VEDNESDAY, MARCH 16. 1921. -- a 2 0828000000000 i 1d 3 ig - thus relieving pain and ¢ 06 "Extract of Rootes tains nodepenor other stron, to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or ar At the Strand. 'Heliotrope phot the 1 on Tuesday e capacity audi- y of the .incle- ul, weather, turned out to see his | fmarvellous picture "Hellotrope {Harry," so called because his [fondness for the scent of he liotrope 1s serving life sentence in a pem- | rning who about to be that piay beau at je of a Le trom a pal tha ves self married to his unm ALY hi lau an orp Delle tric Young man aud planning to black- 'Heliotrope from prison to protect It 8 finally granted, on condition that harm will befall his wife at his hands. Fhe ex-eonviet embarks upon 'wd scheme of intimidation that ! hes the adventuress shrinking with terror and at his mercy. THea, by & final heroic act, he forever elim the wicked woman from being nis daughter's accomplish- "ec s wife is happy pair, 1 is re ) eads for ease the shre nates a sinister happiness. ed mak menace to How this is of the g e 'screen ira, under the Miss Mignon 1 the overture, whieh was re- applause The 3 ont greatest ever own ou The Strand ore capable directio: Telegmann, ren 'Guy Mannering." ceived with hearty fusual subjects {Bverything is in readines ar big gala St. Patrick's day party cabaret, which will consist of an ex 'cellent programme of pictu {ial instrumental and By. special request, "The Moon" will be presented Thére will be souvenirs plenty confetti, and balloons in which thers will be six prizes, awarded to the winners The first _ prize will be a | season pass flor two, the second | prize a six months' pass good for | one, agd the next four prizes will be he of short the nal Jat _ 80 Jr Ao vocal nu > 3 {The feature attraction will he Doug {las McLean in "Chickens." The at traction announced for Monday, * {Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st, 22nd and 23rd, will be the fa- | mous Drury Lane melodrama, "The ' Best of Luck," with an all-star cast, land the Mack Sennet comedy enti- itled "My Goodness." --Advt. { | At The' Allen. thrills | were screeneda. | and { {during again. | of | | four passes for two for three months, | TO 'GO STINNES The Germax has bought Austro-ita Works for wrincipal interest ontan 30,000 ---------------- SALE OF PROPERTY. in ---- { Whig on Wednesday morni - | pi Marsden House History is of Much ed ey _- not nf i Sn ini Interest, In the passing on Mar { deeds to the h ist of the waterfront property at | Alexandria Bay, -N.Y.. purchased from the Cornwall Bros., | Boldt estate, co pletes the most im- portant real estate transaction which has taken place in village in many vears - | The deeds are drawn to Cornwall Ingorporated, a syn. leate formed the past month and the name 50 long associated with the develop- this { o {ment of the Thousand Islands is thus | breserxed | The Marsden House. is in the property { which includes also thé | stone store, the freight house and j customs house and the land upon | which stand the buildi:gs owned by | Long and Williams, J. F. Culver, N. A. Houghton and the Postal Tele- {graph Co., and the triangle upon | which municipal lag pole is planted. { The Marsden has a': inte. esti | history having been erected by G. A. | Marsden, of Oswego, about 1894 on | the site of Cedar Hall, a summer building which Mr. Marsden had built In 1885 on the land rented from the | Cornwalls, This building was used the largest transferred docks, { unit as an ice cream parlor and fancy | | | goods shop, { After the erection of the hotel the induetrial magnate. who the iron and Steel | by the | the | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPORTING NEWS {Latest Hoc key Warning Comes From Verona: Verona, writes the Whig as follows: "I saw in your valu: able ins that "Sydenham and Wolfe Island are fighting it out for the second place in the county hockey league. I also saw where they say that Mr. Gillespie is no Georgs Wash- ington for telling the truth. I want to R. Gardiner, coly say that while Verona are no Ches- | | terfield letter writers, they are hoe- key players and they won the cup, and If they don't get it there is liable | to be a split, something more that the |U.F.0. vote in the next election Varsity 11, McGill 0. In the hockey game at Toronto | A SPLENDID