SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | LAST SHOWING TO-DAY! The Famous English Stery "THE GENTLEMAN RIDER" I Theatrical The "Maple Leafs." | pealed to David W. Griffith in select ing it as his medium of production | Her story is that of women from i.time immemorial and Griffith has | spared no effort to bring this forth {in all the strength of his vision and lart. In doing so he has moulded 3. | moral for mankind and strikes home istinctive beauty and rare gift of personality contribute a wealth of interest to the new super-drama, which is considered by many to be| the most absorbing of Louis Joseph | Vance's narratives. While Miss Vidor has been starred | |and featured in a number of success- | | | SIRAN ial "Booze" Has ARAMOUNT- BLUE RIBBON CONTEST "Been Found Guilty Captain M. W. Plunkett is of- | to the so-called stronger sex a les-|ful productions during the past few | | tering another all-Canadian attrac- #on which has often been forgotten | years, no previous photoplay has af- | Lition-in-Canadar--ithis--year--- and 4s {as concerns a. single standard. for forded her a characterization. nar a4. | again proving that this dominion can | Male and female, probably since the background comparable to "Beau | supply unlimited dramatic talent and | 28° of sin. To Lillian Gish has fallen | Revel.". Included in the action of | , . ssayi a rit lay are many wonderfuli= vivid | artistic entertainments. | the task of essaying Anga Moore for | the play ¥ derfuliy { ALL WEEK STARTING MONDAY ONE HUNDRED PRIZES--FIRST PRIZE, A TRIP TO OUR STUDIOS FREE. next week and receive instructions and a coupon Attend the Strand i that admits you to the contest. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY PARAMOUNT PiCTURES PRESENT neg "'GTRAIGHT I5 THE W. AY" PRESENTED ~ WITH AN ALL-STAR CAST! All Warm With Kindly Hearts and Set With Its Thousand Thrills in and Country City Underworld Lanes. BY SPECIAL REQUEST THE BEAUTIFUL NOVELTY "THE GYPSY" Special Scenery and Lighting Eifects--Cast of Three. CONCERT BY THE FAMOUS STRAND ORCHESTRA COMEDY HALF "OUR DRAMA-------- LATEST NEWS THURSDAY__FRIDAY_SATURDAY PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS THE FAMOUS "BEAU REVEL" The Story of a Man That Mad a Way With Women -- of Gay Bo- hemia, and the Glittering Light-N. Y. Coming! Mon., Tues., Wed. April 11-12-13 OTIS SKINNER "KISMET " , Seats Reserved in Advance, Plan Opens Wednesday. STUYVESANT Boston's' Best Coffee . .. Boston Special Coffee Choice Jamaica Coffee Blended Santos Coffee . . . cv We specialize in Teas and Coff ee. from aiedin Crown Blend Tea--olir leader-- Gilbert's Grocer 194 Barrie Street. Choice grades of Teas 33c. to $1.00 a Ib. . 70c. a 1b. hone 234. brilliantly | His latest effort, the reorganization | {h¢ geress ang yeu dlkdly 18 poster. {°F the famine fourth division thegsf IV: -87S 1® 8 JHOTe Tar-Teats an ee a ov apie Jats) | stage drama could permit and is such ns Bees = + o. 1.-' |8 person as has existed almost from | "Camouflage, has met with wonder- |, 0 time of Mother Eve and existdd {ful commeaadation, both fro: thal every community on earth where {audience and the press, and the sue- flourighes the vanity and egoism of cess of the tour is already an estab- lished fact. His presentation of the my, Migs Gish has made the most of "Dumbelis" was the biggest thing in|, opportunity in the role is probab- Canadian theatridals last season, and |) best attested by the fact that in {he has firmly established himself a3 | New York alone the, leading actors | the master producer of soldier shows | yng actresses of the day have flocked | by his latest offering. His experience | not once but twice and thrice to view jas organize- and direelor of some {ther work and marvelled at the same. twenty-eigh: concert parties in| Seats sale opens Thursday, April 7th. France has stood him in good stead | Mail orders now with remittance.-- in the theatrical field where his of- | Advt. |terings ,are compared with those of | the American producers of musical | shows--and iound to be good. In fact many critics claim that the sol- dier shows ara. the best seen_in Canaca It lis certain thal cannot be equalled in the eity. They he has opened up a n:w and import- advertised-yefined vaudeville and ant field in the theatricals. . Such effort is worthy of | do advertise. The four acts showing success. and Canada is proud of Cap-| the last half of the week are well tain Plunkett and his soldier boy en- | worthy of being called high-class and |tertainers. The "Maple Leafs" will!the large audience who witnessed the {offer "Camouflage" 'at the Grand show last night were well pleased. {Opera House for the evening per-|The feature -- "Atonement," --was | formance only on Saturday, April | something out of the ordinary and 9th. --A vt. | depicted the paradox of life, mingling {with a man's conscience and