w ; T H E D A I L Y B R I TI S H w H 1 GC. wr FUESDAY, MARCH 1», 19w1. 1 : | DANCING LESSONS | ND-WED., MARCH ] 6 ntts-------- Every Night | AT GARDEN HALL THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | = ||.. Si "N eet vr i ; Hall Phone 357 - Residence eas 3 > STUART-WHYTE offers 2 ZA NEWaro copes 6 -- | FOR SALE | When You Eat : ing MUSICAL GoneDy CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL \ #irst insertion, 16. a word. Each econ-§ '~~ ~~ _.__ : = a = secutive insertion thereafter, haif ED A SMALL CASH REGISTE on FOUND LEE NEW MILCH COWS. PHONE Let It. Be the Best. cent a word. Minimum charge for will 1+ fro: D : Ask for one insertion, 2 three insertions, ' » ' " OF ALD- : As one insertion iree ertions, piy Box i Whig oi ONDAY Jas y RUNT ¥ L or AWNINGS, TENTS, CANOES 5 rates are for cash only, " JLT 200 ACRE may Hav Prin- ne 436. F. W | when charged they are double. FARM TOSILE aT, , AnoL ¥ 200 At n ire s Street a GOLD BOND { ON RR - of ole Fou N 1 iy PEN ON RIDE Al FORD TOURING CAR; (CHEAP FOR i RE. -tlsmab reel, between Rag Road cash. App! 5 Queen street LATORS f LLP ; 'E ; Lc 8 CANNED TOMATOE HELP WANTED. xP Fo Ti | FIVE FOOT SHOW JOASE, JONES il y re-------- ik 2 4 4.4 | Bro ake. Apply I'rince of Wales CORN « JAS A "GIRL TO CLERK IN A STORE. Ar for ¢ 3 nt Fro make, pel Ly RN and 5 iP pianos and | say Limited, r tor 60 CHICK CHATHAM BRUODER. AP-! AT ALL GROCERS id | LUT PE ply Baldwin, House of industry, 362 | USED TYPEWRIT pray Same retyr] | Montreal street. Phone 56. | renee i q "a r i NT | SATURUAY HELP, 3 10UNG LADY'S GOLD CMGVET | RING ONE SEE ET IRuYTAos | for provision counters An " ln Be rt on South Macdonald streel; cue { Bros. Ltd DR EH ae for quick buyer. Latemau's Heal| AUCTION SALE AN ONCE ST CLASS Taxi-stand, 279 King St Lo sare | Wed., March 16th, at 1.30 p.m. w id a > 960 x ITH BRICK | Livingston Avenue Apply Box B-14, Wh | 6 A GROCERY BUSINESS W RICK | y { Of 2 AcE : MITTEN ON | RR Us on ssiin lhrary table, oak Y ice | Y Bh jus La ig nl Lox X-12. co | couch, rugs, oak side-board 2 OF ner APPiy a . : able oak d 8 ~ T , TO LEARN ' sams CO eT. | table . A BRIGHT YOU. 3g y R.| | t 138 ns sn Whig Office MISS ZARA PRE-WAR PRICES Mr. BILLY Uglow & Co, {= Pt LDS row Ax UREEN | | BEGGS FOR HATCHING--S. C. WHITE CLINTON Hest Seats--$1.50---Best Seats OSWALD mrs Corea i Mite, turday m 8 nd 1 > , Barr utility strain and Big Others at $1.00, 73¢., and SOc. and a bunch of A POSITION OPEN FOR MAN Who IN ING AND PAVE NGING the market. ( may | for 15 ae Gr ¥ v > : : A can invest in manufacturing cor | A NTING AN - ¥ APPR HANGING | t o Cu are at not . . Es ! P Patrick t and Rag Chorus Seuts mow on sale bs NMAKERS pany; also man and wife ATLL i- WANTING raTvIING on | ALTO CRANK, A a ES | : An Peet A re eer err Pa tere EAs mA Neto gem ett AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL map |__ A 3Mountee Mounicer. ¥4 Arch aire | ox EVENING, , drain and water and joist | rhe i DFORD, the Auctioneer i one who can do plain cooking, ref HENRY WAR NRY WARD & SON | 2 f Day ; 2000 ft. lumber. one 72 erences. Apply to Mrs. R. J. Rod- i Paper Hangers and int i i Empire Fin : 75 co Street | Sm nn . ger, 151 rl Stret rz: dos ow ia bh ner ma) ave same )Y ee ------ i} RED ------------------------ T4. ir: ew i i | ing at 