Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1921, p. 16

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SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1921. Business Executives USINESS Executives who establish a close relationship with this Bank find that a number of distinct advantages accrue. To help our clients solve their business problems we are not only willing at all times to furnish sound advice from a banking standpoint, but when necessary we extend such accommodation us aitendant conditions demand, in keeping with sound business principles. Av es fo form a conr with this Bank sction PP S RD BANK T OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Kingston Branch: . . J. F. Rowland, Manager. ee oar re So r------ on r-- a -- En a -- i a Recording Milk Production Doss each cow in your herd earn her keep? The Milk Record Book which will be given to you by any of our branches will help you to keep track of the milk production of your animals. $0 THE. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - -. $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH-R. T. Brymner, Manager ») O MATTER WHAT your financial problem may be, our local Manager will be found quite ready and willing to dis- cuss it with you, and to give you the benefit of his knowledge and experience. This Bank is in your District to give YOU such banking ser- vice as may be required, and whether you desire to opén an account, arrange for a loan, remit money or to obtain information ators or advice, our services are equal- Lyndhurst. ly at your disposal. "BANK-TORONTC Assets over $100,000,000. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent Give Service TITTY rewrwwrund | and white granulated, $2.00 to $2.2 LINE SO i aged JY Ep Oo REGAL SEEDS SOME OF OUR NOVELTIES FOR 1921 NEW B ANK'S TOMATO By far the earliest solidest, most produe- fe. ahd best of all tasty varietien--- Fri bright c m, thick, solid, ha Tm, medium size, superior quality, a heav: continuous rer, andy ; unlike most varieties the skin peels freely from a PE acd dhigoer un $1.00. Postpaid. he ALBINO T .3 . TOMATO-Pure white in color, containing no acid whatever. verg smooth fruit, a Cropper, and medium early. Pkt. 25 seeds 8c, CUCUMBER--The best extra early, white Spin e type, fruit uni. tly at both food ee] and Sic, i= 50¢., ostpaid, eum, = STICK SWEET CORN. It is unequalled in flavor, sweetneeg arance, a rich creamy yellow--It is a medium 3nd hardier than most varieties. Pkt. 10c., X Ib. Rc. . THE ASKING--Our valuable illustrated cataloguue, 128 pages of Seeds, mpl 'E FOR Bulos, ertijizery, Insecticla . 8 t oilers, Seed pi ements, Incubators, rooders, Posty Foayers, B poi i for it today. 5 i JOHN A. BRUCE & CO, LIMITED ** Seed Merchants since 1850 HAMILTON, ONTARIO Semester | EE | EGG COAL ............ STOVE COAL ... .. NUT COAL Pea Coal Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.p. SOWARDS COAL CO. THE MARKET REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, March 18 Manitoba wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.90 3-8; No: 2 northern $1.87 3-8; No. 3 northern, $1 83 "3-8; No. 4 wheat, $1.77 3-8, Manitoba oats No.3 C.W., 44 1- 44 1-2¢; No I teed, 42 1-2¢; No. | feed, 39 1-2. Manitoba barley 84 1-2¢; No. 4 C.W_, ed, 81 1-2¢; feed, 61¢ No. 2 CW. 49¢; LW, All of the above in store at Fort William. | American corn--88c, notinal, | track Toronto, prompt shipment. | Ontario oats--No_ 2 white, 45 to 47¢c. Ontario. wheat--No. 2 winter, {31.85 to $1.90 per car lot: No. 2 