THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1921. Prescriptions Put up with care and a family medicine put up at: -- curacy and always under the Have your prescriptions and WATCHES es at $16.50 each (Smith Bros) "Smith Bros" movements in | LETTER 10 HE EDR | Wolfe Island Hockey Aln Situation, ton, March § (To the Edi- yesterday, 1sgue of saw a bill posted on a street car an- nouncing it. | This statement, Mr, Editor, I beg y, the rik au- he only night THE © AILY BRITISH WHIG. fe in the case of tree s who had died t General Hos twenty-eight the percentage of mis gnoses varied from five in { cases to eighty-four in another, the average of mistaken dia- gnoses in the twenty-eight kinds of | fore, safe and certain enough to be a natural monopoly? If it were, it course PROBS: Friday fair; winds; same temperature. To-morrow is Bargain Day at Steacy's--a day crowded with ° ¥ ed cases being 46.5 per cent. This was in supervision of the proprietor. Bargain Sg ot one of the leading hospitals in the Your doctor would advise this Yio. ountry where all available aids to as he is assured that his medi- IN MEN'S AND BO.S' that the| CO7TCt diagnoses ought to be iad | knew al LU€! (See Journal of the American Madi- cines reach you as he would 1 $ to play in the |.) accociation Dee, 28th, can afi ' have them. POCKET sinals with verona Monday even- po. 13: 1914), : 3 ing was when I ihe.members| Is the practice of medicine, there. |] ; would not need to be imposed upon > Made for us, by Special Order, to inform you; is not in accordance |p. nupiic by statute. But, since it is . ] ' by the Finest Swiss Watch- j with the facts, for on Friday morn-|,. 'o,¢e and, certain enough to be- | : : . = Best S makers, RE, Mare 8 Jer Socks. | come a monopoly by the natural law | : calied M I ager Of Whe | 4¢ gupply and demand, to give it a | 3 For Our Own Customers Wolfe | n iepaone statutery monopoly of ail healing % 33 The Popular Drug Store. Guaranteed High Grade Pocket and: not i Same would be hing less than a monst- . 2 . rv Bed would be played oun eith Yr | rolis violation of human rights i : Viaone OL. Open Sundays. Watches at Very Special oh ok us violatic 1 hum g . ¢ bind sarch | --GAVIN W. ALLAN | i cr. | COMMittee on Publication for Ontario | J AA cre mm on Sra We offer at- | a ------ & oO 3 Twelve neat, 13 Jewelled, P| y 1) First "lass Filled Cased Watch- BUT IER MAKER $ COURSE . 3 K l Rar 18 Sam} Bele and toe rink | Is Now in Progress at the ceiey Jr, M.0.D.0. "Smith Bros" Watches w $10 [i was. rt Eastern Dairy exceptional values--if you have not already participated at one of each. * Si enn School. ] concerned sane . . Six 17 Jowelled Superior [i at Loon co: these great One Day Sales start to-morrow and we promise you will 3 pecigl buttermaker's t e Eastern Dairy School ' : AS to my reasc become a regular member at these great money-saving events. highs Erade Filled Cases at meeting of the executive to deal with a t 22.00 cach. this wee 1 \ arge class at certain remarks contained in a letter | this w ind there is a large class ¢ \ i Y ' . | in attendance fro re > east- These Watches are plain, addressed to me by Mr. Cosgrove, I) 2ienqance : rom all over the east , ern pa of the province. The stu- met question which t ary 2nd, and th, at which , of Sydenha the executive i the the neat and thin, SMITH BROS. i dents a and th day 1 Monday and Tuesday, 'ctures opened on Wednes- short course given the n last year was such an Insure Against After Regrets. by / creamer Double Discount Stamps ston, and the 4nqual ccess from every stand- Made and Fitted by point that it 'was decided to repeat Jewelers - Limited an interview | the course this session. It includes 4 | | i | | Using Glasses Prescribed, | From9to 1 O'clock a practical demonstration of butter | that according he latest scientific means. | rules. is nec essary for a referee ap- | In addition to lectures by Prof. Zu- pointed to declare the game by de- | felt and Chief Inspector G. G. Pub- fault. In this connection, I desire to | 10W, and the regular staff, lectures point out to Mr. Garvin, who appar- | Te being given by John H_ Scott ot ently has a great deal to learn about | the municipal abatteir, Toronto, Mr. | is just and right, that any tri- | Stainton, of the Dauphin Creamery, Garvin, of Sydenham, who | : 00. 