Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1921, p. 12

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5. 2 f Hh "iz Easter Greeting We want you to see OUR NEW SPRING SUITS $22.00 up to $40.00 Our NEW SPRING OVERCOATS $20.00 up to $37.50 SPRING HATS--AIl New Blocks $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 NEW NECKWEAR 75c. up to $2.00 CHOICE SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY arid all priced to please you. ®e eo 9 Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "lf Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." A A el PP rl ii Anderson Bros. Limited WEDNESDAY Majestic Oleomargarine 36¢. Ib. SAUSAGE --The same good quality, but lower in price: Oxford 18c.; Windsor, 20c.; Little Pig 25c.; Country 28c. Ib. . Sausage Meat (seasoned) .. ..25¢. Ib. BEEF special in tender juicy steaks Stewing Steak .23c.| Round steak ...25c. Sirloin steaks . .28¢. | Porterhouse steaks | "en 30c. Hamburg steak 15c.| Steak Mince .. .22ec. 300 lbs. LAMB STEW ......15c Ib. YEARLING LAMB Stewing cuts, 15c.: Fronts, 18c. Ib.; choice Chops 25c. Ib. VEAL --Chops 25c.; Stewing Cuts 12}c; Shoulder Roots 18¢c. pound. Beef Dropping, |5¢c. Kidney Suet 15c¢. Ib. Pure Lard .22c. Shortening . . . 18c. Ib. Chickens Fowl Green Onions--Radishes--Lettuce--Par- sley--Celery---Rhubarb. Fresh Caught Lake Ontario WHITE FISH -- This 1s an exceptionally fine lot--Pike, Pickerel, Lake Trout. British Columbia Salmon Mackerel. Halibut, Lake Herrings, Sea Herrings. Salmon Snacks--ready to serve -- a fish : : 30c. a Ib. CODFISH-- bulk, 20c. 1b 2 1b. boxes . . cilia iain ¥ .,» package, 25¢. 5c. Ca Co Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. ° NOT MUCH SAP WEE ting Ready to Go to Work Soon. Charleston, March 14.--)Mi gle Finley has returned. fre Falls, where she was visiti Miss Mary Dixie is spending days with her sister, Mrs. W A. Morris and J. Kelsey both been sawing wood in tion. Miss Amy Spence, 3 training at Lindsay, is her home here. Miss teacher at Glen Buell, is s few weeks at her home here, been called hom by the illness and death of her mother, the late Mrs, Catherine Eyre, Mr. and Mrs R + have returned from Brock- le, where they spent th a few Haili- day have Park hotel and expects to take session the first of April. the farmers have tapped t but not much sap weathe W. Johnston has been making some improvements lately at his farm home here. the assistant ct! heese maker at Oak Leaf cheese factory this season Lawrence Botsford will return to Bedford Mills where made cheese last season Fred Spence and Don- ald Morris will make cheese this season at Lyndhurst. M. J. John- son has sold his farm to his brother- in-law, W. F. Warren The farm joins Mr. Warren's. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace johnson are taking pPOSsSes- sion of the fine farm owned by the former's grand-father, the late George H, Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. tled in their cozy home at Pine Hill Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodbody have mov- ed to the Murpky farm. Mr. and Mrs, H. McNeil, Fairfield, have pur- chased Mrs. Boyd's farm and have taken possession, The annual meet- ing of the W.A. of Trinity church, Oak Leaf, was held at Mrs. Green's {on Friday afternoon. B. Thurston, { Fairfield, was a recent visitor at the home of his niece, Mrs. H, Webster, SYDENHAM HOSPITAL DANCE | Enjoyable "Social Evening" Held on Tuesday Evening, A very enjoyable dance was held | on Tuesday evening at the Sydenham | military hospital Many of the staff | and friends of the patients were pres- jent. F. J. Salsbury's orchestra rend- ered their services gratutiously. The affair was held in the gymnasium, which was decorated. Miss Sparling, | the dietitian, served a delicious | punch between dances and after the | dancing refreshments were served. | The arrangements were made by Col. | A. G, Gordon and George Young, of | the Military Y.M.C.A., who also_pro- { vided transportation for the or- chestra. STOCK MARKETS. I A A se sir. | BE] quotations Furnished by Bongard, | | Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot | Street. . ! New York Stocks. i Opening. Closing. {| Am. Car Foundry .. 