5 ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? JUST IN--A neat 24 page Illustrated Catalogue of Modern Homes, Barns, Gar- ages and Farm Buildings. : THY : | DAY, MARCH 10, 1921, i Ri yr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity a | 'BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Main Street. Phone 1670. cme DR. A.W. WINNETT D INTAL SURGEON, $ a su corner of Johnsun and Wellington Le a Streets Phone 363 | GAS : Had Hard Automobile Repairs FORD CARS A SPECIALTY ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1038. Res. 1537J. 378 BROCK STREET Ausfin's Drug Store > w - m biood reported Let iRiR-th For Your Protection tro Against Coughs Colds Pneumonia Pleurisy and LaGrippe Wine of Cod Liver Oil is a Tonic Body Builder and a reliable remedy. Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square Kingston Phone 230 ces of } Spring. from nei 8 p 1 : We 3 fF Qc at nt | wool | = Fell From Hay Mow, | a Sargent, Sidney town he victim of a painful accid- ent. He was doing some chores about | the barn and had occasion to go up y mow for feed for the he slipped and fell to ring, painfully injuring | His condition is critical. | Stars in Kingston. The establishment of the new_mo- tion picture company in Kingston will mean that Kingston will turn out "movie" stars. Kingston cer- ltas some great talent, ana | there is no reason why the city should not be well represented am- ong the stars on the screen, shiv. | ship, Phd dd bd ddd duit dod Yours for the asking. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14135. Luck. » 3 ¥ into the Gave Them a Surprise. Vein farm slipped and was Weed, Good Weather Needed. | | the scene when n and her husband | Albert Lucas, along wi from Naj visit. The you a farewell visit departure to Beamsville, where they up their residence on a fruit farm. "Movie" tne bl Now moving picture bus in operation in ped that the wea- down and give | some od weaths r, | tainly that the AAA wm "ARE YOU ENJOYING" The pleasure of the Spring Flowbrs? If not, visit:-- A.D. HOLTON 250 PRINCESS STREET Phone 661. ter ter is to be set SAVE THE BROKEN PARTS Alu Brass nt as st on, it ther man will get Kingston som {num ' cast fron C.. 1. welded and 1 new Ww pct building u : nobile parts. Steel, tle l - bruken --- Sa------ before He Paid Dea If you get intoxic get 'pinched" these days it is very ex- | ree | pensive business. A young man, wio i Mothers--Be Careful, was gathered in on Tuesday, had to | Much of the trouble in weaning | pay $19.50 to gain his | the baby is developed by the use of {reedom. a cheap and unsanitary nipple. The Nobility nipple is sterilized and is sanitary, transparent and non-col- E. Forsythe, Eliza-| iapsibl t is put up in a separate tien gt. Vir de | box w a ved band on each nippte. result of injur-| You will meet with the doctor's ap- proval if baby uses a Nobility nipple, Cid dbbi db bbd db bb bb bb de | their | WRIGHT'S Machine Works 40 Princess St. = = Phone 1264. | | and | PHONE 877. |! Kingston Transfer Co. 138 WELLINGTON ST. Picton Has Oldest Mason, John Huff, Picton, is probably the oldest mason in Canada. He joinea Prince Edward Lod on March Ist, 1849, and has therefore been a mem- ber of the craft for seventy-two years. Mr, Huff joined when he was twenty-four years of age and is now ninety-six years. old He is still re- markably aétive and walks down town quite frequently. Mr. Huff's early home was at Salmon Point, 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 lar ($1.00) bottles Fr the i a total of ong d - - FLORIST, Residence 2036w, Seriously Injured. | Mi: A r A ay 'FOR SALE Brick house: almost new; 7 D town Paul Hospital les rece | reported jat times w address plain} DR. BELL, V.5, as 1ae a runaway accident, is | serious condition, but |--Advt. Has conveyances and tackle for KINGSTON, Ont all kinds of special work. : Furniture Moving and Freight of every description, Canned Goods, Fruit, Newsprint Paper, Pressed Hay and Straw, ete. a Watches and Clocks Repaired ----py---- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year, Call or 'phone and your or- der wilt be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. Net Mattresses Don't throw away Mattresses. conscious i re -------------------- Body Found in Tay Canal. The body of an unknown man was | found in the Tay-Canal at Perth by | It was a man of about | hot z Passed Away At Newburgh. water heating; electric lights; oak floors; fire place; garage; 3 Mrs. Frank W. Tompkins, New- large lot, on Frontenac Street, Price $5,600. ® years of age, weight burgh, passed away at her residence 3 . {on Wednesday last, vr an iliness A i about ten days from pneumonia ° ° RCELL 3 Deceased had been an invalid for the 1 : 704 11115 Brock St. nonia de- 3 1e is survived by her t REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 3 od ] rooms; sun parlor; Married In December. On Dec. 13th, 1920, a quiet wed ding rformed by the Rev.