6 THE BRITISH WHIG 88TH YEAR. Published Daily and Semi-We THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLIS CO, LIMITED ly by HING J. G. Elllott Leman A. Guild . S------ eee. TELEPHONES; Business Office SUBSCRIPTION ATES: (Dally Edition) Ons year, delivered in clty f paid in edvance ... §: rural officey $2.5 tes 'ny nd y mail to Ongyear, to United o£ (Semi-Week! Ofie year, by mail, ca One year, If not paid One year, to United S . ..31.00 advance 'Thompson .o Toronto, Letters to the Editor ars published only over the actual name of the writer. > FW. ing St. Attached is one of the best Job printing offices in Canada, The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulatjons. ra aa fs tind Well, half price i tter none, If God loves cheerful Heinie is out of tuck. a loser, The fool and his money ar. admitted soon to society, This, you understand, is the reac tion of the reaction of war. It would appear that Uncle Sam ' began to Yap a little too late in the game, The stork need not despair of job. ways, a One can still mix pleasure, but there is no pleasurg Iu business, Some day nations will learn that have to repair. -------------- -- It is an easy matter 'to d. termine which the rother one empties the ashes is boss in house Union labor's condemnation ot Bolshevism puts the open-shop aa- vocate in an awkward position. The that wealth must be produced; the soviet theory is that it must be reduced. It is rather difficult to understand why some undesirables are deport- ed, while others, who run away, are chased to the ends of th, earth. Daily newspaper advertising is the most powerful vehicle of publicity yet given to the use of man. Ana the British Whig--the only A.B.C.| paper in Kingston--is the medium, par excellence, for local advertising. S---- Quebec's new liquor law has re- | ceived the public endorsement of Bishop Farthing, of Montreal. Heo declares he is convinced that the best system of liquor administration is 'government sale and control. While the city council is consid- ering the question of billboards, it might not be amiss to mention that they are a potential source, of reve- | nue. The Winnipeg council proposes to tax them at the rate of $1.50 per * square foot, "You cannot rebuild the world without our labor, not even without our advice," writes Ludwig Haas, Aormer premier of Baden. It is bard to understand the silly boastfulness of the German in the face of the dire failure he made of his attempt at world domination. The minister of finance told the house on Tuesday, in reply to a ques tion, that it cost the country $1,052, 537 to collect the business profit war taxgnd the income tax during the fiscal year 18920. It looks as it tie government could practice con- ~ siderable economy in its methods of _ tax collection. And was the business profits war tax worth the cost of col- "The Canada Steamship Lines is recalling many of its ocean-going vessels to lake and river routes, "These boats will again ply between lontreal and the head of the lakes "Just another reason why the Kings- "ton harbor improvements should be d to completion. Local accom- should be ready to meet $1.50! The poor we have with us ai-| business witn | The | A REVERED S( HOOLMASTER. Residing ton ther in Kin iged ex-schoo wiom many to see as streets. Thi Garland Kidd erved his day and age joys his books and iso at the of ¢ ing of spring when will yield their bea dictory to the tea | Mr Kidd said office of one "The roe Our greatest make little or no noise ir powers, like m the great forces of ilently. I believe in ful teachers and pupils, anc erything that makes life bri Joyous and beautiful in nature happy room. It has been gaid fulness is the prin ipal in the composition of g 1 can tes happiness refraining praise Caslor Dy stowing deserved. An o ouquet in the form of a com pliment is an exe nt toni ey Phere somet } WC spector, t >» whom the this time; and 128 to pay a tribute at to wish him more years happiness and pleasant recollections of the days when he labored t aSST and when A NEW RE-EsS1 ABLISHMERT PROPOSAL. Wir Veterans Associa- on realized that the gov ernm i definitely decided not te entertain any proposal for furthe: gratuity, is now putting forward a {new plan for re-establishment which will shortly be presented to the gov The the plan is compensation for the shrink- ernment, Keynote of new age of the purchasing power of the dollar during the war years booklet published by "Gunner," incidentally, is H. 1. Howe, a former president of the Kingston branch ot {the G.W.V.A., the scheme is workea in is backed up hy arguments which appear to be logi- In a wha, | out detail, and cal, The main hope of the veterans for | consideration of their plan lies in the | saswers given to some