SATURDAY, APL 0, 1pa?, TH E DAILY BRITISH WH. ~ In the Realm of Women---Some I nieresting Features - CORSETS are de- ty with the science of us NOW. for useful hints on iting and self-measuzement. Free Tequest. BIAS CORSETS timiren 1 BRITTAIN STREET TORONTO Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. Do you know how easy it is to re- | move those ugly spots so that ro one will call you freckle-face? 'BLOUSE IN FAVOR Picturesque Corsages Continue to Hold Attention. Casaquin Model Reigns Supreme in Paris and Promises to Retain its Popularity. The fashion of wearing decorative | blouses grows apace. And tt is a very desirable faghion. Indeed it is hard- ly correct te speak of the pletuer- €8que corsages which are now so gen- erally worn as "blouses." One uses the word because it has come to rep- resent anything that is neither a dress bodice nor a mantle. The arrival of the casaquin-blouse has revolutionized the feminine world. In Paris the casaquin reigns su- preme, and it is likely to remain in fa- vor for a long time to come. With the advent of the casaquin we have the revival of long-waisted effects and also of "natural" waist measurements, Another style of garment now im- mensely popular is the tunic-blouse, which can be worn over any skirt, and at any time of the day. The Jenny creation is as becoming as it is orig- inal. The material is charmeuse, white, lined throughout with black, the' soft Hning turning over irregularly at neck land hem. - | This blouse could be made in many | different combinations of color and of | matertal The important thing Is that {It should be exceedingly supple, oth- | erwise the folds would not fall eor- | rectly. : The combination of black with white | Is the rage of the hour The very long {EXTREME MISERY { | Follows a Breakdown of the Nervous ! System. Misery day and night is the lot of | { hosts of men and women who are to- | | day the vietims of weak nerves. | Thin, pale, drawn faces and dejected | attitude tell a sad tale, for nervous | weakness means being tortured by morbid tifoughts and unaccountable fits of depression. These sufferers are painfully sensitive and easily agitated by some chance remark. Sleeplessness robs them of energy and strength; their eyes are sunken and their limbs tremble; appetite is poor and memory often fails. This nervous exhaustion is one of the most serious evils affecting men and women of to-day. The only way to bring back sound, vigorous health is to feed the starved nerves, which are clamoring for better blood. This new blood can be had through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which have been a direct action on DAY AND-NIGHT 5 : the blood, and through the blood on the nervous system. That a fair use of this medicine will bring satis- factory results is shown by the ex- perience of Mrs. Marsh, Bass River, N. S,, who says: "Following a run down condition, I became practically a nervous wreck. The doctor who was called in said the tronble was in- flammation of the nerves. It grew so bad that practically I had no control of my lower limbs, and had to go | about with crutches. Quite aside from my suffering I had a small fam- ily and a baby in arms to care for and I became much discouraged, as I did not appear to be growing better. One evening my husband met an aged doctor on the street and told him of my condition. He asked my husband who was attending me, and when told said: 'I don't want to interfere, but why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills" My husband got me a sup- THE SMART TRICOLINE FROCK er | With the addition of a fur one can | wear this smart tricoline frock well | ------ a Honest Advertising. TEs is a topic we all hear now-a-days because so 'any people are inclined to exaggerate. Yet has any physician told you that we claimed unreasonable remedial properties for Fletcher's Castoria? Just ask them. We won't answer it ourselves, we know what the answer will be, That it has-all the virtues to-day to be found in its increased use, the recommendation by our assurance that its standard will be maintained. Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. that was claimed for it in its early days is prominent physicians, and Honestly advertised as such, without a claim for more than its over 30 years of use have amply proven. A Baby's remedy for Babies. And not an adult' and all the ails that human flesh is heir to. ~ Children Cry For s remedy for all the family Special Care of Baby. That Baby sheuld have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attem pt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's dideases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be pre- pared with even greater care than Baby's food. { A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ai/ing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for In- fants and Children? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: --I¢ is important, Mothers, that you' should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily pre- | pared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA | GeNUINE CASTORIA Awwavs Bears the Signature of | Simply get an ounce of Othine, | double strength, from your druggist | and : few applications should Show ! with the use of one crutch. Continu- you how easy 8 10 rid yourself of | > ing the use of the pills I was able i freckles and get a beautiful complex- ; AM 7 | discard the other An as well, 2 | STYLES IN EVENING GOWNS ion. The sun gnd winds of March | a a | was as active as ever I had been have a strong tendency to bring out | | There are many in this neighborhood freckles, and as a result more Othine | who know what my condition was is sold in this month. Be sure to | when I began the use of Dr Williams ask for the double strength Othine, as | Pink Pills and who know 'what this this is sold under guarantee of money | medicine did for me, and I hope my back if it falls to remove the freckles, experience may help some Ce st wo | allie' Pink Pills are sold VElerg 7/2724 ST. CHARLES inte the season. miei | ply of these pills and after taking a few boxes I was able to g0 about Leng and Slim Dresses Chief Note at | Paris Openings--"Bouffant" { Draperies Disappear. The chief characteristic about the other Yatest among the evening gowns shown at the Paris openings is the fact that they are all long and slim. The "bout- fant" draperies of last season have all disappeared and there remain only those lines which follow the grace of the natural figure, All of the materials which were used in those beauteous gowns of last season are still seen, only this year they never protrude in any way. The thicker fabries are being used for the formal évening gowns of the winter, velvets, thick ating with heav- ily woven backgrounds that make them by all dealers in medicine, or may be had by mail at 650 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------ Sale of Fine Cattle, - Over ninety head of fine Holstein Friesian cattle were disposed of at the eleventh annual sale of the Bel- leville distric® Holstein-Friesian Breedrs' club held in Belleville on Wednesday. The highest pricg paid for an individual animal was $800; f AL Oana 2 Des ris-JOEEN" With the cream lett in. Patti Bell De Kol, consigned by R, M. Holtby, Port Perry, J. A. Caskey, Madoc, was the purchaser. This cow bas § record of 479 pounds of milk in a week. Korndyke Queen Sylvia, consigned by Fred Denyes, Sidney, brought $440 and the purchaser was 8. J. Cox, Colborne. Epidemic of Dysentry drapable, and metal cloths, which are more apt to be plain than brocaded. ff The new metal materials look like thick and lustrous taffetas, with, of | course, much more quality and body ! about sumptuous glitter woven into their | meshes. Lanvin remains faithful to Positively. "Have you heard my last joke?" the full dress, and she has created one | 86ked the Pest, as he famous model Eugenie," for wiich™is promised a | called the "Empress | Grouch on the street. "I hope s0," replied Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK cirTy, is wav them and always with that | smn Sympathy, the Grouch, | that discourage you. o Artist (sMowing latest picture)-- stopped the {It's the best thing I ever did. Critic--Oh, well, you mustn't let Comfort Baby's Skin] With Cuticura Soap It is made of 2s he kept on travelligg. white net with flutings for trimmings | : : and with youthfully drooping shoul | Distance doesn't lend enchantment derd that cannot help but charm. {to the view when your best girl gets ---- a wave of popularity, It affects many people more in winter than in summer--in the one case it is due to Improper eating-- in the other, to congestion excited And Fragrant Talcum A woman certainly hates to get old | enough to be justified in lying abou! Shoag! a or Tale ane Tearse ve Sobemmstet €r age, Even if you let your wife have hor |" "T= ve = Pht Use - Old Dutch Cl Clean and Sanitary You get better results with less This Is a New Jenny Model in White Charmeuse Lined With Black Char. meuse. opening in front is extremely becoming to stout Sgures--indéed to everyone. A blouse of this kind opens over a dainty chemisette, and the latter may be made of real lace, etc. This blouse tunic was out in kimeno fashion, quite simple and yet chic. CHIC FROCKS ARE PLENTIFUL Winter Days Bring Out Smartest 'Gowns of Season--Deiman Wraps to the Fore. The erisp winter days call out smart frocks, among which gray and black are prominent. At the luncheon and tea hour at the fashionable hotels one sees the smartest gowns of the season. . Ome particularly smart one was of black eggshell ciepe, with at short full skirt and plainly ftted bodice and tight 'sleeves. Narrow Jet fringe edged the deep V front, the by cold. A small dose of good, old Nerviline repeated a couple of times usually removes the trouble very prompily. If there is pain, relief is almost Immediate. For cramps, colic, stomach pains, and the like, Nervi- line in sweetened water is certainly a wonder. 35c. at all dealers. won AN APOLOGY. We received from the manufactur- ers a consignment of bottles for our Campana's Italian Balm, which for Some reason had a deposit of fine carbon, so firmly ingrained fn the bottles that ordinary careful washing did not remove it, though it could not be detected at thé time. This batch Was sent out, and it was later fqund that at the end of a few weeks a slight rim of this carbon appeared at the neck of the bottle. If any of our friends who read this have by any chance bought one of this lot, if they will send it to us we will replace with a new bottle. E. G. WEST & COMPANY, 30 George Street, Toronto, dt "vn Lace grows and grows in feminine | °® her high horse and becomes dis- y tant, favor, especially for gowns for wear at night. After all it Is the handsom- est of all materials, and there is al- Ways that very feminine chatm