THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, lc. a word. secutive insertion thereafter, half! cent a word. Minimum charge tor! one insertion, 25c, three iasericas | #0 cents. The above rates are for cash only, ! wien charged they are double HELV WANTED. TAPPLY AT THE SMALL BOY McGalic A | SECOND-U AND i fr Military College EXPERIENCED GENERAL Who can do plal MAID | g; ref P BINTING | A sp rind COoK "For au tr Also woman for Good wages. He Apply Dunham H RTE D Kingste fuel pl M. Var TAN FOR and to R COME AT ONCE--MW $6-10 DAILY special short courses. o Auto } es' co TEACHERS WA TED, 8. NO. rotestant Teacher commence April 4th Apply to R As T i Maribank, SITUATIONS VACANT MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$1 pald. weekly ror your spare writing show cardg for is We instruct and s ply you with work showcard Service, 57 F. Toronto, AGENTS WANTED time Ni 1p West-Angus Colborne St 'S 30% PROF r Gol D ters for stores, office Windows; cas- ily applied; will not wash off; ree sSampius, Acm me Sign Co, 346 N Wells, Chicago, IIL -- MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO vass, but to travel and appoint cal representatives; $1,092 a penses guaranteed first ye #ood chance to make §2 epi State age and qualifica- tions, Experience unnecessa Winston Co., Dept. G., Toron UPHOLSTERING. «ALL OR DROF A CARD T0 w. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st W. HAROLD FOR YOUR uP. | holstering and genera] repairing Leave orderg at or drop a card to 104 &y street. | F. COVERED BUTTONS MAD der in all popul Upholstering a E. J. Goodridge, Avenue, FURNITURE REPAIRED AND ished; guns repaired; small re in wood or metal. Stanton & 35 Princess St, (next door Factory) FIN- pairs Sleeth | Pian. ARCHITECT ---------------------------- } POWER, SON AND OREVER, ARCHI- tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers | corner of Brock and Wellington | streets. SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woo, | £tc., large or small, guaranteed AX gold leaf; posters, showcards, etc artistically written and designed by Shaw, at 205 Princess Si-eet Kingston. Each con- | ___ {WANTED BY WANTED GENERAL APPLY WANTED TO BUY A HORSE. AND FLAT 10P Ql ARTER- ed ak writhy tale size and UPRIGHT PIANO! Or cash or in pat payment uf new anos and srafu nolas. CW, Lind- 1 i s treet Ist MAY MEDILW SIZED wi Cony ces; or dwelling; south of pref A her of 9 Clar AND PAPER HAN( w ue N 'ape w ANTING FAINTING OR Sing done. drup a card to] 34 Arch sireet i fEANRY 1a je WARD §& SON, Lange rs and : t PAINTING AND APLER HANGING | KEY PAINTING AND PA En HANGING -- Pair 1 ator al etallic TO LET. FIRST cL Ass 1ooMs ail improveme ed. Apply AND no ARD; is, centrally locat FURNISHED house € ROOMS ing. if des FURNITURE andise; clean and dry. 56 Brock street. Phone AND Mc- 326 FRONT 1 furni APanr shed lor light s for covking and light, eer Apartments 1 Street Phone TWO 212 and 1434w | A EA Fl RN1SH] D ROOMS AT 408 JOHNSON | FOUR | good | private} FoR JR} NP==f hou MAY Ist, bat nial ne dai tric ghtg hot I cold water, $60 | per mo Address Box M-4, Whig Office | -- eset resiasnmen. | CATED) CONTAIN- centrally locat- ) Queen st and 3 ar novated de DENT IST, OF closed until March 30th | DEN over| DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellington street, Carnovsky's. Phone 348, + DENT ne 1850 ntment « ultatic on free 1086]. Hours 9 12 a p.m FIN ANCIAL a SIRANG INSURANCE bls in 1860; only able companies repre- Office 95 Clarence street, )site the post office. LOAN AND INVEST. ; incorporated 1861 ™ Nickle, K.C.; vice- A © unningham county pure Based: m an ager, Kingston. Good Blacksmit is necessary for successful forge work. We. 'have it for sale--always. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. .Foot of Johnson Street BROKEN Pleces of machinery can be' welded or repaired and made as £0od as new by the acetylene welding process, which we have: in BUT CAN connection with our plant. DAVIS DRY \ East Reme mber the place: -- a a he a REPAIRED DOCK CO. End of Wellington St. , Ne. 5, $10.00. No. 6, $12.00 Best Stove for Garage or work Shep Cooks and other Stoves as J. TURK Phone 705 . -- EN Sa Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it, BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. { born in August. * For every 250 persons in New | York, one is a lawyer. Averages show that tallest girls i's Coal J $35,000--BRICK i FOUND EAR RING PICKED UP ON THE