a monument jout | vinegar. To-day they manufacture | OUR SPECIALTY: customs introduced by the younger |of pebbles also, if you take the tyme close to 1,500,000 gallons. This | PRINCE OF WALES Hardwood Flooring generations as they came along in [and trouble. But if you~Us_ great, | necessitated building a large new | DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADIES AND GENTLEME ' turn. But that, after all, is only evo- [large blocks of stone, how much fas- (pldnt at a cost of about $260,000, | Tor oe Nuh X OR LADIES A: B SENT "EMEN ALLAN LUMBER CO lution, and the Canadian city which a you can paid your monument, which is to-day the most modern and ; Table Service--Prices Moderate, . is depending solely on evolution for |and how much bigger your monu. complete factory in America. | Je ioxular Rreakfast--35c. Oatmeal or Corn Flakes, Ha + Ba. - > ' oa advanceme : d ir these times i3| ment can be in a short time than it |w b C ? Aligtivy Tae or NC invent Cakes. Tea, Coffee rk, rr, VICTORIA STREET . - . - PHONE 1042. vancement during these ] > tu - L. B. Co. brand of vinegar Is ! 191 PRINCESS STREET. American Management, PHONE 544. {BOING to be severely out of luck in|ever could hope to be with pebbles. well known from coast to coast, and [> . [the zea fetuses, thing Bigt" Tat] You must mdve yourself; move shipping one ot its Prauets south | MEADO = "We want something Big! A our business into greater activity; |0f the line as far as California. | WwW RE THOS. G. BISHOP is what you hear from the supposed your other business 5 motion: oo. Every method known to science is | A Cc AM SODAS boosters. Well, give them erediy, that your competitor squeal; start Things. utilized, enabling them to produce ! We are getting pre-war Flour and our Biscuits show it Always Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Welding Jou; of 5 ost je beijes than ao Joost If the other fellow starts doing the Vinegar of such butity and Raver hii or Erdear dues Rob heey them. "Phone the Taeeny Ww. at Bll=bus I'S no: [pel of an IM same thing, all the better. You know | that its name is a household word Vani you to F Rem Fone 38 - - rw + = Kigeud Queen Streets {Rrovement. The yea! Boos ee jas you have started another man moy- [i every city and town in Canada. . THE W. J. CROTHERS C0. Limiteq {man whe says wi 1 Bel some a RE ling and there's nothing so healthful Vinegar 'quality' cannot be pro- IG!" He helps himself and grows, or with so much fun in it as good, [duced in a day, nor in a year. All | and as he grows he adds a little to the vessels used in the process must | HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. the growth of the city. Of course, his keen competition, cs be aged for many years before they | KINGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. So, when you think of being BIG, | are capable of imparting that rich | contribution is not such as to revolu- Oldest Established Electrical Contracting Firm in Kingston. | tionize the town, but it is the kind |just take the centre letter out and | groma so necessary in the making of | "White Rose Flour" Made in Kingston Your work solicited. i that counts, He sees the "I" in|develop it well, and soon you'll know pickles and condiments. Sourness is | "1G" what BIG is, and what a really BIG not the only requisite--almost any | The Best on the market. For sale by all dealers. Now, we suppose you will say that|town can be made of Kingston. novice can produce- that. Flavor, | : - jee oe. |quality and purity are essentia] fu | r Z Now Manufacturing the Automatic FAULTY PLUMBING . | = the production of a really first-class Sealed Grave Vaults--Guaranteed In Costly No Matter How Low The Growth of Life Insurance. Easy Running Bicycles. , ' "» Water rent the Pcs 4 A vinegar and the Wilson, Lytle, JAS. SWIFT & CO, Ferd { It is not such a long period of time A "bunch" of joyous boys and Badgerow Co. brand is possessed of | AS, JO, Limited " a ENGINEER AND MACHINIST PHONE 04. - Corner of King and Princess Street, | KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS Our Plumbing is being built up or | FACTORY quality first basis since - people did not think much girls on a bicycle ride! How they them all in a degree unequalled by | Importers and Shippers. A. D: "HOLTON Ma . DAVIE & BARRETT i t life insure a . y \ smooth, level ! m, Manager, about life insurance. If a man of- [do breeze along 'the s ¢!lany other. Domestic and Steam COAL Florist 4 : 1 . . 