Lim fted KINGSTON, _-- CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY ONTARIO. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER Lath Shingles Trim OUR SP BCIALTY: Hardwood Flooring ALLAN L UMBER CO. - PHONE 1042, "in both countries for the num THE DA WEEKLY IAL REVIEW ILY BRITISH WHIG. ee ----_---- ass KINGSTON | J | located," because once located a fac- | tory usually stays for a while as does a-hooked fish. The fish were factories | and enterprises. WHY KINGSTON WILL GROW. ---- One Reason Produced Last Year. The By-law exempting from taxes houses built during 1920-21 | But, sad to say, the fish were mot | The past two vears heve seen a gainey enough, or the fisherman of an period in the United States and Can- | jndifferant type. Have you seen that | ada when there were too many people | type? They sit on a wharf and dose ber of | while the fish nose and nibble at their housing | bait and decide that it is not good big pro- | pacause it seems so dead. That is biems of the times, and has at times | what happenea with the enterprises. + Seemed almost insoluble. So great | They nosed around the bait for a | Was the demand for houses, and in- short time, nibbled a little in some deed so great is it vet, as to result Locases, and then swam on in search of in a serious state of affairs which | petter fishing ground and more wide roofs to cover them, The situation has been one of the OR EASTER. Good Stuff Made Locally at Reason. | able Prices. | The desires of men seem to stretch out for something better than the usual run at certain seasons of the | CANDY year. They seek to dave something | out of the-ordinary to remind them | of the speclal season which is being celebrated. Some little treat, or par- ty, or indulgence, not very much, but just so important that the time would not seem honored without it. One of the things within reach of | all, the wisest, least eéxpercive and | SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1421. THE TOYE BREAD 'CO. Limited MORE BREAD _ AND {| LESS MEAT Manufacturers of MOTHER'S and QUAKER BREAD 195 Ontario Se. Phone 834. PRINCE OF WALES DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR LADI Try our Special Dinner from 11.30 rices Moderate, Oatmeal or Corn Flakes, Ham, Hx. Lakes. Tea, Coffee or Milk, - American Management, Table Service--p d5c--~Reguine Nreakfast--ise. con nod Egg, Toast, Wheat 191 PRINCESS STREXY. S AND GENTLEMEN am. to 7 p.m, PHONE 544. i VICTORIA STREET - most beneficial indulgence, and one PY enjoyed by almost everybody, is a T treat of good candy. At Easter time the kids look {or something special of | this nature and most ETOWL-ups en- | joy a little reminder 'hat the joyful day of Easter is at hand Candy is therefore very mush in demand. | In buying candy one'should be just | a8 careful as 'a buying amy other food. The ingredients, the fresli- ness, and how it is kept, should be | taken into consideration. Then, too, there ig g habit, in these times, of | paying as high as double price for a | name in the case of mary of our | commodities, and 'Lis is especially true of candles. The local dealots | give you fine, fresh candies ot all kinds just off the pans and with in- | gredients guaranteed, and ask a | much smaller price than those de- manded for boxed candies which | brought about much acute suffering | awake fishermen. | from lack of decent and adequate Then last spring there came along | accommodation and the resulting | a fish of a large and gamey type. The j high rents' cgmsed by the abnormal city council happened to be fully demand. In this emergency many | awake, and there were some keen | calls were made on the various gov«| fishermen in the group. The fish erning bodies, national, provincial | nibbled, the bait was played a litils, - | and municipal, and various attempts | pe took a good! bite, ang behold he THE "W. J. CROTHERSs CO, Limiteg | Were made to alleviate the distress | was hooked and landed unlike caused. Finally it was seen that the | the fate of most fish, his was an easy only definite and | ng cure for the one. The large bite he took of the evil was the construction of more | bait has made him grow and become dwellings. | stronger, In this process of deduction the | The "fish" in this > wag the leity of Kingston wag well to the | man who has since then been mak- fore, and a by-law was soon framed | jng a cutlery factory against odds by