gpring, $1.75 to $1.80; No, 2 goose wheat, $1.70 to $1.75, | pointe according to freight, | Peas-- No. 2, $1.55 to $1.65. | Barley--Malting, $5 to 80¢, ac- cording to freights outside. Buckwheat---No. 2, $1.05 to $1.10, | nominal. | Rye--No. | inal, according to freights outside. Mantioba flour -- First patent, | | | $10.70; second patent, $10.20, bulk | seaboard. Ontario | board. | Millfeed --- Delivered, Montreal | freight, bags included; bran, per ton, [$37.00 to $40.00; shorts, per ton, $25.00 to $38.00; good feed flour; 1 $2.25 to $2.50 per bag. {- Straw--Car lots, per ton, $12.00 | to $12.50, track, Toronto. Hay---No. 1, per ton, | $24.00, track Toronto, Montreal. Montreal, March 18.--No, 2 Cana- | dian western oats quoted at 67¢c to | 68¢c, No. 3 C.W. and extra No. 1 feed [at 63¢ to 64c, No. 1 feed at 6lc to { 62¢c, and No_ 2 feed at 59¢ to 60c per | bushel, ex-store, while Ontario No. 3 extra barley is selling for local ac- {count at $1.08, No. 3 barley a: $1.06, and the lower grades at 8§c per |-bushel, ex-track. flour--$8.50, bulk sea- $25.00 to Winnipeg. Winnipeg, March 18.---~Wheat: No. I northern, $1.913%; No. 2 northern, {$1 87%; No. 3 northern, $1.833%:; | No. 4 northern, $1.773; No. 5 north. {ern, $1.68%; No. 6 northern, [$1.62%; feed, $1.427%. | Oats: No. 2 C.W", 493: No. 3 CW. | #415 ¢; extra No. 1 feed, 4434¢' No. 1 feed, 42%c; No. 2 feed, 393¢. Barley: No. 3 C.W,, 8434¢; No. 4 |C.W., T2%¢; feed, 1c. | Flax: No. 1 N.W.C., $1.78; : No. C.W., $1.74%; Ne. 3 cw, 503%; condemned, $1.4714, Rye: No. 2 C.W.,, $160. New York. March 18.--Flour-- spring patents and | | | [81 }- New York, Market stead; Kansas straights, | spring clears, $6.25 to $7.25; | er straigts, $8.00 to $8.25. {| Rye flour--Market barely steady; fair to good, $8.50 to $8 85; choice | to fancy, $8.90 to $9.25. White corn flour--Market quiet: | $2.10 to $2.25. Cornmeal--Market easy; vellow | Rye--Market easy; No, 2 western [$1.68 f.o.b. New York and $1.64 c.L.f. domestic. Barley -- Matket easy; feeding 77¢ to 83¢c and malting 87¢c to 94¢c cif. New York. Buckwheat--Market firm; milling, $2.70, Wheat--Spot market steady; No. 2 hard, $1.83; No. 1 Manitoba $1.91 elf, track New York; No 2 durum $1.73 c.i.f, to arrive. yellow, 86¢; No. No, 2 mixed, 85 1-2¢ c.i.t. New York 10-day shipment, Oats--Spot market steady; No. 1 white, 56¢. Chicago. Chicago, March 18.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.64; No. 2 hard, $1.64 to $1.64 1-2 Corn----No. 3 mixed, 63c to 63 1-2¢; No. 3 yellow, 63c to 64 1-2¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 43 1-2¢ to 44¢; No. 3 white, 42 1-2¢ to 43e. Rye---None. Barley-- 61¢ to 78c. Timothy seed--$3.75 to $5 25. Clover seéed---$13.00 to $18.00, Pork--Market nominal. Lard--$11.45. Ribs-- $11.00 to $12.00. Minneapolis. Minneapolis,March 18.--Flour un- charged to 10c lower; in carload lots, family patents quoted at $8.70 to $9 a barrel in 98-pound cotton sacks: shipments, 41,157 barrels. Bran, $23; wheat,~eash. No. 1 Northern, $1.50 to $1.55; March, $1.39; May, $1.36. _\ ~ ee ------ VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 98 and re-invest in 1924 at 961 or 1934 at 95}, and if your income is $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. § You would make $15 per thousand and ex. tend your investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. ™ "The Home of Good investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. ey : 83 Bay 'Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. ---- --- . ------- a ac eee You may thank the Lord that ¥ou [ing is that You bore a lot of people, 'ate not as other men. But the bett- | just the 4 same, Corn, No. 3 yellow, 53 to 54c. Oats, No. 3 white, 36% to 37 %c. Flax, No. 1, $1.72 to $1.75. LIVE STOCK MARKET, Toronto. Toronto, March 18.