SATURDAY, MARCH 35, 1921. The Latest Spring Fiction The Mountebank The Great Pearl Secret | The Seventh Angel . .. Jacobs Ladder . The Mysterious Rider That Affair at "The Cedars". The Passion of Life The Sisters-in-law The Black Knight Now on sale at:-- R. Uglow & Co. 141 PRINCESS It has boen that 90 per cent. of backward children have de- prover fective eyesight--our own records show that children after havin; their sye defects corrected--advanc. much faster in school, J.J. "The House of Better Glasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 699 Kingston Girls who cannot sing the ola songs would be loved better if they declined to tackle the new ones. lb) Yon Sere « "We 3. or ke A. N, and A. M. WiHiamson Alexander Black Phillips Oppenheim Jane Grey # Lee Thayer . Joseph Hocking . Gertrude Atherton Mrs. Alfred Sedgwick STREET WEDDING GIFTS IN Sterling Silver Tea Sets. 'sandwich Trays. Comports. Cream and Sugar Sets. Butter Dishes. Salt and Pepper Sets. Sweets Dishes. Silver Cabinets--we have a number of very pretty de- signs, and are pleased to quote prices. . . & 9» Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET -------------- sta. a a ~~ J PROPOSED OCEAN SAILINGS Season 1921 now ready. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Agent, 36 Clarence Street. Tel, 568w, d mn, Considerable money must go into some friendships in order to make | them last, You may feed a man brain food, but you cannot supply the brains. "His Master"sVoice" Records "His Master's: Voice" Records are musical masterpieces that bring to the restful quiet of your home the very best in music sung and played by world famous artists--and, as if by the touch of a magic hand, at your command appear the most popular dance orchestras and celebrated entertainers to make your jollification complete. Standard Songs---- 7455012 in. $2.00--Good-Bye (Tosti) Evan Williams 74008--12'in. $2.00--Lo, Here the Gentle Lark (Soprano) ; Galli-Curci. 80066--12 in. $2.00--Elegie-- Melodie (Massenet), (French) Caruso-Elman, 80083--12 in. $2.00--A la Luz de la Luna (Spanish) -- Caruso-de Gogorza. £0106--12 in. $2.00--Berceuse from Jocelyn ---- McCormack- Keisler, MUSIC is to the Mind what Rain is to the Soil--an Absolute Necessity, ' Exclusive Agent for Nordheimer and Steinway Pianos. R. J. RODGER SPECIAL . .. $4.95 WOMEN'S OXFORDS -- irr Chocolate Kid, Mahogany Calf and Black Kd with Louis or Military heels. Special valueat'........ 200 pairs Women's Chocolate Kid, high cut LACE SHOES -- pertorated toe «cap and rubber hels; excellent quality and value. Special ....... .. $3.75 Allan M. Reid . SHOE STORE --- i w= Me HE A | bond should be Jide | prohibition, anoiher section went to | TY re -- | THE ORAKSHAN CLUB | "When we voted to sustain. the | Ontario Temperance act, we did so | upon the understanding that it was | to be revised and made a little less said the president of the Orakshan Club. "We voted for the! general principle of the act, but we didn't vote to s to jail for months because their appet to liquor instead of something else A week ago a c¢ 2n was sent to Jail for three months because he re- fused to betray a confidence, Some- severe," i { body had supplied him with liquor and he played the honorable part in refusing to divulge the name of the | party who quenched his thirst. 'For being honorable, he must go to jail. That's your O.T.A. for you." "Yes, it's a wonderful act," said { the doctor. "Down here. in Kingston the police authorities think they are | bound to carry out every clause of this Tory government measure, just {as old Shylock demanded that his fully met with a pound of flesh, but up in "Toronto | the magistrates ignore mueh of the | act. They haven't time to enquire | into where a man got his liquor. With them it is just "ten dollars and | costs' for every drunk, and that is | sufficient Why send a fellow to | jail just because someone outside his own household supplied him with grog?" "Well if Toronto passes up this rot- ten clause, why can't we do the same in Kingston?" asked Hank. "I must take this matter up with my old ; friend Butch. What good is all this preaching about loving your neigh- bor when the prohibition crank in- | sists upon soaking some poor unfor- | tunate, The O.T.A. is certainly hard | on the poor man who likes a drop." i "All you have ® do is to elect 'Bob' Bushell to parliament and | he'll fix it up," said the old printer 'Bob' will give the people games t of chance at the fairs, and: that's | what they want. They might just as | well get trimmed at ah out-of-door { fair, as at a church bazaar, for in | principle there's no difference." "Now you're talking," declared the | customs official. "This 'temperance' | talk gives you a pain, and it took | Dean Starr to explode the fake from | his pulpit down at St. George's. No | | one has come back at him either. | | | 1 | Self-control is temperance and you | can't get away from it. The very li- quor act is wrdngly named. The president remarked that while one section of the people went to the { extreme in thelr demand for liquor | the extreme in regard to prohibition { { and divorce. One is as bad 'as the | | other, he claimed, for the views of | each are intemperate. "But," said | | he, "it is amusing to see one side | favoring divorce and fighting liquor | and the other side fighting divorce | and preaching libery of action in re- | gard to booze, The latter stand In regard to both things is the correct one in ay view." { "I would like to see a vote of the | people on this divorce question," sala | the merchant. "I believe the large | majority would vote for establishing | divorce courts in order to have the | | cases properly tried. I fall to see | how these courts would increase di- | vorce, So far as the religious side of it is concerned, surely the sin does | not lie in the divorce decree." "Oh, well, if they are going to block us in buying good liquor ana | having a judicial divorce hearing, | | the city council has decided to give | r --_-- INP{GESTION "Pape"s Diapepsin' Fixes Your Sour, Gassy Acid Stomach at once i Undigested food! Lumps of pain; | belching gas, acids and sourness.! When your stomach is ai! upset, here is instant relief--no waiting! The moment you eat a tablet or | two of Pape's Diapepsin all the indi- | gestion pain and dyspepsia distress | caused by acidity is relieved. Your disordered stomach will feel fine at once. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's Diapepsin neutralize the harmful acids in the stomach, and give almost instant relief; besides they cost so little at drug stores. HE D { would you please | tor, I say." { tation such AILY BRIT us a better garbage collection," said Hank. who did not think "Dick" Armstrong made out a vely good case for the old system. A charge of | pasture is said to be good for a cow, so we'll hope that the collection of garbage by contract will preve more successful than the police constable was against the alderman whose auto light went out. It will be up to "Bunty" to step lively now, like he used to do when he was a base bail catcher. "Did you hear the new wrinkle in collecting a long overdue account?' asked the grocer, "Well, it seems that a Kingston young man was given a bill to pull out of a citizen and he went about the matter like a master mind. He visited the | debtor for information, asking him if a bill that had been running a cer- | | tain length of time could be collect- i ed. | debtor. 'Are you quite sure of that,' 'Sure, it can,' replied the the collector, 'Indeed, I was the debtor's reply. 'Then pay me this amount," said the young man, pre- senting the account. And, théy tell asked am,' ! me, that the man who owed, after | he had recovered from the shock, | pulled the money out of his pocket | and settled. That was some collee- | i ---THE PEELER. GOOD HEALTH CAN BE YOURS If Your Blood Supply Is Kept Rich and Red. i It is a waste of time and money to | fight merely the signs of disease; in the long run you are probably worsé | off than when you started. What is | far more important is that you should ! intelligently examine the various! symptoms and trace the cause. When | you remove the cause, health will be yours. For example, anaemic peeple | often endure months of suffering while treating its symptoms, such as | indigestion, shortness of breath, pal- | pitation of the heart and exhaustion : after any small effort. i The apparent stomach and heart | troubles are generally nothing more | than the result of an insufficient sup- | ply of pure blood. This anaemic | state may have followed some pre- | vious illness, or an attack of influ- | enza; or it may have arisen from | overwork, worry or too little fresh | air. To obtain good health the sim- | ple and proper course is to build up | the blood, but to do this you must | select a reliable remedy with a repu- | as Dr. Williams' Pink | Pills. These pills enrich the blood | which carries nourishment to ali the | organs of the body and enables them | to do the work nature expects of them. Thousands of men and women | have proved this for themselves. One | of these is Mrs. T. Flynn, R. R. No. 1, | Erinsville, Ont, who says: "Last | spring I got into a badly run down condition. I had no energy; work | left me exhausted, and the least ex- | ertion would make my heart palpi- | tate violently. I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to give them a trial and got a half dozen boxes. I had not been taking ! the pills long when I felt a decided | improvement in my condition and by | the time I had used the six boxes I | could do my housework with ease, I | can strongly recommend Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills to all weak people." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six box- es for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' | Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. RE HELD A SOCIAL EVENING To Mark Reopening of U.F.W. 0. at Crystal Springs. On Wednesday evening, March | 2nd, the U. F. W. O. ,with the co- | operation of the U.F.0., of Crystal Springs' Club, held a re-opening en- tertainment in the club-rooms. Dur- ing the past six weeks the rooms have been enlarged and remodelled under the able direction of Sherman Wartman. The club feels very grate- ful to Mr. Wartman for his kindness. The members, their families ana friends enjoyed the social evening and intend holding entertainments | twice a month, on Friday evenings. | The president of the U.F.0., A. Day, acted as chairman in-a genial man- | ner. The programme was opened by ! everyone singing "O Canada." Then