LECTURE Was Given At Verona On The Holy Land | . ' 1 Verona, March 14. There was, TO Form Farmers' 'Milk and | fine audience .evsn better Cream Producers' Asso- before, to hear Rev Dr. Law- ciation. i second lecture on the Holy ind, at the close of which a stand- | ing vote of thanks was tendered the {lecturer on motion of Dr. Geddes. | i ¢ f & ' ae {a meeting was held for the purpose who said he never enjoyed a lecture lof forming a "Farmers' Milk and $0 much before in his life. A third | > cod uoans? : »" lecture is to follow. Suitable selec. | CT¢aMm Producers' Association re iven by Mr. and Mpc |CD&if was occupied by Johm O'Reflly | Daas ne Mrs. G ak Nr {and S. Freeborn acted as secretary. | ry is. LR, pers. | A goodly number of farmers were | E L. Martin ard Miss L. Tallen. The Ee 2c Aanh . is were again banded over to | ITesent from Sydenham and the ad- j Proceeds vale az ' T 10 | jacent district. The chairman outlin- | ied the object for which the meeting | had been called, and expressed re- th aer Sydenham, Mafch 16. -- At the township hail on Tuesday afternoon | he | | the Ladies' Aid. | Miss Ethel McMullen, Ottawa, is A MEETING AT SYDENHAN| Hungry, romping children eat, all the doughnuts they want, in homes where Mother uses = re 2 wie t ighter, more Diaking 3 keep fresh longer. o Crow BRAND | spending a fe ents, Mr. and Mrs. H McMullen. | Mrs. Otis, Torontd, and daughter, | Anna, are spending a few days with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howarth, w days with her par- | j8ret at the absence of Mr. Stonehouse | through illness, who was to have ad- | dressed the meeting. Severai persons { present discussed thé question before | Taw oF the meeting regarding the organiza- | mers here, and is a brother-in-law yrup 13 eee eee 12 | Tuesday night in the Allan Cup ser- | William Graham has hired .with E. Lisi . : pr E. Lawson, has been appointed by 11 | Amey. Mr. and Mrs. William Wager | JO Of a branch of the "Milk and | Miss E. ies, Varsity defeated McGill ito 0. 3 ------ Verona Undecided, A representative of the Verona { hockey club, when speaking to the {be dome about the game between | Verona and Sydenham, ordered to be | played this week. The Verona | team consider that the league is clos- { ed, and they have already been given Pe trophy, i Girls' Basketball. | Bethel was the winner of the |S.8.A.A.A. girls' basketball game |played at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium on Tuesday evening. They defeated [8t. James' by a score of 7 |Queen Street Methodist and. Baptist | the | were scheduled to play, but Baptist girls did not put in an ap- jpearance, Will Likely Play in Toronto, It is very likely that the final game {in the junior intercollegiate hockey | series between Varsity and Queen's { will be played in Toronto the first of { next week Queen's played in To- ronto about two weeks ago and were | | defeated by 5 to 1. The ice at the | covered rink is. almost gone, so it is | necessary to play the game on artific- ial ice. Sullivan, the crack goal ten- | der of the Varsity outfit, has gone | out west with the senior team. SPOKE ON FOG SIGNALLING. {Prof. 'King, McGill, Lectured a to 4. | have moved to the village, and are | living in the Grant House. Arthur | Ryder is spending the week-end at | home, ! The Ladies' Aid have purchased a ano, which is a great benefit as well as an asset to the church. Dr. | Lawson was in Montreal for a day |or two last week. Mrs. Arthur | Ryder spent a day last week with her | daughter, Mrs, E. Grant, at Glen- | vale. Mrs. Graham Bander enter- tained a number of ladies to a quilt- ing bee last week. t Claude Percy, of the Merchants | Bank staff, Parham, spent the week- {end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | w. D. Percy. Mr. 1. Osborne, who was taken {ll at his work at the Mer- | chants Bank here, is in a very low | condition at the home of his parents at Arden Eligh Walroth @nd family { have moved to Harrowsmith. Mr. and | Mrs. George Lakins are at Petworth, { Lyal and Danford Lakins being on | the sick list. At Perth Road. Perth Road, Mar. 13.