121% 122 jAm. Sugar .. .. .. 91% 91 |Am. Internat, Corp.. 413% |Am. Sum. Tobacco 791, {Baldwin Loco ... . 853% {B. & 0. .. evi B13 | Bethlehem Steel "B" 556% CPR, .. .. .. « 112% General Elec, 851% International . Paper | Marine, pfd. .. Mex. . Petroleum | Northern Pacific ... | Rep. Iron & Steel . | Reading : { U.S. Rubber a ae ! Royal Dutch (N.Y.) | Studebaker .. . Sinclair 01 US. Steel .. 801 86% 3y 551% 114 863 55% 51 146 791 66 5b 49 . 142y 79 651% 6814 63 6313 Canadian Stocks: 33%B. . 3648. .. 598. 9 32 Brazilian Brompton 2. Canada Cement .. , Can. Steamships | Can. Steamships, ptd. {General Electric ... | Nat. Breweries .. .. 41% IN.Y. Exchange .. . 14% iRiordon .. .. .. . 1208. | 65 1% 114% Deed of Church Property. | An investigation into the Church {of England property at Prescott {shows that it consists of four town lots, 12 and 13 N. S. Dibble and 12; | deeded by the late Susannah Jessup | to the Rev. Robert Blakey, Justus S. | | Merwin, Walter F. Gates and Thomas | | Hughes, in consideration of five shil- | | lings and the building of a church. | | Hughes was 'tkely the man who built | the Windmill in 1823 or 4. Walter F. | | Gates was a prominent merchant at | Johnstown. All are dead and there] { has not been any records since the | ! deed to them In 1822. The title will | Ihave to be vested likely in the Synod | BURNSIDE--In Kiggston, on March {of Ontario by a private bill of the | { legislature at Toronto. The same or | Funeral from late | similar facis a ply to the Blue chureh | | plot. ' A Couple Married. i At the Gananoque 'East parson- . age Rev. C. W, Hollingsworth united | in marriage Samuel Carr and Mrs. | Parthena Churchill, both of Phillips- | ville, The bride is a sister of Mrs. {| Thomas McQueen, Gananoque, and | after a few days spent here. Mr. and Mrs. Carr left to take up thei: resid- ence in Phillipsville. ---- Real Estate is Sold. W. Greenham has sold the house he now occupies on Sarah street, Ath- ens, to Miss S. Topping and has pur- chased from W. H. Wiltse the pro- perty on Isaac street now occupied by H. Stevens. -- A whole lot of men would rather be : than let the other fellow | having | he winter. | Mr. Foster recently purchase? Cedar As 42% | 685; | 6814 | {and 13 S. 8. James, and these were | S ! | A A rr inns i FIFTY YEARS HERE i IN THE SAME STORE | Z. Prevost Started Business on | Brock Street, Kingston, in 1871. Kenneth Watson will be ! Z. PREVOST i Z. Prevost is the oldest merchant | doing business in Kingston. He | came to Kingston from Montreal in, 1868, and in 1871 started in the! clothing business. Mr. Prevost has! occupied the same store on Brock | street, near King, ever since. That! is a record which few merchants in| Canada can equal. It is Just fifty years since Mr. Prevost began busi- ness here and he is still daily at his | store. | Charlie Murphy are comfortably set- | | HALL WAS CROWDED General Hospital Concert Tuesday Evening. i Convocation Hall was crowded to the doors on Tuesday evening for the! second performance of "Ye Higgins Family Greate Concerte,"" which 1s being put on in aid of the Kingston General Hospital. Long before the performance took place every avail-| {able seat in the hall was filled. Those in charge are looking forward to making a goodly sum of money, which will be handed over to the gov- | ernors 6f the General Yospital. i All. eyes followed Dr. Austin, | "Grandpa Higgins," throughout the | performance, as he played his part exceptionally well. Although a new | | resident in the city, Dr. Austin has! certainly shown his interest in local affairs, and is always willing to tak: part in entertainments of this kind, especially when the money is used for | charitable purposes. Mrs. Douglas Young as "Grandma | Higgins" = as exceptionally good, and | (she had her hands full in looking! {after her guests, and keeping an eye | on "Grand_a." | Probably the hit of the evening | {was the recitation given by little! '"'Peggy" Miller, daugkter of Dr. and! Mrs. James Miller, This coacert will be {again this evening at Convocation! | hall, and those who haven't already | seen it, should visit the "Higgins | Family' to-night. | For the rene ted | | * The Rotary Luncheon, | The weekly Rotary Club luncheon | will be held to-morrow at the British { American hotel, instead of the Fron- tenac hotel, as previously announced. A private dining room has been ri- served at the British American for | the use 'of the club. Members arc| again requested to bring a friend | with them. Luncheon starts at 12:30 | p.m., sharp. To-night and Friday Night. 8S. Taylor will again | Meetings com- | Evangelist speak in Gospel Hall. mence at 8 o'clock, 22% | 80% | Twenty-cent oranges. Carnovsky. DAILY MEMORANDUM, i "The Girl From Nowhere," Grana, | Euchre and Music, Irishman's Hall | March 17th, at § p.m. BORN. { --In Kingston, March A5th, | to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Baker | Albert street, a daughter, --In Kingston, on' March 21, to r. and Mrs. John 190 Rideau Street, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. I i 1 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 19%. Ee -------------------------------- = NEW SILKS. NEW | WOOL FABRICS THURSDAY Here are Silks and Woollens that command enthusiasm and values that command the attention. The Silks and Wool- lens for Spring and Summer should be purchased NOW at prices that permits of the greatest savings. Note the prices: NOTE THE PRICES 70 yards Navy and Black Char-_ 125 yards White and Flesh Wash meuse Satin; excellent quality;:® | Satin; all Silk: heavy quality; 40 inches wide. yard wide. $3.50 Yard, $1.49 Yard. 80 yards Canton Silk Crepe: 40 inches wide; Navy, Black, Hen- na--most fashionable for Spring and Summer Frocks. $4.00 Yard. 85 yards Black Duchess Silk -- heavy dress quality; all pure Silk --every yard guaranteed -- 36 inches wide. $2.48 Yard. 75 yards All Wool Navy and Black fine Twill Suiting Serge; 54 inches wide. $2.50 Yard. | 300 yards Dress Taffeta; 36 inches wide; standard quality; in a range of new Spring shades, in- cluding Navy and Black. $2.50 Yard. 125 yards All Wool Navy Blue Worsted Serge--54 inches wide. $1.75 Yard 50 yards Navy Gaberdine-' made from Botany Yarn; sun-fast dyes; excellent we'ght and qual- ity for Suits and Dresses: 54 inches wide. $4.50 Yard. 90 yards Suiting Tricotine--all Wool--fast dyes--Navy only -- 54 inches wide. $3.50 Yard. Wonderful Array NEW SUITS. NEW COATS and WRAPS. NEW FROCKS. NEW SKIRTS. Lowest prices and best values.offered in years. MARRIED. BEEMAN ~CARRUTHERS -- At Chals mers chirch, on 2nd of March, 1921. by Rev. KR. J. Wilson, M.A. D.D., Kathleen Burpee, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carruthers to Lieut.-Col. William Gilbert e- man, son of the late Dr. Beeman. DIED i 16th, 1921, Elednor Gates, beloved wife of Noel Burnside, age 47 years residence, 11 Plam street Friday afternoon a: 2 p.m riends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. FP JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers, 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. Phcne 147 for Ambul. nce. . ROBERT J. REID The . Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Prince... Stree... M. P. KEYES Underta.er cud Embalmer. Undertaking Par.ors, 228 Princess St. Ambulance Phone 1839. ~ JOHN CORNELIUS Parlors: 274 e599 A. D. HOLTON THREE DAYS SALE OF | LADIES' OXFORD SHOES AT HALF PRICE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LOCKETT'S 00 pairs Ladies' fine Kid and Patent Lea- th French and Spool Heels, ranging from six Will place on sale about 3 ther Oxford Shoes, wi to Fifteen Dollars at HALF REGU LAR PRICE All sizes and different widths in this lot. This is a most attractive Sale, as Oxfords are just coming into season. Lockett's __ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY | - | | | | H

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