Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1921, p. 14

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SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Automobile World Foe ing in a higher gea ve) . Better shift | design out 7 of bataunce. Do not antagonize the publie or \ GRAY-DORT EXCEPTIONAL ADVICE il at the foot of a hill than on the ao aatage one puny of FOR THE MOTOR USER up and put some solid base under Spinning wheels in a bole dig the | transportation, either freight or pas- Liole deeper. Don't throw stones and senger, must have a favorable public |sticks in front of the wheels. Jack!opinion or they are likely to legls- Hints Tell of Many Little Car Re- quirements, | Don't use chans unless Recessary; | A little inspection to see that ev- they destroy tires and streets Use | erything is O.K. before cranking your | chains on both wheels or none at all. | motor saves yme. On large trucks use agough chains to | Don't use the same can or bucket Lave one under the wheels at all lor water and gas. A particle or | times. water or dirt in the gasoline often| Tire mileage depend: on care of causes a peck of trouble, abuse. Riding car tracks bumping Don't use the choke except when [curbs and going rapidly over ogi} necessary. It is better to have a roads cut down the mileage. Proper | fcw carburetor *'pops" than too rich | Inflation ts most important for pneu- 4 mixture, | matics. Use a gauge. Use all the air in the mixture Governors on motor truck engines can, are set at a speed that develops the Never leave a car with the shift | greatest pulling power. A driver who lever in gear, and always examine | tampers with a governor or opens it them, you i | creased taxes, | To rehabilitate the burned fuse it is this lever before starting the engine. | fOr speed not only violates the traffic Safe driving demands a full and |laws, but undivided attention. "Don't talk to the motorman' is just another way of saying "Don't fogl or flirt with the driver." Don't follow a street cay or any [checked at least monthly. motor vehicle top "closely. ' A safe| distance means you have stopping space, no matter how quickly a atop Is made ahead of you. Keep a safe distance from street cars when they turn a corner, Don't turn corners rapidly, Don't |Jjob is done release your clutch to turn a corner. You can better control your vehicle with clutch in and you are less liable o skid. Don't try to pase another vehicle on a hill or a curve. Be far enough back to get a view of the road ahead before getting into the pagh of op- posite traffic. Don't take a chance at. railroad crossings. One railway company had over 500 safety gates broven last year. Make the grade crossing in in- termediate or low gear. Don't pass the rear of a train or car until you can get a view of the traffic or train that may move in the cpposite direction, In cas of accidents, get the infor- mation ie and give informa- tion'desired, but keep your commen's to yourself, Give assistarce to injur- ed people or disabled vehicles, Do not go down a hilt raster than You would go up the hill in the same gear. Use your motor to assist the Lrakes. Don't coast with tha eluteh out, set ypur hand brake, but 'if likely to. get hot, alternate with foot brake. Better not turn off the spark or much gas may work by the pistons. Do not ¢lose the throtile or the suc- tion may draw oil. Idle the motor so that it does not pull. The advanced spark gives you the greatest power, 80 don't retard it on @&pull to prevent a spark Knock. Shift to a lower gear. Start your vehicle in low and let your cluteh in easily. You put unnec- essary strain on the elutch by start- Lionse BROTHERS CEA CO MARCUS OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE STREET, KIN i { i { alses operating expenses above profits, Don't try to operate your engine when it lacks compression Valve setting and clearance should be Keep your vehicle clean. It adds to ite usefulness and' gives others a good impression. If y enter a ser- vice station with a difiy, grease and mud-covered engine, the mechani¢ [the foil and re-inserted in the fuse gets the idea you don't care how the Never permit the clutch pedal to strike the under part of the floor board when you let it come up. This partly holds out your clutch and ruins the plates. Loose steering connections are dan- gerous not only to a driver but to the public, Jack up the front and rear axles and test the wheels for side nlay" Ad- just the wheel bearings or you will have to. replace them. line up the front wheels go that they tee In slightly in front or you will not get half your tire miléage. i Keep eprings tight at the axles; looseness here causes most spring breaks. Springs seldom break under weight; it is the rebound force A loose bolt or a lost oil cup may cause | a breakdown. Don't neglect the little items, Check your engine oil level! daily, your transmission and rear axla le- vels weekly. Keep them up to level, but not above. Don't try to get too many miles out of your oil. The second 500 miles may cost you far more than a change of oll would. e Don't forget that the radiator wa- ter should be changed. Clean water without acid or mineral gives best results. Never put any matter into the radiator to stop a leak. They stop the cireulation. Don't change your parts or con- struction from the manufacturers' atandard; you may have trouble get- ting parts and service and throw the MOTOR CAR It is owned by many who can afford to pay anything they wish for the things they use." It is always bought be- cause of its known value and its after economies. The gessling consumption io unusually low 'The tire mileage 1s unusually high PHONE 1994. GSTON, ONT. {late against the industry and levy in- A Temporary Fuse. A burned out fuse on one's car in the country is very inconvenient if thére are no spares with which to replace it but if the motorist will carry a little tinfoil in his box of odds and ends he can make a ser- viceable temporary repair in a min- ute, As a matter of fact anyone who smokes cigarettes or chews gum or eats candy on the road usually has | some tinfoil on his nerson and so it is not necessary to make a special point of including it with the tools. wrapped with one or two layers of box. Care should be taken mot to wrap the fuse too heavily, as if this is done damage is liable to resylt to the wiring if it is suddenly stressed wil. an overload.