a wo- oa sipey fi | man's sorrow. It was true to life and Way Down East--Monster Griffith |.) owed some very interesting and Production Coming. | : 3 throbbing scenes. It is lay that one Announced as the most remarkable | oobing 51 3p ay | duct rith which th ¢ | often reads about, but so seldom sees. | in a ¢ : t ie name 9 { Next week is a very extraordinary ay » LF has vet been assoc-| ,q ¢or this theatre, besides having iate } vw # " l {lated In his "Way Down East, made | , 'w nderful array of vaudeville acts, | humanity and the innobility of man. At The New Griffin. Still continuing in the way they . | started a week ago, the new Griffin | thing ever | (hoatre is giving a programme that | life of Canadian |they are certainly giving all that they | | same name and which, will be shown | [in this city for the first 'time at the | | Grand Opera House, beginning Mon- | | day evening, April 11th. As is expect- | | ed, the usual Griffith effects and em- | bellishments are said to be found in| this latest work in abundance; | will present it here with an augment- ed orchestra furnishing musical ac- {companiment which even the most spectatular of stage offerings could hardly afferd to offer on tour; di- gressing from the stage version he | will take his audience from the sim- | plicity of countryside to the lavish- ness of city mansions ®nd thus dis- play in a new series of color schemes {an array of elaborate gowns and sur- | roundings typical of wealth. At the end will come the famed terrifying | New England blizzard and the break {up of the ice gorge in the Connecti- cut River, scenes which in other cities have made audiences grip their seats. | Mr. Griffith has set for himself suéh |a pace and a standard to follow that | he must needs supply the most won. S\ | derful in spectacle and the most fin | ished in production. However, there may be those who in anticipation of | such things, overlook the greatest of | achievements of this master artist in jon "Way Down East" and paid a pretty sum for the screen rights alone, not for the spectacular oppor- | tunities it offered. Any play that can { enjoy vogue among American | theatregoers for a period of more {lthan twenty years possesses some- EARL STREET--So0lid Brick dwelling, seven rooms lighting and cooking, 3 piece bath room. Price BAGOT STREEKT---Solid Brick dwelling, 12 rooms, 8 hot water heating, hardwood floors; in fact fully modern Suitable for boarding house or two family apartment. Price $7500. ~~ STUART STREET---Solid brick dwelling, 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms hardwood floors, hot water heating, electric and gas lights, coal grate, garage. Price $8000. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. gas $3500 bedrooms, for i | scenes and "Way Down East" has each season been shown on'tour with great remunerative re- ward even fn times when most stage offerings had hard sledding. That | the puré love of Anna Moore, her he- |trayal and subsequent sufferings | were the big thing in "Way Down { East" and is what has made it en- dure through all these years, there can be no doubt. It was this that ap- SR. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster-General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, 13th A BARGAIN 1920 Dodge - Touring Car SLIGHTLY USED . Equipped with 2 Cord Tires, Spare Tire: Bumper, Non-glare Lenses, Radiator €over and 1921 License. Varnish and Up- _ holstering like new. Cost $2,375.00 when purchased. A snap to a quick buyer. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 3 Ee ------ Motors and Good Roads. : (Chicago Tribune) Good roads mean money in the 'pocket Of every automobile owner. They mean comfort to. the body of every automobile rider. Efficiency and economy of operation pay large sad certain dividends on every dollar 2 -. ns Nm, ., x invested in highway improvements. As these improveraents are extended even the man who neither drives nor rides on the open highway will take his profit from improvéd transporta- tion of farm products and more rapid and ecouomical communication in business and industry. Saath May, 1921, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week on the route Kingston Rural Mail Route No. 1, from the Postmaster General's pleasure. Printed aot ces containing further in formation as to conditions af proposed "oniragt may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Barriefield, Kingston, and at the office of the Post Office In- spector. J. CAMPBELL STRANGE, Acting Post Ofice Inspector. Post Office Inspector's ice, R Public Library Bulletin SOME NEW NOVELS FOR APRIL Fourth Dimension--Vachell, H. Mystery of the Sycamore--Well, C. Ambush --White, 8 A. Sand Holler--Maniates, B. K. Colinette of Redmoon--Weir, F. R. Grey Angels--Bartley, N. Cuitard Cup--Frienyston, F. B. | Vision House--Willlamson, KE. Lonely House--Lowndes, B. Lucinda--Hope, A. - Tide--Basser, 8. W. Jackie--Barcynsks, Countess. 