|some boys Archdeacon Beamish at the rectory, | twenty-five ar was pe your old he in We renovate all make them as gooc Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. FOR SALE Cooke a Belle when joined mar-| about 165 inds, five feet seven in- the city past four years, but was tho 1t to Phone riage Miss Hope Helena ijches in h , clean shaven, dressed Harold Cumming 1 of lin black pants and vest, no coat, There were no marks of foul play on be improving, when pneumc | veloped. S band, t Church Dedication. the body time ago the Anglican - | church at Milford, Prince Edward , was destroyed by fire, A new wm ve . also h parents, Mr. and Mrs has been erected and will Rey W T. Wilkins, the veteran ; ae Napande. The funeral = | be dedicated on Thursday. Arch- clerk of the Kingston presbytery, was | took place from her late residence on deacon Beamish will officiate at the | in his place at the meetings this Friday afternoon. service week and all the members were glad It is very seldom that Mr. Wilkins misses a meeting of presbytery He not only records { the minutes, but takes an active part | in all the discussions. Some -- . ighter, Chas. | oS il e sons and one da A Veteran Clerk. 267 Princess St. es. cei | RE FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing apd Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to Guote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of insfaliation. Davie & Barrett and Tinsmiths STREET to see him. Stock Taking Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS from ..$3.00 up. Call and see them. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Sor FOR SALE--EXCZPTIONALLY HIGH CLASS BONDS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO due 1941 -price to yield Six Per Cent.--payable half yearly. PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN due 1936--Price to Yield Six Per Cent,--payable half yearly, Will Live at Northport. | The friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy and fam- | ily gathered at the home of his fath- |er, John Kennedy, Cole Lake, on GOOD, CLEAN COAL. | Monday night, Feb. 21st, before leav- | ing for their new home at Northport, A. Chadwick & Son ! | and presented them with a beautiful New location: | mantle clock. Corner Ontxrio and West Sta d Phone 67. Albert Anson Miller, one of ericksburgh's oldest residents, pass- ed away on Feb. 27th, Deceased was | born at Bath, and was the son of the | late Peter and Esther Miller. He is | the last to pass away of a family of ten. Mr. Miller made his home for | the last thirty years with Robert | Madden, on the York Road, near | chased ff from John W. Whattam, | Napanee, Mr. Miller was seventy-nine | the late owner, who bought it from | years of age, and was smart till the! G. E_ Boulter about two years ago. | last. Although he has been blind for The curling club may finally get it. | nine years, he was always of a cheer; The price was $6,500. | disposit on and will be greatly missed rms eer by all who knew him, adds the Nap- | Had Hand Poisoned. | anee Express. Mr. Miller was never | Mrs. William Sills, Belleville, ta-| married. Andrew, Robert and Ben ken to the hospital on Saturday suf Miller, of Bath, are nephews. | A A A A A A A A A A A AAA Ane | | | decrease of $31,162,712, compared | crease of two and quarter millions. | Victory and other bonds bought and sold, with last year. The amount charge- ) The air board gets $1,625,000 and | Apply to: -- - able to revenue is $384,386,715, and | soldiers' land settlement $35,000,- ! . ; 4 a capital $27,459,127. The addi-| 000. | J 0 HUTTON {tional amount of $7,777,380 for de-| Miscellaneous votes apart from the | * . 