con- Dected with it which cannot be dupli- cated by any other fabric. And be- cause at the present time lace is more &carce than it has ever been, therefore it is more popular for these whe lead in fashion. It cannot JDossibly be imi- tated.. It must be its own handsome elf or nothing at all." Many gowns are séen made partly of lace and partly of some other material, the two being draped together in an original manner, Lace cips are noticeably present, and lace flowing sleeves or lace overdresses are all in the limelight, Res BLOUSES FOR COLD WEATHER Chiffen Velvet Comes in for Popular Faver for Late Fall and Winter Wear, For cold weather wear a good deal i | of confid is expressed in the popu- larity; of chiffon velvet blouses, Just at present this blouse is being used Wi i own way dpe'll find some excuse for starting a battle every now ahd then. et tn gn, [| . Make your skin "4 skin you love to touch" A BEAUTIFUL skin, soft, can have this charm. smooth, faultlessly clear --any girl Columbia STORAGE BATTERIES work by using old Dutch for For your skin is constantly changing--each day old skin dies and new takes its place. Give this new skin the right treatment, and see how soft and lovely you can keep it. more as a window decoration than any- thing else, but the fabric certainly makes up Into an effective garment, shoulder collar at the back and the wrists, while a fringed sash of black _ your baking and cooking utensils. Cleans thor- oughly; hygieni- cally. bead netting encircled the hips. With this costume was worn black suede strapped French boots, black suéde gloves and 2 small flat turban of mon- key fur. Another costume which attracted attenffon consisted of a skirt of henna cheviot well tailored. It was short and wide, had four gores and a fitted ack, and with it was worn a match Ing brocaded crepe stock, edged with The best on the market for the least meney, KINGSTON BATTERY SERVICE Phone 410w, and when worn with a satin or "lace separate skirt a decidedly becoming afternoon frock is usually the result. Crepe de chine, crepe meteor, and other soft silks, usually with a crepe weave, but with definite "body," are being extensively used for blouses for the fall and winter season. One of the distinctly new trimmings noted is pat- ent leather In vividly contrasting colors. Appliqued motifs of patent If your skin is very sensitive and easily irritated, use each night this special treatment : -- DE a soft washcloth in warm water and hold it to your face. Now make a warm water lather of Woodbury's Facial Soap and di Jour cloth up and down until uly with the soft, white lather. Rub this lathered cloth gently over your skin until the cloth is "fl black felt daisies of cut work, a black | velvet turban with side trimming of | coque and a short black satin cape {{eimaes with cloth cut in lattice work design. |" Dolman come to -the | fore as the most popular form Bre [ They are chiefly worn for dress occa | slovs, while fur coats of the shorter lengths are preferred for sport wear, | the pores are tho y cleansed. Rinse first with warm, thes with clear, cool water and dry carefully, leather are used as well as straight bandings, * pipings and belts. One Bavy crepe meteor biouse. recently seén, made on the surplice tie-back line, was trimmed strikingly with col- lar apd cuffs of bright red, patent leather. The sleeves were full length and close fitting. . The surplice "tie-back." made with a straight banging panel back, is one of the new styles. The fronts cross at the waistline and the ends are drawn to and across the back panel, | where they are tied in a bow or fastened with an ornamental buckle. "MARRIED LADIES ARE YOU STILL DOING IT? You must know it is not "fair to your husband to continue buying' ney Hats every season when we can reshape your old onékinto the | very latest Spring styles. Get wise! Save $10.00, and pm it into that Suit you have in mind. Tue very first Sime Jou use this Geatment it will Jeave your skin with a slightly drawn, = t feeiing. not r this as a disadvantage--it is an IgE Jes that the treataoar is doing i you good, for it means that yocr skin is responding in the right way to this method of cleansing. After a few treatments drawn feeling will disappear and your skin will gain a new, healthful sense of softness and smoothness. Get & cake of Woodbury's teday, at any drug store or toilet goods' counter, and begin this tant tonight A 25-cent ---- cake of W s last for a month or six weeks. The Eyes or Teeth May Be Cause, Andrew Jergens Co., Cincinnati, New York and Perth, Ontarie, Do net take to cure the head y . : wraps have Ribbon the Rage. Ribbon is the rage just now. Rid | bons everywhere! A besutiful dinner | own is made of cream chantiily lace { insertions, each band separated from | its neighbor by narrew velvet rid: : -- bon, henna in coldr, the vivid tone wat a oe dp exhidftion of contrasting cleverly with the lace. A : h wide bias of velvet hems the skirt. The Kingston Hat Cleaner ache, says the United States publle ribbons ripples || Opposite % College Boo ore. th service. Consult doct, get a look at two girl chums who 3 Serithnle cascade aon made over ¥ 1 os Ou % St dentist or an oculist t yt x: 2 haven't seen each other for 3 the belt. This 1 8 Ussain, cause can be located. Often the i ; a double founds ' ee two ho ; Gupie oun tien of hénna and. Phone 1438. - be at Tock, 5 3 * : : 4 I? you 4 hugging and kissing and mushing, +