questions by | Premier Meighen at a meeting in | Massey Hall towards the close of last | the more they prepare the more they | Year When asked if the government | {oud consider any further gratuity | | proposals, he replied in the | He wa [ would negative. ren asked if the government ider, for the benefit of the | veteran , the application of the same | principle in the | bonuses, increases in as civil sessional in the shrinkage in the pur- the The premier"s answer was, "The govern- { ment always has and always will." On this réply the G.W.V A. its hopes for the success of ti { In a table showing comparative costs {of living in the war years and in | 1914, the booklet proves that the | cost of living was more than doubled, { while the pay of the soldier remained | stationary. The government made | allowance for this in the case of civil | servants by granting bonuses, ana |in the case of members of parlia~ ment by increasing the sessional in- {demnity. The veterans ask that | they should also be compensated in demnity, and incre | rates, viz. chasing power of dollar, {a like manner, and request a bonus | of one dollar for every day's service of each man who servéd in France, | seventy-five cents a day for men who served in England, and fifty cents a J day for men who served in Canada | Their claim is vased on the | increased cost of living, and if ths | { only. reply of Premier Meighen, quotea above, can be construed in a broad manner to include compensation ol this kind, their plan may be given favorable consideration, No one would wish to do any less for tha veterans and their families than for | | the civil servants, and it must be aq-| mitted that there is a certain amount | of justice in their claims | There is one flaw in their reason- | ing, however, that apparently has | been overlooked. Mr. Howe makes | {it plain that this is not a request | for a reward for services rendereq. | | 1t is entirely a request that the gov- | jeernment compensate the veterans | { for the depreciation of the dollar, m | the same way aX was done With other | Bovernment servants. If this state- | ment is correct, why are three grades jot Payment set down in the request' {Why do the veterans ask one dollar {a day for those who served in | France, seventy-five cents a day for {those who served in England, and fifty cents for those who served In {Canada only ? If the depreciation "ot the dollar is the only basis for [the request, why is this distinction {made ? Did not the dollar of ths man who served in Canada depreci- ate to the same extent as that of the {man who served in England ot France ? By making {his distinction servica in~ | railway | bases | 1e plan. | "Gunner" departs from the spirit af the 'principal he lay down for com-| fg Ee favorable consideration BITS OF BY-PLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. BO tng bp | Goo-BI: food what s White, as h "How lack, as si come work He Knows All the Cuss Words. What opi of prohibi- Thi Mar ral Dawes asked ay Ma The Great Sorrow, room | I'he Bore. 1't eve rattle him What De You Make of This, My Dear Watson? n Dallas (Texas) Tuesday (Ad News) LOST---Suit case road, containing old | ing and watch of a dying man; lib- on Preston 8s cloth- eral reward We do where | Wood Glass, of Ooof! { She tends locks upon He tries not to offend her, | For fear she'll fire him off the job: | In fact he's too, dam tender | --Simian Goober. i nde Gobs of Gloom! Humphrey drifting toward sez he: "We are guarding the hogs, horses, plants and wa back with rotecting our own | the dam, the announces degen- up to Professor { that we are eracy. He sez, the minute of our cattle chickens, but Pharaohs in jy edity." in are her- Firma Is Firms. §1 stens like a Fourth of July but anyway, Horn & Can- a shoe store in Gainesville, | celebration { non have | Texas Little Journeys, I hate live in Finlang "Twould make me feel so Finnk But, if 1 lived in Finland, I'd live in Ylakiiminki Is That Se! Dear Luke: When Miss Hall | Mr. Hallman she didn't name. She merely gained Charlotte, N. C, married a "man"--- | Nothin' Doin' Will Call and Will Die, both of Al- bany, Ala., wants to take the medical course dn the Names Is Names Club. Some Cow, Is Right. (Ad. in Mt. Sterling (Ky.) Exchange) FOR SALE---A full-blooded cow, giv- ing milk, three tons of hay, a lot of chickens and several stoves. -- Names Is Names. Alexander Howsyurehashki is a petty officer in the British Navy, Our Dally Special, Some Give According To Their Means ~--Some According To Their Meanness. -------------------- Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER THE DISCORD. , Though grateful people may re- joice o'er blessings they possess, you'll always hear a plaintive voice proclaiming bleak