--Motor for Jan- ua y. Gear Ratio, On the cars which were made sev- eral years ago the gear ratio be- tween the engine and rear wheels averaged about three and one-half to ope, On most of the cars at the present time the gear ratio is nearer four and one-half to one. This is made possible by the use of the pres- ent high speed éngine. This means that it Ia comparatively easy to start most of the modern cars on second speed with no serious results, The only possible damage that could be done by starting on second or even on third would be either stalling the engine or causing excessive wear |. on the clutch, due to the unpeces- sary slippage required to get the car started. In starting up-grade or un- . Watchful Eyes Guard Its Quality THERE is much more than mere routine to the elaborate system of inspection which guards the supreme quality of the Gray-Dort car. Built into every car is the pride of an organ. ization over sixty years experienced in the production of satisfactory transportation. Gray- world. der favorable conditions M would be better to use first speed, but in | starting on level roads er on down- | grades your second speed should be entirely satisfactory, An admirable lifter for use in rals- Dort as his --each skilled craftsman looks upon the personal ll which he will be judged in the eyes of the uct, by The result is a carefulness--a precision-- of construction which is matched only by the fineness of the materials with which our men work. The final result is freedom from ordina motor car troubles and the long life het comes only with perfect harmony in every working part. Compared with other cars, the Gray-Dort is worth much more than its fair made-in- Canada price. A The difficulty in securing a Gray-Dort will increase as the season advances. See the Gray-Dort dealer now. ing the battery out of the ear may | be made by having what are known as hafness snaps riveted op the ends of a leather strap, perhaps an inch wide and a little longer than the bat- tery. When this is snapped inte place it makes a convenient handle tor juggling the battery around. ! | Watch out for steam at radiator | vent, as it indipates that the engine is overheating, a cendition which may result in serious damage to the | engine if not taken care of in time, Qverlteating bupns up the oil, caus- ing friction, logs of power, and scer- ad eylinders, . ETI OT DOC 2 IAA A LAT EO IOORO CF ip : LE LO GEORGE W. BOYD GRAY. Kingston, Ont. -- DOR A Apparatus to furnish warm dry and sterilised air to the lungs has been invented by an English doctor, who believes insomnia ean be cured by lessening their moisture. Private shipyards in the United States-last year built 1,768 merch- ant vessels of 2,831,343 gross tons for American owners and 25 of 28.- 882 gross tons for foreign owners. Camela imported from Asia have been fried in Australia with fair suc. cess for hauling wagons in regions lacking railroads. One of the Federated Mayal states is planning to foster the production of the African oil palm. by granting land to planters. Béans planted in cornfields can be gathered with @ new harvesting ma- ching narrow enough to he driven be- tween the rows of corn. A flax' harvesting machine of Eng- lish invention seizes the grain in bunches, digs ils roots from the soil and covers it to one side with a belt. A woman is the patentee of a long handled implement for passing over Ww | Baper ® lump of material which rem 1 dust and dirt from the pape! English city street cars are a8 travelling kitchens in are cooked en route and e publie, mineral production jast year is o lly estimated at §22,- 070,000, making a total for the ter- rvitory in excess of $460,000,000. Legther made in India from lizard skins is being used for women's and children's shoes and other articles formerly sequiring caif skin or kid. Por motor truck owners there has been designed a compact device to re- d the cost of operating & truck in of material, time and distance. signals to A . vention to be attacled to the rear of an automobile to show that it is go- ing to stop, reduce its speed or change its direction are equally noticeable day ar night. A rheostat to be mounted on an automobile steering .olumn has been invented by a Pennsylvanian te regu- late the current supplied to Jead- lights and give them eight different degrees of brilliancy, To enalbe the blind to read a Vienna scientist has invented a hand- driven phonogrdbh on which records using a series of Uots that reproduce buzzing sounds in ag easily learned code are employed. For threshing machines an ayto- matic governor has been designed that prevents straw wrapping around the cylinder or entering the feeder until what already is there has been taken care of by the cylinder. » INDIGESTION '"Pape's Diapepsin" makes Disordered Stomachs feel fine at once: ns lamps or nudigested food causing pain. your siomach is acid, and is Kasay, sour or yon heart- burn, flatulence, headache or dyspep- sa, here is speedy relief--ho wait- ng Eat a tablet or two of Pape's Dia- pops and instantly your stomach féels fine. Al the indigestion pain, gases, acidity and misery in the stomach caused by acidity ends. Pape's Diapepsin tablets cost Jlttle at any drug store, but there is no nf or guicker stomcch antacid T MOTORS, LIMIT A cg Ds \ McLaughlin Motor Cars When better cars afe built, McLaughlin® will build and 3 real Canadian product throughout. Prest-O-Lite Batteries Built in Canada by Canadian workmen and with Cana- dian capital. --- . | Michelin Tires and Tubes the 'oldest tire The world's best tire--sbullt by one of manufacturers. Direct from Clermont, Ferrand, France. Real Egyptian Cotton used, ? . Gabriel Snubbers They do stop the shock when all Other devices fall. Oils, Greases, Accessories Real Bargains in Good Used Cars. Blue Garages, Limited | ; 867 . Corner of Queen and Hagot és. QUALITY --esvenes OPEN ALWA' -- BRRVICE them, - Hi the gasoline tank will bring up enough gasoline to prima ope der. Obviously™the operation Emergency Priming on the Road. When it is necessary to prime the engine on the road and no other means is at hand, a valve tap tied Lonly be repeated as often as Deces- to a bit of string and lowered into | sary to get a start, Ba wv 3

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