4H A | making by Established 1840, Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have | Shop in the morning and save 1 0% on all of your regular cash P k y g 350 Kirg Street pur chases that knowledge in its use Mrs what | hat | Dauphin, Manitoba, and George H WHICH ONLY LONG EAPERI- , bunal in Canada, after hearing that | : rf as hind | ENCE CAN GIVE. COCKBURNS {the Sydenham team failed to put in | Barr, chief Ds the dairy division, Oe CO1 TON SHEE 1 S. ASTHMA an appearance for, two duly authoriz- | Partment of Agricultufe, Ottawa. | 65 ] H . h d T Sh 4 f h ha 1d ha hositat The product of the dairy school is 7 tit ( tt .: p ed matches, would have no hesitation | . on emstiiche otton eets made rom extra eav It is this combination of win REMEDY ti the il to Verona by | regarded by the citizens of Kingston | Ys > y round thread Cotton; size 2 yds. x 24 and worth $3.00 each . . and machinery of experience T1 ' : : sands of % . | ag e highes a \r. 3 and equipment that makes Foon a have | default, notwithstanding the fact that | & 1 _high 8 grade butter, =n at Keeley's service unique in used it can tes-| there was no official referee present, | 18 the aim of the school to pro ce F id $1 98 Kingston. Se te | through no fault of the Verona team. | Putter of the same superior .quality TEs A se sca era a ey sls tes . I'rraay, . tify as to the|through no fault of ona "a at Gone sulle a value of this There has been far too much idle | oar 10u tite bros 2% a ae ed . sip of. the vers «ki in con- | short course for ermakers is remedy. | gossip of the venomous kind in con | inestimalic value, 2s & prce dss tol I OWELLING-- Mrs. Cockburn, 422 Gilmour St. |pection with these matches. T here | 3 es Kors y ck i ul J True whales have no teeth. OTTAWA - lave been statements made, without | OPPortunity to makers to check up | 500 yards of extra heavy I willed Cotton I owelling; good { any regard for the truth, by certain | their work and start SnEW n eit] nly in this width and worth reg. 22¢c. a yd. While the quantity lasts . . i 1 . spective localities. gl lil | TERETE people in the county, who hav e be- | Tepes smn Si ry ET So Tl nr a arm Sand ly rah and wath vp 0 novi WA le the curity bks J T =| Edwards, the donor of the cup, influ- | high Blase Bn te Barkers, whether = ne: 2 execltive ai 2cis- | domestic or foreign, n is work . A CH O UR 2] ny i DR , { ig officers of oo Eastern Dairy PILLOW SLIPS. ' false, and I speak now as represent- | School have displayed gz eat zeal and | ing the executive, mentioned above, | {0 them is due the et Sdvane: | that Dr. Edwards has not interfered | made in dairying in this pert of the 50 pairs of heavy quality Hemstitched Pillow Slips; 42 inches wide; regular $2.00 a pair . .......... .Friday, $1.25 a pair PILLOW COTTON--- ~ 125 yards of 40 inch Circular Pillow Cotton: extra heavy, fine weave and special Friday, 47c. TABLE DAMASK ' 90 yds. only of 72 inch Blea ched Table Damask; Greek Key pattern and reg. worth $3.00. .... Friday, $1.98 MAJESTIC FLOSS -- 500 balls Majestic Knitting Floss: 2 ply; big range of popular colors: Ninna, Raspberry, Cardinal, Grey, etc., etc. Reg. 29c. PRICES We watch the market and immediately there is a drop down goes our price to you. If