distress. The most of us are cheery guys who brandish pleasant grins; we don't send up our doleful cries until we bark our shins. We know this world's a good old joint in which to spend our years, and so don't linger to anoint the veldt with. useless tears. A better world we could not wish, life is its own reward: but there is always some poor fish who hits a' minor chord. And while we sing of azure skies and blue and silver seas, he sod Jars us with discordant cries of crape and soup and cheese. We travel on a sunlit track and play the fife and drum, but he has read the almanac, and knows that storms will come. We see the bride and bridegroom pass, and boost their wedding rags; but he is sure that flesh is grass, and brides will be old hags.. We sing of hope and bappy days, and dance upon the sward; but always thera are dreary jays who hit the minor chord. : ~--WALT MASON. The slender girls know that skirts BO hairs I is "spring, but ti valued at heredity | the | change her : | Letters to the Editor "Keep Him Out." on, March 14.-- (To the Edi- After reading your publication ". R. Anglin's side of the question Sprackl gctions towards citizens of Canada or Ontario, our nd, Mr. Anglin, must not forget 8 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i 1 are rules in laws, which per- | s living by law, must not break, | and yet I must not divulge the secret law that they are allowed to break. | | Mr. Anglin states no less a mar than | Premier Lloyd George said that the | | country has three enemies, Germans, | Austria and drink, The men who | fought have returned to Canada. He i asks you to make no mistake: few | men stand higher in the hearts of the i people 'of this province. Sir, I would like you to give our friend his ans- wer; few men hold him as such. It | might surprise our friend .that here | | in Kingston we are able to get thous- ands of signatures to benefit the Citi- | zens' Liberty League. league to liberate such Spracklin, who should man in his position to men as be show But it is not a | the only | good from evil and teach mankind the bet- | ter point of view in controlling his evil nature Mr. Spracklin may have | { been in France, but not before me in | this war, and I say again, what was | acted in war should not be shown in | peace time. Therefore 1 could get many thousands of signatures against 1g any such man to preach liberty to the citizens of Kingston, | and do such work from a Christian i point of view Keep him out, Be | | British, { | Yours truely, --E. HOWLEY. 62 Stephen street. MOVING TO CHINA. Dominion Alliance Official Says Dis. | tilleries Go There. Ottawa, March 15.--Speaking hera | on the outlook for world-wide prohi- | bition, Rev. Dr. F. J, Oaten, financial retary of the Dominion Alliance, | said, although this could not bé look- | ed forward to in the immediate fu- | ture, it was a goal at which to aim present, the liquor distil- | leries to China, and | sec yet At were moving working up a trade which had hither- | Only concerted ef- | BUCKEYE INCUBATORS to not existed. fort to educate popular opinion could | bring about world-wide sbolie| of intoxicants, | ever tion | Back To The Land. | New York, March 16 --A real es- | tate firm of nation-wide scope which in the past year sold 4,272 farms, more than $20,000,000, { from Maine to California, has made { public at its offices here the interest- | ing discovery that, for the first time | in many years, there are signs of a | change in the drift of population | "away from the cities and back to the farms." : WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1921. SPRING OVERCOATS RAINCOATS (Trench style) 34 to 42. Special =. [BIBBY'S Society Brand Clothes FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG. are succeeding in Clothes--clothes of Dandies: at £15.00 and $18.00 More and more, real men--men who their work--turn to Bibby's Society Brand known value. These men find in these clothes the things they demand. There's snap and style without frivolity. There's a dollar's value of all-wool fabrics for eve y dollar's cost There's hand-tailoring that's beyond criticism. The clothes are sold on the basis of a guarantee of com- plete satisfaction. Real beauties. . $35.00--$38.50 --$42.50--$45.00 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S BLUE ITS (All Woc® $28.50 $32.50 $35.00 $38.50 $45.00 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS MEN'S SUITS conservative models! | $18.00 $22.00 $28.50 | $32.0 SEE OUR NEW SPRING OVERCOATS Genuine English All Wool Covert Cloth, Silk Lined . $35.00 BIBBY'S Pre-war Prices on Everything First Longs Smart $18.00 22.00 $24.75 $28.50 NEW NEW HATS SHIRTS Mazola A Pure Salad and Cooking Oil at Reduced Prices No. 1 tin No. tin No. 8 tin Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phone 20 and 990, WY IV: Take the risk out of your Chicken Breeding by buying the one best INCUBATOR---~THE BUCKEYE. Sold at-- BUNT'S KING ST. o HARDWARE. PHONE 388. 