Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1921, p. 11

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ie ESDAY, MARCH 13, 1021. ing when you use br. Chase's Olnt. Irrita- ment for Eezema and Skin you are pot | experiment. | ey tions. It reileves st onee and gradu- | ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's Ointment free if you mention this r and send 2e. stamp for postage. 60¢c. a ; all dealers or Edmauson, Bates & Co, ted, Toronto. --~-- SEALED. 4ENDERS auu, ess undersigned and endorsed "Te Fittings, Educational Block, Military €oliége, Kingston, Ont. be received until 12 ¢'clock noon, Tuen- day, March 22nd, 1921, for the tr tion of Laboratory and interi 1 in the Educational Block, Royal Mii- tary College, Kingston, Ont. Plans and Speciiications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart ment of Public Works, SuperintenGegt of Dominion Buildings, Postal Station "I," Toronto, the Over- #eér of Dominion Buildings, Cential P O., Montreal, pP. and the Resident Architects, Merchants Bank Building Kingston, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplted by the | Departinent and in accordance with ihe conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a bank, payable to the order o ister of Public Works, ec cent. of the amount of th Loan Bonds of t! be accepted as rity and cheques if required t vdd amount. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 8th, 182! rr, 100% If my patrons are very wel) satisfied with the FISH, 0YS- TERS and POULTRY hought at cf Rn UP-TOWN FISH MARKET they nave told me wo? Join them if you waut Quailty, Service und Fish at moderats prices, J. HUSSEY 351 Priveess St. Phoue 1480 Ottawa, , the | WARNING ! DON'T WAIT! We have had to disappoint hun- dreds in the past years, who wera foolish enough to wait until the last moment to have their Straw Hats made over. You all know the reputation we have made since doing busfuesc in Kingston No job is too hard for us Our work is the same ALWAYS, Bring them in now. Call' for them when you néed them. Gentlemen! Bring your Felt in now ant have it for Easter. . THE KINGSTO © HAT CLEANERS Opposite The College Book Store 163 Princess St. Upstairs. 'Phone 1488. | ie At Griffin's, One of the "most interest r ever shown in King ted at Griffin's en Elaine Hammerstein ured in "The Shadow of Uyrnes."" In this picture the ey po- pular star plays a dual role namely, | angel on with One is an earth, the other an actress who tries to spoil her sister's viness. This story is gripping and full of sentiment and action, a pro- duviton of unusual excellence and star of rare tein has been twin sisters has a star in it, ability. Miss Hammer seen in many productions, but in this | fone sh | picture that she has ever appeared in | before This is positively the last week of the big revue and the man- agement announces a new policy for e ls supreme and Surpasses any i | this popular theatre .next week. So | watch for day and dates --Advt, '"Heliotrope," : photoplay beau- tiful, which opened for a three { days' engagement at the Strand last of the incle- , turned out to see this | stare. "Heliotrope because of his marv Harry ! fondness for the scent of heliotrope, {is serving a life sentence in a peni- tentiary. Learning from a pal that his daughter, who believes herself lan orphan; is about to be married to a rich young man and that his un- scrupulous wife is planning to black- mail the happy pair, pleads for 'his release ito protect the girl. I finally granted, on condition that no harm will befall his 'wife at his hands. The ex-convict embarks shrewd scheme of intimidation that so called from 'isoon has the adventuress shrinking with terror and at his mercy. Thea, | by a final heroic act, he forever elim- | linates the wicked woman from be ing | a sinister menace to his daughter's happiness. How this is accomplish ever shown on the screen. The Strand orchestra, under capable direction of Miss Migfhon Telegmann, rendered the "Guy Mannering," which cetved with hearty applause usual short subjects were screened. was. re- | big gala St. Patrick's day party and cabaret, which will consist of an ex- | cellent programme of pictures, spee- {ial instrumental and vocal numbers. | By special request, "The Girl in the | Moon" will be presented again. | There will be souvenirs, plenty - of | will be six prizes, awarded to the | winners. The first prize will be a RS INDIAN BURIED ALIVE. Statement of Chief's Daughter to Be , Investigated. : . Redding, Calif, March Charges that William Taylor, an In- dian afflicted with smallpox, was buried alive at Hat Creek two weeks ago, have been presented to the dis- trict attorney for investigation. The allegation was made by Chief Samson Grant, of the Hat Creek Indians; who stated that hc received his informa- tion from his daughter, Mrs. Lela Rhodes. Mrs. Rhodes, who is vouched for iby the local Indian agent, wrote (0 ber father that two Indians buried Taylor after nightfall, Before they {took the coffin to the grave, the let- ter said, they heard Tavial cpr but were afraid to open the box, earing the wrath of the health offi- er, 5 15. -- "A WONDERFUL YEAR." jome Hydro Municipalities Can Now Pay Off Debts, London, March 15.