you contemplate building this spring get our price on-- NAILS, BUILDING PAPER, GLASS, PAINTS and OILS All Spring goods are down and we are prepared to give you something better than most of them; we manufacture a lot of our in the administration of the county | Province, : 4 league in any particular. A question | As practically all of the creamery was submitted to him once, as to| butter made in the province is pro- | what constituted a resident of the |duced from cream obtained by the county, and he replied that he knew | use of the cream separator: operated | regulations, | on farms, the instruction given | { nothing about hockey shanical but referring to the regulations for | takes account of the mechanical con- the guidance of voters-in voting at a! federal or provincial election, he would say that a man's domicile is where his parents live, |unless he] takes up a permanent position in some other town or city and severs the link in the chain which- binds him to his home. I want to thank you; Mr. Editor, I for the valuable space you have given to this matter. struction, care, and gperation of the separator itself and deals with the | sanitary and other conditions affect- ing the quality of cream foom the | time it is produced on the farm till it reaches the creamery. The school | maintains and operates a model | creAmery the entire year, and offers | exceptional opportunities for stu-| dents to obtain a practical knowledge | of present day methods. Cream grad- | ing, pasteurizing, neutralizing, con- | | WHER HH AO goods and buy others direct. See our =| yrooL SF0. I | trol of moisture, ete., in fzct the SAP BUCKETS. . A............ 28c. =| : : whole get_of buttermaking is de-/ aball- Toelear.........., .:...., .. Friday, 2 for 25¢. MUSKRAT TRAPS 2 75 = monstrated in such a manner that ; ceva . 1 Opposes Medical Monopoly. ach student becomes thoroughly | = SAP SPITES $ 2c Son, E Toronto, March 8.--(To the Edi- ym, trained in the most up- | MONARCH 'SILK HOSE-- : = - "rete reese . ==!ior): The British Whig of March 5th to-dat thods. Sigh: is not lost - . : . = Bi reduction in almost eve thi == contained an extract from a memorial i a itis a esheol rather | 10 doz. only, Monarch Silk Hose in Black, White, Navy and il g . ry ing. == to the government by the Ontario than an experimental station, and the | Grey; all sizes and r $1 50 a air Frida: 98¢ £2 =| Medical Association, which, among greater part of the work consists of ' eg. . paw .........: y, . = =| other things about Christian Science, | instruction in what are regarded as | = McKELVEY & BIRCH LTD =| stated: "A careful study of...... rnd Boy best methods. . | BLACK THREAD SILK HOSE -- == textbook of this denomination re- The following makers are register- | . . » . =. Bie Busv Hard Ki ? 8 Bi ivot « teulbiine oat of olen (Sewing Maier sro seein L. | 230 pairs pure thread Silk H ose in Black only; every size 8} to E 1 us ar e, K1 == |norance about disease." Stratton, Sharbot Lake; Fred Me- . 3 5 Ph oS : y wat ' gon. =| Christin Scientists have ever ALA c P.C. Cameron, To- | and reg. $1.75 a pair Sale 0 sb eia aster ee Friday, 80; a one ow - _ - - 1 == spoken of the medical doctors with | to; E. E. Patterson, Brooklin; | : = . Ingston == respect. In fact, it would be impos- | Willian Finkle, Trenton; R. Rebisef, | COLORED FLANNELETT eC , Es == sible to find in the authorized litera- | Colb e; Ralph E. Watson, Corn- . : . Sst 5 | of the Christian Science move- | wall; Archie Simms, W. B. Lowry. | 500 yards of Colored Flannelette; 27 inches wide; good range *| ment nything but the most charit-{T, H. Gamble, Ottawa; W. W. dunn, | : . 'ee I EU re rr rar aun snaessrst natn able a on their efforts to aid Brooklin; G. L. O'Hara, Perth; G. | ° patterns; to clear Sar es ssn Friday, 5 yds. for $1.00 humanity, Rancier, Wales; Jas. A. Johnston, | AMERICAN GINGHAMS-- . 