1921. THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. SATURDAY, MARCH 19, Best's SPRING NEEDS | Very Attractive | I I ] For Easter --Moth Tar Bags. --Camphor lakes. --Camphor alls, Disinfectants. BOB Bl A AB A Gelernter SEEDS-- Rennie's. Stmmers. Steele Briggs Ferries All fresh Phone your wants to 59. L. T. Best, Druggis; -- Pearl Strings Graduated | (24 1921 stock inches long) With Sterling Silver Barrell Shaped Safety Clasps, set with Brilliants. These Pearls are solid and indestructible and if even one Pearl gives any trouble--we re- place it. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. They stand the closest sc rutiny and well worth the price-- $15 00, SMITH BROS. | Limited Insure Against After Regrets. by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI ENCE CAN GIVE. Jewelers - Established 1840. 356 Kirg Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses Mrs. COCKBURNS' ASTHMA REMEDY Thousands of people who have used it can tes tify as to value of this remedy. Mrs. Cockburn, 422 Gilmour St. OTTAWA It is this combination of min) and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. It is all well enough to die happy py, but it is far better to live that way. Sms Big Money For SPRING RATS Get a few Muskrat Traps and make big money. TRAPS ..$2.75 dozen. Spring Rats at $1.50 each is big returns SAP BUCKETS SAP SPILES SAP PANS = E E E E Eg E s & 5 E S 5 E E All at reduced prices and best quality. et the | A ri age Or receptic To get the Whig's society writer, 'e'ephone No. 857Tw., 189 Earl street. . The Lev dansant t af Miss Besgie Al will receive, as and Mrs. O | Handford was committee, 1 the sub | refreshm promise as the coffee table on the dils, and cz ors, and twe a can ana Soci every 1 tables, each it the 1 hment The members of Levana wh and cof- fee in turn Helen Craig, Mis and Miss Hilda Que dancers, . . . Mrs. R, W. | | at lungheon at th | Thursday in honor of her sister-in- law, Mrs. W B. L ¢ Daffodils, rising from soft folds of green tulle, centred the table, and the were, Mrs. W. B. hee King, Mrs. Con tine, Mrs. (Fort McLeod), Mrs, Norman Leslie, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Mrs "James Cappon, Mrs. T. Calland | Bermingham, Mrs. Co am), Mrs. Campbell Stra Mabel Gilde and Miss Swift. xs 88 low i pathy Six, the play for the igstocke ente guests rsleeve Loretta sv Mrs. Harold Day, King street west, entertained at the tea hour on Wed- nesday and Fri of this week when | many of her friends had the pleasure of a cup of tea and.a chat with their | hostess and one another in ihe cosy { lower-decked drawing room. , . . » Mrs. Hutcheson, Toronto, tained at tea on Wednes Thomas Tandy, Mrs. Russel- Brown | and Miss Russell-Brown, who are with Mrs. Tandy. > - . The patronesses at the dance to be held in the City Hail on Easter Mon- day are Mrs. H. C. Nickle, Mrs. Nor- ~ CORNS Lift Off with Fingers enter- a -- Doesn't hurt a bit! "Freezone" | atancis that corn stops hurting, then | shortly you lift it right off with fing- { man Leslie, Mrs | daughters { recitations were one of rtained | e Country Club on} Edwards | » Mrs. W, | (Chath- | tawa this we > Miss | for Mrs. | Drop a little | with Col, on an aching corn, in-|* James Rigney and . Pou af3uhClerey y party 'on F vy little friends of her Doris and Edna. > + a is giving "Cald- younger sca. Foulkes of the $ gegy Millar, the clever little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Mill- ar, King street, whose dancing and "the hits" at | ance of "Ye Higgins Fam- d a big bouquet of flow- foot-lights on Wednes- am Harrison for whom t little teas have been rill retarn to Gttawa next | 1arles Douglas and Yittle | who have been much | ts during their visit to Mr. | . J. B. White, University | 1ed to Ottawa to-day. | . . s. W. F. Nick.e, Earl! | 8 week for Atlantic | | City and ot return to town till | | after East { Miss TI j down from week to spe Mrs. 1. G gart, 5 G Tucker, week-end with Mr, vy, Wellington street Arnoldi, who was, while the guest of Col. and Mr 1 Leslie, Emily street, return- ) Tor nto to-day. Miss Mary Ogilvie wi'l come down from Havergal Hall next week to spend 'Ea r with Col. and Mrs, G. | | Hunter Ogilvie, Earl ctreet, . - - Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Hugh Owen. re leaving early in April for Hamilton, to meet Mrs. Owen's | parents, Sir John and Lady Hendrie {on their rn from South America | Col. and J. F. Foulkes, "Cald- erwood,'" have gone out of town for |a week or so | Mrs. Wartell ments, Brock a Bogart will come! Hav rgal College next | 1 Easter with Dr, and | Wellington street. Belleville, is | and | | Montreal Sydenham apart- | eet, went down to Ot- ek to visit Mr. and Mrs. Wolford Wurtell | i Grant Minnes, Trinity College | school, Port Hope, will spend Easter i at "Hileroft." « » The meeting of the Badminton { Club on Wednesday was well attend- [ eq, the tea m eats coming to join | | the players later in the afternoon. | The tournament among the club | members for the Leslie Shield will be played shortly and the names of | | the players are being put up. i Mrs. George Graham, Belleville, | and her children are with Major and | | Mrs. James Hamilton, Brock street, i | for the week-end. | Mrs, W. Ennis Kidd returned from Brockville on Friday after spending | a few days with Canon and Mrs. Deal- try Woodcock, at Trinity church rec- tory, ! Mrs. Charles D. Mitchell, Ottawa, | is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKay, 277 King street wést, * - - Rev. W. Harold Young, Peterboro, | is the guest of Mrs. Oliver Chown, | University avenue. He is a son of Rev. W. R. Young, D.D., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Napanee, spent Wednesday in Kingston. Miss Vina Young, Kingston, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Marion Eady, Renfrew. | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Temple, King- | ston, are visiting Mrs. Temple's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sweet, Belleville Road. . y Mrs. W. H. Milsap, spending/a few | days in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. | Howard, has returned to Napanee. L a . Anglin and Miss | { Paniela, Montreal, will spend Easter! and Mrs. R. E. Kent, | 'Somersby House." : Miss Honor Tett, Bedford Mills, is | the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hop-| Mrs. Douglas PROBS: Sunday, mild and showery, colder. -- ToN ight at Steacy's Store Open Until 9.30 O'clock We have ready some extra special attractions that should merit your early attention--the quantities are limited, so a word to the wise is sufficient. Sale starts promptly at seven-thirty o'clock. Black Silk Hose 79c. Regular $1.50 a pair--300 pairs only, Black Thread Silk Stockings, with lisle garter top and double toe and heel--all sizes, from 8} to 10 --a splendid value at the former pricing --while this small lot lasts To-night, 79c¢. te a's a eases. Kayser's Chamoisette Gloves 89%. Pair Regular $1.25 value--240 pairs of imported Kayser Charoisette Gloves; in black, white 'and colors: all sizes: your choice while the quantity lasts . To-night 89c¢. Sale New Silk Dresses $14.95 Regular $25.00 to $35.00 12 only, Satin Marion and Queen Quality Taffeta. Silk. The sizes are 16 to 38, and the shades Navy and Harding Blue and Sunset Brown--of perfect make and finish--from one of the best manufacturers--we offer these as an extra special attrac- To-night $14.95 tion for Children's Underwear 9c. iers. Truly! | kins, West street. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle | nico Anpella Minnes will return | | of "Freezone" for a few cents, suffi- | { cient to remove every hard corn, soft |rom. Easter with Mr. Rext You w.| Minnes, "Hillcroft." | Miss Eva Martin went to Ganano- | gue today to spend the -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Mudie. . (Continued on Page"$.) Enhance | > Your | -- | Beauty |ghot Through Both Legs | L By Liquor Smugglers McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phone237 ~. - .. .. mgt. Regular 30 to 40c. a garment corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or ir-|T- ritation. | AAA A A A AA Am 15 dozen Cotton Ribbed Vests and Drawers; in sizes from 2 to 9 years; formerly priced frorh 30 to 40c. each . To-night 19c¢. "American Percales 25c. yd. Regular at the new price 45c¢. a yard. Samm I > \S \ beauty of = March 19.-- Special Showing of Spring Carriages your ha DY ES Delmay's Vitalene French HairTonic | ! Aruna lu | | preparation of herbs discovered by a Ogdensburg, N.Y. | During a running gun fight between | i United States Government officers! {and liguor smugglers, in the vicinity | near here today, | pC. Goodrow | lof Rouse's Point, | Deputy Collector II ! was shot through both legs. Goodrow | 500 yds. to clear of extra fine quality American M:lls Percale-- full 36 inches wide; in two shades and patterns only: Helio and Reseda Green To-night 25¢. a yd. | famous French chemist. r beautiful { was driving an automobile containing | | soft, fluffy, luxuriant hair, buy a hortle | sey eral Gevernment officers, which | Pr One Dollar fo - | > b are | today. Ke Une AT 107 B ECNCTOUS | wag purusing the party of smugglors. | » . ! sized bottic. I not obtainable at veur | 1 :xchange of shots Goodrow was! M t Sh tl d Fl | f {iruegist direct fromm Scobell Drug' Co. fl a3 injuries are not con- | aj€s 1C c al OSS C. i treals : sidered serious. The smugglers es-| AR exons spoee. oa i | Regular 25c¢. a ball--full | oz. 800 one ounce balls of Shetland Floss; in shades Wasp, Rasp- berry, Dove, Moss and Scarlet---at the lowest price ever quated There are husbands aad husbands | in Canada. Regular 25c¢. each . To-night 10c. ~--and good ones are not all dead. These specials sold only on cash and © carry basis, as in each case they represent less than wholesale cost. We special prices just row on all our Car- Sulkies, Strollers and Go- riages, Carts. . We have a large stock, and we know vou will find it 'to We are now. showing the best in Men's. Spring Footwear. Brown Calf Bal, recede AOBIBBE BL: vv vv vss x vnv ein env $10.00 Other Spring goods at prices from $6.50 to $9.00. These prices are for Goodyear welt, all leather boots only. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 213]. 10 Brock Street Your advantage to be- fore you purchase. inspect same, Steacy's - Limit