Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1921, p. 12

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1 nL DAILY BKITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, MAKRULN 10, 102, 2 eri) & THE PEOPLE'S FORUM DANCING LESSONS Every Night AT GARDEN HALL | Hours 7 pm. to 9 pm. All the Latest Dances MRS. §. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. Hall Phone 357 - ' Residence 1878 = ; CONDLUN LL irs. tivn, 4 word BECULIVY duseill Lue f ADVERTISING BATES; aco cul WANTED GENERAL ic i o > a Bali SECOND-HAND FLAT TOP QUARTER a Wuiu se LO RENT, [| ------------ -- J SHECUND-HAND ONCE, for casn ut HELF WANILIED. DISaw ASHER WANTLD Al Labatt Mastlhu, APPLY 10 Hoy s . 61 Front f N | - ef : LULL, SUART BOY WANTED, APPL | A COON, EY TO MRS, WALDRON A | AGENCY WANTS { 3 av Four FAlslne 1 s ric cor mera co iY -- MAUDLS FOR LAUNDRY WORK, APF-| ' to ton ( f #1 Hos : { an Centu EXPLRIENCED At oO Les Walsh MAKER. | - ee tar rawfor | WANTED BY Ist MAY Yelling with MEDIUM S1ZE1 A GIRL TO CLERK IN A STORE, AlN. ) 1 ti Marble Hall, 2318 1 TO WORK IN y Mr WOMAN iz Apply ABOL I 200 AURES, IN DESIRABLE LOCALLY, SUITE OF bi | KOUND | FOUND RADIATOR TAP, CORNER Eves i A PAIR OF EYE 1 ay a Owr Earl st DNESDAY MORNING ON Wh i INITIALLED GOLD CLFF LINK 1 + ed ARTICLES ADVIERe rid VISED vuEE. oy hell PAINTING AND PACER HANGING TING 8 dun PAINTING 6 Urup IN MATHEMATICS; Two, WHEN WAN K. Apply Box No ) Alig CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERA HENRY housework. Apply to 3 Ir I i WARD H. } ap hang ~ CY IRIENCED GFR pla NERAL MAID | = Tr -------- n cooking: ref VINTING AND PAPER dq r d halls voi ! ed Waurk larantecd s M cit HANG ' pag sla I 1 B. Rowle 1 Sir PAINTING A GOOW COOK FOR SMALL HOTEL. eee en, $0 woman for upstair york AND PAPER HANGING -- . 'aint and | t 1 Deg i MANY OF OUR SALESMEN Ing from $50 = 'ndid TO LET, MAY 13TH, KIURNISHED HOUSE ral locality Ap Box 7 #, can make N-T,'W Bo a FIRST CLASS ROOMS Wp all ir vements, Apply 243 Brock FLRNISHED HOUSE FROM ' ber 1s A enty L Als e116 i spring rush v Tractor Toronto B up Call or time ins STORM Ge run FURNI) Loercnandise; clean 36 Brock POSITION WANTED, rugNIsnkD Hous: ____. Pposimio Yin INOGRAPH perience to Box SOME HX. m Apply WITH posit etre. f FOR FURNITURE CLEAN, oan ---- r own Jock EDGAR, TRL Whi 8s Y Bagot n street Queen sireet DWELLIN GIR I(¢ SIX rooms 1 ments; cel first. Rent WITH e. 4 Apply GENERAL expe pos i Ieferences . = TWO APART MENTS, prom 3 § { light t SITUATIONS VACANT r ADAT ROE - -------------------- 4 i ior treet i AT HOM TO sao : f time | FURNISH t, and | 1434 w D ROOMS AT 106 JO? sl raer Fronte: Hot and canvass.ng ' ply vou with work Showeard Service, 571° Toronto AGENTS WANTED ice windows; eae pH "applied: will not wash off; free samples Acme Sign Co, 846 N Wells, Chicag i FOUR MEN AND WOMEN, NOT To "yn 3 vass, but to travel and appo car representatives; $1,092 benses guaranteed first Kood chance. to make State age and Experience wunn s ston Co., Dept. G, Toronto ly loecat- Street ry poLLan able apartn [SSALY. LAT SIX 8 FURNITURE FI L ivate bathroo |p d CALL OR DROP, A CARD TO W, Ditls. west Il, 22 John stree: FINANCIAL meet ANCE only | DRS. sean tists, 1 Carn STRANGE, INSUR ablished in 1860; ie mostgeliable companies repre- | hted.o Office 85 Clarence street, posite the post office. ! DEN. over gi i of KS AND 59 Well INVES te . MILLA N, DENTIST, 84 1 ¥ £ Phone 1850. Open evenings by appointment FRONTENAC LOAN ment Societ incorporated President. . Nickle, K.C.; president, A. B. Cunningham Money on city and farm prop municipal and ¢ounty debentures: m rigages purchased; - ge. Investment bonds for gale; deposits | POWER, SON AND DREV ER, ARCHI. received and Interest allowed R.