stable ¢ i SERVICE Burton ¢ naid Park t In ROAD, Owner ng at nud ON FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED vREE thing 4nd OW one Anding any § Lo reach the reporiing w 1g If lost, e, may be' adr d for In the (Lo vertise LOST. RING, WITH BUNCH OF Brock, Pr r ABOUT TWO WEEKS NEW New or es HAIR, MOLES, marks, skin « moved perma glasses fitt other 85 years Lake, WARTS, BIRTH. have LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ers and Solicitors 9 street, Kingston B ham, Cyril M. Smith. BARRIST. Clarence Cunning- AMBROSE SHEA . B.A, and Selicitor. Law o King ana Br ek Money to loan. Pp} LAND SURV EYOR BARRISTER ice, corner of over Royal Bank one 1999 ER, B.Ap., Se, CE, O.L.S,, M El Sapanes, Ont. On- NOW IS THE TIME TO GET Spring overcoat turned and repair- ing and pressing done. All work guaranteed Ww Robertson, 3 street, near Princess St YOUR | FURNITURE FINISHING CAL L OR DROP A C Arp D 10 W. DRIS. John street SCHOONER CALKINS," carrying 3 0 net tons. Cap be Iinspe Picton Further particulars and price application T. Li VanDusen; ton, Ont. on Pic- BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, | ONE Ontario. | $750--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON | Alwington Avenue; good location. $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDE near Raglan Road. $S00--GARROTT ST, FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON SOUTH MACDONELL street, 33x132; Sal building; very cheap for quick sale BUNGALOW; NEW; 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot immediate possession. $1900--FRAME north end; 33x132; for $2000--FRAME about an acre summer boarders; HOUSE; 11 of land; suitable for | near Westport. | NHAM ST, | poR SALE -- PRETTIEST i | ROOMS; $2,.200~FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS: B.| and C.; electric lights and furnace; good cellar, stm -DETACHED; rooms; B. and C age. l vicyoRy BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY n. FARMS SEVERAL ( GOOD FARMS FOR G. A. BATEMAN, 150 Wellington Street, Kingston. | S ; hot air; gas; gar- | | wonacco" PLRE FOR SALE COOKE. PHONE AWNINGS. IPHONE 436. F. NEW MILCH COWS, STEEL STRONG 8 each Mill $1.00 st Clarence ls Co, 79 CASE, JONES FOOT SHOW FOOTE 54 nce of Wales make. Apply Pr Luneh, m Prince Go wo C HI CI © HAT HAM | BROODE R. ply Baldwin, House of In: try Phone Montreal street. . 43 ELM | Quick | Good Apply [ork LOT, 66x132 FOOT FRONTAGE, South bacdunald street: cheap + quick buyer. bateman's Real for 43 2 "DRI FROST & & "Woon; A SO | gas engine and Patterson, R se Pr R. ete 8- BILLIARD ng good | cheap treet AND above STORE PHOWOLA AND TEN your own choice, $42.5 ash; $5 per mon w imited, Princess St Terms $1 Lindsay, \ Co andottes itter, Portsm BRED WH eggs, Martin's Dor to $5.00 for 15. ham Incubator. mouth AND WOMEN'S CLOTHIN furniture, specialize in mi buy all kinds second. | highest prices paid. L.| Phome 1723 2x9 Prin- MEN house v boots; nd goods; thard ss Street, BRED BARRED ROCK Wyandotte Cockerels, Hatching g from 0 to $5.00 per Portsmouth Phone PFLRE White act $3 Jose etl White, 301 ring 4. WI HAVE FOR SALE 4 ! good second hand furniture & stoves Any person having stoves | 2oc furniture to dispose of, we will Lay ghest prices, I. Thompson, } Princess street. Phone 1600w, HOUSEHOLD Division Street 7.30 p.m Happy | rosewood melodian, vy tapestry, curtains, kit! Ie pictures, linoleum, antique) nd other articies PRIVATE SALE OF ought range, SHOP | mile | BLACKSMITH ground; el | oad Station, and 1] y 'p ost Office and Buck | », where gaod fishing is found. | further information, apply to] H. Babcock, Perth Road. { TWO HOUSES and two ac om SAVINGS | | | { : LIKELY "Who's this killjoy Voliva out in Zion City, who's making everybody get married?" "Probably some connection of Vol: stead." PROBABLY WAS Prohibitionist: Why so lacking in spirits, my friend? Scakley: That's dry humor, | sup- pose? « WELL SKINNED "Since he was goldbricked, haven't seen hair or hide of him." "Probably not--he was too well skinned." NOT IN REAL LIFE Mrs. Knagg: | think that do- mestic scene with the happy home- coming of the husband is just too sweet for words. Her Husband: But when you think that it happens six nights and two matinees every week it spoils the realism, IDEAL GASOLINE ENGINE made by Goold, Shapely and Muir Co, 132 h. p. {2 Excelsior Motor- | cycles in good running order. Also | skates hollow ground and. baby | carriage tires put while you wait | Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 373 King street Phone 1032w HOUSE-- STONE FOUNDA-' extra thick walls; 10 rooms | ling bath and large sun room; vater system of heating; elec- | thing FRAME first class | fruit trees, etc good Mowat Ave. Portsmouth. corner Centre street, FOR SALE lding lots well locat- ed near Queen's University. Ap- King & Smytae, 71-73 Clar- hangstion, Unt. A few buil pay ence street, - vB be bib Ag ptr bE Db EPP edy | RANCH--500 ACRES Kennebec townsh:p, Frontena county, on CPR, half-way be- | tween Keiadar and Ardendale sta- tions. >Sugar bush of 500 or 600! trees; marsh land, which yields an- | nually about 75 tons of hay; a few | acres under cultivation; well wa- | tered by small lake, creek and] wells; iarge barn and shed; small | house: half a mile Irom post of- | nce (Elm Tree) and church (Me-| tnodist), one mile from school | Sidney lL. Williams, Camden East | ont. | LITTLE | Frontenac County, known | Farm." Fine | cement | stables, | orchard CATTLE farm in as "Rovinson's Dairy frame dwelling, also dwelling Splendid barns, ete. Two siios, windmill, miple bu s. A W Beautfiul shore line of tully i, mile, semi- | circular in form. Situated about] two miles west of golf links, near Kingsion City. Good auto roads. A splendid "Gentleman's Farm," | Very cool South exposure gives prevalent summer breeze off lake Terms to suit purchasers. Apply] to Mills Company, 79 Clarence st. | or. D. A. Ca Brock street | N.B. A beautiful and strong skim | for sale. { i STEAMER FOR SALE Passenger and freight steamer for sale--100 ft. long. Price and «+ particulars upon application to + Hoom 101, Booth Bldg. Ottawa, % Ont. ih tb +: © * Blessing of Good Health. Carleton Place Herald. That young man who thinks he is poor because he has no bank account little understands the value of God's free gift of health and strength, lit- tle appreciates the fact that the brightest and best of the country are self-made, and come to the notice of the world from just such beginnings. Not by the idle moaning that they are podr, but by going carefully to work, perfecting themselves in their chosen pursuits and becoming so use- ful to those about them that their services are always in demand whe- ther it be on the platform, in the shop or in the Kitchen, for all are honorable alike. ----s Who Pays Ultimately. (Cincinnati Times-Siar) It seems to cost eight times as much to lay. bricks as it used to, and when the bricklayer moves into a new house he discovers with the first month's rent that the gerd is ' going to get his money back. 2 Jone thousand The Average Orchard. Bowmanville News, The average orchard doesn't re- | ceive fair treatment. Trees don't] suck their vitality from the air but] trom the ground. The farmer knows | very well that if he sows wheat on the same ground for several years consecutively the soil becomes im- poverished of the ingredients that are necessary to grow wheat. The | same principle applies to fruit trees | £0 treat the apple trees to a good! coat of manure every few years | spreading it two or three feet from | the trunk and the blushing apples | will greet you in the autumn. @ Casts and Cabbages. | Orillia Packet) Last "ook Reginald Black of Port | Hope shipped a carload of cabbages | to Lindsay. There were twenty tons! in the shipment, and the price was | ten dollars a ton, or two hundred dollars for the cargo. Last year for a similar shipmfint Mr. Black received four hundred dollars. | three tons of coal! MIGHT AS WELL The Salesman: You will me if | tax your patience? The Merchant: Why not? thing else is taxed. pardon Every- CAVE COUNTRY NARCOSIS His Assistant: This patient wants | an anesthetic before you pull his tooth. Doc. Sabertooth: Ail right. Get twenty more clamshells out of him and then take your stone mallet and tap him right here, on his dome. |are MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1921, GRAND--Saturday, March 12 Bargain Matinee at 2.30. Evening at 8.15. JACQUES OFFENBACH'S Parisian Co mic Opera "HUBBY IN DISTRESS" instrumental Concert Hn Virtusso; VATE 'Cellist a brilliant voes al i 1DO<FO SASHA KOSC HOK 0 Preceded b including »% V. MOS- -25-50-73-81.00 Seats on sale Monday, A THRILLING ROMANCE OF LIFE AND LOVE "THE WOMAN GOD SENT" Souls In Pawn Will Be Redeemed by Her MONDAY--TUESD AY WEDNESDAY WRANDED FOUR, No. 15 GRIFFIN'S .. STRAND ™™ COMING Thurs, Saturday "PAYING NEWS 'HE .23-35¢. IER PRESENTATION TO-DAY --fe 'The