00d--Coo ames Brentw per, H. J. llen Le vie--Singmaster, E. le Claire's orkshop--Audoux, M. Vergne in the Midst--Lucas, EV | from the famous stage play of the| there is to be one of the best at- scenes of New York's night life in| {the old days when Broadway was | "wide open' and the whole tender- | loin joined {1 an orgy of wine, wo- | men and song. | "Beau Revel" was directed by | {John G. Wray, under the personal | supervision of Thomas H. Ince. The | support is practically of all-star caii- bre.--Advt. Coming to the Strand. In all the length and breadth of | fiction there is no more picturesque a character than Hajj, the beggar of Bagdad. Edward Knoblock, the play- |\ wright of "Kismet," and Otis Skin- | ner, perhaps the best known and most popular actor in the country, im- mortalized Hajj during the years he | gave life to this characterization on | | the stage. The Robertsoii-Cole Company has! filmed the Minoug play, which will be run for three days at the Strand | Theatre, starting April 11th, and | thousands of people in this city are going to have an opportunity of see-| {ing Hajj, the beggar, portrayed by no | | less a person than Otis Skinner him- | self. It is a safe prediction that the |swaggering, crafty, adventure loving | |and amusing old Bagdad vagabond | | will win every one's heart and in the | years to come, when old plays are | discussed, hig. memory will be green. i" On the stage Hajj made an instan- | taneous hit wherever "Kismet" was played; the screen version will do {that and more, for, on the screen | | Hajj has an opportunity far beyond the limitations of the speaking stage, { {and Skinner's interpretation of this] {role in the screen version will stand insanity, death. wake. : A CORON, as a beverage, has proved itself to be the enemy of the human race. Alcohol is a. fruitful source of criminality, delinquency, disease, brutality and immorality, ~ Alcohol lowers vitality and des creases efficiericy, while ignorance, poverty and misery follow in its tractions in pictures. All over Can- | fOr a long time to come as the finest | ada the best theatres are holding a./5tudy in character work that the mov- "Blue Ribbon week" and the big ing picture cameras ever recorded. A drawing card in the feature lineistwo few seats will be reserved for this, of the most popular screen stars, tremendous wttraction. The plan | Douglas MacLean and Doris May, In | opens on next Wednesday, so secure | Alcohol is a waste of food stufis, of money, of time and of life itself. Alcohol is a wrecker of homes, a {screen production. Griffith seized up- | he | rhe Jail Bird." This is one of the | : | best productions that has ever been | shown in Kingston anc there is a | | the programme. There are a Hundred | prizes to be given away and anybody not connected with this theatre can | compete for the wonderful trip to i California. This is to be one memor- | able week in the amusement line and | one that will never - be forgotten. | Come to the thearte early and secure a coupon and all particdlars for the contest. --Advt. . Big Week At The Strand. The Strand Theatre has an unus- ual programme for the big week which will be known as Paramount Blue Ribbon week, which is being held all over Canada next week. The big contest starts on Monday and will continue all through the week. A hundred prizes are being offered by the -Paramount™ Film Producers which controls the .Strand Theatre to the various winners, the first prize being a free trip to the Paramount studios. The attraction for the first half of the week beginning Monday will be "Straight Is The Way" fea- turing Matt Moore and Gladys Les- lie a thrilling story of two crooks that went to a village to rob. but got a square deal. The story is a thrilling one with many heart throbs and the press reports are big iu their praise for this splendid picture. Real hidden treasure which has cluded seardhers for generations is the material motive of "Straight is the Way," the néw Paramount-Cos- mopolitan picture which comes to the Strand theatre for three daffs begin- ning Monday. The treasure is con- cealed somewhere about the old Sands Homestead, at Sands Point, Long Island, which is the location of the story. This old homestead, which 1s own- ed by Mrs. Mumford, the author, and used as a summer home, was built in 1668--more than 250 years ago-- and has been the scene of many ro- mantic and thrilling incidents. But none is more interesting than the known presence of hidden treasure thereabouts. Every means of locat- ing this has been tried in vain--in- cluding clairvoyants, diving rods and tipping tables, but no treasure. Mrs. Mumford has taken advant- rage of this concealed treasure in her etory. She makes it the property of one "Uncle Hemry" Ort--the ances- tor of Aunt Mehitable and her or- phaned