ERE aa FER ig NI RW rh v Te. Ee omy tw Samer THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ANNOU | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, lc & word. Each éou- secutiv. insertion thereafter, nalf cent a word Minimum cha Cr one inseruon, Z5C; taree in 50 cents. The avuve rates are for cash y are dout - -- -- only. HELF WANTED. Hou SE Ea t MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. Mrs. Bruuks, ONE turium Ay A GIRL ron Work, y GEN ER a 1.0 Wiliam PEXMANENT wages. Box PlstsMeN -- HBR i ners §150-3200; lager $3 Write only (whica pusitiou), way, care of Wag. EXPERIENCED GENERAL vile Who van do plain cuukin erences. Apply wo Mrs. K ger, 151 har] Stret A GIRL TO CLER perience and good ply sakel ty Grand t in 3D men fc ceptivi real hours I me Frontenac of 4 and GIRL. WANTED FOR store w to right start at wages 5 h GENERAL wi or Folton, Leva WAITRESS FOR MOW. AT SANA i w us ~ WANPED GENERAL TED HANDRE Dk: N ROL L KE Rn | » garden seats LD ONE TEAM r an HORS hy ust pe in gos ne 5 K ingston KIND A TO r AMIL X Aporr boy, sl 8 A of age 200 AURES, TO RE ABouy ractical farmer; view Frank Herring, Toronto. SHARE A acres; fully equipj in good district: Whig Office SECOND- HAND for cash pianos and sralc nulas say Limited, 121 » FARM " OR LPR) r PIANO JF In pari payment of hew C. W. Lind- iucass Streel. - WILL You T LPHOLSTERER )airs at your own * own material Island invit PAINTING AND I HANGING i® Tw ANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done. urop a card tw A Mounteet, 34 Arch sireel. HENRY W ARD & Paper r2 ors SON, s ang i is the t decorated PAINTERS ir deco- to have Phone Hange Now your interior 1867J PAINTING J ANGING rooms Ar furni fac PAPER rk Buar ante ed Diop a card or Call 118 Bay Street COME AT ONCE--M special short co Auto Mechanles' month Gas: Tractor Co plenty of time to firnis spring rush. Hemphill Gas Tractor School, 6 W., Toronto. Board $8.50 up. Call or write 3u- 10 one course mon STUDENTS -- YOUNG men, write for our Summer holidays; teed; good chanc 90 days State standing. Experience ne Personal interview can be ed. Address, Mr. Conrad Students' Departmer 129% Spadina Toronto. MEN $600 ears oR offe arrang Supt. « Help Wanted Experienced Cigar Makers. Also Girls to learn trade; steady work for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- GEO. A. McGOWAN MFG. CIGAR CO. I'UOSITION WANTED, MASS MADGE EDGAR, Stenograpner, Stencil and Mimeo- grapn work done. White's In- surance Uilice, 239 Bagot Street Phone 321. SITUATIONS VACANT MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§13 T0 $60 paid weekly tor your spare time writing show cards for us No We tustruct and sup- »ly you with work. West-Angu Shuwcard Service, 571. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD Lera fur stores, vilice windows; ily applied; sampies./ Acme Sign Co. Wells, Chicago. uv 846 AGENTS WANTED TO erect the celebrated 'Electra' lightning protection Every un- rodded buliding in rural territory is your prospect. Earn $3000 to $5000 each season. Small invest ment, ylelds large profits given to reliable dealers for agency ngw. lectra" ning Rod Co. 30 LaSalle, cago. SE AND "8 N Chi- | will pot wash oft; Ee N TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- | STORAGE | i FURNISHE | | ASU Colborne st, | LARGE | FOUR WOo- | for FOR St war R MON PUBLIC! | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ( ee | I | | | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, DAILY, | I Decorator. Metallic office and given Flanagar x stimateg iter freely 1 197] Hi=-- stree! | TO LEY. UNFURNISHED ROO MS, KING i on GORE R M phone Med Fi RN SHED is court Apply Phone 628w ASS HROUMS AND BOARD, nprovements, centrally locat- Apply 243 Brock Street. Firs all ed C ir a AP- | | GOLD FOUND SMALL PURSE, CONTAINING of money; picked > office lobby, also upe With sum of money ed in street letter Xx Postmaster James St A up ta plac- A ply w= art YALE KEY in ACHED TO i s ha p Owner et OXFORD : untari