369 Johnson Ft | GRAFHONOLA AND iN | < J Bargain Matinee at 2.30. Evening at 8 o'clock sharp A GIRL TO DO GENERAL | ait ill ph 1 our 0 holce, $42.50 | : SU GIRL TO DO, so | 18670. = | | YUUND ARTICLES ADVER. | estions; your own elioies iid At the Re of Geo. Ceanuton In aid of the HOT EL DIEU HOSPITAL Apply to Mrs. RE |p» TT . be ae dsay, Lamited, iz! Princess St ajlton, Ta of Loughbore, on A capable company of Kingston's be yt amateurs, under the direction of A arom and infor Prreet PAINTING AWD 2 AVE "Ha | TISED wREE. --- ey nema} T say, Mar. 17th, 1921 at 1 o'clock May A. Dell Marks, will present the Beautiful Irish Diama inst Acts-- mn | furnished. Work guaranteed sat.) | ' I'WO PENS OF PUR D BARRED de Milch Holstein Cows. 3 good | » AN EXPERIENCED NURSE TO TAKE Slnished Work Bua = t a, sa i yone Gndlug uy thing and Rocks: also eggs for hatching from He s, full line of mact ery This | "WHERE THE RIVER SHANNON FLOWS care of baby thres months, and | B. Rowley. 138 Bay Street 1 i gle a . O%der may | pure bred Barred Rocks and White | Sale is bonfide. 12 months credit help With boy 3 years. Apbly Mry Se ! Thurs We rae ase vandottes, $2.00 per 13. Apply 4: J: GARREPT, Interspersed with Irish Specialties, Singing, Dancing, Quartette and Black, co." Dr. Itvem, 1tockw vod | PAINTING AND parE Rn HANG ING ' tisement will Be printed in th's ! hn Pot Portsmouth, Ont. | Auctioneer. ! ther od Features During the Play and Between Acts, House, | F ; Pa t Il ecommn tree of ¢ 4 " | - Syn | re ES .. Ba renin Matinee --Children, 25¢.; Adults, 50 cents. A Too I ------ -| istimates fre Found 'articies" does not ir- PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE | NOTIC "EVENING. . .25-50-75-8 1.00. Seat sale Tuesday, FARMER AND WIDOWER; NO Fam-| gold letters clude Inst dogs, cattle: horses eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00 TOWNSHIP OF NT TSBURGH i near Verona village; war ws. el These, if lost, may be ad- to $5.00 for 15 A h Che- DOG 2 yusekeeper; age 20 to 36 years | 1422 vertised for in the '% * coldmin tham Incubator. J irner, Ports- | Any 8 inning A Xa Be in the | Sata, = - | mouth the 1st day of April] Goeed home and fair wages paid James Curl, Verona, O be shot 1 any per- | Now Showing-- A Rare Treat ATURING ELAIN E HAMMERSTEIN "THE SHADOW OF ROSALIE BYRNES" THREE HORSES, WEIGHING +) OST, pounds each; ap for cash : I 1 to J. A. ) < Batte ). or can be at Albion | TED FOR FISH we------ *ns May 1st; 6 BAIN Cf FAL I: S--Nt MB ? everything in| rooms A Vv 43 ideau Street CHEESE MAKER WA Creek factory. Oj cheese made in 19 r each such offence first class conditbon. State salar Ser ors | TAN HOUND, ANSWERS TO NAME Hotel daily | cured from the C1 expected to Atwood & Kelly, Ti i TWO ROOMS, Fl RNISHED OR UN- of "Prince Find please return - { WM, MUF 1% | borne. | furnished. Apply to 161 Stuart St to W. M. Quaide, Sydenham R R 1! oNE 8 HP. 2 CYL. can aE NGINE, | 14 Market Street, Kingston | PATHE NEWS - WONDER PICTURE -- ---- om na reverse gear and eve ing 10 | semen a -- a CRE IC ~ COME AT ONCE--MEN 86-10 DAILY,| ONE LARGE, FRONT, FURNIS ON MARCH 7th, LEATHER HAND- make an outfit coniplete; practical -- 1:51 SEEK UF BIG REY Ww Are H FOR OUR special short courses; t room; fireplace; cen bag ntaining a Jum of money ly new and perfect Box 101, 9 ¥ Auto Mechanics" course d. Phin 1584w | a initialled * $ > or phone 3. To be sold ght . | : ; RE month Gas Tractor Cc ------ LN and = bank book, Finder please! OF phone 413. Te be sold right. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT plenty of time to finish iy 8 the | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD); return to 307 Alfred Street. Re-| yp N AND WOM LOTHING, Spring rush Hemphill Bros, Aut ail improvements, centrally locat- furniture, » ize in mili- | mn en - -- nr § Gas Tractor School, 163 King st, | ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. eo SII IIIT | boots; buy inds second- ee S-------------------------------------------------------------------- - , Toronto. Board and room bas 1d goods; highest prices paid. I. 1 i > 50 up. Call or waite ATTR AE APARTMENT T rT toutbard. 'Phone 1723. 288 Frin- Now Pla in § Erm | ay fooation. App '| HAIR, MOLE WARTS, BIRT coss Street | y t POSITION WAN Bc SY Princess Sty Jarks skin cancers, schia. elo, re | TUNER. cBIENTHA Calraese EE : SS -------------------------------- = in " = ved permanenti Satisfactor s NE "BE 1 ALKINS; { p rg i MISS MADGE EDGAR, PunLIc| STURAGK FOR FURN g Glasses fitted and 1urnishea So carrying capacity 500 net tons. Can a c BIG GALA PARTY--ST. PATRICK'S Stenographer. White's Insurance RE rcaan sel van ang Sry. others have failed. Goltre removed, be inspected at Picton. Ontario NIGHT ; Office. 239 Bagot street. Phone | = i. oe reel. ule | 85 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J I urther particulars and price Lon Programme é ° » . 3 a2 _-- | Lake, Kye, kar, Nose, Throat, Skin pplication, T. L. VanDusen, Pic- . PRIZES --§ ¢ '& | Ee =='| FURNISHED HOUSE, 225 BARRIE 8ST, | =-----o-- om EEE on os . --- . > 0'Con- SITUATIONS V | FURNISHED HOLI5 25 BARKIG ST LEGAL ~ ina, | bane Oe Cun i "MAKE MONEY AT HOM Sis m0 aaa) Geraldl, 198 Barrie St. Phone -- SOTIEIIRNR tt II ENGINE--17 to 20 Horse Power dian News. 11--Mighon Telg- x MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$ TO $60 1098. | UNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- . . } Beet omie Classics . g paid weekly for your spare time | jet ers and Solicitors, 19 .Clarence i FOR SALE 3 to furnish power to run Stone d--Magazine. mags. Viel The Companion Picture to writing show cards for us No! COMFORTABLY KU RNISHE D7 ROOM stre ot, Kings A. B. Cunning- : 1 3 + Crusher iting se ' y 92 OSnub Pollard , "HUMORESQUE" canvassing. We instruct and sup- | house Lo rent for two months from an Cyril M. Smith El & A few building lots well locat- * Fustiep Guring season of 1921 i hix latest 12--By special re. ! a ply you with work West-Angus | April first Ap Jox A-12, Whig ye we ed near Queen's U Siversity JAp- op Also applications will be ré- | comedy. quest "The Presented with an atmospheric k showeard Service, 571". Colborne St., Oifice. AMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER * PUY 8 & Smythe, 71.75 Claro : iy - 6--Concert by Sir am the Prolog Featuring "The Mixerere 3 Toronto. ---- ------ A -------------- = and Solicitor Law office, corner ol + hee str eet, Kingston, ont. + telvea oA x a " fog the Fame Moon. » n T 1 " mE == === STORAGE FOR ITURK, CLEAN, | King and Brock, over Koyal bank rhea FAS * Road Overseer under the Ons Strond Orch. | 13--Community tom II Trayotose, AGENTS WANTED dry, airy rocms; your own Jock and Money to loan. Phone 199% i EERIE EE Sy | T--Master Karl Singing. - ey. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 | ---- ream tario Highways Act. 1915 Queen te ror 95ow. | RELIABLE USED CARS WAlierman, H4~--Souvenir, Special Comedy SENT > IT GOL ET. ueen sSiree hone 226, res. dw. > aps A . LL JE < } rr CE J lle 8S - - AGENTS 50% [ZROEIT GOLD LET. | oe e} LAND SURVEYOR Country Club, Wire: Wheels T. A. KERR, alle Sung Cantettl, pa "BIRDS OF A FEATHER" ily spplied; will not wash off; free] TWO FRONT APARTME NTS, ESPE-| ee Dodge Touring Car Portland Township Clerk S--Fh) lis Devlin = samples. Acme Sign Co. $46 N. cially furnished for light house- | gy. I, MILLER, B.Ap., Sc, C { rolet Touring Car i : in Songs of 15--Douglas Mac- -- Wells, Chicago, 111. keeping; gad for cooking and 1ight, D.L.S, M.E1C, Napanee, Ont. On- | Touring Car : } Erin, Lenn in Latest News ' a -------------------------- Sito m at the Pioneer Apartments, 212 and | tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of-] Me Laugh in 3-4 ton truck. | EE ------------ D--Fred Treneer "CHICKENS" Toples MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN-| 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. | fice: Walkem & Walkem, y3 Clar-| Prices reduced for quick sale > Suxaphone 16--God Save the By Thurs. Fri, E K The Famous D SAturaiy strand n ins ae. vass, but to travel ANd APPOINL 10. | or rr ee nt---------- | ence street i ee FALMER ae cal representatives; $1,092 and ex- | FURNISHED ROOMS AT 406 0 INSON | = me | Corner Bagot and Queen Streets -- penses guaranteed first ear. with | Stree t, corner Frontenac ot and | UPHOLSTERING, | ; S NOW ON sal v k 3 in good chance to make 2,600 and co running water in ach room; ONE ' IDEAL G : aR SO AVOID THY : S K { by day, week or n Telephone | = ete p---- NE CAL "ASOLINE ENGINE Winston Co. Dept. G. Toronto, J Cavine, upholsterer, 216 A { '0, 1% h. p. 2 Excelsior Sots] rT | eo SHE FR a (ALLEN Refivenenl in Pictures and Music nished rooms; hot and ¥. W. HAROLD FUN _YUUR UP. skates hollow round and baby | NOW PLAYING Betty Compson in and holstering and general repairing carriage tires put while you wait s | | { Leave orders at ur drop a card to Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and H | | 104 Clergy street. | 3 King | street. - Phone 1032w Alto. sh -- An Intensely Human Drama With a Message elec FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRAN INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; only | the most reliable companies repre- | sented. Office 95 Clarence street, | opposite the post office. light; ev t house I Phane 931. | ee man oon | TT ves, & LAWLESS | ar shape 1 Be] a A elegant slus % STEAMER FOR SALE & ioodridge, 2 University | % | Goodridge "" nIVersity | & Passenger and frelght steafher -* 19 MONTREAL STREET # for sale--100 ft. long. Price ahd 5 + particulars upon application jo > + oom 101, Booth Bldg. Otta a, + i * COVERED BU de all Upholster $17.00; includes wa 276 University AYenue LOAN AND INVEST- rporated 1861. President, W ickle, K.C.; } TWO FL ATS (HE ATED) con A president, As Cunnin ing 6 and 7 rooms; ce ntrally repaired, small re ont Money issued on city 'and farm ed, Nos. 213 and 19 Queen tal. Stanton & 31. LODO Lion, MUBISIDET and SOL, Newly rengvated and ' decoraied 5 Princess St. (next door Piano| | | prop coun FhraLed nd' decorated gg Fine CHM NN D AND W¥ ¥ i FRONTENAC 3 ment' Socle debentures; mortgages purchased 3 investment bonds for sale; deposits A : igake Thompson, 39 Brock | == Sea === TE reer ---------- TN RT { received and interest allowed. R.