which all those people who built | and beating the odds fo y ways. Mr. dwellings of a certain value during | C_ A. Eaton, who has established his the years 1920 and 1921 would be | cutlery factory at the foot of Gore. exempted from all taxes but the | street, saw that the bait was good, school tax for five years from the | and, With a Ifttle help from the city time of construction. Needless to | ang a whole lot from himseif, he say, many people at once began to | might thrive on fit, He has been take advantage of this offer, and | making preparations for that very, have been in 8t0ck for months and | | bullding operations were carried oh | process and, from his progress so | bulk candles that have been on their | in Kingston during the summer - of | far he is going to. make good at it and | trays sometim or wageke. 1920 to a degree of magnitude never | the city is going to benefit as a re- The local dealers can give you the best deal in candies, and in King- Bobo Fer" == 8 or | before seen in its history, Houses | sult of his location here ston Grimm's ean soon demonstrate A. D. HOLTON sprang up like mushrooms. On oue | : that fact to your satisfaction. Every etd Bo Florist short cont ecting street in the west- | ern end of the city, with a total | day a big stock of fresh candies is length of two blocks, there are Why Kingston is Going to Be On the | manufactured, and it would he wise twelve new houses, all constructed Industrial Map. to loo® their store over for your | between the 1st of May, 1921, ana The by-law which provided for the Easter cand ! the 1st of September in the samé&7] purchase of factory sites Year. The first four huflt were sold After landing the odd specimen as | before half completed. All over thé | a tribute to their skill, the fishermen city it was the same. of the council stopped and took There was also a large thought to themselves. They reason- building outside of dwelli ed that Kingston could land fish with eral banks have had bul its good bait, but that other towns modelled for their occupat used bait of much the same nature, new buildings were constructed at | and therefore the Limestone City | the Royal Military College. The new | should get moving and make its bait stadium at Queen's employed a large | a Yittle more attractive than the aver- number of men all summer, and the age run, Cutlery factory has also been under For this purpose a by-law was put | Process of remodelling, and other to the people and passed by which | building operations have émployed | the ¢ity rulers were authorized to | men, all bringing money into King- | puréhase some twenty-eight acres of | ston, and a great many of them start- | land for factory sites, in order that ed by that one little by-law. industrial enterprises, which might MEADOW CREAM SODAS uits show fact ~ THOS. G. BISHOP ENGINEER A ND MACHINIST "Acetylene Welding We are getting pre-war Flour and our Bis If your grocer does to sample them Crispy. Keep them phone the want vou Brass and Iron Castingw, Electric and Oxy Phone 38 - - » - - - King and Queen Streets Bat, Va JAS. SWIFT & Co, Limited HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Oldest Established Elec¢tries] Contracting Firm in Kingston, Your work solleited. laiporters aud Shippers, Case Domestic and Steam coAaL _ . : os = Phone 061, PHONE 04, Cormier of King and Princess Street, 280 Princess Street 7 \ JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS Ltd Entablishea 1857 Head Office - Kingston, BRANCHES; Fort William Saskatoon Winnipeg FAULTY PLUMBING In Costly No Matter How Low the Price Our Plumbing Is being built & quality first basis. DAVIE & BARRETY 208 Wellington Street Phone 688, / Now Manufacturing the Automatie Sealed Grave Vaults--~Guaranteed Waterproof KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS FACTORY # S. 8. CORnETY ip on Funeral Director - Ont. Ambulance Phone 143. Montreal Mon Toronto Calgary Normaa, Manager, Quebec Patrick Streets, 30w, H. Corner Residence Prone 215, > ~ or rr DAVIS DRY DOCK co. HOOPER & SLATER Sashes, Doors, Hlinds, Monldings, ete All Kinds of Dressed and Hough Lumber, JUST ANOTHER REASON. | The place to ket your repairs done promptiy--motor hoat engines and Sutonmobiles and ary docking East Bag -- | The Laturney Carriage Works | Manufacturer BUSINESS WAGGONS AND ALTO BODIES Special designg made te order. $ STREET 138-132 ONTARIO ST. Phone 74. of Wellington