Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1921, p. 20

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SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY NIGHT SALE OF Mens' Negligee Shirts $1.79 Coat style; soft Double Cuffs; large as- sortment of conservative and fancy Stripes; all absolutely fast colors. - Sizes 13} to 18. Livingston's 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." Wilson's Majestic Oleomargarine SOLD BY LEADING GROCERS. Made only from selected nut oils and churned in pure whale milk. Wilson's Majestic Oleomargarine is appetizing, satisfying and nourishing. The 'children relish it. Give them all they can eat of bread spread with Majestic Oleomargarine Its nutritious, wholesome quality will supply them with the food fats that™ their activities require. Use it in cook- ing and making. It is pure, rich, tasty and economical, helps to make bis- cuits, pastries and cakes richer, lighter and more delicate. YOU'LL FIND IT THE BEST Lower Price & ' Lower Price s {| Anderson Bros. Distributors for Kingston and District Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. H Lhe Late Mrs. Sarah Moore... . Sarah Moore passed away at her residence, 26 Div on Friday. night afterdan e some months. The deceased born in Ireland, but reside ston for more than thirty year was a devout member of St drew's church. Mrs. Moore | vived by her husband, Thomas Moore BIG MASONIC DANCE. Held in the Armouries at Napanee on Thursday Evening. (From Our Own spunder Napanee, April 2 py J Order of Union Lodge, "No. 3, nee, held a enjoyable dance in the armouries on Thursday evening. The hall was pleasingly decorated with balloons and bunting A eight-piece orchestra from Kingston furnished: delightful music A uni- qug part of the evening'. enter ment was the distribution « in *he form of fancy paper caps which everyone wore. About four hundred | people were in attendance. The re- freshments were [ by Cole's, of Toronto. Miss Beley, Gravenhurst, was the | guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Kenzie for a few days of this week. s Kathleen Reeve, Ottawa, is the guest of er aunt, Miss W.ight. {Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Foltz and Mr |and Mrs. Harold Barrett, Belleville, lare visiting Mr. and Mrs. Johx F Walsh, John street. Miss Patricia Burt, Ottawa, ent Easter with he parents in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs George Walters and family | Easter wita her mother in Tam- | worth. t) asonic Napa- | selected 1ishec spent Miss Agnes Bellhouse, King- ston, spent Easter, the guest of Miss | Louise Harshaw, Piety Hill. | Miss Uglow, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Josephine Vrooman. Her- | bert Fralick, Detroit, Mich., is visit-| ling his mother, Mrs. H. V. Frolick. | | Dr. Austin, Kingston, was the week- | lend guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Vroo- | man. Miss Myrtle Stevers, Aurora, | i spending the holidays with her | | parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles] | Stevens. Miss Elva Lochlin, wel- | |lington, is the guest of Mrs. Alpine | Wood. Mrs. Char .s Robertson, . .es-| {ton, is the guest of her sister, Miss | | Hester Gib.ard. Harold McGuire, | | Baden, Ont., spent Easter with his | | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Me- {Guire. Maurice leaves on | Friday to join the Royal Bank staff at prescott. Mrs. Cameron, Winiipesg, Man., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. | Beard, Cadet' Vrooman, RM.C, | Kingston, spent tho week-end the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Vrooman. {Charles D. Black spent Good Friday lin Sterling. Miss Beatrice Kayler is sreading the Laster holidays in Tor- Harold Heripgtos, To:onto, | is spending Bio. Mw oi- ad with Lis | parents, Mr. & rs. W. >. He r.2g- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrott and | son, Bellevi) >, "peat East. tae zuest| | of his moth .. Mrs. Glover 1d Mrs. | { Davy are visitinT Mr.. Thompson, | Deseronto. H. J. Gleeson, Toronto | University, spent [Easter with his | parents, Mr. .nd Mrs. John Gleeson. | Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Shorey, Acton, {spent Easter with Mrs. Edmund Shorey,-Bridge street Mr. and Mra. L Will Leonard and family, Belleville, | spent Easter with his parents, Dr. {and Mrs R. A. Leonard. Miss Mil- dared Roblin Jett on Sunday to join {the nursing staff of Wellesley Hos- { pital, Toronto. J. Mallett, of the | staff of Upper Canada College, Tor- | onto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs W. S. Herrington. 