| tects, Merchants Bank Chambers C. Cartwright, manager, of Brock and Welli igton ence street, Kingston - AND vice ARCHITECT Cl a NI i. i tt ny + Mild Weather Fuel Economy Use Pea Coal in the furn ace Good for any furnaee. $1.50 per ton lesp than ot her sizes Consult us hres its Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street uses. Are You In The Market Fer Oak, Elm, Pine or B. C. fir timber or planking? Call and we can supply you. The material is good, and the prices are right. : DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. 'Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. i et ee et At re tin mtd J. Samuels and M. Marcovitch, Bel- leville, were committed on Tuesday for trial on charges of theft of poul- try. Quebec Heaters No. 5, $10.00, No. 6, $12.00 Best Stove for Garage or work SBep. Cooks and other Stoves as well { $750--FOR SALE--HBUILDING i $1100--BUILDING LOT, OK a cad tu Do NG ~ CRANK FOR CAR, ON WELLINGTON J CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT ill; CARPENTER PERSONAL HOOD, 140 DIVISION ir } ting Cr . Moderate | eet fee MISS STREET SPIRITUAL HEALER AND EFFlL. HAIR, MOLES, marks n moved pe 8 Ss fitte -- - ees een WARTS, BIRTH. sk rs 8, el re- Satisfact LEGAL CUNNINGHAM « and lie SMITH, BARRIST- 2 and NSON | Eston Hf. + 93 Clar- TAILORING. IS UPHOLSTERING. ------ -- CALL. ORR DROP 4 ¢ ARD To Ww. Gavine, uphe I 16 Bagot st J. Ww. st HAROLD OR You R p and genera} COVERED ADE TO OR- der In a pes and sizes Upholstering Ad repairing d BJ iv BUTTONS Wm 11 popular si rin Un PARED AND vg a | small r el + KINDS, GLASS, Wooo, .. large or small, Ruaranteed XX gold leaf; posters, showcards artistically written ang de by Shaw, at 205 Princess Kingston D. and ont. 1056j, Hours 5 pm FOR SALE OR TO LJ FOR S! OAT-SKIN ROBE, 3 + pair white rabbits 26 Frontenac sireet etree ese eee see AND HARNESS g buggy, cutter, waggon, set express ha set of he dri & harness and a plow Plum street CART of lig 16 88, one BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; good location SYDENHAM ST, near Raglan Road. $S00--GARROTT ST. FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON souTH street, 33x132; small cheap for quick sale. MACDONELL building; very 1900--FRAME BUNGALOW: NEw, north end; 4 rooms; B. and C Lot 835x132; for immediate possession. $2000---FRAME HOUSE; about an acre of land. summer boarders; 11 ROOMS; suitable for hear Westport $2,200-FRAME HOUSE and C.; electric gvod cellar, SE; 4 ROOMS; B lights ang furnace. -- / BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; S rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar- age. VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY to Loan, --- PARMS--SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR sale : UP. | repairing |! orders ag or drop a card to LG. A. BATEMAN elllngton Street, 159 Wi tL Kingston. When You Eat It FOR SALE THREE NEW MILCH COWS. PHONE Be the -- Ask for Let Best. FLAGS, CANVAS TTT GOLD BOND STeEL SAVINGS eacn: Mills Co, 79 AWNINGS, TENTS, SMALL STRONG anks, $1.00 CANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS R GALT CAR! Mills Com- | | ONE SEVEN -- ~ AT ALL GROCERS FOOT SHOW 5. MaKe Al y G0 CHILK (CHATHAM BROODLE) a 1, House f ind t Phone 6 ~~ ORPHANS HOME SALE wi nce Comn 66x182 FOUT FRONTAGE ith Macdonald street; caeaup | CK buyer. Batemans Real | e+ i EMBROIDERY UME LOT, os iin ' e I GU-CAR in the Educ « « . Royal - t-skin ro ONE CHAM Wit hER GIRAPHOMNOL GENUINE ti > onsideres plied by rdance ereir HOUSE ar Bar ON ORD- deep lot; tric terms MI-DETACHED elec \ OF a} ) BARRED itching from White Apply WoO PENS PURE BRE WY ANDOT strain 60 egg Furner, Ports- MEN AND se fur AND $5.00 CHRISTLEY & LAWLESS 19 MONTREAL STREET Next to Sargent's Drug reny BRED BARRED ROCK Ww te Wyandotte Cocke Hatching $3.00 Phone CALKINS }) net tons. Cap Ontario Store Will