Passionate Pilgrim' Mack Sennett Comedy--~1T'S A BOY" News SPECIAL MUSICAL ne ER COMEDY the Tis "THE G LIN YT STRAND MOON" ORCHESTRA Fri, Latest Topics and others THE Nc rn nl AOW PLAYING! S PRESENTS Marjorie Daw, Matt Moore, W esley (Freckles) Barry in "DON'T EVER MARRY" "DON'T OVERTURE ... | AT GARDEN HALL Hours MRS. = When You Eat ~ TENDERS m eriod of 6 or ermaster R a If meltea paraftin is poured over the cut surface of a piece of cheese it will keep a long time Left-over soup can and canned: is nice to have on nand the skinned, {shellac and polish over it | cent excellent salad and If An fruit [apple FORCED ON HIM interviewer: | understand you came of poor but honest parents? Senator Bulitosser: Well, yes. The old man was 30 poor he couldn't afford to hire a good constitutienal | lawyer so he just had to be honest. AT THE COOKING SCHOOL Lecturer: Now, just a condensed note on the preservation of milk. Audience Wag: Can it, mister we've got enough! ON THE SIDEWALK Little: Jess: We've got an auto. | mobile! Little Bess: Pooh! We've got Just sels and sauce. Never grease rich fruit less likely to burn Mrs. nor, DANCING LESSONS | S. COHEN Hall Phone 357 GOLD BOND Royal April next For candy making use a wooden thermometer with which to stir it is very easy to keep clean. sprouts, | half-cupful of grated cheese. Cook eggplant thin slices of onion, | per in alternate layers. Apples casserole with cinnamon wife of the famous Irish editor, {is a Texan by birth. A Puddle of Grief! Come and W cep! THE STORK» (Christie Special Comedy) BLAME » Bruce Sceale. SZAMPA» Incomparable Allen Co ert Orchestra. Event No. 29 Kags Covered Rink Final Intermediate Hockey VARSITY vs. QUEEN'S TUESDAY, MARCH Sth 8.00 p.m. Admission ........ messes SOC, Reserved seats ........50c. extra Includes war tax. AUCTION SALE | At Farm of J, S. Yeomans, Situnted One mile Enst of C LT Bath Road, on Tuesday, March Sth, at 12 o'- clock--Farm stock and Implements. POS SEALED TENDE addressed to the ned and endorsed "Tender for Educational Block, Royal College, Kingston, Ont, will be r red until 12 o'clock noon, Tues day, March 22nd, 1921, for the construc- tion of Laboratory and interior fittings the Educational Block. Royal Mili- tary 'Coliege. Kingston, Ont Plans and Specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the ices of the Chief Architect, Depart- ¢ Works; " Ottawa, . the ot Dominion Buildings, * Toronto, the Over- 'Buildings, Central P. , and the Resident Merc hants Bank Building, Every Night - 7 pom. to 9 pom, All the Latest Dinces 111 BROCK ST. Residence 187 Let It Be the Best. Ask for ANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS AT ALL GROCERS F ing ---- Military f Military and College ashes ire | moval Grounds 12 moriths, commencing Particulars from Quart M. C. Telephone 2345w Tips to Housewives, n inion 1, r sts, Kingston, Tenders wil made on t parr be considered un- forms supplied by tha accordance with be reheated It keeps very well, and ust be accompanied by accepted cheque on a chartered . payable to the order of the Min- of Publle Works, equal to 10 per of the amount of the tender. War Bonds of the Dominion will also or war bonds if required to make up an of your coat thinly toes brown with shoes | white Loan be accepted as security, and chequeg odd "amount B combination is oranges, apples, marshmallows for al pine- DESROCHERS. Secretary. Department of Public Werks, Ottawa, March 5th, 1031. a as boiled Yrus- | over them al before serving sprinkle 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to the public for the tis . : patronage 1 received on my Seasox well first week's efforts to serve it to delicious cooked en) its advantage lemon, sugar, butter | Fresh and Salt Water Fish Serve with lemon and Oysters. My Motto: Service, Quality and Cleanliness. The UPTOWN FISH MARKET 351 Princess St. Phone 1430, en casserole el tomato and pop- are the pan The | for a very | cake. cake will be | T. P. ("Tay Pay') O'Con- has made a reputation for capacity loads. Made in Canada Chevrolet THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE The Chevrolet Model "T" One Ton, Worm Drive Truck dependable performances with Wherever it serves, greater economy and increased ef- ficiency are experienced, not only in the actual transportation of merchandise, but in the protection afforded goods in transit. We are now demonstrating this Truck. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET