Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1921, p. 17

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SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1921. i 111 To Manuf = o lVlanuracturers IS Bank considers that one of the most important of its functions is to meet the needs of Manufacturers. Our record of substantial development during the past 48 years has been largely due to this policy. By the closest co-operation with Manufacturers, both large and small, and by a never-failing vigilant interest on their behall, wide mutual benefits have resulted. We cordially invite the accounts of STANDARD BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS 4 t | Kingston Branch: - J. F. Rowland, Manager. F your home demand is slacken. .ing, are you investigating markets abroad? Our Foreign Department has detailed information on export trdtle possibili- ties which we OW glad to place at your disposal. » THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL " . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND " - $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brynner, Manager _J ee TE Tr ----y. -- | 10. 206 Tower. Childrens' Savings Accounts We suggest you start your children on the road to Thrift by opening Savings Accounts for them, and then encouraging them to increase their balances. A small sum will open the account, and by the time a boy or girl is of age?there will be a substantial amount for a start in life, Few things give a young man or woman more assurance than the knowledge that there is always a nest egg in the Bank to fall back on. We Give Service The Manager of any Bank of Toronto Branch will gladly take the few min- utes necessary for the pleasant duty of opening Savings Accounts for your cle "BANK~TORONTO Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent BRANCHES : Kingston Lyndhurst. EGG COAL .. STOVECOAL ......... NUTCOAL ...-. PeaConl : Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL BALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.p. SOWARDS COAL CO. |3, 61 to 62¢c. Flour Manifoba spring | | wheat patents, firsts, $10.50, Back of Every Mortgage A Life Insurance Policy Asa matter of good business, every mortgagor should protect his estate in this way. Why leave your wife and family to struggle with an obligation of this kind? Your loss, as breadwinner of the home, is sufficient handicap to your dependents. Do you know that, by system- atically depositing a few dollars with The Mgaufacturers Life each year, you can create an estate equal to the amount of your mortgage ? Moreover, if you live until matur- ity of the policy, the proceeds become payable to' you, and the mortgage can then be retired with the sinking fund so provided. Isn't it worth consider- ing? Better make certain that your property will be clear of encumbrances at your death, thus Sigtinating the possibility of a forced sale whereby labor of years is sacrificed. Write us to-day. The a ® Manufacturers Life . Insurance Company ] HEAD OFFICE. . TORONTO, GANADA |' M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, Kingston, Ont, | Without obligation, will you kindly furwish me with full _ years of age, and am married (single). I l} | | i THE y i ' ! A: MARKET REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS Paid-up Capital $ Reserve - =. Resources . 9,700,000 12,000,000 230,000,000 Toronto. Toronto, March 25 1 north- ern $1.84; -No. 2 northern, $1.81; { No. "3 northen, $1 ; No. 4 wheat, | 131.69 ; | Manitoba oats No. 2 cw, 47 3-80; No. 3 v., 42 3-80; extra | No. 1 feed, 42 4 1 feed, 40 5-9¢; No. 2 feed : Manitoba barley---No, w., Sle¢; No. 4 c.w., 69 1-2¢; rejected, 58¢; | feed, 57 1-2. | All of the above in store at Fort! William. American corn--36¢, nominal, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario oats--No, 2 white, 43 to 45¢. | Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, | $1.80 to $1.85 per car lot; No. 3, spring, $1.70 to $1.75; No. 2 gogse wheat, $1.65 to $1.70, shipping | points, according to freight, | Peas--No. 2, $1.55 to $1.65. Barley--Malting, 80c to 85c, ac-| cording to freights outside. i Buckwheat--No. 3, $1.05 to $1.10, nominal. i Rye--No. 2, $1.45 to $1 506, nomi- | | nal, according to freights outside. Manitoba flour -- First patent, | 1810.70; second