THE DAILY RR ITISH WHIG. THUKSDAY, MAKUH 10, 12s, | CONCERT AT MOWAT = -- Struck By Train Given Wednesday Evening By First I Baptist Church : Choir. . s At the request of Sec retary Young uU ve of the Military Y.M.C.A.. the choir of the . ant EASTER ||: =: || 325 NOWSTHE TIME p.€lte recoye J. Feathers Lxpeditionar Outfitting ||: =: = || eas |Eterat aad) Widg® YARNS livered an add: stopped | appreciation. of the patients for the en board and [splendid services of Miss McCall. The | . : . , . Kingston Junction | recipient of the gift expressed hee We are showing a complete range of various Yarns in nded by Dr. Crow- |'t} s for the thoughtfulness of the . , d to be ¢ about the ys. : i every color and texture--very specially priced. head and had several ribs broken. He | Master Stewart Shishury tne mas- | : . vas remov o the Hotel Dieu. ka hd Ho ot 2 - 3 was removed to { | cot of the party, sang two comic What about your Easter Suit? | Featherston says he never heard songs which delighted the audience. | he approacl f the train an inks| a A the approach of the train and thinks 8. G. Mayer rendered two popular | . . . Q. .* { that he must have been dozing, orice, . a a atiaiiis tl a y tt ee. 3 § gs, and the boys participated in Special showing new Spring Suits half asleep as he trudged along the, choruses, james Marshall sang track about 3 su 3.1 He was born in | three Scottish songs which were im- England, but has been several years mensely enjoyed. M Ruth LaFlair i anal : listed in ti 50th : in Canada. He enlisted in the 6 thi sang a number of in 'very | Battalion. sweet voice, Mrs. I a $25.00,30.00 ||: CEE § ° irm ade a stake > ders sang two st rs S. A rous- | . 9 ang two ae FLOSS DOVE | DOWN In the Price Quoted Ing chorus by the choir brought j musical part of the programme to a NOW IN STOCK NOW IN STOCK | NOW IN STOCK Eastey is drawing near. There was a special meeting of | close. he aon, aay | The wimers af the prizes for the 25c. Ounce Ball | 25c. Ounce Ball |50c. 2.Ounce Ball mo-nin with regard to the contract Limerick contest, 1t last week ® . awarded McKelvey & Birch, Limited, | by the 'Y,' were the nounced, and Pink Rose | Bum or supplying. cast fron pipe fr | Col. Gordon tende thanks of Purple Emerald | Camel ater extension to houses on | the patients to the Fi Baptist Buff Mist | Oriental Blue t entertain- Rose Heather Turquoise * York road outside the city limits, | church for the excellen Cardinal Maroon e contractors stated that they had | ment which they had provided Ap- | Scarlet . - made a mistake in their figure of | ples, oranges and delicious home- | Old Rose Lavender Cardinal Our Easter showing of Neckwear, $1,207, which was $233 below the | made candies were: then served by Turquoise Deetnd | Grey next tender. The commission real- | the ladies. Hem Te ise DY hase 1 1 11 1zed at the time the figure was given Lemon Sho Ne Gloves, Hosiery, Hats, etc.,, 1S we that it was rather low, and Thurs- . iffith Tobacco Brown Copen Emerald day agreed on a compromise Fifty Major R. W. Griffiths | Orchid Oriental Copen J dollars will be added to the firm's |. Found to be Insane Tade Nile ! | Purple worth coming to see. Samation. rh Lavender Maroon Lavender erm { Montreal, March 10.