Wednesda; information i PIN ON « steps Ss cathedrs Apply 0 Mafkland IN TAXI, UMBRE PHONE LEATH- hand. The same by LEMANS WOOL er Glove for vtvner m Unie calling nn West FUUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED vHEE. Anyone nding anything and Wishilg Lo reaca lhe uWuer may do su by repuruug the factg te The dritish Waig. ihe adver- tisement will be printea in this cu.dinn free of charge. Found articiés"' dues not (r- clude lust dugs, wcattie, nurses, €ic These, If lost, way be verused lor in the 'Lust' eviumn LOST. | smaLL | FIVE Four | oNE FOR SALE STRONG. STEEL SAVIN banks. $1.00 each. Mills Co, Clarence St as | i - i | COWS FOR | HREGISTENED JERSEY Geo. A. R sale, from J to 5 years. Davy, Bath, unt PIOANO FOR SALE ndition. Ap- West. | OINE SQUARE cheap; in first class cc ply 1010 Union Street SHOW CASE, JONES Brus. make. Appiy Prince of Wales Lunch, 191 Princess streot. 60 CHICK CHATHAM BROODER. AP. ply Baldwin, House of Industry, $82 + Montreal street. Phone 56. GRAMAPHONE, A1 CONDITION; ALSO 30 records. Snap to quick buyer Apply Robert Carr, 13 Maitland St ICE MACHINE -- run three 79, Kingston, CANADIAN machine only Apply P. OU. Box BUY YOUR OUT OF TOWN SUPPLIES | with Dominion Express Money Or-| ders. Five dollars costs three cents. : BRED R. J. RED EGGS; BOTH mbs from prize-winning stock. | 2.50 to $5.09 per setung Black, 25 York Street. : i | i i | months } ont. | Apply FF. i WITH CONCRETE FOUNDA. | tion; drain and water in and joist} un Also about 2,000 ft. Apply 75 Pembroke Street. lumber. | STORE AND BIL LIARD | with fat above, doing good] ess Best locality; cheap | Apply 210 Princess Street. TOBACCO room, busin rent. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TRN | selections; your own cholce, $42.50 | Terms §i cash; $5 per month. C, V - Lindsay, Lamited, 121 Princess St. | i + CONTAINING A SILK W sis Thursday me - to 4 KE ™ ARKE R, 146-183 B Portsmouth and outer sta- picase return to this AUTOMOBI tween ton office Fi nder Hoop WITH four pear prince 3 tre Finder W nig Oftice BROOCH, Tuesday atternoun, on et, or in Allen Thea- piease return to the Heward TIME LAST WEEK, BOSTON bull, dark and white. Answers the name of Pete Anyone found harboring same will be prosecuicu Hafner, 394 Brock St. SOME TRALLY Street Apply Kingston ents Ltd, 69 Brock St UPTOWN CORNER STORE cess Street; in good guitable tenant. Apply Whig. ON PRIN- location; Box F- FoR merchandise; Cann, 86 Brock street. or 621 clean and dry. Me- Phone ) HOUSE, Immediate possession Geraldl, 198 Barrie 1098. Apply Mrs St. Phone | NINE ROOMED 148 Montreal St Phone 1099 ring STONE all improvemen Vacant April ts nished. for improvements. Street. light ho Apply keeping; HOUSE, | LOCATED: i te | FURNITURE AND 326) BARRIE ST. | | | 2 OF THREE ROOMS, UNFU | all 168 Division | | DUTTON"--TERRIER DOG color. lor his taithtuiness of | years, 1 desire to locate] , dead or alive, Reward. Maude Dutton, at Dutton's Music Store, | 150 Sydenham Street. LOST OR STOLEN. NU. 11627 MASSEY SIL R RIBBON! 'Bicycle Irom opposilé the Garde n| Dance Hall, Brock street, Wednes day evening Kindly return Chatham b»>ireet. LAND SURVEYOR KF. MIL LER, B.Ap, Sc, CE, 0.L.S D..d, M.l1.C, Napanee, Ont. On- tario Laud Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & phy 93 Clar. ence street. ¥. FOR SALE. A FURNISHED City Park; Possession APARTMENT four rooms and May '1st NEAR bath Telehone | ST. CLARE; by May | ¥ or particulars phone Mrs. 95" 257 dry. airy rocms; your own lock key Frost's City Storage. Queen sireet. Phone 6. res. 980%w FRONT with or vileges 12 K phone BED SITTING without housek also single room r Street, corner ROOM ping pri- Apply Earl, "or cially furnished for light house- keeping; gas for cooking and light, at the Ploneer Apartments, 212 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434w, mr o------------ -- FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern every way, 3 0.00 per month Apply Insur- ance Office, 23 FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. | _ voll. 22 Jahn street SEE ee TAILORING. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Spring overcoat turned and repair- ing and pressing done. All work uaranteed. W. Robertson, Agot,. street, near Princess St. I ! | | POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH. tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington Blreets. BUSINESS CHANCES. KENTUCKY 60 cents OIL. AND GAS per acre; five mercial, perfect title, Larue Coun- ty leages. Write, wire Any amount Hurry. Allen Engineer- ing Co, Bowling Green, Ky. LEASES, year com- A ---------- Mild Weather Fuel Economy Use Pea Coal in the furnace. Good for any furnace. $1.50 per ton less than ot her sizes. Consult us regarding its uses. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street MAKE MOTOR BOATING A PLEASURE by having your engine start easy. Let us in- stall a Clutch for you and note the change. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. Quebec Heaters Best Stove for Garage or work Coolis and other Stoves as LTURK Phone 750 Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428, The entire coast of Greenland is now known. has no cours, stat Benal Sude, | A WICKER BABY CLEAN, | d SECOND HAND VIOLINC i | El-| BABY SETTING EGGS FROM AWNINGS, CANOES. | Phone 438. TENTS, FLAGS, F. W. Couke, CARRIAGE; Apply excetlent condition. kar] Street. CARRIAGE AND nearly new. Apply Street. | 9 0; FIRST | condition; complete equip- good toned Would trade | daxophone. Phone 1141W. class ment; fur WAG-~ light be solid at Apply Boy HEAVY ons; sels AND LIGHT at buggy; harness Cheap for Whig. SPRING heavy and Must cash. or once H2, TWO WHOLE SETS OF DISHES, ONE French tea t mauve and white, one tull dinner set mauve with gold bands Uther vdd pieces. 123 Union Street. A FRAME HOUSE, street; eight rooms, furnace; W. C.; electric ught; gas; lot 72 x 120. Cheap for cash sale. Apply Box D-16, Whig Office. COLLINGWOOD S. C. ANCONA'S, SHEPPARD'S FAM. oug heavy winter laying strain, Eggs $3.00 per setting; a:s0 2 dark Ancona Cockerels tor sale. 10 Thomas Street, city. FRAME DWELL i WITH 7 ROOMS, detached kitchen, electric light gas, three piece bath, good garden. r'ossession May 1st, Price $2500 Apply 194 Division street. DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE, SITUATED on corfier of Brock and Frontenac street, opposite Victoria Park, with ail modern improvemenis. Enquire at 167 Frontenac street. PURE BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Baby Chickens, 40c. each. Hatching 3 prize winners, $i 15. Joseéph White, 4, Portsmouth, On phone 23v1 r. t. THREE HEAVY HORSES, 2 DISC harrows, 1 drag harrow, 1 alking plow, 1 sulky plow, 1 scuffler, seed drill, heavy waggon and heay 2 harness. Apply R. H. Fair, 4 Kingston. $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN | ROOM single frame; electric lights; gas for cooking; Johnson street. 31,- 300 cash. Balance on time. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. DUBERRY'S, second to none, Barred Plymouth Rocks. Individual matings, exhi- bition strain. $2 to $4 per setting. 15 eggs. Charles Ait 53 Bev- erly Street. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. BTC. Lady's Bicycle, $18.00. Coll Oil 2-Burner Stove, with oven 14.00. } High Office Desk. 3 drawers, solid oak, with chair, $35.0 Office Typewriter 'Desk, with chair, 12.00. ' One five-plece Parlor Suite, $35.00. We buy a'l kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP 1045. B07 st TO BE SOLD AT A REASONABLE * pri sale of 1 top buggy (almost new); 1 dray and harness; 1 light waggon an Apply Chatham Street. Phone , Ame or 15407. PPP ERP tet PR : FOR SALE ane § A full carat Diamond, at = sacrifice. Write Box C-1, Whig Office. . * * * * * * i * | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE EE ---------------- | BLY EGGS FROM JOHN MARSHALL'S PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE | eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3. 00 to $5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha tham Incubator. J. Turner, Port mouth. ING; NEARLY | all modern im- | SOLID BRICK DWE new; nine rooms provements; electric light and gas; nardwood foors; large lot. quire 201 Frontenac dtreet. En- TOURING CAR, 1017, JUST] auled; Simplex starter; in lient running order; cheap to 3 kK buyer May be tried on re- Sy Apply Box G-2, Whig. TWO PENS OF PURE BRED BARRED! Rocks; also eggs for hatching from | pure bred Barred Rocks and White | Wyandottes, 15. Apply| John Potter, prismouth, Ont. | FORD over exc SCHOONER "BERTHA CALKINS," carrying capacity 500 net tons. Cap be inspected at Picton, OUntarlo Furtner particulars and price on application. T. lL. VanbDusen, Pic- ton, Unt. MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize in mili- tary boots; buy all kinds secound- hand goods; highest prices paid. I. Routbard. Phone 1723. 2» Prin- cess Street. CONNOR BALL-BEARING WASHER with wringer attached; nearly new; $17.00 complete; also small Fair- bapkg platform; scale weighs up to 50 lbs, $5.00; at 92 Victoria St. near Earl. ~ SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, NO, AL- wington Avenue, 1st Street Ports- mouth; good shed; electric lights; city water; good garden; double lot and orchard. Apply to 178 Clergy Street, City well-built stone residence, 98 Karl Street. Interior just painted and decorated; 12 rooms. Open fire grates. For inspection, apply to J. Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street. exhibition strain of White Rocks and White Wyandottes; five dollars per 15. Chicklivia for sale, Street. Phone 151w. three to Henergizer and At 101 Queen AVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and stoves. Any" person having stoves esc furniture to dispose of. we will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street. home 1600w. HATCHING EGGS, BARBY CHICKS; IM- mediate delivery; eight weeks' old puliets from government trap- nested, bred-to-lay 8..C. White Leg- horns; free circular. Bathurst Poultry Farm, Richmond Hill, On- tario. THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY ON Division. Street, within the city limits, known as the Murdock Farni, containing forty-three acres more or less, now owned by the Kingston Brick and Tile om - pany. For particulars as to pYice and terms apply to the undersign- ed solicitor for the company. J. B. Walkem, 93 Clarence Street. RELIABLE USED CARS McLaughlin Special 1920 Model Country Club Roadster. Dodge Touring Car. Chevrolet Touring Car. Ford Touring Car. Ford Roadster. McLaughlin Truck, Exchanges made PALMER Corner Bagot and Queen Streets 250. Terms arranged. ONE IDEAL GASOLINE ENGINE made by Goold, Shapely and Muir Co, 1% bh. p. 2 Excelsior Motor- cycles in goud running order. Also skates hollow ground and baby carriage tires put while you wait Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 373 King street. Phone 1032w, gp Pb FOR SALE A few building lots well locat- ed near Queen's University. Ap- ply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clar- ence street, Kingston, Ont. She tad Lk i 100 ACRES, MODERN FARM WITH five horses, thirteen cows ani heif- ers, three calves, bull, ten hogs, poultry. machinery, cream separa- tor, etc; near big Canadian city; ninety acres tillable; over quarter seeded alfalfa; pasture; good seven room house; big, nearly new, barn, etc; to settle affairs. $11,470 takes ali: 'easy terms. See page 92. Spring Catalogue. 1100 bargains. Strout Agency, 206 AF. Manning Chamb- ers, Toronto, Ontario, 'Canada. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, Fo ALE $750--FOR SA Li --isLILDING LOTS ON Alwington Avene; &vod location. $1900---FRAME BU 'NG. ALOW, NEW; north end; 4 room: and C. Let 233x132; for immediate possession, RAME noUse; mn ' about an acre of land: aula for summer ders; near Westport. ME How SKE; 4 ROOMS; B "To the Theatgoers of Kingston ing ! PERSONAL. (a SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY | Order. They are Rp every- where. LADY, 35, WORTH $60,000, marry. N. Box 325, Club, Wayne, Ind. BUSINESS MAN, 32, WITH . $35,000 wants wife W-Box 432, Columbus, Ohio. WEALTHY SOUTHERN WIDOW, 23 wants husband. F. Box 35, League Toledo, Ohio. MERCHANT, 33, wants to marry gue, Detroit, Mich. AFFECTIIONATE wealthy but lonely, Box 55, Oxford, Fla. WORTH {10,000, P-Box 1145, Lea- LADY, marry LITTLE will MARRY--THOUSANDS; WORTH 85, 000 to $400,000; willing to marry; Jist free. Ralph Hyde, San Fran- cisco, Cal MARRY--FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL ladies; descriptions d directory; pay when married. New Plan Co'y Dept. 204, Kansas City, Mo. MARRY -- MARRIAGE DIRECTORY, with photos and descriptions, free; pay when married. The Exchange, Dept. 504, Kansas City, Mo. IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- thy, pretty wife, write Lillian Sproul, Station H, Cleveland, Ohio, enclosing stamped envelope. MR. LONELY MAN, A WONDERFUL little wife awaits you. Write Mrs. A. Willard, Box 74%, Chicago, Ili, and learn more. kKnclose stamped envelope, please. LADIES--DO HEMSTITCHING picoting at home, all or spare time, Attachment fits any machine, $2.50. Also buttonhole attachment for any machine, $8.00. Agents wanted. Kk Stephenson, Box 135, Kansas Clty, Mo. MOLES, WARTS; BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc, re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses titted and furnished aftef others have failed. Goiltre removed. 35 ars' experience, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Kye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin HAIR, MARRY=FOR SPEEDY MAKRIAGUK, absolutely the best, largest in the country, established 1s years, thou- sands wealthy members, buth sexes wishing eariy marriage, strictly Sonsdenuial description free. The Old Relia Club, MRS. WRUBEL, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROY A CARD TO " Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FUR YOUR puistering and general repairing. Leave orderg at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- der in all popular shapes and gizes Upholstering and repairing done E. J. Goodridge, 244 University Avenue. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished; guns repaiced; smail repairs in wood or metal. Stanton & Sieeth, 35 Princess St, (next door Planv Factory). J. FF. UP- LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors, 9 .Clarence street, Kingston. A. B. Cuaning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SH BA, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law olXice, corner of King and Brock, over Hoy al Bank. Money to loa h 1999 CHIROPRACTIC, WOULD! Fort League WM. A. MARUELLS, D.C, Ph C, Cor. ner Nelson and Mack Sireets, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Teispnone 1086). Hours 9 to 12a m. to 5 p.m. * DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE closed until April 12th, 1921. DRS. SPARKS AN PARKS, LEN. tists, 159 Wellington ut sireet. over Carnovaky's. Phone DH. RUPERT PP. MILLAN, DENTIST, 8¢ Princess Street. Phone 1350. Upen evenings by appointment. DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. sumed practice at 92 Princess St prer, Bank of Nova Scotia. [hone 1602]. MEDICAL. DR. C. H. ELLIOTT, 362 BROCK ST. d £.; el i an 3 3 ectric lights and furan guod cellar. 5 FALINKING AND PAretiBarzuiNG. $3,000--BRICK DETACHED; % rooms; B. and age. <S hot air; gas; gar- --- VIUTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONE) to Loan. FARMS.SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR pe 1 wellindien PAINTING AND DECORATING, J. IL Hiew 37 Cherry Street. Phone SIGNS . eas oF ALL id ia Ro xx | MRS. Hall Phone 357 It will amaze; delight, and thrill you. drama; it is not opera, it is neither tragedy, comedy, or pantomime, nor can it be called poetry or paint- Respectfully, CEMEN ? It affords me great pleasure to announce that start- ing Monday night, April | 1th, will be presented at the