Str A » . nN toa Street, System of Vocational and Academic Can sda M. M. SIMS, Representative 130 Clarence Street, Kingston - KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited ERS ERS, ' Training in ! Fhone 1002w, Conducting the I.U.5, Easter the joyful termination | Of the sombre season of Lent. In! Canada it is also the formal opening | of the season.of fine 'weather, the | farewell to winter, the gateway of spring and summer, In harmony | with this idea, flowers are important. Just as men and women take to brighter and lighter clothes around Easter time, so the earth prepares to take on a mantle of new grasses and flowers, It is therefore a custom to con- nect the two, to have flowers at Eas- | ter time to brighten things up and | recognize the coming of a milder and | more joyful season. Holton, the | florist, says so, aud he should know | something: about it. He also says | that he has all kinds of Easter liljes | and other flowers, and will be glad | to show them to all comers at his | shop on Princess street, amount of ngs Sev- ldings re- ion. Large av PRINCES - - - - PHOXE 1352. #.5, ST. LAW RENCE 50 PASSENG S85, BROCKVILLE 300 PASSENG Open for charter for 8. 8 p Call us up and get a good ~~TELE h Pi " nies and Excursions SALE OF BICYCLES AT MULLER'S BICYCLE WORKS 371-373 KING 10% discount of all new Bleycl és. Our complete stock of re-built Bileyeles at reduced prices. Used Rieyeles from $135.00 up. TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC Spring is almost here. Are your Tires in good condition? Vuleanizing our Specialty Next time you need a Tire, get a really good one SUDDABY HROTHERS Corner Queen an 4 Wellington Streets Phone 1988, HONE 190 STREET PHONE 1032w, GRIMM'S ENTS FOR NEILSON'S AND WILLARIV'S (HOC OLATES 102 Princess Street, AG Phone 707 - Steam come wlong, or "fist" who might nibble, would at once be accompanied with a bait worth nibbling at and therefore be the more easily landed. As a result, there are twenty-eight acres of land sityated where they are but a stone's throw from the rail- Ways and the harbour. The main line of the Grand Trunk runs along near this property and the lower har- That's ours. ANOTHER RE ---- Will Grow and Grow Soon. ¢ The by-law which brought the cut- lery factory to Kingston, Many times in years gone by the | \ity council made a feeble attempt i to do a little fishing. The bait was Kingston's desirability as a centre for | bour borders it, Industries looking | without starting a new industry on! | manufacturing and industrial enter- for location will fing everything pre- | your own? Build a house! Then build | THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. prises. - The hook can be called "once arranged for them in Kingston another! " pe 9" Belfast Ginger Ale nn, - | OFFICE: 204 PRINCESS STREET Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited DIAMONDS, SILVER AnD GOLD Goons Expert Watch Repairing Ustablinhed 1840. 304 King Street | Why Kingston Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes b W. H. COCKBURN & co. IN You want to know how to help out ! ' 95 PRINCESS STREET - - PHONE 210 7 THE MeCALLUM GRANITE Co, PHONE 304 Limited Designers, Manufacturers and Im, porters of Memorials in Gradite--Marble--and--NRrotsze 395-397 PRINCESS STREET Fhose 1031. The following table of compara- tive figures tells at a glance the gratifying story of a growth un- usually rapid--yet healthy, vigor« Ous and well-balanced: Dee. 31 (1929) premium and in. terest income 3,501.97 reserves for aed Nerho $ oT me © policyholders $1,349, THOMPSON BROS Operating -»_Launderers, Limited 7 USED CARS Ten Bargains in Neilable Used Cary These Cars are ready to go on the ad for a Teod many Last suinmer we sold nearly one dred used cars ane of them have gi \ real hones faction We guarante e have over and tested 1ey are a if they are driven I care of dred per cent. of service Call and look them anyone our used car stood "ay > thousand miles, IMPERIAL LAUNDRY more than $06 KINGSTON LAUNDRY all been thoroughly. gone vod investment and will give one hun- i they ~PURE ENGLISH MALT-- Bottled in Pints or Quarts. In bulk. The Wilson Lytle Badgcerow Co. Lid, Bagot Street Total Assets Assurances in force $19,310,403.07 $116,201,347.00 J. B. COOKE District Manager Kingston, Ontario, Phone 303w, \ oF Open éven 100 ¢ NEs and always glad to show go ad . " \ are al GARAGES, Limiteq