91 CLARENCE STREEY | mobilization produces the total above | usual ones include: $60,000 for Can- | The railway estimates are |adian representation at Washington; | Skating Rink Sold. The Picton skating rink common- ly known as Boulter's -arena, has changed ownership. Messrs. John Hubbs and W, H. Benson have pur- | A Plucky Teacher. The Milford gchodl re-opened Mon- Sr | day after being closed since Thursday {noon on account of fire which broke [out in the building and which caused | considerable damage. The fire would | have resulted in the loss of the build- ing but for the presence of mind of | the.teacher who summoned help ene sre ot soca TABLE. ESTIMATES st IN THE COMMONS Plumbe 203 WELLINGTON Phone 658, ~~ i lacking, and is a wonderful nerve- builder. It is also an excellent tis- | { sue-builder and| just what everyone 3 Stu- (The Votes for the Canadian Sted. | needs at this time of the year. | dents find it a wonderful hel | the final months of studying. W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. | | For Sale A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, NE PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 840 Princess St. en DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstlan ns winger Marmalade, Waugstan'y Fineappie Marmuiade, Wagstai's Bramble Jelly, We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lagen, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- Bon'Marche Grocery Cor. King and Bari Streegy Liceune No. 3-2714p Phone T5844. EE ---- FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE AURE OF LAND at city mits ..........82,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real kstate and Insurance 89 Broo! Street. Phone 424. : p during Buy a bottle to-day, at:-- Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church Phone 82. JUST ARRIVED SPINITS--a number to choose from, We carry a complete line of Cooking Stoves with Hot Wa- ter Fronts or without. Also a complete line of Fur- niture--modern and antique-- dining room sets, parlor sets, buffets, etc. Cabinet Makers on the prem- ises, who remodel, repairs, etc. We buy all kinds of Furni- ture. Highest prices paid. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. Spring Suits and Overcoats MEN'S SPRING SUITS-- $15.00, $25.00 a £30.00 MEN'S SPRING OVERCOATS-- $25.00 and $30.00 MEN'S RAINCOATS-- $1 $18.00 and $20.00 MEN'S NEW SPRING HATS-- $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 MEN'S NEW CAPS-- $1.50 and $2.00 MEN'S SOCKS-- abe. 25¢., 3%¢., N0c. and up MEN'S BOOTS-- $4.93, $4.00, $7.00 and $8.50 MEN'S KID GLOVBES-- In Browns and Greys, $2, $2.50. Callpihd see pur choice new S10eR™MGr the Spring trade. * I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET Pansies A rE ---------------------------- The King of England never exer- and 50e, to $1.00, cises the veto power, although he | posseszes {t, nominally. | Railways Are Exception= ally Heavy. | Ottawa, March 9.--The main esti- | mates tabled in the house yesterday | afternoon aggregate $5 | "They WQRK while you seep" Do you feel bilious, constipated, headachy, upset, full of cold? Take | one or two Cascarets to-night ford your liver and bowels. Wake up with | The operating deficit in to between $4,000,000 | amounting and | { large. Those of the Grand Trunk are greater than those of any other systems. The analysis of the Grand Trunk situation indicates that some $57,000,000 will be required, This is not, however, merely at- | tributable to operating deficits, as rent and overdue liabilities amount- ing to $20,000,000, as well as sub- stantial payments which will have to refunding purposes. this the Grand Trunk operating of- ficers estimate that a pew capital ex- penditure of $12,000,000 should be made. The estimates provide $26,000,- 000 for the Grand Trunk Pacific, of which $11,250,000 is for operating deficit, and some $8,000,000 for in- terest requirements and charges. vided for betterment. C. N. R. Requirements, The Canadian National require- ments are made up of operating de- ficit of $7,000,000 on the Intercolon- ial and Transcontinental railway and 1 $23,000,000 for operating deficit and fixed charges on Canadian Northern. this case and $5,000,000, and interest fixed charges constituting the bal- ance. The vote 1s swollen by better- ment, new construction on western lines and stock requirements. It is explained therefore that the net re- sult is that the total railway obliga- tions requiring cash are some $140,- 000,000, as against the $$178,000,- 000 for which an appropriation is asked, The canal estimates include a vote of five million for the Welland, $100,000 for the Hudson Bay Rail- way, and $339,000 for the Trent canal. For Public Works. Under the head of public works, the votes includes for harbor im- provement $1,300,000 at Esquimalt (drydock), $170,000 at Fort Wil- liam, $136,000 at Quebec, $1,250,000 |at St. John, $1,000,000 at Toronto, and an additional $175,000 for pro- tection for the