2 3 ; i esau Patrick Sereets. 208 Wellington Street fered you a proposition which was [stretches! What fun! What ex- The local factory has adopted all | / | going to result in a legacy for your |hilaration! the appliances utilized at its head 280 Princess Street - Phone 661. nearest of kin when you died, you But pity that-poor boy on the factory in Toronto, and has added DAVIS DRY DOCK Co HOOPER & SLATER at once began to suspect that there hard-running bike. How he has to to the reputation so long maintained f 1AmEs RICHARDSON & SONS Lea 3 > Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, ete || "45 & catch in the game. Thus the [pull on the handles and push on tha by the late AatonmHaaz, so that! §. 8. CORBETT : Established 1857 ar : y ly » & ¢ i 3 > oF » « "ul The place to get your repairs done at i a a ' work of the pioneers in life insur- pedals to keep up with those on the householders in Kingston and vicin- | Funeral Director Head Office - = Kisgsidn, Out, promptly--motor boat engines and M48 of Dressed an ance was uphill and unpleasant to|easy-running Bicycles. It's no joy ity asking for this well-known brand RANCHES 8utomobiles and-dry docking Rough Lumber, say the least. Bit by bit, however, | ride for him : 9 Ambulance Phone 143. BRA ry my i $ a dhol aii are assured of vinegar of a quality, Calgary Fort William Montreal East End of Wellington Street. 128-132 ONTARIO ST. - Phone 74 | they built up the public confidence And the strain is always there, to both in strength and purity, unex- Residence Phone 215. Quebec Saskatoon Toronto 7 ~ | in insurance, have shown people that [some extent, even when he only runs celled by any other | Winnipeg A it is a sound and sane proposition | errands on his hard-running bike. | EE LI \ J T # \ r \ : - The Laturney Carriage Works iis mio mn ils oo" Grito we vnsis 'or a pogo | res ne Insurance is fast becom- | growi oy or ( avoid- sDeak [ the bRsiness ' M. M. $1Ms ui BS : ing just as much a necessity as food. fed. It might lead to serious con-| !B SPeaking of the business out Hepresentative . DERITREOTAGES COR Manufactures AE Jug. as mus ; 4 : look, Mr. Bongard of Bongard, Ryer-|| Phone 1002w. nternational:Coftespondence Wis BUSINESS WAGGONS AND AUTO BODIES We accept it without a doubt or the |sequences. son & Co., stock broke:s, 239 Bagot } 0 tite y denigng uo . least hesitation Be safe. See George Muller, 373 |%°R & Co. stoc e's, Ful got | 130 -- TR IR Fadi 8 . e AE street, was very optimistic. He point- Clareace St. Wy HELE EIN FA 1 I Special designg made to order. 0 £ th : fo i ¥ 11 y 3 ase Pp ESS 4 SE - a ime ne of the pioneers in life insur- King street, ar el him advice you | 3 is te a PRINCESS STREET - i. a PHONE 152, I : E BRC a y ed out that while it-is impossible to Kingston ance in this city is J. B. Cooke, re- in your selection. yak with any d 5 : ATR speak with any degree of assurance Conducting the LC.S, System of Veer tional «od Acalomic Training | presentative of the Imperial Life : 3 : b 4 Lo -- about the outlook for business, cer-! in Canada. The greatest Educational Institution in the world; teaching successfully 0 SALE OF BICYCLES Assurance Company 5 Cauada, 5 or tain opinions and certain considera- | b ', technical trades and professions for over a quarter of a century, any, many years from the times of labori- Eye-Strain And Crime. tions may be advanced which tend a of Ses ana p all parts of the world. - > I MULLER'S BICYCLE WORKS 371-373 KING STREET jous selling of insurance until the Many chitdren are forced into car-|o impart a hopeful aspect to the sit- | 105% discount of all new Bicycles. Our complete stock of re-built Present day, when it is Just as much f oorg of crime because of eye defects. | yation. On the side of labof there | ay at reduced prices. an article of purchase as anything, These