--Heavy steers, choice, $10 to $11; do. medium, $9 to $9.50; choice butchers, $9 to $9.- 60; do. medium, $8.25 to $8.75; do. common,'$6.25 to $7; light common, $4.50 to $5.50; do. medium, $6.75 to $7.25; stockers, 700 to 800 Ibe. $6.50 to $7; feeders, 900 Ibs., $8 to $8.25; light stockers, $5.50 to $6; light sheep, $8 to $9; do. culls, $2 {to:$3; butcher cows, choice, $8.75 to | $8; do. medium, $6 to $6.50; do. good, $4 to $4.50; do. light, $4.50 to $5.50; canners and cutters, $2.50 {to $3; bulls, choice, heavy, $6.50 to { $7.50; do. common, $4 to $6; spring lambs, $12 to $13; calves. $13.50 to $15; do common, $9 to $12; hogs, fed and watered, bid, $14.75 to $15,- THE DAILY BRITISH WHI "i Lira No. 1 feed, | shipping | 2, $1.55 to $1.60, nom- $8.50 to $9.25; | wint- | +1 $11.50; mixed | Corn--S8pot market steady; No, 2 2 white, 86 1-2¢; | ' Thomas and Woodstock, 35 to 40¢ | per pound. ---- Potatoes, { Belleville, 80 to 80¢: $1.50; Brantford and Woodstock, $1.25; Chatham, $1.49; London and Cobourg, 80¢ to $1; Owen Sound, 70 to 76c; and St. Thomas, $125 to $1.35 per bag. Kitchener, Paid-up Capital Reserve . . Resources , Form a Good Connection A savings account in The Bank of Nova Scotia gives the depositor a business connection with one of Canada's leading financial institutions, Such a connection in years to come may be of great value and assist. ance in business. $ . 9,700,000 18,000,000 230,000,000 | --- | Wheat, | Belleville, $1.80 to $1.85; Kitch- ener and London, $1.90; Cobourg, | $1.85; Chatham, $1.25; Owen Sound, 131.75 to $1 80; Port Hope, $1.80; St. | Thomas, $1.90 to $2; Woodstock and | Hamilton, $2 per bu-hel. ---- Barley. Belleville, Port Hope and Wood- | { stock, 90c¢; Kitchener, 72 to 96¢c; | Brantford, Thc; Cobourg, 85¢;: Chat- | ham, 60c; Hamilton, 80 to 85¢; Lon- 1 { don, 72 to 96c; Owen Sound. 75 to | | 80¢; and 8t. Thomas, 90 to 95¢ per bushel, THEIR Oats. Belleville, 80 to 82c; Kitchener, 53 to §5c; Cobourg, 55 to 60c: Chat- | ham, 40¢; London, 53¢; Owen Sound, {42 to 460; Port Hope, 550: St. | | Thomas, 48 to 50c; Woodstock, 50¢ | per bushel. Why not form the cone nection today by o, your savings account? 158 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. N. Lyster, Manager, KINGSTON Na ------ At, and | Hay. | Belleville, baled, $22 to $24, loose, | | $25 to $26; Kitchener, baled. $26 to | | $28, loase, $24 to $26 Brantford baled, $25 to $38, loose, $22 to $2 Cobourg, baled and loose, $30: H liton, baled, $25 to $27, loose, $26 | [to $29; Owen Sound, baled, $20 to | $22, loose, $18 to $19: Port Hope, | | baled $35, loose, $30: St. Thomas, | baled, $26 to $28, loose, $25 to $27: | Woodstock, baled, 25 per ton. ---- |THE KINGSTON MARKET | 5 | i | ; | | | . do do. 25; do. off cars, $15 to $15.25; to farmers, $13.50 to $13.75; fob, $13.75 to $14.25. Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., March 18.--Cattle-- | Bhipping steers, $9 to $10.75; buteh-| |€rs, $9 to $9.50; yearlings, $9 to | {$11; heifers, $6 to $8.50; cows, $2-| {50 to $7.50; bulls, $4.50 to $6.50; | [stockers and feeders, $5.50 to $7: | {fresh cows and springers, slow, $55 [to $110. Calves: $5 to $14.50. Hogs: | Butter, rolls {Peavy, $11 to $11.50; mixed, $11.50 | Ege. fresh, doz ........ to §11.76; vorkers, $11.75 to $12; |Olema-garine .... | light do., and pigs, $12; roughs, $8.. Cheese .. .. ., [50 to $9; stags, $5 to $6.50. Lambs, [$8 to $11.50; yearlings, $6 to $9: { ethers, $7 to $7.50; ewes, $2 to 186.50; mixed sheep, $6.75 to $7. | | Montreal. | Montreal March | Butcher steers choice, $10.50 to $12; | good, $3.50 to $10.25; medium, $8 {to $8.60; common, $6.75 to $7 15;; | but8her heifers choice, $8.25 to $10; | medium, $7.50 to $8.25; common, $5 | J @v Kingston, March 18th. Dairy Products. Creamery butter, 1b ..,.. Dairy butter Whey butter Crore © ~icn a ro» [R= | - | Poultry. | Chicken, dressed, 1b .... {Heas, dressed, 1b . .. { | a < er ~ eats, A 5 | Beet : 18.--Cattle-- | Porterhouse steak, 1b .... | Round steak, Ib | Boiling cuts, Ib | Boiling cuts, 1b 13 I | pr 35 50 BUY LUMBER NOW ; Prices of Lumber, Lath and Shingles at the present time are lower than is warrant" ed by the costs of production and transpor' tation. If you are contemplating building DO IT NOW. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. : Victoria Street un SE uo YS 3 = lJ Bhd ri a | 192] CATALOG INS GROW FINEST CROPS Write for new illustrated Catalog, telling all about Better Seeds and how 10 sow Sold everywhere in Canada STEELE BRIGGS SEED C5: ] ® HAMILTON "TORONTO WINNIPEG - a i oes BELTING \ We have just received a lot of RUBBER BELTING that we can sell at GREATLY REDUCED All sizes carried in stock. PRICES Rivets and all engineers' supplies, Lemmon& Sons 187 Princess St. - Alse Belt Lacing [to $7; butcher cows, choice, $7.50 to | $9; medium, $5 to $7: canners, | $2.50 to $3; cutters, $3.50 to $4.50; | Rib roasts, Ib | butcher mulls, good, $7.50 to $9; | Pork chops, Ib common, $5 to $7; good veal,"$11.50 Hogs, live weight, cwt .. {to $13; medium, $7.50 0 $10; ewes, | Hozs, dressed, cwt . . . 186 to $8.50; lambs, good, $12 to Bacon, breakfast [ $12.50; common, $11 to $12; hogs,| Lamb: | off car weights, selects, $16; sows, | Fronts, 1b . 1 $12, Hinds, 1b | ine | Les, Ib oma, ih .., .....,..... { Chics a Chicago, -- | Chops, Ib | cago, March 18.--Cattle--Beef Mutton 1b | Steers, $10.75; bulk beef steers, $9 |] het ht : to $10; rat cows and heifers, largely {Bausage meat 1b, er {$6 to $7.75; bulk canners and cut- | Vegetables. | ters, $3 to $4.50; bulls, stockers | poqtg 1b. { and feeders, 50c lower; bulk to pack- jers, $10.50 to $11.50. Hogs, top, | Celefy, bunch bulk, 200 Ibs down, $11 10 [sLettuce, bunch [to $11.40; bulk, 220 1bs. up, $10.15 | Carrots, 1b to $10.86; pigs, 256 to 50c higher; | Potatoes, bag { bulk desirable 90 to 120-1b. pigs, $11 | Sweet potatoes, 3 1bs, ... | to $11,256. Lambs, 35 to 50¢ lower; | S---- | sheep steady, lamb top, $9; bulk fat | | wooled lambs, $9.75 to $10.25; year- | Bananas, doz . . | ling top, $850, average around 96 |Graps fruit .. | ibs.; ewes top, $6.25; bulk fat ewes, | Lemons, doz .. | $56.60 to $6; three double decks feed- | Oranges, doz [er lambs, choice, $9.40. Apples, bbl CRS he C3 03 02 CSoeunc 1d © ov oo ee C3 0d eo ta Seon 30 to 12 to 30 to 40 30 to 60 $5.00 GENERAL TRADE. Cod, Ib. .. Eels, Ib. Fillets, 1b .. Fionan haddie, 1b .. ,, .. Haddock, fresh, 1d .... Halibut, Ib .. Kippérs, pair .......... Perch, 1d... .. .. .. Pike, 1b, Salmon, 1b ... Bleak, tod) 1b Eggs. Trout, salmon, Ib Belleville, 35 to 38¢; Kitchener, | White fish ............ 