--Major Ro- | Cove Pink Ovrchi STOCK MARKETS. bert W. Griffiths, self-confessed slay- open Américan Beauty Melrose | 1 Gold Lemon Flamingo { Easter is early this year. : {er of William A. Holland, Montrea, old Cardinal Old Rose | Heather | i | | Quotations Furnished by Bongard, | (ck broker, who was shot and | , \ 22% Ra. BL nf y vy - 2 Maroon Na Mack Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot | mortally wounded on January 14th, Emerald Ww 3 Blase Street, in the office of Mac ill brothers, | : ey of which firm he wa ager, was New York Stocks, this morning found to be unfit by. 4 PLY SWEATER YARN 3, 4 and 5 PLY BALDWIN Opening. Closing | reason of 'insanity to stand trial for ' BEEHIVE, 35c¢. SKEIN | . . > murder, and will, therefore, be con- | . - . American Car Fndy..12: oe purder, =nd w ; 8 2 Ounce Balls 40c¢. Pink, Cadet, White, Sky Blue, fined until' instruction 1s to his eo ® 9 . Am. Sumatra. Tobac'c A 825, 1. . : i V Ings on S Smelters .......... 383% 4s, [fotdre are Fy om he Loa» Brown, Black, Pearl and Stone : ative 4 enant-governor. 1is was the find- . . Lalawin Locomo ave ni - -- or i soecial jury in the court Emerald, Green, Heather, Grey, Grey, light, dark and medium ee : oy x ott he ion Ew f King's Bench this morning, | oA Br 2 * Bethlehem Steel "B". 5 5 | Jade, American Beauty, Tur- Srey) Green Heather, Brown leather. 75-77 BROCK STREET Anaconda risvevery 361 3 | Genera Bloc 30 120% | To View Designs. | quoise, Sky Blue, Black, Light P.K. WOOL {General Electric ,,..13 1 "ri "If O e avs to Ww "" la I Motors iG ni A Dumber of Royal Military grad- ; # YouiRouti hi Pay alk ackawanna DE or. wives and IFiends Green Heather, Copen, Cardinal | "4 Ounce Hanks $1.00 Each Light and dark Green Heather, jLackawanua Steel .. 53 52% | win meet for tea at the Art Gallery [ahve Pi. | > ro 2 ['of Toronto, 26 Grange Roac. on Sat- 4 Whit Mexican Petroleum 06 1y 551 . : : : : : : . 2 urday, the raison d'etre being the | an ce. x - [Missouri Pacific .... 2% | cxneaction of comperitve doors med | Chinese Blue, Brown Heather. AAA A rr Ar eee New Haven A 74 | a memorial arch which the ex-cadets, ! {Northern Pacific .. x "i | cadets and relatives are about: to | Gl =f (Republic Iron & Steel 6513 i4% | erect in memory of those ex-cadets | LAIDLAW"S 4 PLY | Reading 713 | Who fell in the grea war and prev- U. S. Rubber '8 | lous wars, The winner of this com- | 3 Bh | ' Sora) Dutch ty Y.) ' > | petition is John M. Lyle, Tcronto. i idouthern Pacific ... 2 3 | Pe tnt on ce mnt | Anderson Bros manta domes ll Scotch' Unbreakable Yarn fe 29 cat BN astrate coms) 3 . Braviiing oles Stats, | Bi entary le are. EA nl: in the following shades: Black, White, Light Grey, medium Limited & Ei ag uuu 18 bid | Grey, Dark Grey, Scarlet, Cardinal. - Note the price . $1.50 Ib. | Canada Stcamenips "25 via) HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR ft | Satisfaction Always Our Motto [Canatla Steam. Pra... sin os PRINTERS Cons. Smelters 18 bid ° * | Dominion Steel 37 | : s INGSTON | Cot V: Sh f Nuon proweries 40 73 | SARE KINGTON, Canadian W heeling Yarn N. Y. Exchange .... | . et ar. oth . % : et our are O Spanish River A ey Mey _th Clean and strong, 2 and 3 ply-- Black, White, Light and Dark ese at a daughter At Poole's Resort. TOWN--On Feb. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs | Grey bees id deren $1.00 1b. 010) a ues Poole's Resort, March 8.--Mrs.| WC: Town, Ath SE : Anson Andress has returned from | = pital Mar 10th : Mr. and|| - ---- Brockville after undergoing an opera- | , § 8 2 | » » ® home after spending a few weeks in| Kingst on March 9th ! Athens. Mrs. George Andress fis re-| 1 Pom RK amr aged | d C IS Space Il dy vening : 1d § months 1 covering from a serious operation at | Tn & ] - { Funeral from his late reside ce, 217 Brockville General Hospital. At the] University - Avenue, | . : | Hotel Dieu, Kingston, March Sth,| to Cataramui Cer ry | ! 170 dozen California Seedless Oranges -- Miss Edna Wilsox underwent an ope- | FFi¢fids and acquaintances respecttully| For An Announcement of Unusual Importance! . | ration. Miss Eloie Wilcox and Mrs. | IY --In anoque, on March! 