'HAD BAD COUGH . FOR THREE YEARS | The constant hacking, racking, per- sistent cough that sticks to you in spite of everything you have done to get rid of it, is the kind that is dang- erous. | The longer the cough sticks, the | more serious menace it becomes to | your health. There is no remedy that will re- lieve coughs--coughs that won't let go--like Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It has a healing and soothing ac- tion on the air passages, and at the | same time acts as a disinfectant of | | germs that produce serious lung com- | plications. Mrs. John Miller, Minburn, Alta., writes: --*"I had a very bad cough for three years. I went to several doctors and tried different cough medicines, but nothing seemed to help me. One day a friend told me about Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and after using several bottles I became com- pletely relieved. I always keep a bottle in the house, and also recom- mend it to others. Dr. Wood's Norway. Pine Syrup has been universally used for over 30 years, and so great has been its success, it is only natural that a great many imitations have been placed on the market. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 35c. and 60c. a bottle; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. | the respiratory organs, destroying the |" "The House of Satisfaction" PUT STOMACH IN __ FINE CONDITION Says Indigestion Results From an Excess of Hydrochloric Acid. Undigested food delayed in the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same as food left in the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion is caused by Hy- per-acidity, meaning, there is an ex- cess of hydro-chloric acid in the stomach which prevents complete di- gestion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours in the stomach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids "and gases which inflate the stomach iike a toy baloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch up gas, Wwe eructate sour food or have heart- burn, flatulence, water-brash or nau- He tells us to lay aside all diges- tive aids and instead get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoontul in a glass of water before breakfast and drink while it is effervescing and further- more, to continue this for a week. While relief follows the first dose, it is important to neutralize the acid- ity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and sodi harmless : is used by thousands of people Se Pt Asus Appts ay FARMS FOR SALE FARM of 100 acres, on a good road, not far from King- ston; first class dwelling; gobd outbuildings; about 65 acres under cultivation; well watered; enough wood for foel; orchard; possession at once. Price $3,500. FARM FOR SALE OR TO LET A large, first clasg farm, ad- Joining the Village of Harrow- smith If not sold in a few days Will rent it. A reasonable offer will be accepted. T. J. Lockhart Clarence Street, Kingston Phones 1035w. or 1707). YOU'LL Never Worry About Tires if you Get MOORE'S To REBUILD Them. Because---- They represent the highest qual. ity of workmanship and material. Because---- They look just as good as new tires and give wonderful mileage, and are absolutely 'guaranteed to run 3000 miles. Because---- Our prices have been revised, and are mow well within the reach of everyone. Ford Tires Rebuilt St Lake Oatario Trout | and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. BOOTH FISHEIERS ~ (Canadian Co. This is the time to have your tires looked after and re-built or repaired. MOORE'S Quality Goes In Before Price Goes On. G0 ' Cadillac Electric ~ (leaner STILL ON TOP ~The only machine on the market, with a self-cooling motor. J. R. C; Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. uarters. Phone 819, FOR SALE Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. .L Cohen & Co. Specialties We carry a full line of Cattle Specialties required hy the Veterinarian and stock breeder, --Thermometers--in safety cases. ~--Milking Tubes--assorted lengths. Dose Syringes--all metal. Hypodermic Syr.nges and Needles. Teat Slitters--one or two knifes. Teat Dilators--self retaining. Milk Fever outfits, Black Leg Syringes and Pellets. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phone 843. Never climb a mountain till you ' to it--then maybe it won't be | Coal That Sats The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad's Celebrated ; Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled py Crawford Phone 9. root of "meen Sg, "I's a black Busine sum |