40 to 42¢; Brantford, 40 to 50c; Co- | Herring Fresh, Ib. bourg, 40 to 43c; Chatham, 45 to " 80c; Hamilton, 45 to 0c; London, |. sit a Wool, ! Batter. |* Belleville and Brantford, 53 to 2¢; Kitchener, 60 to 62¢; Cobourg, 65¢c; Chatham, 65 to 70¢c; Hamilton, 60 to 65¢; London, 55 to 64¢; Owen Sound, 55 to 56¢; Port Hope, B2e: St. Thomas, 60 to 65c; and Wood- | stock, 58 to 60¢ per pound. - .s "oe Expert Repairing on all makes of Cars. Welding, Battery Service, Vulcanizing, Washing, Storage, Polishing. PHONE 634. AAA Ar AA A Art A rt Pr, eee HARVEY MILNE Hyslop Rambler and Cleveland Bicycles Auto Tires and Violet Ray Lenses, Electric Carpet Cleaning; Sewing and Laying. 272 Bagot Street - - - Phone 542 40 to 45¢; Owen Sound, 36 to 38¢; Port Hope, 32¢; St. Thomas, 40 to Lampe Sa 43c; Woodstock, 38 to 45c. Kipe 8 2 2 : Are an -------- -e S-- Chickens. Belleville, 228 ta 33c; Kitchener, | 42 to 45¢; Brantford, 30c; Cobourg, 40c; Hamilton, 46¢; London:. 37 to 40c; Owen Sound, 30 to 42¢: St. The Man Who Works Hard Should Fol. low This Advice Perseverance and will power he should have, but whether he has strength and vigor is another ques- tion. Hard working men often have headaches and ruffer from bilious fits. The occasional use of Dr. Ham. liton's Pills keeps & man feeling fit and fine, keeps Lim always at his best. Headaches. indigestion, poor ¢olor ure quickly remedied by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Dr, Hamilton's Pills keep fre system clean and pure, tore np the blood, drive away tired- Ress and lassitude. No medicine for Men is better than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 2B¢., all dealers, of The Ca- tarrhczone Co., Montreal. Deacons Hotse hides Tallow, Wool, per Ib. up to $2.50 10 © 18 $1.00 $42 to $44 40 to 42 axes 95 . $26 to $28 $25 Hay, baled, ton ... Hay, loose, ton Corn, yellow feed, bush... .... ie $5. to $5.30 55 «++.10.00 to ) ton .... $1.40 13.0 10.00 Wheat, local $2.00 -------------- A The Wrong Help. The young girl had been engaged 8s en amanuensis By a soclety wo- man, so the story goes. Sh« soon dis- covered that the woman and her hus- band did not live happily together, but had a fight about 'every day. So she gave notice that she Was going to leave. "Why?" inquired the lady in surprise. "Oh, you don't need an | amanuensis in this family, madam," replied the girl. "What yon need fs Reeser tneana a Day. These fowls are fed the "Royal Purple" way, which supplies all the essential food substances necess- ary to feed the hen and the extra material required to produce Amedg a day per hen during the winter. ROYAL PURPLE Laying Meal | is a correct eombination know the results t gives, Better start FREE BOOK ! u vias, corn, meat, | i o 7 ash, lime, ete. It has | rig you want eggs, = Been on the market | by ordering a sack of al Yost for years and thousands | Royal ' Purple 8 i diseases' of ~ of farmers and poultry- man or direct from us. men now rely entirely i upon it for winter eggs. ed Ra Purple W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co., Limited Co 1 3 : C i COPY. ww, a referee." In Kingston get your supplies from WILLIAM F. PETERS, : --------------i : i ; Kipling Has War Keepsake. | Rudyard Kipling, according to an ! 3 ' | English paper, has carried a keep- 3 sake with him since the middle of the war--a volume of "Kim" in al special leathér case, him by a French soldier, who carrying it in action in a pocket over his heart. dier down, and when he recovered he author, It was sent to | found that it had driven his croix' was | de guerre into the book, which, act« | Ing as an armor plate; had saved his' A bullet ¥nocked the sol- | life. So he sent it gratefully to the

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