| Street, | BUSINESS CHANCES BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, NONSENSE" (A Mermaid Comedy) ..... BRUCE SC ENIC ; C. Cartwright, maneger, 3; Clar.|&= oy u ay OVERTURE ....., "MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR" cice street. Kingston. -- = _-- $750--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON s Alle ches ! > RN == en | INV Ler Jan oR NONEY or : Alwington Avenue; pinky dig i Incomparable Allen Concert Orchestra : DENTAL. Gigheti SAA sD, LA aD: Te Idompuny paying 8 Per) et 100-NUILDING Lo s c. rge or small, guaranteed XJ « dividends Mo LOT, SYDENHAM ST, Ey ~~ a rt rire Tr TE ------------------ a m---------- gold leaf; posters, showcards, etc 1 Yar re near Rag slan Koad! sn ecla mga DR. A E KNAPS be OFFICE | artistically Written and designed | r closed un March 30th | by Shaw, at 245 Priancess St-eat Er = : z= | $S0O-~=GARROTT ST. ee eee ee ee ee Kingston. 3 -- DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN.|c---- 2 Eo rOCHITER -- : * FOR SAI E tists, 159 Wellington street, CARPENTERING ARCHITECT FOR SALE Again Carnovsky's. Phone 346. { ver oN AND PRE Tr ™ 9, LOTS ON SOUTH a ACDONELL ' ? A. ee nges | IR, § OREVER, ARCHI- : 33x132; small building; very | : Shp set--frame i sabe . DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84] WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEN ects, Merchants Bank .Chambers. cheap for auick| sale. iB; very Ap rf NLA > Johnson Street--frame, (well located) .......... $2800 ( l SATURDAY ONLY, 9--I1 Princess Street. Phone } Open | : of Brock and Wellington hi . hy - Aberdeen Ave.-- plastered, (cheap) ......... vs $3100 evenings by appointment S1900--FRAME BUNGALOW: NEW ry OPY Earl Stre tok. (g ; iat Ed iso ud - Er = CR Pu Lh north end; 4 rooms; B. and C Wi With every purchase of $1.00 Earl Street--Bric k, (good bY) ............... ve..33500 x s iy 3x132; for immediate possession. | or more we will give { Mack Street--frame, (snug bungalow) ............. 500 CARTING. eee TAILORING -- orl § . 4 eer vob i + A. MARCELIS, D.C, Ia. C sr ------------ | Earl Street--brick, (lovely ho me) .. $6000 : ; nO 2000--FR AN 3 : : 'Ww 2 ' : d xray sees CARTING AND TEAMING, WALTER | her ectison and Mack Stree NOW 1S THE « SU-FRANE sh I ioous: 10 LBS. GRANULATED O'Donnell, 89 King rect West Kingston, Ont. Consultation Spring overcoat turned a st Y boarders: 2 8 [or SUGAR FOR $1.00 4 Phone 1577Tw > l'elephone 1086). Hours § to ing and pressing done 4 ime wardersy near. Westport, Sta : THE J K CARROLL AGENCY i -------------- m. 1 to pom, guaranteed Ww Robertson, 273} i e-- . . HAVE YOUR ASHES MOVED NOW | ~-- SE SEE 1 street. near } $ | $2,200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B | (8 YOUR ASHES MOVED Now | Teh " eet. near Princ ol wad « airs Vents WIT RNLE ' Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street moving, etc. Thre¢ horses on the | -------- -------- g : A i ! ae ella : job. Charles Andre, corner of Bagot | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS. FOR SALE. bo. | and Charles streets. Phone 18491" / coll, 22 John street -------------- tess $5,000--BRICK sk DETACHED: 8 ror mr Po Peta A ase n SMALL STE EEL SAVI B. and C.; hot air; gas; gare - -- AA AAA Arr A Arse § : i BE Sie me" 0, | Grocery | \ E ho TORY BONDS FoR SALE, MONEY | .. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF to Loan. ~ boiad . aay. than * y good second hand furniture and Rll | Cor. Division and Ellice Streets ! : ' stoves. Any person having stoves FARMA-SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR 2 Blocks From Princess 1 e2.¢ furniture to dispose of we will i \ . i highest prices. JI. Thompson, BATEMAN. i Cash and Ca Princess street. Phone 1600w 150 W ethitit Street, Kingston, | Phone 1720w. * 4 ains ivats.................5. 375.00 cach iio ACCESSORI E S Barg In Uneight Presses. oe = -10 $80.00 ms y Furniture, Etc We wish to announce to the Car Owners of Kingston 1 Columbia Gramophone ar and District that our line of Accessories is now very complete and 100 Records ...$35.00 and includes the following: Several Bicycles--a snap l- 8 7 Bony dara tu 10.0 2- 6 $55.00 1-5 ts hh rh ot a i Snr a a SR | 3 Use Pea Coal im the furn ace. | Good for any furnace. i $1.50 per ton less than ot her gizea | -_---- Consult us regarding its yges. | Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street -- R _ fart St ge Batteri ZENITH t : ¥, STIMULATE J cre hein . Serie or uretors 10 piece Jission Pinto 11s 00 ¢ 4 $50.00 ; Distribut Tire P BE aera 5. i . . 3 ' Boer Pinon Tings had ps Rings Two piece Parlor Set-- } Curd Knives (Wire) ran 4 set $ 5.00 each Your motor boating by using a Davis Gaso- Tires Tubes: B10 4 gout oR CurdMills .............5 $10.00 re nains ow u ate 3 3 i . * """ line Motor. Just as good as the best. Built as Tire Repair Kits Panos, oy colsand yew, Weighing Cans .. .......4 $25.00 ¥ good as motors can be. Built at home. In ek cut Wrancaes Gasoline and Coil Oi Cookers~ RH} Conductors ............3 5 5 use for 20 years. Radiator Cement Non-Glare Lenses veers 3800 upto f1soo ll Fillers ........ .......9 : DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. Ng aes a aus | pms fi] Seer Coe 8 : East End of Wellington St. Pump Plungers * Holton Bood Clips e Suan: J] Tin Strainers ..........6 ; : Hydrouetors ov Suubbeey Road Milk Cans . .. ..20-30 gal 3 - no Car Varnishes Transmission Greases S bi U 1d. Cup Greases Oils u ject nso " Auction Sales Gasoline 'Storagé Battery Repairs Also 3 | . Quebec Heaters J "m the best suctionecr in Kingston. 1 Best Stove tor arage or work || BEDFORD The Auctioneer, nop. Cooks and other Stoves as Phone 1721 or 1428. we A share of your patronage will be appreciated. CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE BAWDEN & EDWARDS died wuddenly Sunday atiernoon of ||| Apply BOWES CREAMERY CO. Limited, Rev. Dr. Denis ese | Clareview Cheese F actory F or Sale | " Once in a while you run into a a \ polite employee. But he doesn't 30 MONTREAL STREET - - PHONE 400. gruemhic poisoning, aged thirty-three J. TURK Phone 705 | hold his job long. He is always pro- Sy . He celebrated four masses on Sun- Toronto, or Tamworth. ; moted. ay," :