1 | onto. ---------------- | Kingston Radio Association. | Another successful meeting of the | Kingston Radio Association was held | Friday evening, the president occupy- | hg the chair. After a lengthy dis- | cussion, traffic, rules were made up | and arrangements made to have the {Q. S. T. sent out every evening at 7 | p.m. The f{raffic managers are to have these rules printed and be gi- | ven to every member. | Four new members were admitted {to the association, and a minimum | age list was placed in the regulations | A committee was also formed to sec- | ure data on the new set which the as- | sociation plans to have when they get {settled in their mew club reems. It | was a very enthusiastic meeting alto- gether, and many things which were formerly only a matter of thought were actually brought into being and will be made use of. Any earnest radio amateur in Kingston or vicinity who wants to advance with the wireless game would be going on the first step to communicate with any member who will let him know all the details. At Ottawa, F. F. Kidner. Victoria, suggested to the pensions committee that $2,000 bonds be issued for the returned soldiers. It is stated that 45.000 men would be affected and that the scheme would involve an expenditure of $400,000,000. § -------------------- To-morrow morning, Capt. R 3 Carnegie, Roy W. Carnegie, wheels- man, two firemen, James Gillfe, chiet engineer, and Mrs. Gillie, will leave for Sarnia, where, during the next engaged in outfitting the steamer iY recently purchased by the Rockport Navigation Company, and which will be prought to Kingston for use on ferry service. . Fourth anniversary Battle of Vimy Ridge. Don't fail to hear illustrated account by General Macdonell and Col. Perry, also concert, Ontario Hall, Friday, April 8th, at 8 pm. Tickets at G.W. A. Best's, Whig THE. > | gue | tion to be obtained | prominent citizens and see | Historical Society. PRINTERS two weeks, Capt. Carnegie will be | ~~ Kingston-Cape Vinceat | { SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921, Moderation ! Moderation ! The choicest pleasures of life lie wit the rimg of Moderation. Mod- | eration is the silken thread running | tHFGR EN the pear ran oto ai-vir=+ True happiness springs from | ieration. Moderation tues, Me . means Tem for Moderation: Prohibition is not Temperance: it prohibits Temper- | ance. : Turn on Temperance: tap the right | place. Prohibition never cut off the! supply of liquor and never will; I-| quor under it will be made in the nomes, and the younger generation | will grow up with it there. i Those people who oppose Prohiht- | tion and want Moderation are just as | anxious to do away with the evils of | drink as the Prohibitionists. | If you want Temperance and Mod- | eration vote "No." on the 18th of} April. Study the literature of the| Citizens' Liberty League for Modera- free at 46 Clar-| 1610.--Advt. 'Phone ence street | | Aided in Organization, | . J. J. Stewart, president, and | 8 A Guild, vice-president of | Kingston Rotary Club, went to Brockville on Friday night ghd took | a prominent part in, the organiza- tion of the Rotary Club there. Ro- tarians Johnson and Cairns, Ottawa, had direction of the meeting and there was a large number of charter including most of the] The ceremonies Rotarians from | The visitors all! members, were attended by Ogdensburg, N.Y. conveyed warm fraternal greetings in the Brockville club a | coming active organization. rt m---------------- i Robber Bees. | If robber bees discover that a hive | has lost its queen they march bodly | | into the forsaken colony, overpower | the depressed and nerveless inhabi- tants and carry off the honey bit by bit. These robbers rarely work. They are adventures of the family. To them it is foolish to fly from flower to flower for a bit of honey when it can be got so much more easily by going directly to another store- house. . Will Reduce Working Hours. | The James Smart plant of Canada Foundries & Forgings, Limited, | Brockville, which has been: operated on short time for some weeks past, | will now undergo a