patent, $10.20, bulk, | seaboard. Ontario flour--$8.50, bulk, gea- ! board. | Millfeed --- Delivered, | freight, bags included; | ton, $37.00 to $40.00; | ton, $3500 to $38.00; | | flour, $2.25 to $2.50 per bag, ! - Straw--Car lots, per ton, $12.00 }soarce to $12.50. track Toronto. ; Hay--No. 1 per ton, No ii Automatic Increase {xl | The moment you open a savings account in The Bank of Nova Scotia it begins to increase, and every time you add to it from your oma savings that increase is increased automatically by the in. terest it draws, Nothing is more certain than the stability and increase of a savings account, Why not open one to. i day? | 22B | THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (| | A. N. Lyster, | Manager, KINGSTON | --_-- ee Montreal bran, per | - shorts, per | good feed | bulls | veal largely, $3 to $4.50; . {steady; bulk $5.25 to $6.25: $25.00 to | calves, 50c lower; bulk to packers, | $9.50 to $10 50; stockers and feed- | (ers steady. Hogs---weighing 190 | | pounds and 'own closec steady with | day's average; otHers weal with ad- | vance lost; hold-over liberal; top, $11.75 early; bulk, 200 pourds down | $11 to $11.60; bulk, 220 pounds up, | 189.20 to $10.50; pigs fully 50¢ { higher; bulk, 90 to 123-pcund pigs, $1.68 5-8; March, $1.36 3-4: May, i311 to $11.50. Sheep-- killing | [$1.35 5-8, Corn, No. 3 yellow, 50 tO | classes, 25 to hoe higher; top, $10.- {S1e. Oats, No. 8 white, 35 5-8 to 175; 82-pound Colorado lambs, $10.- | & Flax, No. 1, $1.69 1-2 10/50; 80-pound shorn : mbs, $950; {bulk {at woolled lambs, ° $9.50 to {$10.50; 100-pound woolled yearlings, | $8.25; 105-pound shorn yearlings jand ewes, $6.75; no choice handy 2 red, $1.66 to $1.68; No. 2 hard, | ewes solc; bulk fat vociled ewes, $1.54 to $1.55 1-2. Corn--No. 285.25 to 30. mixed, 65¢; No 2 yellov, 65 1-2 to | - Oats--No. 2 white, 41 1-2 to | Minneapolis. Minneapolis, March 25.--Flour, 15 | f | $26.00, track Toronto \ | { { | In carload lots, fam- {ily patents quoted at $8.65 a barrel {in 98-pound cotton sacks. Shipments, | [57,096 barrels. Braa, $23. Wheat, cash No 1 Northern, $1.55 5-8 to Chicago. Chicago, March 25.--Wheat-----No. | 66c. k 1-2¢;" No. 3 white, 40 1-4 to 42c. | Rye--No. 2, $1.46 1-2 t~ $1.47. are] |ley--63 to 72¢c. Timothy s6ea--3$4 | Montreal, | to $6.50, Clover Seed---$13 to $18. Montreal, March 25 --Butter-- | | Pork--nominal; lard, $11.50; ribs, (No. 1 solids, 58c 1b.; prints, 59¢ 1b.; [$11 to $12. GENERAL TRADE. No. 2: solids, 57c; prints, 58¢; dairy, | | - [45¢; cooking butter, 35c. | Montreal. | Eggs--New laid, 41c; special new | | Montreal, March 25.--Oats--Can- |1ald, 44c. { adian Western, No. 2, 34 to 860: No.| Lard, in prints, 22¢ 1b. | Shortening--Prints, 16¢. { Cheese--Old, 36¢; new, 32¢ 1b. | Bacon--Windsor boneless, §5¢ 1b.; | breakfast, 43¢c to 52¢ Ib. ! Dressed poultry--Milk 'fed chick- | ens, 43c to 45c 1b.; selected chick- | [ens, 38c to 40c; fowls. 32c to 35c; | | geese, 35¢; turkeys, 58c to 60c; Rolled | joats--Bags, 90 lbs, $3.40. Bran, | $36.25. Shorts, $36.25. Hay---No. | 2, per ton, car lots, $24 to $25. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Marth 25. --Wheat-- i No. 1 Northern, $1.87; No 2. North- | ducks, 40c 1b. lern, $1.84; No. 3 Northern, $1.80; Beans--Canadian hand-picked, | [No. 4, $1.71; No. 5, $1.63; No. 6 | $2.75 to $4 bush.; peas, $3.50 to $4. | [$148; feed, $1.38; track, $1.37 | Dressed hogs--Fresh killed abat- | {Oats--No. 2 C.W., 47 1-8¢c; No. 3 |tolr stock, $22 to $23. | {C.W., 42 3-8¢c; extra No. 1 feed, Potatoes--In bags of 100 Ibs., $1 {42 5-8¢; No. 1 feed, 40 5-8¢: No. 2 [to §1.15, ex-track; mixed potatoes, | feed, 37 3-8¢; track, 46 7-Sc. 95c to $1.05 per 90-1b. bag. | Toronto Toronto, March 25.--Butter dairy, dic to 60c do. creamery, 56¢ to T0c; margarine 1b, 30c¢ to 25¢; eggs fresh doz., 45¢ to 50c; cheese 1b., 38¢c to | 40c; chickens spring Ib, 46¢ to 50¢; fowl, 1b, 38¢ to 40c; geese, 43c to | There were a number | | LIVE STOCK MALKETS. } Montreal. | * Montreal, March 25 --Catile-- A {few lots of light weight butchers' | | cattle of good quality brought from {$9 to $9.50. fot loads of good steers and heifers on | Select I xative Medi- {sale but no sales. Buyers offering {around $8 for calves of meer al cine With Great Care| quality. JEW, $7 to 38.50; lambs, | In debility and weakness, medicine | good, $12.50; common, $11 {o $12.! should be mild and far reaching. | Hogs, odd sales up to $16.25; off car | Many pills and purgatives are too: weights: selects, $16 to $16.25; | hard, are drasti¢ instead of cura-| sows, $12. | tive excessive action is always fol- | j lowed by depression, and knowing | {this Di. Hamilton devised his pills] Torento, - { of Mandrake and Butternut so as to | Toronto, March 25.