You Be Busy Talking When Passing the UP-TOWN FISH M ARKET 3351 Princesy Street, mear Barrie « KINDS op ture and 3 stoves f. we wil] Thompson, | Phone 1600w, BUNGALOW, ALL MODERN MM 1 waod Liroughout, If not, drop in and inspect our a 300 il various kinds of Fish. Good Cun Lg Try our afipll English Soles-- May 1st. Apply Box 6 centn a ind. J. HUSSEY SHOP x 351 Princess mile | and 1! nd Buck | where is found further informati apply tol Babcock, Perth Road oNE m Ce IDEAL ade GASOLINE Goold, rl ih p 2 Kxcelsior Motor- d running order Also | OW ground irate it NOTICE TO 'CONTRACTORS street. iirementg of th ENGINE and Muir | CYLINDER, > engine; Pursuant t Canada lers the req separate sealed for Cor by the un- Highways Act marked 'Tender * wil k eceiv. : g tract 4 ins, 8 rt nce kay and engine; good formation Bowen | : * everything | 4eTSigned until 12 o'c running day, April 1st, 1921, apply | tion of concrete struc Provincial +4 It { lawre 5 i ek noon on Fri- for tures ar Highway d in the | work on the Macadn Roadway No. 4¢ --Township of Eliza FOR SALE A fgw building lots well Joost No. 408--Township of ed 1 Ap- Smythe, 71- Clar- treet, Kingston, Ont. oo wid ddd id dtr bbb bbb ee of Leeds of Pitts | t No t No 409--Townsh 410--Towns} Contrac | burg Contrac | bethtown dd dddddd of Eliza. Concrete Str t No. 414 g outtit; 20 } bing vated and cr p r fur- ulars Piggott | Construction 'ompany, ont Contrac Con Grading Contract 413--Townshi | Busta. Plans and spec i va and after Friday, March 11th at the office gf A Baldwin, Resid Engineer, Gananoque, 3 { A marked cheque for $1.000.00 or a { Guaranty Company's bid bon 1 must company each tender, except for (x : | tracts 414. 411 and 413, on which ACRES IN| cheque for $3500, or a bid bond will Frontenac required A bond of 25% per cent. of : half-way be- | the amount of the contract will be re- tween Keladar and Ardendale sta- | quired when the contract is signed, ex- tion Sugar bush of 500 or 600 tept on Contracts 414, 411 and 413, on | trees: marsh land, which yields an- Which the bond required will be ten! nuaily about 75 tons of hay; a few per. cent. of the amount of the con- acres under cultivation; well wa- | tract. | tered by small lake, creek and ne re . fider oes. | wells; 1 e barn and shed; san | WL lowest 3 Any tender not neees. *; half a mile from post of | 2 accep is . (Elm Tree) and church (Me i W. A. McLEAN, dist), one mile from school | Deputy Minister of Highways Sidney L. Williams, Camden East, | Department of Public Highways, Ont. Toronto, March 7th, 1921. --- ns Picton Personals. Picton, March 9.--C. 8. McGiNi-! vray, Ottawa, was a town visitor a | few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. Porte have gone to Ottawa to visit thelr | daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Min- er have returned to Cranbrook, B.C.. | after spending the winter in the county. Mr, Miller had been absent ! FOR SALE -- PRETTIEST LITTLE | for fourteen years. Miss C. Fox was farm in Frontenac County, known | a Picton visitor on Saturday. as Robinson's Dairy Farm." Fine . I. Ying : Dai aon Dairy ay | Mrs Vingent, Bloomfield, but a dwelling Splendid barns, stables, | Dative and recent resident of South ere. TWo silos. windmill, orchard. | Greenbush, dj st. | maple bush. Spring water in Kit- G Dayton is jd oa the first inst, | chens.. Alsp well and cistern] G- nvalescing. G. Ryck- water, Beautfiul Lake . Ontaris man, third, Hilller, was in town on | Saore line of fully 14 mile, semi- . : circular in form. Situated abou: | Saturday, also Mr, Black, Greenbush, | two miles west of golf links, near ---------------- s i The greater part of the foreign | trade In India passes through the | N ations may be seen ug 3-4 Prices reduced f« --PA Corner Bagot sale, Queen Streets RANCH--S00 ebec township, ounty, on C.P.R., a be STEAMER FOR SA"E Passenger and freight steamer "--100 ft. long. Price and # particulars upon application to % Room 101, Booth Bidg. Ottawa, % Ont. ' > whe bib Setbdtbie | Kingston Cit Good auto roads. A splendid entleman's Farm} port of Calcutta. ! 