35e¢. dozen, 2 dozen for 65c. {Alfred Salter spent Monday and | gth i, J na Crowley, below: | i ey, form- | 2000 lbs Currants--special purchase 18¢ Ib [Tuesday in Kingston. The roads are rly' of, 327 doknzoh recs. nm in a terrible condition owing to the ived by one , Ganano- heavy rainfall.' Several have tapped | gangster an A " p COFFEE--"Chase and Sanborn's-- ner Shcor Shoe, Robi oul he] ) !) a Viliam "J, t : : : Quality blend birds are with us again. Funeral day morning 10.30 a.m. t | O nN al aw on, imite . St. Mary's Cathedral | Friends and acquaintances are re spect- | Perfection blend Prana Advisory Agricultural Cogncil. fully invited to attend | 1 i The personnel of the Prince Edward | yurcppy a Nowlin Ranidordsi. ot Morsp] Pasfertion aad Quality Bless repre- county advisory agricultural council | in RYE Phone Rutrunares| . sent excellence of cu uality. {1s: Chairman, B. R. Leavens, Bloom- F apes 41 SAIS - a = = PY y field; vice-chairman, R. W. Treland,| "4: Reids wodortasiog a fiom R | 'EE-------- ---------- { Wellington; committee, W. W. An- | Cataraqui Cemetery, { GREEN STUFF--Fresh, crisp stock, direct derson, Rossmore; H. D. Cleminson, "CARD OF THANKS | Wellington; Morden Gilbert, Dem- from the hot houses--Radishes, Celery, orestyille; Burton Head, Milford: for Te na Xpreas my sincere thanks! i » ' a ' i} e Nally anesses © endeg } Lettuce, Rhubarb, Iceburg Lettuce. Clarence Mallory, Bloomfield; M. B.| myseif and children eine on ood 80 ew oes and | Parks, Woodrous; Russel Reed, Pic- | deata of my late husband. | TT [ton; H LIL R icton; FISH--Complete stock fresh and cured fish Bptiarvert. Rost Rok. 4, Bitons | CARD OF THANKS | Specials--300 Ibs. fresh Pickerel 18e. Ib. [] the duties ot this counci are to re| ue ram or i220 SpE Rem ave Lome 1 Nn | view the work already done by the | Kenny desire to express tneir graterul | 300 bs. Fresh Mackerel 18c¢. Ib. Agricultural Representative; to make | daring. Nie iol, inancas roowh any {a survey of the agricultural industry | pital, and aiso tor the many acts of | Kindness to nis parents during their| > {or business of the co ty; dt aor y i y SALMON SNACKS--Cooked and smok- | plan ana ot Hite eh work which | ar tn Eigen "0 el No matter what your taste or prefer- ed; ready to serve; cuts from Briti . has for its object the advancement | : y : tish Co of the agricultural business of toe] The JAMES RED ence, we have new shoes to please you. lumbia, : [oouny. 234 Mia Zou PRINCHNS nce" + Whether for general wear or dress -- «YF RED SALMON ne eee ei .30c. Ib. ! \ olution Agreed Phcne 147 for Ambul. nce, y Reso Agreed To. np pnp SR SS : . . : ' In parliament a resolution was ROBERT J. REID | whether sturdy boot or dainty evening COUNTRY SAUSAGE--A treat for any | laced on the order paper by Josepn The Leading Undertuker. pump--you'll find them here and in the eal Made from selected Pork cut Archambault, ShANbly-Y ercheres, | Phone. 577. 230 Prince... Stree. | ] 1 w ' . ; Cuts which proposes that speeches deliv- i very . and seasoned just rgiht 30c. Ib, fi cred in Frenchin the touse shan be M. P. KEYES Y atest fly's teen. . . translated into English and publish- sud Embalmer. J T k " . h f ¢ Ted In fal sh = er o know the satisfaction, the comfort, Customers assured of best sales-service ja a Spee ups oe of Hansard ev- Undertaking Par.ors, 228 Princess St | . "quality and prices Cf Fromme aw nin pci | omnes Px ian} and the economy of wearing good shoes, A . | members felt they wer d | visit-- | handicap in not being ie Sie JOHN CORNELIUS . speeches delivered in French. The Pariors: i374 Princess Street \ Phone 599 Phones 458---459. Wholesale 1767. motion was agreed to. The first recorded outbreak of yel- El low igs curred in the West In- | dies in 1647.