-- The Niagara ¥ystem has had a wonderful year," ir Adam Beck said to-day *'The fin- ncial results of operation have been xceedingly satisfactory, and a nuin- er of the municipalities are now In "4 position to completely wipe. out bor deb" A A Ae when s to C quae Postum comes in two season pass for two, the second prize a six months' pass good for one, and the next four prizes will be four passes for two for three months. "The feature attraction will be Doug- {las McLean in "Chickens." The at- tration announced for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st, 22nd and 23rd, will be the fa- mous Drury Lane melodrama, "Tha Best of Luck," with an all-star cast, and the Mack Sennet comedy entt- tled "My Goodness."--Advt, At The Allen. "Prisoners Of Love," Beity Compson, whose performance in George Loane Tucker's "The Mir- acle Man", fairly electritfed the mo- tion picture public of two continents, girl whose beauty and physical mag- netism swept her beyond the brink of life's deepest pitfall, sustains her dif- ficult role with an emotional power and artistry that have not been ap- proached by any screen actress in many, many months, She is supported by a cast among whom are many real stars in their own right. is a photoplay replete with situations of unusual power, one that makes the | best work of many present drama- tists seem childish in comparison. "Nonsense", a Mermaid Comedy, is something * decidedly new, and is ri sin MT eT you May OpenThe Dog, Better Health ay good-bye ee, and welcome INSTANT this delicious cereal beverage has arich coffee-like flavor and is free from all harmful effects LL TTT Log PosTuM UT forms~Postum Cereal a Tm (in packages) made by boiling full 20 minutes' Instant Postum (in tins) made the cup by the addition of hay Canadian Postum Cereal Co.Ltd, Windsor; Ontario. |&TOUCh, A 1 Theatrieal | "Heliotrope"" | prison | upon a | ed makes one of the greatest thrills | the | overture, | Thu | Everything is in readiness for the | starring | and literally hurled her into stardom, attracted large crowds to Kingston's | leading photoplay house last evening | Betty Compson, as Blanche Davis, a | The result | {guaranteed to cure the most chronic | beautiful Bruce scenic (completes a high y-entertaining film Programme. The overture, "Merry Wives Of Windsor", rendered by "The Incomparable A concert or- chestra," directed by Sid. Hoffman, | was raceived with the usual hearty appreciation by Kingston's : lovers.----Advt, SPORTING NEWS County Hockey League Re-opened. At a meeting of the executive of the county hockey league held at the armouries on Monday afternoon it Was decided that providing there is | ice at the covered rink on Thursday | of this week Verona and Sydenham will play. It was the feeling of the meeting that the Sydenham team should be given another chance. The Sydenham representatives contended | that the game between Verona and Sydenham which was scheduled to be | illness of the mother of two of the players. To back this up they pro- duced a poster which announced that | the game had been postponed until Saturday, The executive decided not to take any. action in connection with the | protest about certain players but be- | tore the season opens next year the rules will be so changed to meet the j-situation. | The Wolfe Island team: contended that in view of the fact that they had not met the real north group i winners they should be given an- other chance, Ice Is Good. It was stated at the covered rink on Tuesday that with the exception Of one spot the ice at the rink was | very good, The nets can be brought out a short distance and the playing surface will be first-class, Y.M.C.A. Sport Events, At the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium a | challenge game of pin ball was "lay- { ed between junior "B" class and the junior employed class, Although the junior employed were the bigger team they lost to junior "B" by a score of 14-11, The "Owls" of the junior "B" pin | ball league scored a victory over the "Sparrows" in their last game, thus making the "Owls" and "Tigers" two games each, However, the crack Rover team are still in the lead, hav- | ing four games to their credit, In | the junior employed pin bail league for the Keeley cup, the "Beavers" and the "Indians" each have two games to their credit. for the junior hexathlon were held [in the junior employed class. Twen- ty-four boys took part in these trials | of the standing broad jump and the target throw. Some good results were obtained. A beautiful eup has been presented to the Y.M.C.A, by "Jack" Elder for the boy scoring the highest number of points in thesg athletic events. Prizes are also given so the | three highest scores in each class, Ottasa N. H. L. Champions, Ottawa defeated 8t. Patricks in Toronto on Monday night by 2 |ciding games by 5 to 0. and took the jround by 7 to 0, an unusual feat. | | Hockey Scores, Brandon, 12; Port Arthur, 4. | Wiarton, 5; Stratford, 4. Kingston Boxers To Compete. |glment, returned from Ottawa Sat- jurday. While there ne entered six {men of his boxing class in the ama- | teur boxing competition to take place | |In the armouries, Ottav:a, at the end | {of June next. Kingston will have re- | presentatives in the following clas- | music | played on Thursday evening, March | | 3rd, had been postponed until the | | following Saturday on account of the { confetti, and balloons in which thers| OR Monday night the first try-outs | to u | and won the N. H, L. championship. | | Ottawa won the tirst of the two de- | Sergt. J. H. Jarvis, Frontenac Re- | | | California fruit, Nature's own confections. healthful Raisins are rich in natural iron content. Sun-Maid Raisin Bread is made with Sun-Maid Raisins, California's best. Use these raisins for all home cook- ing purposes. In pies, cakes, pud- dings, salads, rolls, etc. Plump, tender, juicy raisins, made from the finest 'able grapes. Packed in California in a great, new, immac- ulate vlan. Clean, sweet, whole- you know are Recipes." Membership 10,000 Growers Natural iron in the blood makes ruddy, rosy cheeks. Rosy cheeks make pretty women prettier. One needs but little iron daily, but that need is vitally important. Eat raisins daily and be sure you're getting all the iron you need. SUN-MAID ~ RAISINS Three varieties: Sun:Maid Seeded (seeds removed); Sun-Maid Seedless (grown without seeds); Sun-Maid Clusters (on the stem). All dealers. Insist upon the Sun-Majd brand. Ask for free book, "Sun-Maid CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RAISIN CO., Fresno, Cal!f5rnia Have Bread Filled With Raisins For Flavor and for Health A bread is made that's full of raisins, luscious nuggets of sun-cured It's called' Sun-Maid Raisin Bread. First-class bakers make;it, and supply it to retailers, or you can bake it at home acecrding to the recipe below. Serve such bread because it's real raisin bread and because it's SUN-MAID Raisin Bread 3 cups flour teaspoon salt 3 scant teaspocns baking powder 1% tablespoons of sugar Sift well together % package Sun-Maid seeded raisins i 1% cups milk 1f desired to make bread a fittie thehs er, 2 tablespoons of butter and one beaten egg may be worked in. Bake 50 minutes. Will make one loaf, Can. not fail. This recipe makes delicious raieie muffins, : some American raisins=the kind jess ssn sens rs rn EER. ' s . i Cut This Gu: and Send It: California Asmsosizred Raisin Co. TT mw) emsang 'yg aq Please vend me jour book, "Sun-Maid Recipes," 'ree, Name..ueee.. | | jf | | i] ! ORE esses cei ce me. Pus mesusesnreEeRaE en ® woth tonnins @ BELIEVE THE RESTLZ$8 CONDITION BROUGHT n4 8Y THE PR:SENCE OF WORMS AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO NOIMAL HEALTH, (ses: 156 pounds. 145, 135, 120, 110 For r----- se and 98, There are now in training | six lads, and Sergt. Ja-vis expects te | make a good showing in this compe- | tition which is open to the whole of | Canada. The training is carried out at | [the G.W.V.A. rooms oa Tuesday ev- | {ening of each week, and the classes | | are open to any lads interested in this { {kind of sport. No names will be mex- | j tioned at present, as Sergt Jarvis de- | | sires to keep a surprise in store for | | the sporting circles of Kingston. | Meeting of Horsemen, | There will be a meeting of promin- | ent horsemer in Kingston on Thurs- | day evening to form a racing circuit with Kingston as the centre. If the plans of the Kingston Gentlemen's | Driving and Matinee Club material- | ize, the 'following points will be in- [ cluded: Port Hope, Picton, Belleviile, Napanee, Gananoque, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls and Perth. Representatives are expected from all of these places and the meeting will be a historic one for Kingston. The { formation of the circuit will see the | sreat stimulation in racing, and the {seasen will cover several weeks ev- {ery year. Besides, the sport will be in {the hands of a respensible executive | body that will give & confidence to New Prices on Maxotires MARCH 1st--30x38 13 "THE HOME OV MAXOTIRES" 284 Ontario St. Free Air -------------- Phone 2030, a, SPECIAL{ 53c. per rod. W. H. Cockburn Phone 216 TE LUCKIN MEAT MARKET Cor. Princess and Clergy Street Save Money Dealing With Us ! every member of the circuit that could not otherwise exist. . Y M.C.A. Board of Directors. The Deard of directors of thé Y.M.C.A. met Monday night. Con- sideration was givea to the finances of the association, the budget finally adopted for the year, and plans form- ed for the annual subscription cam- paign, which will be held the week commencing with March 28th. In addition fo the amount expected from membership revenues, $8,000 will be needed to carry on the work of the year, and also make up de-| ficits. In order to facilitate a speedy | campaign and cover the ground they directors will make a special effort this year to secure a larger num of workers, . STEAKS--Round Sirloin Shoulder . . CHOPS --Lamb Pork Veal ...r..... Ne .45c¢. doz. . «v18e, Ib. ...22¢. 1b. EG strictly fresh . . : SHORTENING PURE LARD PORK'LIVER ....... ...... Be. lb. HAMBURG ................. .15e. 1b. PHONE 153. "7 seen "sees. 6-8 Volt Batteries .. . . _. . $27.50 12 Volt Batteries . . . .....$33.00 'Guaranteed brand new stock and as good as any Battery sold in Kingston. This 1s a rare opportunity, and is worth while looking into even if your own battery is fairly good. 3 . DONALD'M. CRAIG, an expert on Batteries, will be only too glad to look after anything in that line for you at:--

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