450 yds. American Red Seal Ginghams; wonderful Rathburn; P_J. Gray, Beaverton; W. | But, as we are here accused of pos- G. Kennedy, Brockville; L. E. Toller, iB | sessing a "deplorable condition of ig- LIVING ROO | norance about disease", we might ex- | Kinburn; William Newman, J. New- | range of | 3 M {amine this statement in the light of | man, Allén Newman, Lorneville; H. | 1 y x : FURNITURE { published statements by well KnGwa a Nawal, pion James | attractive patterns and worth 75c. a yard .......Friday 43c. | physicians, just to see where'it leads. | Ryan, Tweed; F. L. Valleau, Tren- | S [ WwW | Dr. Charles H. Mayo, of Rocaester, | ten; S. B. Peters, one Zor i MEN"S COMBINATIONS -- 4 |} | Mjnn., a surg re all know by re- . W. Parish Orfllia; W. W. Dool, | . . " . , , : sd ; . e can help you I se en em a ae ie by Ye. lle Some B. Henierces. | 36 Suits Men's Merino Spring weight Combinations -- sizes g make livi i} | the Chicago Medical Society in No¢-| Smithfield: Mack Robertson, Belle- | 34 to 46 th $3.00 h Frid $1 98 be :ago Medical Society in Nof-| Smithfield; : : . i 4 ving [J | ember, 1915, in which, speaking of | ville; George H. Barr, chief of tniey D0; worn poll each, » wumiy vin oo 40-0. Fiiday, 81, E room t [J | one of the best known hospitals, he | division, Ottawa; Mr. Stainten, Jan- | g i I Bo e mo : t sata: fa Jopore from the Betavue pun, Man; JEN H. Scott, municipal NOTTINGHAM LACE CURT AINS-- Ram [ole] § | Hospital shows that in over fifty per | abattoir, Toronto, | . . . . . i 7 Y %pot in pl|sespital ab or Toe aay ber : 50 pairs only, Nottingham Lace Curtains; 2} yds. in length; : your home, 2 Disidersble period of tue, the CANADIAN PACIFIC | for a quick clearance ..... . .. ye Friday, $1.49 pair . { agnoses wer ncorrect, bo as ---- : | + " i] | medical and surgical cases." This Kingston-Ottawa Train Service Our large stock of Bl statement was reported in the Chi- Time Table. CURTAIN SCRIM-- « le Medi . . : i . . . . . Upholstered Chairs []| 1535." Recorder of Pee. 15th Laave. 998 we | 500 yds. of White, Cream, Ecru Curtain Scrim; 36 inches wide " J}! A few years ago Richard C. Cabot, | Kingston $12.05 pm. Ottawa 6.15 p.m. | and worth40c.ayard ............... Frida c. a' and Chesterfields i} M.D., of Boston, one of the best Hingston 5,1 pi aa 35 bm d vO. th y d yY, 25 a } | known physicians in the United Sta- RETURNING z i LT presse hfe = has never 'been i | tes, compared the pathologic condi-| Ottawa 1 9.30 an. Kingston 3.30 4 LADIES' VESTS -- ot on . i > ' - (ing! % : i . oy . . paki - more complete. tears ONE | Tits Hive Kimeaton wiv ee 90 only, Ladies' fine ribbed Cotton Vests: well finished and 3 RS es ee | New Ticker Gfiiee: ino Wellington St. special for ............:......., /. +... Friday 25c. each 4 ' ' \ . FS . . i Used Bad Language, Fined $3. We also have the serviceable Reed and Rattan Dr. Waugh For using profane language on the} MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS and DRAWERS public street, a boy named Roy San- ford has been fined $5 in the Belle-1 ville Police Court. Th's is the first prosecution under this charge. rtm peat nts. A man is mighty helpless when his wife is there to do things for him. But he can thread a needle al] right when she isn't there and he has to sew something. A woman will refer to her bunions as the gout. But a man isa't that much of a dude. y 150 Men's Bal. Shirts and Drawers; in sizes 34 to 46: all styles; Dentist short and long sleeve; special . ............Friday 75c. each 106 Wellington St. Furniture in the popular finishs. - Let us demonstrate the "HOOVER" SWEEPER and lighten your Spring cleaning. I. ¥. Harrison Co., Limited Phone 90 Phone 256.