--Cattle-- | mildly increase liver and kidney ac- | Heavy beef steers, $10 to $11; but- tivity, so as to flush cut the system . | by d regulating the bowels. cher steers, choice, $9 to $10; good, | PY toning an latin $8 to $9; medium, $7 to $8: com. | Thus do Dr. Hamilton's Pills elimi Mon, $5 to. $7; batcher heifers | nate poisons from the body, thus do | | they restore clearness to the skin, | choice, $9 to $10; medium, $7.50 to | thus do they renew health and | $9; common, $5 to $7.50; butcher strength. To keep your system in| cows, choice, $7.50 to $9; madium. | healthy, good working order, regu-| $5) to $7.50; canners and cutters, | late it with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c. $2.50 to $4.50; butcher bulls, good, all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., $7 to $8; common, $5 to 87; feeding | Montreal. \ |] steers, good, $8 to $9; faire $7 to | $8; stockers, good, $8.50 to $7.50; ! Smoke fair, $5.50 to $6.50. Calves--Choice, | ! $15 to $18.50; medium, $12 to $15; | | common, $6 to $12; milch cows, | choice, $80 to $110; springers, | choice, $80 to $1320. Lambs-- | Choice, from 13% ec to 14%e; choice | sheep, 814c to 9c. Hogs are sell: | | ing strong at $15.50 fed and water-! A Blend of | . | ---- ed; lights, $13.50; heavies, $14.50; i sows, $11. to $12.50. ed Virginia Leaf | Buffalo. Buffalo, Mareh 25.--Cattie, steers, 25c¢ to 35c lower; shipping steers, $3 to $10.25; butchers, $8 to $9.25; yearlings, $9 to $11 heifers, $8 to $8.25; cows, $2.50 to $7.50; bulls, $4.50 to $6.50; stockers and feeders, $5.50 to $7; fresh cows and spring- ers, $65 to $110. Calves, $5 to $16. Hogs, heavy, $11 to $11.50; mized, $11.75 to $13; yorkers and pigs $12.25 tto $12.50; roughs, $8.50 to $8.75; stags, $5.50 to $7. Lambs, $6 to $10.50; yearlings, $6 to $8.50; wethers, $6.50 to $7; ewes, $2 to $6.25; mixed sheep, $6.25 to $6.50. Chicago, ) " | Chicago. - Mareh 25 --Caitie-- | JR and Business | heavyweight, véry slow; top, $10.40; bulk $8.50 to $9.75; butcher she stock strong to 26c Agher; bulk, $5.75 to $7.75; canaers and cutters } DAILY BRITISH WHI 1éver, but a mos: useful inssct-eater, G. 45c; ducks spring It p to 63¢; appl to $6.50; do. & qt. ket, 50c; do _ 11 qt. basket. 60¢ beets baz, 90c to $1.15; carrots 75c to 85c; cabbage old. 5e to loc; do. pew, 15¢ to 30c; cauliflower each | ; tomatoes 1b., 40¢: « > for 25c; onions 75- 1b. bag. $1 ; do. green bundle, toes bag, $1.10 to $1.25; | 2 bunches for 25¢: ch peck, 65¢ to Thc; parsley bun turnips bag, 63¢ to 75¢. 1b., 60¢ 25¢ to 50¢ SPECIAL! le--22"--| > Ho i a ei ame tS ert 7 bar Fence-- 53c. per rod. W. H. Cockburn Phone 216 { THE KINGSTON HARKET | Kingston, March 25th. ¥ Dairy Products. Creamery butter, 1b .... Dairy butter Whey butter Butter, rolls ............ Eggs, fresh, doz Olemargarine .... Cheese .. 60 to 6 to & ou Poultry. Chicken, dressed, 1b .... Hens, dressed, Beet : Porterhouse st Round steak, 1b Beiling cuts, 1b Boiling cuts, Ib Western carcase, Western hinds, cwt Pork : Loin roasts, 1b . Rib roasts, ib . Pork chops, Ib .. Hogs, live weight, cwt .. Hogs, dressed, owt .... $22 to $24 Bacon, breakfast .. - Lamb: Fronts, 1} Hinds, 1b Leg, ib... . Loins, 1b .. Chops, Ib Mutton 1b. Beets, Ib. Cabbage, head Celery, 'bunch Lettuce, bunch Carrots, 1b Sweet potatoes, 3 lbs, ... Fruit, Bananas, doz .. . Grape fruit .. Lemons, doz .. Oranges, doz Apples, bbl Cod, Ib, .......... Eels, Ib. filets. Ib ... .. .. .. Finnan haddie, 1b .. .. Haddock, fresh, Ib ... Halibut. Ib .. .. .. Kippers, pair Perch, Ib .. . Pike, 1b, Salmon, 1b Steak, cod, 1b Trout, salmon, Ib White fish Hides and Wool. Beef hides, No. 1 Lambs .. .. .. Veals . Kipe . . . Deacons Horse hides Tallow, No. 1 Wool, per 1b. $42 to $44 40 fo 42 a5 $26 to $28 Eranton..\.. ...... Shorts .. sh ve Buckwheat, bush Hay, baled, ton Hay, loose, ton Corn, yoilow feed, bush Flour, s ew... ...... .» $5. t0 $5.30 Oats, local . 