still further re- | duction of working hours, With the | exception of the axe and hammer and | lawn mower departments, the plant | will run about three days a week in- | definitely. { | 1 | { i { | | | | Some Worthy Boy Would appreciate a Y.M.C.A. mem- bership ticket, but js not quite able to pay for same; some business men and others are meeting this situa- toh by purchasing tickets for such boys. Your help would be much appreciated in this manner. Send along your cheque to-day. To Give a Lecture. Gen. Macdonell will lecture in| Napanee on April 16th, before the DAILY MEMORANDUM. Ia Salle Chapter Rummage Sale | Market Square, Wednesday, April 6th, 10 am. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. McCANN--At Westport, March 25th, to Si. anu Mrs. rurd Mccann, a soll VOT aR a--ai LUIONLYU, Ul M®ICA. $1ST 194d, LOCAL, Ald Mars. ndule \oleary (lice wWisdeliiiie LRveliy) & Wired James Ae MARRIED. HAINING--GOUL I HEYA St. Andrew s riesuylediall €dulcd, OS&uil dle Marie, Unt, Marca ovih, ivZi, Kain rye Maigdici, eldes. daurater vl Mr. aug Dainui Uuuaiey, ie LAIN Direel, dna Blauduauginer ul Lie Mie LU. HM. aliu ais. avaicey, Gudliey, unt, aud vavid Givsuu Daalilg, sun ul Mr, &ud Mrs. J. Héllilg, surun dSllecl, nev. Chas. WwW. dace), pusior of St. andrew s resuy cian caureh, vuiciating. sou, oals, DIED. MOORE--In Kingston, on Avil, darun ww lhsuvn, ol '1 ovines Moore. Funeral: itvmn ner ele residence, 22s vtvision Streel, vi Maviday afiek- Nuvil, al L.9V 10 Lalalayus Lelue- tery. MAnvuu--In Kingston, on March 31st 4%), tue lusenl sun vr ME. su Mes. Perry >. mahouu. April 1st, Deivveuw Waa a ------------------------ A-------- CARD OF THANKS MLS AeewalU WUURE CY Waoned Lu led Bley lualng wo Lue nanny Ariens dur their maadicss and 5) PAluy, aiso lur Spirilua: and ural of ACTIUES in Lucll pau bEta client, 1 wish to thank the operators of the Bell lelepuone Company ul Lae promp ahd punciual service rendered Satur- gay uigat and on Sunday ia aeiping tu iveate ¥Y brotner, : . 4. McGarvey, 18 Cherry St. . JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 236 PRINCESS STREET. Phene 147 for Ambul:ince, ~ ROBERT J. The Leading Phone 377. uX- DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TO-NIGHT SPECIAL snmp nascent oo OFFERINGS SALE STARTS 7.30 O'CLOCK er ---- gon EE Here you will find a number of very special offerings of desirable merchandise bought to sell at special prices that will mean a generous saving to the thrifty buyer. Among the exceptional values for to- night are: Women's Stamped Night Gowns, Silk Stockings, Gloves and Boys' and Girls' Stockings. 6 DOZEN WOMEN'S NAINSOOK STAMPED NIGHT GOWNS Regular price $1.50. TO-NIGHT $1.00 each. 6 dozen only, extra fine quality Nainsook Stamped Night Gowns, generous size, splendid assortment of the best designs; all white. Specials Specials 20 DOZEN Women's Black Silk Gloves Kayser make. Price reg. $1 pair TO-NIGHT ...... 69c. pair 15 Dozen Women's Washable Chamoisette Gloves Regular price 90c. | TO-NIGHT ...... 69c. pair 15 Dozen Women's White Neat Fitting Washable Chamoisette Gloves 20 dozen Women's First Quality All Pure Silk Kayser Silk Gloves --double finger tips; perfect fit- which will wear and wash per- fectly. "Have nice Suede finish and backs with raised stitching. White only. Sizes 5} to 74. _ ting and well made. Black only. Sizes 6 to 8. Hosiery Specials Hosiery Specials 35 Dozen Boys' Cotton Hose TO-NIGHT ......35c. pair 35 dozen Boys' heavy One-and- one Ribbed Cotton Stockings-- made with comfortable, seam- less feet and spliced heels and toes, fast dyes. They are strong- est where the hardest wear comes and are just the Hose for active 'growing boys. Come in black only. Sizes 74 to 10}. Johri Laidlaw & Son, Limited 30 Dozen Women's Silk Stockings Unusually high quality; regular value $1.75. TO-NIGHT ......: $1.25 pair 30 dozen Women's Black Silk Stockings with deep Lisle Tops, Heels and Toes spliced; fine sheer Silk; black only; first qual- ity. Sizes 84,9, 94, 10: |} | | + Il | Office, Up-town P. O.. THE DAINTY BROGUE For Growing Girls This is an especially fine Shoe, with the proper shape to insure every comfort. Made in a Brown Calf, medium weight sole; in sizes 11 to 2. PRICE ........... $4.50 This is the Shoe your girl will feel proud to wear.

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