Grand Opera House, for a special limited en- gagement--3 days only--the most interesting a unusual attraction ever offered in Kingston. ed It is not And yet, you will find it compact of all these arts --a NEW AND AN EIGHTH ART--combining the beauties of the others and welded into a perfect whole by one of the master magicians of the age. D. P. BRANNIGAN, Manager Grand Opera House Watch Your Newspapers on Tuesday, April 5, for Com- plete Information Regarding This Unique Event GRAND "5s" SATURDAY, APRIL CAPT. M. W. PLL His Best All THE FAMOUS FOURTH ~Noy "Girl-Show" DIVISION NKETT RRESENTS "MAPLE LEAFS" In Their Original Overseas Revue e AMOUR LAGE" Then $1.00, $1.50 THE ROYS American Class- fest Colored Artists "SOAP" O'LEARY BROS. Comedy Acrobats Par Excellence OTHER ADLED Attractions McKAY Ray--B che In Se nd Dances ---- ee et eet --~ Douglas MacLean--Doris May -- JAILBIRD?" jest Comedy Ever Screened! Special Attraction! "THE The F "BLUE RIBBON WEEK" Come and get a "Free Trip to California" ALLEN CLAIRE ADAMS IN 'THE SPENDERS' (Episode Three) "The Son of Tarzan' MON. TUES, WED, Big Double Bill KATHERINE MACDONALD --f "MY LADY'S LATCH KEY Unlocks a Woman's Heart In Conjunction With MADGE KENNEDY IN "THE GIRL WITH THE JAZZ HEART" NOW PLAYING A Super Jass Knockout ALLEN PREMIER ORCHESTRA DANCING LESSONS ivery Night AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 pm. to ® p.m. All the Latest Dances 8S. COHEN 111 BROCK ST. Residence 1 CARTING. JOUR ASHES MOVED NOW before the rush. general carting, movitg, ete. Thre€ horses on the job. Charles Andre, corner of Bagot and Charles streets. » hone 1549F. HAVE SAFE WAY TO SEND BY MAIL me Dominion Express Mopey Or- ny Ki EL TH STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE agents; established in 1966; only the musi reliable companies' repfe- sented. (Mice ¥6 Clarence street, opposite the pust office. LOAN AND INVEST. incorporated 1361 Nickie, K.C.; vice- resident, A. Cunningham oney issued om city and farm properiles, municipal and count, debiniures. morigages purchase investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allow C Cartwright mansger, 33 FRONTENAC ment Sociely; President. W. F. r | | | When You Eat Let It Be the Best. Ask for GOLD BOND CANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS AT ALL GROCERS Queen St. Methodist Charch J SIXTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1921 Preacher: REV. LORNE A. PIERCE, M.A, B.D, PAD, Literary Critle and Adviser of "The Chris- tian Guardian," Teresnte. MORNING: "The Rediscovery of God." | EVENING: "A Newer World," ANNIVERSARY SUPPER and i CERT, APRIL 4th, 1921. Supper at 8. Concert at 33 0 a fans AUCTION SALE A 272 Princess Street, the Arthurs Bakery Company sefl e Specinl CON- Having sold the business wil the contents of Bake Shop and uday, 1ith April, at 10 a Safe, counters, silent sales , show cases, gtore fittings, also horses, wag a buggy, bake shop utensils. Prem may be inspected any day from 7 yea {to 6 pm. ALLEN, the Auctioneer. Important Auction Sale Iw sday, April Ofh, at 1.30 Blue Tea Rooms, 304 King Breer | 14 tea tables, hall table and seat, congo rug, Brussells rugs, 4 doz. double rush bottom chairs, wicker arm chairs, open front heaters, Dangler gas range, tablecloths and napkins, silverware, curtains, cushions, Limoges chinaware, | brasaware and crockery, Frost Ki re- ! frigerator, stair matting and s. | serving trays, electric standard la | brags umbrella stand, mirrors and ot or | articles. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer Phone 1720, TAI IRR P| [=m it [fms fh The Public Library will close repairs, beginning Mohday, 11th. hd 2 ig Subscribers may have exten' books before this date to cover perioG during which Library is closed. Pablic notice will be given of re-. opening of Library. "CARPENTERING ENTER HEN you WANT THE CARP » see James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue. Phone 1588w, Fourteen states absolutely proStbie deer hunting.