-- A large number enjoyed the lecture given hy Rev. Mr. Calvert in the Union church at Perth Road. A. Ritchie, Batter- sea, was buying cattle through On- tario. A. Azulayhas moved on Wil- liam Guthrie's farm, which he has rented for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton 'are | spending a week at O. Middleton's, Lyndhurst. Mrs. George McQilliv- ray, who has been very ill, is some- | what improved. Mrs. H. Babcock, Cream Producers' Association," and | public school inspector for Carleton j about sixty names were given in, of | county east. Sydney Alport has [ those who were in favgur of joining. | bought the house on Mill street own- {Another meeting is likely to be held | ed by Mrs, Sleeth, and at present oc {at an early date when it is expected | cupied by James McCallam. | Mr. Stonehouse will ba present. Mr. ee tm---- - | Writtenhouse, superintendent of the "He Was a Good Scout ; | res' Milk 4 iE sory | The Queen's Medical Journal says: | Bowes' Milk Products condensory | | here, addressed the gathering. He | To the family of which Wilfrid Bran- [reterreq to some obstacles that had | igan was a member, we extend heat {to be surmounted in the face of pre- | felt, sympathy in their bereavement. | sent market conditions, and gave as- | Second to them we feel that our surance that the company was desir- | own bereavement is the greatest. His ous of dealing fairly with milk pro- | death has been the worst bump Med. | ducers and, also that returns from |"23 has ever received. The loss ot | the condensory would at least equal | a life full of promise; the thought | returns from cheese factories. Much | that we shall never see that merry | Interest was manifested in the dis- | smiling face again, nor yet shall { cussion, and benefit to all parties | hear the lilting voice raised be- | should result from the meeting. | tween classes in a merry song; all | Samuel Babcock has moved into | these things fill us who worked [the house on Bridge street, formerly | with him from day to day, and {occupied by S. W. Alexander. Mrs. | knew and loved him well, with that | Wilson Knapp has been spending | sense of loss and sorrow from which | some time with her daughter, Mrs. |it is difficult to overcome. A cheerful | Wilkins, at Cobourg, Mrs. Walter G. | friend and classmate, a hard work- Smith, Millbridge, spent a few days| ing industrious student, the only last week with her mother, Mrs. | satisfactory eulogy of bis lite can be | Snook. | expressed by that most sincere and On Friday evening last St. Paul's| all embracing sentence from the stu- i L. Society brought W, S. Her-| dent vernacular: He was a good rington, K.C., from Napanée, to lec-| Scout. tur® at their meeting ip the town- . A n A Divorce Granted { ship hall on "Mexico and its People." | I'or over an hour and a half Mr. Her- After many years of patient suf- rington led his audience on an his-| fering, you can be divorced "from | torical and very réal journey through | €Orns, you can get rid of them com- | the Mexico of the past and the pres- | pletely by applying Putuams 4a | ent, The lecturer had visited ,the | EXtractor. This wonderfu 4 Lan : | edy acts in 24 hours, and never fails. | country, and so could speak from per- | Refuse a substitute and remember | sonal knowledge. The latter half of | "Putnam's" is the only Painless rem- terrf| ody. 25¢, everywhere. S after spending a few days at Perth |the talk was illustrated with lan Kingston. | Views, 'each of which was described | are having when shown. Mrs. A, Alkenbrack | | The sheer beauty of Blanche Davis | | (Betty Compson) was a legacy ot | fruit and grocery business was lo- Patronage | Queen's Tuesday Evening. | Road, has returned to A lecture on "Fog Signalling" was | | she was leaving home. |story of love, erring : | i ' {ranged and will include the follow- | Many improvements were made in nn When Food | Horses," Doesn't Digest Give the Stomach a Rational Rest by Proper Aid, Not by Harsh Starva- on Methods. Use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 3 A sour stomach may fandicate an acid condition that calls for an al-| kaline effect. $0 This you will get from one or two | { | | | | 1 | 1 | | | riot . | & special had been set.apart in the crowd --a creature whose glance made men's bloom of womanhood, falsely accused, An enthralling but unsmirched, "Prisoners of Love." "Nonsense," a Mermaid of fun, together with Comedy, a Scenic, provide a most pleasing film Hoffman, musical director of the in- comparable Allen concert orchestra, is "The Merry Wives Of Windsor." For Thursday (St. Patrick's Day) programme has been ar- Tom® Moore in "Hold Your an Irish picture with an "The Toonerville Trolley," ster Scenic, Irish songs by ing: Irish star, Outing Ct Luke W, Robinson. The of selections from he Isle." Episode number one of the "World's Wonder Jungle Serial," "Son of Tarzan," will be shown, re- plete with thrills, wild animals and fights from start {inish---and in addition, the most unusual love story ever told. For these who care to dance after the performance, . ar- rangements have been made to give a number of dances in the large lobby of the theatre with orchestral ac- companiment by the Allen orchestra, Positively no increase in prices for this exceptionally fine programme. All rush seats. Come early.--Advt. consist Emerald overture will Lo At Griflins. Tonight is "the last Elaine Hammerstein in "The Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes." The feature has greatly pleased a very large audience | for the last two days and the, dual role which is played by Miss Ham- merstein {s a role that surpasses any ever altemptéd by her. As the inno- | cent sister she is divine while as she Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after a | meal. Sour risings, gassiness, a | heavy bloated feeling and such dis- | tress due to indigestion or dyspep- sia are usually only temporary. And they may lead to serious disorder. ' The Togilar use of Stuart's ablets after meals RIpusuia hight degree the intelligent selection of preventative | Measures. One cannot always select or in- spect the quality of food to be eaten nor its method or manner of prepa- ration. But it is possible to avoid the acidity that is so often the re- sult. And it is a far better plan to eat without worry over what may happen, than to starve for fear it will ha) pen. Many physicians rec- ommend these tablets for stomach distress due to indigestion or dys- pepsia. They are sold by all druggists everywhere at 60 cents a box. heh ei cc De Had To Destroy Buil Brockville Ont.. Mareh 16.--A (wo-year-old bull owned by WwW. J Dawson, Algonquin, Augusta town- ip, was fourd by a veteri ry to suffering from black leg. "Whe ani- hal was killed, and its carcase des troyed, young stock being inocculat- ed to prevent the spread Ot the dis- | ease, : Lo -------- Approve Harvey's Appointment. London, March. 16.--The British { appears in the part of the twin sister, who Is an adventuress, she displays a character which makes it seem im- possible that this popular actress is playing the two parts. The feature for the last half of the week is "Vir- tuous Sinners" featuring a star of renown, "Wanda Hawley." This popu lar movie actress, is widely known and is seen .to advantage in a very remarkable production.~--Advt, Appeal Dismissed. In the case of Cohen v. Boyton, at the Appellate Court, Toronto, the ap- peal by defendants from judgment of county court of Frontenac of 17th December, 1920. Action to recover $500 on a promissory note. At trial judgment was given plaintiff for $512.74 and costs, and counter claim dismissed with costs. Appeai is sed with costs. A. B. Cunningham ap- peared for plaigtitf, : LITRE The One Cough Remedy That enjoys a world-wide repu- tation as a prompt and sure re- lief for coughs, cold and eroup. It is good for the for -centet Cough of an adult. It is good for the persistent cough follow- ing grip or influenza. It is ex- cellent for hs, cold 'and Croup in children. 'Keep Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy by you government to-day gave formal ap- Proval @ the appointment of Colonel | George Harvey as Uni h r to Great Britain to succeed a eed | ~--it is a friend in need. and 88. [TT Bruce | ask, harp solo by Harold | showing of | { Increased rapidly and prospects were good. However in the fall of 1895 | severe fall from which he was un- able to rally, and the hotel was pur- | | chased by the Cornwall interests. { Following this they doubled the size jot the hotel and finished two stores in the lower section fronting the river, one of which was occupied by the hotel from 1898 to 1908 when the lease was transferred to J. M. | Worthing. In 1908 the present man- agement took possession, F. L. Ray- | mond leasing the house for five years, Ibi. he. overture selected for the {the first National Bank of the Thous- | tirst three days of the week by Sid (and