Mrs. J. Vair, Glenburnie, gave a vo- | cal solo, which was much appreci- ated. Miss Paterson gave a piano solo. J. L. F. Sproule, Westbrook, de- livered a most interesting and in- structive address on "Our govern- ments, federal, provincial and muni- cipal." This was followed by Miss | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston - Sir Adam Beck is giving earnest attention to demands from Kingston tor Hydro power, An electric railway line from Kingston to Ottawa is planned and snuth's Falls approves of the me. Dean Didwell lectured on th. "History of the Church of Englanc ia 'the Nineteenth Century." : Ilingston Medical Society decided io oppose the proposal to erect a tuberculosis hospital on the general hospital grounds. . Wholesale prices" ia Kingston: {Dairy butter 24c, creamery 26¢, oggs 25¢, potatoes 50¢ bushel, beet 10e, pork 10¢, chicken 15¢, 'lamb 12¢, straw $5.86 ton, oats 32¢ bushe!, bay §8 ton, barley 45¢ bushel. Re- tail prices: Dairy butter 25¢, creams ery 27c, butter in jars 25¢, beef 18c to 20¢, porterhouse 18c to 20¢, pork chops 17¢, lamb 18¢ to 20¢, chicken 18¢, round steak 15¢c, eggs 25s yo ® \ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, The fire and light comiittes met to enter into an agreement with B. | W. Folger for the city's lighting for ten years at the end of which time the city could buy the plant. Dr. W. J. Morgan was appointed to purchase horses for the city. At a skating carnival in the Royal rink those who attracted most at- tentfon were Misses K. Sullivan, M. Lumb, R. Coyne, as "Three Little Maids from Camp. Trilby"; F. Lumb, a "Fiji Island SBavags'"; T. Black, a "Pport from Belle's Island"; Albert Watts, "Butterfly Dude"; Miss M. Sullivan, a "Highland Lassie"; A. E. Dean; "Dutchmah." : Mayor Elliott attended the school board meeting regarding his propos- al for a general reduction in the sal- aries of teachers, but it was shown that the reductions could not be made, as the highest salary was only $600, and many teachers received } ISH WHIG. = $1.75 Infants' Laced Bluchers--sizes 5 to 7}; wide toes; comfort styles. Saturday Boys' Black School Boots--sizes | to 5. Regular $4.50. Saturday .........:... $2.95 $295 Youths' Brown Blucher: sizes 11 to 13. Regular $4.50 values. Saturday ......... Boots. «iv. 32.95 SPECIAL SALE Of odd sizes, Brown, Black and Grey Kid Saturday Clearing at: -- $2.95 etc., Women's - ES ------ \ Abernethy's Shoe Store = Wanted By the INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON- DENCE SCHOOLS, CANADIAN Limited Young me. of ability to study AT HOME in SPARE TIME and prepare for position of ACCOUNTANT. Let us know which of these interests you. Free Booklet on request. No obligation. Chartered Accountant. Higher Accountant. Auditng. Cost Accountant. Railroad Accountant. Business Management. Other courses in Bookkeeping, Stenography and Commercial subjects. Address: M. M. SIMS, Representative 130 Clarence Street, Kingston. Groceries AT REDUCED PRICES .14c, .14ec. Snider's Tomato Soup .. Pure Fruit Jam 13% Ib. Molasses . .. .14c. 13 Ibs. Cane Syrup .....14c. 14 Ib. tin Cowan's Cocoa . . 14c. Choice bottle of Olives ..14c. C. H. Pickering I The Unique Grocery 4900 and 492 Princess Street. Phone 530. Dr. Waugh Dentist 108 Wellington St. Phone 256. Murton's recitation, which was so much appreciated that she kindly responded to an encore. Mrs. Sproule read a paper on "Or- ganization, the Aims of U.F.W. Clubs." : T After an intermission, Mr. Bell, president of Glenburnie U.F.0., gave a talk on "Co-operation." Bert Vair followed with a vocal solo. Mr. Weller gave a talk on co-aperative stores. R. J. Vair then spoke on "The Tariff and Democracy." Miss Murton favored with a very pleas- ing vocal solo entitled "A June Morning." The direceor of the U.F.W.O: of County Frontenac, Mrs. R. J. Vair, was then called upon. Her subject was "Organization." She an- nounced that there would be a county convention in the court house at 1.30 p.m., March 26th, Mrs. Morris, president of Crystal Springs U.F.W.0. club, seconded by Mrs. Graham, moved a vote of thanks to all who so ably assisted in making an enjoyable evening. Re- freshments were then served, after which cards and dancing were in dulged in. , niture Sale. JAMES REID THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen. tery line. Estimates givemjon all kinds LU and mew work alse hard. floors of all kinds. Al orders prompt attention. Shop Street. e Furniture Like This at Moderate Cost. Our reputation has been built on the solid, substantial basis of providing our customers with Furniture of the highest character at a very low | cost. Here is a typical example of the way you can save if you make your purchase during our big Fur ts Stinssnama----, Re --------_ ee ----------e eee # . We offer you excellent store service. The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for service. DAVID SCOTT Plumber Piambing and Gas Work a speetn). . All werk guaranteed. Address 145 Frontennc Street. Phone 1277. § - Huyl r's Ch wolates Fresh and dainty Sargent's Drug Store Corner Prnicess and Montreal Streets. Tel 41. . have suffered ie a far bette- guide Bann, 437 MAN'S experience L knoy your need for sympathy and health, pe the treatment that health Bit i ; i i i stats i i hii. rid fe ; sil : x | 8 w