niece, Dorcas, who lives in the old homestead. They consult a cuija board to ascertain its location, and two warm-hearted crooks hear them questioning ouija decide to bury a quantity of vafables and ans- wer through ouija, teliing them the location thereof. It is their idea of justice; also of practical sympathy because the women need the money to satisfy a mortgage which threatens them with the loss of their home. Matt Moore and Gladys Leslie hav the leading roles. - The épecial musical novelty wil: be "The Gypsy" with special scenery and beautiful lighting effects. The cast in this novelty is composed of three and the singing is exceptionally good. The famous Strand orchestra, under the direction of Mignon Telg- mann, will render "William Tell" 'and a medley of popular selections. The usual short subjects will be shown. big prize contest in connection with | {your seats early.--Advt ! » S-- KATHERINE MAC DONALD we "My Laovs Larcm Key" At the Allen Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Queen Zephra' Coming. The Annandale Chapter, 1.O.D.E., have under rehearsal now ome of the largest and most elaborately staged musical comedies 'ever at- tempted by a local cast in Kingston. It is Being produced under the per- sonal direction of {he owners, Mr. and Mrs E. A Drake, and the stag- ing requires a very elaborate equip- ment of spectacular scenery and gor- geous costumes. The initial perform- a burden labor. curse upon the. mother and child, upon society and an embarrassment to both sapital and The world is organizing against alcohol and its reign is doomed. The dethronement of 'King Alco- hol" is the reform that will mark the 20th century. Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating liquors into the province be forbidden? Vote and vote oe YES 9 Ontario Referendum Committee ance is in te Grand Opera House on April 14th. Oer 160 local people will take part in the play and 42 numbers | will be played during the presenta- tion. Advance tickets are on sale hy FOR SALE members of the cast and the officers of Aunandale Chapter.--Advt. Have Five Generations Each. In Wilberforce, near Renfrew, there exist two inter-related families, both of which claim the honor of lon- Solid brick house in first-class " condi- tibn, situated on Princess Street, between University and Division. Contains 10 rooms. Good proposition as a boarding or - rooming house. Will be sold on easy terms. gevity. The members of the two fam-: ily branches in order of their age are: Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Rendle- | bury, Mrs. Ward, Mrs, Smith and baby; and Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Webber, Mrs, Blue and Verna Blue. Both Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. McKay are great-great-grandmoth- ers. Peas and Lettuce Showing Up. E. T. Austin, Belleville water- works manager, is something of a gardener. He has this year set a record for his garden, as he has Al- aska peas and Grand Rapids lettuce just showing through the soil. . The seed was planted on March 8th, alongside the house, and have not been fostered with artificial heat nor protected in any-way. All Are Acceptable. No subscription too large for the work, and no subscription too small to be welcomed by the Kingston Y.M.C.A. Your help is needed now. Death From A Fall. A sad event happened at Deseronto when Wren Gould, who had not been feeling well for some time, missed his For particulars apply to Box H-21, Whig Office. Are Your Savings Earning 8% Do you want to invest your money in an absolutely safe, sound and permanent in- . dustry right here in your own town, which is paying a dividend of 8%, and unlimited possibilities for further additional big re- nused common shares? Apply: British Whig Off; 'turns on *H. F. Darrell, co. Opening wenn April ond ~ Frontenac Cafe New Eating House for Ladies and Gentlemen. N Florence Vidor, who plays the lead- NOTICE is hereby given that all per- | ing feminine role in the latest Para- re using or driving Trucks or othet Jaating on top of ghe stairs and fell, receiving Everything we serve will be best quality injuries which proved fatal, song Vehicles on the County Roads in the Courity of Frontenac, must comply with the law respecting weight of be carried during onths ot March y h V,, hay Thursday mount-Ince picture, "Beau Revel," which comes to the Strand theatre on , Friday and Saturday, is cast to excellent advantage as Nellie Steele, the hub of the conflict of emo- 'between Beau Revel, pdrtrayed only living about half an hour after the accident, Mr. Gould had been re- siding with James McVickérs. Your subscription is needed by the Y.M.C.A. Send it to-day. Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W and our prices will please Jou. . Comfortable Private ning Rooms. Call in and give us a trial. Open from 8 a.m. till | a.m. 65 PRINCESS . STREET (near . .