Islands. Patrick Hays leased | the interior and to the main entrance | fin 1913, when Mr. Raymond renew- ed his lease for a period of ten years, | two of which is unexpired. No immediate 'ahange is anticipat- ed but plans are being worked out to supply increasing needs. Many rumors are afloat but nothing definite is known except to those chiefly in- terested, 3 GRORGE R. GR ppoint age fitted 8 and Finance oronto, - Beggar Was Well-Ofr. Claiming to be down on his luck and unable to work, Auclalr Lavigne, Fournier, started to tour the town of Alexandria soliciting alms. In do- ing so he was violating a town by- law, and Chief Seger soon _had him under lock and key. When search- ed he was found to have a bank book showing a credit of $934.63, as well as $55 in bills and $12.53 in silver acd coppers, or $1,002.16 in all: He was taken before Magistrate Peacock and fined $20 and costs. The amount was paid and Lavigne left for past- ures new. IFFIN ed general manager of Mort- Limited Prescott Merchant Dead. \ Brockville, March 16.5-G. Elgin MeNight, merchant, of Prescott, died Monday night after a long ill- ness. He was formerly a farmer at Iroquols and is survived by Lis wite two sons and one daughter, Although it has not been official ly announced, understood that the post-office inspector's office at Kingston is to be closed, and tha staff will be removed to Ottawa. A nam- ber of these offices throughout the province are to be closed. - The members of Crystal Springs Club held a social evening id thelr rooms on the evening of March 11 ! About | ad had a very enjoyable time. |ing, in the physics lecture theatre. Prof. King is to give a short course {of three lectures on the "Scattering {of Light and the Density of Matter |in Interstellar Space" as well. A schema has just been inaugurated whereby McGill and, Queen's uni- versities exchange professors to give short courses of advanced lectures. In this way, it is hoped to stimulate | interest in the most recent develop- {ments of physics. The scheme for {this season. comprises Prof. King's [visit to Queen's and De Hughes' { visit to McGill, | brought homg the advantage aceru- {ing from the application of accurate | scientific methods as used in pure physics to the practical engineering problem of improving methods of | fog signalling. The gain to the ship- I ping world from {improvements in | fog' signalling cannot he overesti- | mated. Prof. King has carried out extensive experiments at Father Point and other places for the Cana- dian government, ' Lauriér Naval Policy Followed by Admiralty London, March 16.--An admiral- ty memorandum on nava! estimates, referring to the naval poli¢y for con- sideration at the coming imperia' conference, says that the lines on which it is proposed to proceed are toward the development of dominion navies under the administrative and executive command of their own of- ficers, each navy being a responsibili- ty for its own government, all work-. ing, however, under the guidance of a common doctrine to insure inteliig- ent co-operation in a each year take a course in the naval staff col- lege, the dominions eventually estab- lishing their.own staff colleges under the same system. What Mrs. Smith Did to a School Janitor Sydney Mines, March 16 --When Robert Keenan, janitor of the puh- lic school here, reproved a pupil for rudeness he received a note from Mrs. James Smith, the boy's mo- ther, asking him to cadl at her home, Keenan did so, and after he had en- tered Mrs. Smith locked the door, Juliea him with a potato masher, broke a crock of buttermilk over his head, doused him with a pail of dirty water and then ejected nim from the house. Mrs. Smith was fin- ed $20 in the poliee court for assault- ing Keenan, with an alternative of two months in jail. She chose the jail term, but 8 refused tp let her go to prison dnd paid the fine. ---- Pineapples at Carnovsky's. i - Justice Ferguson, at Osgoode Hall, hag extended the time to March 21st for the appealing of the tri JJudg- ment in the case of Magu - The lecture on "Fog Signalling" | | Many of the farmers grea by Pro LJ Rint. of Heo their logs sawed at G. Lee's mill. |Presided and also read a niversity,, Mo y Ing | Lh {perdl. From her budding girlhood she | cated in the basement, | | | aki "Industrial and Social U i t : | Maple sugar making time has begun | hearts beat faster. And now in the | Mr Marsden suffered a stroke and a neering Institute, on Tuesday even- and all have their trees tapped. S% | far the run has been good. E. Stokes made a trip to Newboro last | Ouse, piano duet by Agnes and Geo, | Mrs. Chas. Smith, Wilmer,|McNaughtyn, and selections by Sy- | spent a day this week at her sister's, | denham orchestra, Mrs. Robert Ritchie | ! Bert Sills went to Toronto on Tues- week. Mrs. S. Orser. spent a few days of last week with |day her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lake, Battersea. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lees and family were the guests of G. Green. D. G. Green, Niagara, N. Y., is spending some time at home. Mrs. R. Thompson and Mrs. G. McGillivray were the recent guests of Mrs. T. Votary. A number from Leland and a few from Perth Road attended the party held at J. Bank's recently. | The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. J. S. Roberts in two weeks' time. . The { Helping Hand meets at the parsonage | on Wednesday afternoon. { POSSESS GOOD HEALTH BY LOOKING AFTER THE BOWELS A free motion of the bowels, once or twice a day ,should be the rule of every one, as half the ills of life are caused by allowing get into a constipated condition. When the bowels are allowed to be- come constipated, the stomach gets out of order, and the liver does not do its work properly on account of holdibg back the bile so that it does not pass through the bowels, but is allowed to get into the blood, thus causing a poisoning of the whole 8ys- tem. If you would escape constipation, sick and bilious headaches, heart- burn, floating specks before the eyes, coated tongue, foul breath; the nasty irritati- 3, bleeding, itching and pro- truding piles, you should keep your liver stirred up by the use of Mil. burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. These pills, being purely ble, vege- la keep your liver working ac- | bile that is Circulating in the blood | and poisoning the whole system. Mrs. H. Barrows, writes: --*"I was troubled with such headaches and constipation, One day a friend told me of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. 1 got two vials, and found they did' me a world of good. I therefore have great faith in them." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢c. a vial, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. I A re ---------------------- : the bowels 10 AA eA mn Enfield, N.s., | WARNING ! DON'T WAIT! We have had to disappoint hun- dreds in the past years, who were foolish cnough to wait until the last moment to have their Straw Hats madé over. You all know the reputation we have made since doing business in Kingston. No job fs too hard for us. Our work is the same ALWAYS. Bring them in now. Call for them when you need them. Gentlemen! Bring your Feit in now and have it for Easter. The Kingston Hat Cleaners Opposite The College Book Store. 163 Princess St. Upstairs. "Phone 1488. paper on | nrest."" The | remainder of the programme consist- | jed of vocal solos by Mr. Written- | morning to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Jdseph McClel-| land and son left on Tuesday 'or Ed- (monton, 'Alberta. Mr. Warren, for- | merly living near Harrowsmith, has {moved into a house on Portland | street, and will work on Clarenc~ {Amey"s farm. E. B. Froats, ot | Queen's, spent the week-end at the Methodist parsonage, Friends in this vicinity will be in- terested to rote that Thomas P. Max- | well, who spends some of his sum- Pr cnn re En ------ { - | * * New Prices on Maxotires MARCH 1st--30x3 15 "pA | "THE HOME OF MAXOTIRES" | 284 Ontario St, Free Ale | Phone 2030. NN Sr mr ni | | Vetcraft Store | Uptown Post Office Cor. Barrie & Princess Sts. | E. Warbuiton, Prop. | i i Some Automobile Bargain ~ -hand K. 45 McLaughlin, equipped with five Cord Tires, One Second-hand Chevrolet. One Second-hand Ford Touring, These can be seen at:-- ; MCALLISTER & DRAKE THE AUTOMORIL E MECHANICS 808 PKRINC ESS STEEEY Phone 1730. /. wearing a pair of 'our new walking Shoes and you'll enjoy every step. You may come back tired but you'll not be sore from fk the soles of your feet to the crown of your head. They are shoes of real comfort at the same time having all the smartness of the season's latest. Come and give them the once over. Tale