HM. vair, Manager, BLLE Eyes examined sclentifieally, Over 20 years experience, KEELEY JR. M.0, D.O. 238 Princess Street. Phone 927 { Js Frank Robbs "TONSORIAL PARLOR» KINGSTON'S ONLY DYERS Let us prove our work, by giving us one trial. Dry Cleaning our Specialty PATTON'S DYE WORKS Phone 214 -r - A Real Vacuum Cleaner Phone 047. il a } roi M. AMODEO The FROST CITY For Fresh Fruits STORAGE Company and Vegetables Wholesale and Retall \ Would You Like To See Ome? Two experts will be here next week demonstrating our mew mode} G Cadillac, Can we have your 'nantet 4 Chairs----Best of Service We Specialize in CHILDREN'S HAIR OUTTING Phone 1318). FRONTENAC MATTRESS CO, MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER Renovating o Specialty 17 Balaclava St. Phone 2106w, J - 185 Wellington St. J. RC. DORES & €o, 41 Clarence st. Cholce Rooms and Spaces in our Storage--ciean, bright and dry. 349, Princess Street. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY treet and have our representative demonstrate the most improved All kinds of Electrica} Appliances for the ---- 4 HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL ? E WE HAVE THERM. BAKER'S CIGAR STORE 200-305 Queen Street, [ CANADA CUTLERY CO. Limitea Phone 536 Manufacturers of Fruit and Commission Merchant 776 S types of Vacuum Cleaners. home, THERE HYD RO sHoOP (Public Utilities Commission) 26% Prinevas Street. POCKET and PEN KNIVES 240 Princess Street Phone >) €C. A. Eaten, General Manager Kingston, Ontario, " ere a -- / IF YOUR BATTERY FAILS TO FUNCTION It may need repalring, or perhaps only re-charging In either ease let us have a look at it and see Whit ls to be done to make it eniclent Our Battery Repairing emoraces every possivle emergency of this nature. New Batteries for sale alyn FRED KING Kingston Battery sery \ 7 ¥S have had an in. WILLARD BATTERIES New low price for Willara Service now effective. I. LESSES 10 Brock Street - Phone 1340" k ERynes Office: 528, 1300 DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK. ING COMPANY, LiviT) D ; . Jdghters, Divers, hy Salvage work sia 53 = JOHN 3 re, President #84d Geserdl Manager In over 400 cities the STRE RT RAILWA _ ©*hsed fare. By your Patrogage show your appreciation of the fact that Be. carries you to any pdrt of our city, KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC Ice Phose 410w, Queen and Bagot Streets - NELLY bed CANADA [ JOHN McKAY, Ltd, ) ! FURS ' RAILWAY Ba DEVELOP YOUR CITY [ Kingaton Le Company . . OWn home and beantifyim It--Bateman's Real Estate Limited 1 to bulld--insure ; ing your : By avi You a home---sell you a lot--lend Four building and furnitufe--and Ia . yom re it, sell your 7 At a profit. Now ia the time to list your rties, Save food by using Ice. Our Ice is certified to by Queen's prope; 139 WELLINGTON STREET : University Laboratorjes as being pure. BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd JORBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, 63 BROCK STREET Sn a THE K. D. MANUFACTURING CO'Y KINGSTON MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE OVAL PICTURE FRAMES, Highest Prices Paid For Scrap Iron, Metals, Rags and Paper Stock. If you telephone us we will call promptly. Phone 2389w. Residence 2057. M. ROSEN & CO 140 RIDEAU STRE®T GAME AND POULTRY PHONE 520. S . "INVESTORS" If you have Savings for investment or it You have securities which you wish t5 sell, consult ULr office. Our service Cannot be equalied by any other hingston hrm, as we gre in direct touch with runto, Moutreai Aad New York a: ali tines auring busin specialize 1n the buy ng and selling of Government We are mem- bers of Toronto Vih ways tor any ciass of stocks. . Phone 172%, The Medical Health Officer Advised The Boiling OF All Milk Why not let us do it for you and do it right ? We clarity it first and then pasteurize it. \ f GEO. A. BATEMAN, Ny ! i idle videry Telephone orders to 1307. Prompt delivery is our means bere McGinnis & Q'Connor HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS | We can't bring more peopidet'] | Kingston withoyt having buildings in { which to house tiem. > [DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY | MANUFACTURERS OF: - ' " o 7 Weber Pianos It is clean--it js sale--and it is the best and cheapest food yoy can bay. . : PRICE'S DAIRY Phone 845 - j - "PRUE COTTONS" MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG 277 Princess Street. » --