SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921, ONE THE DA WEEK ILY BRITISH WH 1G. ONLY. Any car listed below for the amount of cash shown beside each and balance arranged. All subject to prior sale--every car with new battery, lenses, chains, tools, polish, etc., etc. c McLAUGHLIN E45 McLAUGHLIN E35 McLAUGHLIN D35 McLAUGHLIN H44 STUDEBAKER FOUR CHEVROLET BABY GRAND $600 $350 $350 $650 $575 OVERLAND MODEL 90 OVERLAND SEDAN ONE CHASSIS REO BIG SIX ROADSTER THREE TOURING CARS TWO TRUCKS MOTQR CYCLE and SIDE CAR |. These are real bargains--the terms are best in K ingston--play safe by purchas- ing your used car from the biggest dealer in your city. Bring in your used car and make an exchange. - Bond taken at par value. Open Evenings. - BLUE GARAGES, Limited Cor. Queen & Bagot Sts. artridge Wire Wor NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. i Mavufgeturing Wire Fenelng, Flower | Border Guards, ete. 62 KING sT. W. = = PHONE 3350 eep This ottle at "Home Then when accidents happen, pil you have the best first aid treat. j'-0 ral ment that cen be applied. [a | "ABSORBINE JR." Ds ns than a liniment ; it os i | abeolu E JR." is home medicine $1.25 a battle--at most draggiots' or sent postpaid by WF. YOURS Inc; Lyman Duiiding, Montreal, First, Doctors -- Then a Skin Specialist Bo | NEW MOTOR BUS SOLV A new type of motor bus, much | operation by a Paris transportation ¢ wheels, have been placed in commiss on the Paris streets had tg be several of the big machines at a a mn THE MAN ON WATCH When you sey that glad trium. phant look on a Princess street man's face, can you tell whether he has a new boy at his house or {P he has had A nice little drink? Bet You can't. With so many leading clergymen opposed to this latest prohibition stunt, would it not be well to ask parliament to reconsider the putting of the referendum on the 18th* Writers will all agree with Pro- fessor Morison of Queen's Univer- sity in his statement that the disuse of the Bible is an educational dis- aster. All writers draw ipspiration from Holy Writ, which supplies them with their loftiest phrases. " If a motor driven fire enging Is cheaper and more efficient than a horse-drawn apparatus, what else is there to do but buy ome? The fire underwriters association holds no more terrors for Couneil- man Christy Graham, than old Nick does for a good Salvationist, University . venue people who stor ed potatoes at $1.75 a bag and eggs at 50 cents a 'dozen are not in very 800d humor just now when they view their large high-priced surplus. Chalmers church is becoming quite famous. Twins were born in two of its families within a week. | Wolfs Island, it is annoupced, is ompanw ion. A obtained from th a depot. special Nn, to have a library. Apparently the island folk have taken to réading through the warm county hockey league controversy. They. say that.when the Kingston township courcil gets into a quand- ary over the award of a contract, its m:mbers just order .he tenderers' flames to be placed in a box, and the first one drawn out gets the contract. Gananoque girls are jealous be- cause Kingston has a Jac: the Hug- ger at large. But there would be no fun in Gananoque for Jack, because he likes to be the aggressor. Men are not always known by the company' they keep. Down-in the eity buildings some of the staff know officials afar off by the squeaky shoes they wear, --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. Eg Old Age and Happiness Old age should mean experi- ence, knowledge and wisdom. Not poor digestion, sluggish liver and a general feeling of #li-health, despondency and misery. One of Chamberlain's Tablets taken immediately af- ter supper will improve the di- gestion, tone up the liver and regulate the bowels. That feel- espondency will give way to one of hope and good cheer, Try Chamberlain's Tab- Il like them: lets, You ES PARIS TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM. arger than the type former] A fleet of the m permil to use the six-wheel motor cars e Prefect of Police. The photograph shows y used, has been placed in achines, supported by six NAAN cr Prd | BREAK-UP OF WINTER IN NORTHERN ONTARIO His will. The colohy was supposed to till the soil, which it was thought would 'provide sufficient food for its needs. The irrigation was poor and the colony failed. The statement signed by Gud- mundson and several followers said: "Ye know that as God's truth stands, we are not guilty of sin." . Cutting Off Officials, Renfrew council is paring its esti- mates. The town engineer John Ste- wart, assisted by time-keeper Felix Litky, ate to be made assesors with no increase of salary, thus saving some $900 In dealing with "sal- aries" and employees there was a disposition to investigate whether the town is not '"'overmanned" and where necessary to whittle Salaries. The case of Mr. Strunk, bandmaster, was discussed. It appears that in or- der to secure him as bandmaster and pay a sufficient salary a position as collector was "created" for him, at the instigation of the band commit- tee, at a salary of $1,500, which in- cludes a small grant to the band. Prior to his appointment, the usual machinery of the town was employed to collect back taxes, and in view of existing conditions and the abso- lute nécessity for 'economyp couneil- lors took the view that as the office was largely sinecure, his services under present agreement terminate Power Plants and Gold Mines Soon Operating at * Normal Rate. Cobalt, April 1.--Along the south- ern slope of the height of land water Ys rising quite rapidly in the lakes and rivers. Wita occasional warm breezes from the south, and with ine termittent showers of rain, the snow is gradually sagging and melting. The power plants in the Cobalt district will soon, it is expected, be up to nor- mal rate of operation. On the northern siope of the height of land, spring is not so far advanc- ed, but here, too, the breakup is pending. Within the next two weeks it is believed the rivers will have swollen to such an extent as to com- pletely relieve the eituation on the northern slope, and thits permit the gold mines of the Porcupine field to operate at full blast, ~ DEFENDS WIFE-TRADING Mormon Declares Dream Revealed God's Will. Salt City, Utah, April 2. -- Moses 8. Gudmundson, formerly a presiding elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and who with his followers was ex- tice of "wife sacrifice," which provi- ded for the men taking the wives of others, issued a statement to-day de- fending his actions. Gudmundson, in the statement, said he and his followers founded a colony in Western Utah. as a re- formed God's way of telling man of on May 19th. George M. James, B.A., LL.D, Belleville high school, has beer: elect- ed president of the commercial sec- tion of the Ontario educational as- ciation After being in ill Bealth for some time, Miss Grace Henriett: Sarah Cordes passed away in Bellav;lie on Thursday, in her thirty-gevanin year. It is all right for a gir} to believe that the face should be left exposed. The trouble is that she imagines her face runs all the way down to the wishbone, = communicated for the alleged prae-|. RORSE SHOE BLACKSMITH, sult of dreams which he claimed : 7 #81 KING STREET EAST Wholesaled by EDWIN CHOWN & SON Phone 567 A pot or ketile im't done when it own kitchen, with no teels but and give a new lease of life to the utensil, Less than o cent's worth of Vol-Peek i sufficient to mabe o utensil --granite, enamel, tin, beass, copper, lasting vepait to any kitchen won or aluminum ware, wong a lak. Right m yom your own fingers, you can remedy thet leak thorough, The size of the hole makes no difference--F ol-Pock u sft and plasee as putty. Heated for.two package always in the minutes, it becomes as hard as iron. Have & house in case of emergencies. In packets at your dealer's for 25¢, or direct from ud B50 NOT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES VOL-PEEK MFG. COMPANY FO Sonatas mMowvReAL ur ; KINGSTON. e MILLERS BELIEVE THE RESTLESS AND RESTORE THE OHILD. 70. ORM that pleasure of driving a nice, try our Auto Laundry. We repair all makes of Cars. aT A man usually basn't much time Je } ing to learn how to Several Used Cars Streets - for A ---------- waits patil he ft before he be- were burned to deat save it. NS. POWDERS THE PRESENCE OF WORMS clean car, sale. Phone 634. Leonard McKay and Eva h in an Botel at