1 Very cool South exposure gives prevalent summer breeze off lake A small boy believes that circus posters are actual photographs, But Terms to suit purchasers. Apply to Millis Company, 79 Clarence St, a man knows better, or D. Cays. 37 Brock street. N. B. beautiful and sirong skiff for sale. GRAND--Saturday, March 12 ' L Bargain Matinee: at Evening at 8.15. JACQUES OFFENBACH'S UBBY IN DISTRESS" 1 cert \ i tuss VATE V | § SA Re { PRICES «+. 50-75-8100 and $1.50. Bargain Seats now on sale. Chil KR t Matinee: 23-50-73-81.00 ren .. 30¢., bent = war. Prices: ... 81.50 SEATS . . $1.00, 75¢., bOc. Others at BILLY OSWALD The Favorite Musical €omedy Star Mary Anderson in "BUBBLES" Full of Comedy tnd Romence WONDERLAND ------THE BIG MUSICAL REVIEW MAT. DAILY A Story 'THE TENDERFOOT'S MONEY -- THERS, FRI, SATURDAY GRIFFIN'S 'R PICTUR Now the pam, Mat, 15-2 Night . 2 XCELS . IN MUSIC PLAYING Great New For the First Time in York Sensation Paying The Piper' York's Luring Lights -- ghing with her cn pmine lips, while plea- sure mad-worshippers leaped to the devil's tunes--presented with a SINGING TABLEAU With Special Lighting Effects, Special Comedy Latest News rH : CONCERT FAMOUS STRAND ORCHEST Canada, Goddess of New La COMING! Mon., Wed. eS. i Ee ALLEN "HARRIET A True Reflee SEDGAR'S JONAH niet] | The Leading Photo Playhouse ANITA STEWART wm PIPER?" RAT ) L Booth Tarkington's Latest ORIA Kid Comedy "aie to Creditors | | In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Troy, late of the Towns of Wolfe in the County of Frontenac, Deceaned. IEREBY 'ap. 121, others B of sald » died on or about the 16th il, 1920, are required on or | 'e t Ist day of April, 1921, to des -. Mail Contra Ta : < APaxk Ra Widow, a os a NOTICE 18 GIVEN, pure suant to R. 8. ¢ Sec. 56, that of] 2 claimy Mary XA creditors and estate week on Mail I General's J. RIGNEY 89 Clarence Solicitor for the Ad- names gston, of said estate, their and full particulars of 1d of the securities, if em, and that after said ale the sald Adminis- d to distribute the as- ased among the persond ), having regard to those f which he shall then have and that he will not be part of said assets to any hose claimy he shall not tice at the time of such -------- ee ee Has Left Campbellford, ad n ution T. J who for 'arnahan Bedford, with Ernest time | somes J 148 been & Co.,}' RIGNEY Administrator's Solicitor, Dated Kingston, March 2nd, 1§21. It doesn't matter how homely a married.-man may be. It is hard for him to get home at a.m. without being accused of leading a double life. C 1 Campbellf + has XK ept position & 1 writer . for MclIntos! and tise Bellevy adver le did n have ot rmit pe a Ancient Jewish law I fins or eating fish which did not scales ; | A A A AA eA ttt tai a FOR SALE located) (cheap) Street --frame, (well Ave Street---Drick, Street Johnson Aberdeen Earl Mack Eari plastered, tgood buy) (snug bungalow) ho frame, Street THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street lrick, (lovely me) 'Made in Canada Chevrolet THE PRODUCT OF EXPERIENCE The Chevrolet Model "T" 'One Ton, Worm Drive Truck has made a reputation for dependable ' performances with capacity loads, Wherever it serves, greater economy and ipcreased ef- ficiency are experienced, not ouly in the actual transportation of merchandise, but in the protection afforded goods in transit. We are now demonstrating this Truck. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400, -- sn

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