55 Straw, baled, tou ...10.00 to 12.0) dtraw, loose, ton ... 10.00 Wheat, local { Spare The Pileated Woodpecker, Those who spend much time in the north ~oods are usually familiar | with thc northern plleated wood- | pecker, commonly known as "Black woodcock," "log cock," or "cock-of- | the-weeds." It i3 a handsome bird, and the largest Canadian woodpeck- | er, being nearly a foot and a half | long. Unfortunately, its handsoma | look and largo size often make it al mark for the guns of hunters, who | desire it as an ornament in their | home. It is not a game-hird, how- | which should be protected at all | times. It feeds chiefly upon beetles | and their larvae, especially the kinds | which bore into timber, and upon | ants and their larvae. It is very! strong. and will sometimes tear an | old stump quite to pieces with ite | bill in order to secure the borers and | ants which have taken refuge there- | in. In this way it heip greatly to | protect sound timber from thé rav-| ages of these peits. It alsp dats, in lat: summer and fall, wild fruits and berries. The "black woodcock."! like all our woodpeckers, is rightly | given sirict legal protection at all | seasons by che Migratory Birds Con- | vention act and the provincial laws, and any one killing or molesting Nt or disturbing its nest or eggs, unless | by authority of an official permit to | do so, is llablc to severe "englty. Our | forests will receive thy, benefit if, | under this protection, this bird fis! able to (acrease comsiderably in| numbers, i « Its general color _ is brownish | black, but ite throat, stripes on the | side of its head, and large patches in i its wings ars white. The male bird has two scarlet "moustache" streaks | at the sides of the bill, and a scarlet | crest. The female has no scarlet | except on the hind part of the crest. | } ------ { An empty stomach provides food | for thought, ialloy of bronze was introduced. VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 98 and re-invest in 1924 at 96} or 1934 at 95}, and if your income is $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. You would make $15 per thousand and ex- tend your, investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. : "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET. . 85 Bay Street, Toronto. PHONE 1728. They Have to Lay their Egg a Day. These fowls are fed the "Royal Purple" way. which supplies all the essential food substances necess- ary to feed the hen and the extra material required to produce an.egg a day per hen during the winter. ROYAL PURPLE Laying Meal They know the results of wheat, corn, meat, | it gives. Better start ash, lime, etc.. [It has | right if you want eggs, been on the market | by ordering a sack of for years and thousands | Royal Purple Layi of farmers and.poultry- Meal from your feed- % | man or direct from us, men now rely entirely | [ngist on Royal Purple upon it for winter eggs. | Laying Meal. W. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co., Limited 4 * London, Canada In Kingnton fet your supplies from WILLIAM §* PETERS, 1 moma Farmers Attention The Ontario Implement Dealers' Repair Week February 21st to 26th is a correct combination FREE BOOK This 80-page book describes the com. mon diseases of poultry and stock. It tells how te build and remodel! poul- try houses, etc., etc. Send for a copy. Save time and worry by looking over your machinery NOW, and ordering repairs needed from Deering, McCormick, Peter Hamilton, Bissell and De Laval. . F. M. CLOW Phones 1015w and 1436. Here is a line to choose from to insure a bumper of big, sound roots this Fall. Steele, Briggs' "Royal Giant" Sugar Beet. \ Steele, Briggs' "Giant White" Sugar angel. Steele, Briggs "Prize Mam. "Giant ,Yel- el. Steele, Briggs' low Oval, termediate (Supplied in 1 Ib. sealed packages.) The above varieties are bred" strains. To protect the who desires fine quality, We pry them in sealed packages bearing our name. Sold by best dealers throughout Canads. IIR: HaMIEYon TORONTO GS SEE "x NK "LE Oliye trees known to be nearly 900 years old still flourish at the of Olives. Jerhsaleia gq Up to 1860 the English penny was | actually of copper. In that year "| i . 3 Sih BE Ym

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