Toronto breakwater, sweet and feeling fine. No griping, no inconvenience. Children love 'OUCH! ANOTHER With That Handy Bottle of Sloan's Liniment, W oughly -- penetrates without | | rubbing to. the afflicted part | external pains and aches. You'll find { it clean and non-skin-staining. Keep | ralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff | joints, backache, pains, raises, | fects. ! For 39 years Sloan's Liniment has | You aren't likely to be an exceptio 3 el) ption. } It certainiy does produce results. { { Made in Canada. { Sioan's head clear, stomach right, breath Cascarets too. 10, 25, 50 cents. Bet Busy and Relieve Those Pains HAT Sloan's does, it does thor- | and promptly relieves most kinds of | it handy for sciatica, lumbago, neu- | strains, sprains, bad weather after-ef- helped thousands the world over. | All druggists-- 35¢., 70c., $1.40 Liniment | For public buildings the estimates are cut to the bone and are mainly for repairs. The same policy is fol- lowed with regard to piers, wharves and' breakwiters. The site for the naval service is placed at $3,726,980, an increase of $391,480. Under the head of public works chargeable to capital the estimates include $528. 000 for the St. LawreTe cSannel, $8,330,000 for government building and $2,000,000 for a new ice-breaker. For soldiefs' re-estab- lishment the vote ig $19,310,000, for pensions $31,816,923 and for mili- tia $11,80,000. Public works charg- | ed to income are $13,373,755, u de- the Grand Trunk 1s faced with cur- | be made for 'sinking fund and for | In addition to | " fixed | Some $6,000,000 is pro- ship- | $58,000 for the Canadian Press, | {Ltd $2,000,000. for administration | of the Business Profits and Income | [Tax act. | Ten mililons for housing, $905,000 | for soldiers' graves commission, | | $209,000 for League ~f Natjbns sec- | retarial; pensions £3 Jecteased five | | millions and the re-astablishment vote by twenty-four millions, The main feature of the estimates is the hole eaten in the revenue by the railways, causing everything else | | to be cut down to the limit. | | HEADACHES MAKE LIFE MISERABLE. Headaches are one of the most ag- gravating troubles one can have, and it is hard to struggle along with a | head that aches and pains all the time. Headaches seem to be habitual with many people; some are seldom, it ever, free from them, suffering | continually from the dull throbbings, | the intense pains; sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then again over the whole head. There is only one way to get relief from these persistent headaches, and | that is by going direct to the seat of | | the trouble, for unless the cause is | | removed, the headaches will still | continue to exist. | The fact that Burdock Blood Bit- | ters keep the stomach, liver and] bowels toned up is proof enough to | show that it will eliminate the cause | of the headaches. Mrs. Harold Lanain, Owen Sound, | Ont., writes:-- "My system was run down and nly blooa out of order. I! suffered a great deal from severe | | pains in my head, which made me! | feel very miserable. After having | i tried other remedies I purchased a! | bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and was very glad to notice a decided im- | | provement in my health, so I took | | another and am glad to say that it | has done me an enormous amount of | good. I have recommended it to my | friends, who were in a similar con-| dition, and they all say it is a won-| derful remedy." | B. B. B. is put up only by The T. | Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. | | | { IN BTS Human Body Yule! | " i Prevents and reljeves constipation Getabottle from your druggist, $1.00 | Angrove's Repairs [= repair work suarantee - 197 WELLINGTON STREET 300........... SKUNK 100... coum ones MINK 75 iirc ioninien FOX 15Q-...........i COON Gourdier's BROCK STREET $20. TWEDDELL'S | OVERCOATS For the best values at 00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 «» boog BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT," TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) 181 Mrs. Annie Sindon 'at the residence | of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Green, re, ete. We | Belleville. resident of Picton, but for the year and a half past she had been living The death occurred Sunday of Deceased was a former in Belleville with her daughter, had been ill for some time, After a man travels a while he covers that southern hospitality any warmer than northern ho ity when you are broke.