defects in children are rarely [ may be cited the views of Hon. Gid- | ed Bicycles from $15.00 up, PHONE 1032w. Mr. Cooke has been on the job here, discovered without a scientific exam- | gop Robertson, Dominion Minister of | G IMM"S Plu working much, Saying Hitfe, In the |; ation. Children who do not progress | Labor, and Tom Moore, President of R 208 ¥ : letter of congratulation received by in school, who are inclined to play the Trades and Labor Congress, both AGENTS FOR NEILSON'S AND WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES ~ VULCANIZING je Cooke from te Baad ofcs 3 truant, who have headaches and of whom are in close touch with la- | . ki el 102 Princess. Street i a i : [Lue past year's work, some {uiotests stooped Sh ulders, who are hard to bor conditions. The former presages| Phone 797 - - - - - - rincess Street. TELL US YOUR TIRE TROUBLES. PHONE {Ing figures ate quoted of : e Dust control--the eyes of these should bea turn for the better in the matter of | Cord Fabric Truck Tires and Accessories. Ress during 1920, which will show looked after without delay. A child employment about the first of March; SUDDABY BROTHERS ; 'to what a stage insurance has ad- who is slow to learn is ridiculed by|ihe latter, while recognizing that . J Se uw Loner Queen ana Wellington Streets Yensed. ta : vised bya: its mates. Ridicule breeds bad temper there is still much unemployment, Smith Bros., ewelers, Limited | Total issued and revised business and dislike for school, and sometimes | pejjeves that the worst is over and DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Jo Suaiey to $31,152,000. This leads to worse. A scientific examing- |inat a return to more normal condi- Expert Watch Repairing o . oye . . ; $a Sherwin- W illiams Paints and Varnishes Saou; 2u business ay ous ToTpasy tion may chaage the course of your {tions has commenced. These opin- E child's life. Keeley, Jr., M.0.D.O., is iong are being borne out by the fig- Established 1840. 50 King Street Sold by mendous amounts represented by the W. H. COCKBURN & CO. {business turned over by all the 3LYOUur service. ures issued from week to week by the employment bureau. HARDWARE | Canadian companies. [ - | It's a great feeling to see the hon -- THE THOMPSON BOT TLING CO. #3 PRINCESS STREET - . PHONE 216 est workingman trot home at five Don't let your mind get foggy or | 5 When you see the flower lover mak [o'clock whilst we poor pen-pushers | you may wake up and find that you | "Belfast Ginger Ale . | ing for the cat that is scratching up | still labor--but, oh, ain't it grand won't be missed. | a a > ha THOMPSON BROS. Launderers Limited | nis best bed of dahlias, you might say | and glorious in the chilly morning,| Take so much time to boost the | OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 304 ! 2 | that industry is about to receive a|when he is hurrying by the house, to | good things that you won't have time | boost. roll over for another hour's snooze, |to knock thy bad. ~---- USED CARS | Operating | { . . : | Ten Bargaing in Reliable Used Cars EF h r > + the iles > y 3 Thege Cars are ready to go on the road for a good many thousand m THE MeCALLUN GRANMIE oo ! Last summer we sold nearly one hundred used cars and more than 90% IMPERIAL LAUNDRY ++...Phone 302 | . . ~ Limited & f them have given real honest sat'sfaction KINGSTON LAUNDRY 22 The Imperial Life 3 3 - Designers, Manufacturers and Im. || > We guarantee these cars, for they have all been thoroughly gone " over and tested during the winter. They are all a good investment and Granite~Marble--and-Hronze if they are driven properly and taken care of they will give one hun- dred per cent. of service. Insurance Co : 305-307 PRINCESS STREET Cali and look them over. Open evenings and always glad to show - rr YN : Phone 1031. anyone our used car stock 1ey are all 100% gov d KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS UNDERWOOD | Of Canada ~% 4 } i BLUE GARAGES, Limited SPIRIT VINEGAR Phone 567. H. M. Fair, Manager. Let us prove our work, by giving us ! n 4 . one trial TYPEWRITERS || ite W ) a e. (Formerly called White Wine) . : | Assurance in force Jan'y ist, 1921 g . se : Sold In These Grades: Dry Cleaning our For Sale--To Rent--all makes ro- $116,201,347.00 XX---or Table Vinegar. paired. . on Eyes examined scientifically. XX Xefor table or Tr uses, J. B. COOKE Over 20 years' expeériemce. Pickling--for plekling purposes, M. AMODEO Specialty a 2lion Adding and Calc ulating i Distri ~ » fact d by The Wilse 1 te | a . . strict Manager anufacture m Ly & KEELEY JR, M.0,, DO. , { The FROST CITY : Edison-Dick Mimeograph Dupli- Kingston, Ontario, Phone 503w, cons 27. row Co. Lt ator. pl : \ 226 rein Street, Phone 927 J Branch--Bagot Street, Kingston PATTON'S rues anasemas vous J p : Chamberlin Metal Weather Strip \ . { re It li ST R DYE WORKS J. R. 0. DOBBS & co, FRONTENAC wo | | u live "a on ORAGE' Company rr 41 Clarence St. Give ug a lir "ir | 1 I 349 Princess Street. Phone el 3 i Hera eur Fire i MA RESS CO. We Specialize In Storage-----clean, bright and dry. Ee a mE T 0 CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING Wholesale ol Ren ting a Specialty 200-305 Queen Street. Phone 526. Fr HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? \ J Helaciare 3 Favue Foe, | 185 Wellington St, Phone 13185 | rsa Aa, comisivion Mevane " \ WE HAVE THEM, [ CANADA CUTLERY CO., Limited " nes Office: IF YOUR BATTERY FAILS TO FUNCTION Yauufueurery of [ WILLARD BATTERIES DONNELLY SALSA Goa 1000 : "KET d y nN Xu WRECK. iri rhaps only re-charging. In either case POCKET and PEN KNIVES New low price for Willard Service Tugs, Clam Shalt CiahmITED y let 5 oA Berd Ibe Tad ae waa only [e danse A it efficient, vers, 3 R i y y C. A. Eaton, General Manager now effective. Steam Pumps, ete, nated! Battery Repairing embraces every possible emergency of this Wrecking and Salvage work since New Batteries for sale also TEN* MINUTE SERVICE Kiuasivn Seurie: s 1 LESSEY 1550 withiut a failure. FRED KING ; . 19 Brock Street - Phome 1340 Provo HOSNELLY Kingston Battery Service If you want one, show it by using the Kingston street cars fe i ------ | ral Manager | Phome 410w, - - - - - Queen and Bagot Streets more frequently, ' | JOHN McKAY, Ltd. KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH, and. CATARAQUI ELECTRIC { TH FIS CANAD IAN co L | FURS THE K. D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y ; Gi i y JOBRBERS IN FISH, oY STERS, GAME AND POULTRY : DEVELOP YOUR CITY (& ee e-- : KINGSTON / $3 BROCK STREET - . PHONE 520. UF quaing your eta home and beautifying ii--Bateman's Rea! Eocae ) | MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OVAL PICTURE FRAMES. : 7 ....Sell you a home--sell you a lote--iend you the money to build--insure ! your buildings and fu ~and later, wh dest our Kingston Ice Compan \ . Property at & profit. Now is the time to lat a Tvs desive it, ll ¥ | y . "INVESTORS" 1f you have Savings for in nt or if you have securities which you » GEO, A. BATEMAN 39 WwW TO { : s X ELLINGTON STREET Limited wish to sell, consult our . Our service cannot be equalled by any other Kingston firm, as in direct touch with Toronto, Montreal ; H t P P id and, New York at ali cimes ; busine: hours. We speciaiize in the . hes rices ~ uy'ng nd se 0 Vernme an umnie! 1 onds. Ye are mem- Save food by using Ice. 4 ig b a bers of Toronto 'hange and can handle ery both ways for any class of stocks. BONGARL, RYERSON & CO. 237 Bagot Street. Phone 1728. 'r / BAKER'S CIGAR STORE - 3 Our Ice ig certified to by Queen's For Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and Paper Stock. If you telephone us University Laboratories as being we will call promptly. Phome 2389w. Residence . 2 \ | McGinnis & OConnor ||"... ..... M. ROSEN & CO. The Medical Health Officer Advised The : Prompt delivery is our specialty, 140 RIDEAU STREET HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS \ : Boiling of All Milk DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY Wh nt et un 40 i for you and do right 4 : LIMITED . Wa clarity it first and then pasteurize it, It is clean--it is #dto--ana it is the best and cheapest food you MANUF ACT URERS OF : can buy. "PRUE COTTONS" y + + PRICE'S DAIRY MONTREAL _TORONTO = ' WINNIPEG | RAR i. 97 Prise sun. r .