SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921. ~==Camphor Flakes. / fC amphor Balls. Best's SPRING NEEDS ~--Moth Tar Bags. ~Disinfectants. SEEDS-- Rennie's. Simmers. Steele Briggs Ferries All fresh 1921 stock HAVING BEEN ABLE TO PROCURE MORE SKILLED » . Phone your wants to 59. HELP L T : ~--We are again in a position to . gist give quicker returns on watch repairing. --A watch left with us for over- hauling can be returned to the owner in good condition in Two Weeks. - Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. --NoO matter how intricate or delicately made your watch may be, we will turn you out a first class piece of work. Using Glasses Prescribed, - * Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- fcal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use Watchmakers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses 350 Kirg Street Established 1840. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. leave a small tea on Friday for Miss | (Notice--Hereafl r, the Whig, in "common with other papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of $1] for inserting an riage or Feception a announcement.) To. get the Whig's society writer, | | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. if i . -. . Mrs R. J. McKelvey, Bagot street, | gave a bright young people's dance | ion Thursday, for Gilbert McKelvey"s | boy and girl friends. The house was lovely with ferns and flowers, and the | bright supper was served from a pol- | ished table in the dining room, cen- | || tred with a silver basket of daffodils | | | ll eignty-tourtn birthday, | good wishes and gifts were his. To | 'WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. Furniture--Freight--Baggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W S. WHITEMAN 860 Bagot Street. It is this combination of min) and machinery of experience and equipment that makes, Keeley's service unique in Kingston. Spa Mrs. Walter Aimer, Harlem, was Former leave Steinamanager land Sunday evening or Monday. Charles will for Switzer- Emperor and broken bohes. thrown from her buggy in a runaway | and quite badly shaken up and bruis- ed. Fortunately she escaped without SOO 1 ] _-- E E E Bs i i BB E £ s E E = = i E all COOK WITH ELECTRICITY and save your wife many weary steps and expense. Let us explain how one good housewife saved the price of her Electric Stove in nine months in cooking with electricity. The Oven has two heating elements -- one at top and one at bottom. The top ele- ment can be used for Broiling, Browning, etc., and the bottom for roasting--can be used both together or separately as required Estimates of installing freely given. Expert electricians for all kinds of work. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. ' Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phone 237. - - - - - - Kingston "A Place For Every- thing and Everything Save your steps by purchasing one of our Labor-Saving Kitchen Cabinets -- all modernly equipped. ; Ydur choice of White Enamel, Oak or Maple--any one of these real value. Our prices are right. | T.F. Harrison Co, Limited rs 9 |= | =| daughter, Bessie Geraldine, to Ger- = | ald Foster Denyes, M.D.C.M., 00000 OO TU | on a lace square, Mrs. McKelvey and i Mrs. Henry Wilkinson poured coffee, with Miss*MacKinnon, Miss Florence | Bmery and Miss Gertrude McKelvey | | as assistants. By a happy coincid- ence the party fell on Mr. McKelvey"s and many {the pleasure of his grand children | and their guests he came down for a | | short time to look on at the | scene, gay . ss = Brig.-General King and Mrs W. | B. Shuttleworth King entertained at | { luncheon on Wednesday, when their | guests were General Sir Archibald | Macdonell, General W. i Col. Edwards, Col. Hill, Col. By- water, Col. Munroe, Col. Reid, Col. , Col. Cloutier, Lt.-Col. Mac- { Dowell, Lt. Col, Rierdon, kt.-Col, | Gray. | e so | Mr. Harvey, Lower Union street, gave a bright little "send-off" |on Thursday evening for his nephew, | Malcolm Mitchell, Alexandria, who has spent the holidays in town with | his sisters, and Clifford Reeves, who | {is also leaving Kingston. Music and {dancing filled in the hours, which { were thoroughly enjoyed by the { young guests | *® - * Lady Macdonell received at the Commandant's Quarters, Royal Mili- tary College, on Thursday, when { Mrs T. E, Merrett, Montreal, receiv- | ed with| her, and was welcomed to her | |old home by many of her'friends who | | came in for a cup of tea in the cosy fire 1it drawing-room. " -. . announce the engagement of their young- est son of the late Sidney Denyes and Mrs. Denyes, Odessa. The marriage to take place the third week in April, - * . Several small teas and bridge parties have been given this week for Mrs. G. Smith, London, Ont. who has been the guest of Miss Imlach, George street. - - . Miss Florence Cunningham, Villa St. Clare apartments, gave a small tea for her guest, Mrs. Russell Browne, on Tuesday. . - * rs G. A. Graham, Barrie street, street, CZEMA i: ment for Eezema and Sem Trrita- | tions. It relieves at once and grade. ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase' Ointment free if you meni fon th his r and send 2c. stamp for pos! . all dealers or Edmanson, Ba Bakes & O & Cou d. Toronto. ns Watch This Space Next Week McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w. 54 QUEEN ST. Horse-shoeing and Repairing. You are Dov ex periment ing *hsh i ---- CHOICE WESTERN MEATS engagement, mar- | B. Lesslie, | party | Major and Mrs. Frederick Walsh, | Dorothy Hooper, Ottawa, who is her | guest. . . * The Ottawa Badminton Club will { come up to Kingston next week to | Iplay the Kingston team for the { Kingston cup * . Ld . . - Mrs. J. B. Phillipg, Frontenac street, entertained informally at the | tea hour on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Richardson,' Univer- sity avenue, entertained at bridge | on Thursday evening. { . - . i Col. and Mrs. Snell will come from {Ottawa with the Badminton Club next week, and will be with Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street. Miss King, who has been the] guest of General and Mrs, W. B.| Shuttleworth King, has returned to Toronto. Mrs. with Mrs. burn," Miss | street, | lege, Toronto, on Monday. » . - P. S. Coate, who has been W. Bermingham, Kathleen Bibby, Eric Phillips, went to | Mr. and Mrs. versity avenue, this week. Mrs. W. D. Hendry is in town and | is at 64 William street. | Miss Strange, King street, return- | ed from Toronto to-day. i | Mrs, G. Smith, who has been the! {guest of Miss Imlach, George street, | | left to-day for Detroit. | The Queen's students who went home for Easter have returned to! town. i Mrs. Stewart, who has been with | Miss Grace and Miss Jean Brymner, | | West street, has returned to Belle- | { ville. | } . * . | Miss Helen Rees, Gananoque, | !was in town for the young bache- lore' dance on Wednesday. | Malcolm Mitchell, who spent this | week with his aunt, Mrs. J. R. 5. | Dobbs, Albert street, Teturned to | Alexandria on Friday. Miss Constance Webster, Who has been with Rev. Alfred Cooke and | Miss Cooke, at St. Mark's rectory, Barriefield, will return to Whitby ion Tuesday. | | Mrs. William Dwyer and her small son, who have been with the form- | er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, Portsmouth, will leave for | their home in Hartford, Conn, on | { Monday. * - . Master Peter Fair, Kingston, has | been spending the week at the home| | of J 'W. Robinson, Napanee. i Mrs. Marshall Kingston, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Will Coates, Napanee. | Harvey Milne, Kingston, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mac- Gregor, Napanee, on Easter Sunday. Miss Grace Oliver, Napanee, spent | last week with friends in Kingston. Miss Elizabeth Waller, Kingston, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. | and Mrs. W. T. Waller, Napanee. Mrs. (Dr.) Cartwright, Kingston, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Henry, Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaskin, of Kingston, spent Easter with their | daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) T. M. Galbriith, | Napanee. Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Renton, King- | ston, while in Napanee for the bache- | lors' dance, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Galbraith. . . . and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 Phone 213]. WEEK END SHOE SPECIAL MEN'S GOODYEAR WELT 'SHOES-- in Black and Brown Calf-- medium and narrow toe lasts. Former prices up to $12. SATURDAY ONLY ...........$6.00 (See the styles in our window) JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 10 Brock Street Repairs Mrs. Harold Day, King street west, | has returned from Toronto where she | attended the Ontario Federation of | Home and School Clubs. While in | Toronto, Mrs. Dayy was the guest of | Rev, and Mrs, T. W. Neal. | Albert Allen, Kingston, spent East- | er with his mother in Prescott. i Miss Audrey Judge, Unis Simpson | and Lillian Potter, spent Easter as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Judge, | Prescott | Miss Mildred Lee, Kingston, is the | guest of of Miss Rae Botting, West- | port. Horace G. Lockett, M.A., Hamil- | ton, is spending the week-end with | his parents at 24 Stuart street. | Mrs. D. L. Willson' left this week | for her home in London, after an | extended visit with her parents, Mr. | and Mrs. R. Davidson, University | avenue. i Miss Gladys Patterson, after spend- | ing few weeks with her aunt, Miss | H. Dillon, Frontenac street, return- | ed to Peterboro, | Mrs. (Dr.) Williams, Brockville, | is the guest of her parents, Col. and | Mrs. C. N. Spooner, Frontenac | streets (Continued on Page 8.) Vocational Training Still Here, It is learned that military voca- tional training will not be disturb- | ed here by any changes in the D.S. C.R. The training is under the command of Capt. J. 8. Macdonald | at the old Collegiate building, where many disabled men are qualified for service in various branches of work that can be performed by them. The Joans gdepartment is also to be main- tain as well as the employment bureau. The best interests of dis- abled men are wisely conserved "Otter- | returned to Chatham to-day. | Barrie | will return to Havergal Col- | Uni- | Montreal | "Store Open Until 9.30. PROBS: Sunday, moderate winds; fair. at Steacy's A gala array of special values that all thrifty women will do well to take full advantage of. On sale at seven o'clock. Featuring a Sale White Voile Blouses To-night $1.49 10 dozen only, White Voile Blouses--daintily trim- med with lace--all smart new styles; in sizes 34 to 44 regular $2.00 values--while the quantity lasts TO-NIGHT ..... GREY COTTON "MILL ENDS"-- : 2000 yds. of good quality Unbleached Cotton; full 36 inches wide; in lengths of 2 to 10 yds. each; regular 25c. qualities. To-night 16¢. yard COLORED STRIPED FLANNELETTE- 1,200 yds. soft, fleecy, Colored, Striped Flannelette-- 27 inches wide; a regular 25c. a yd. value ....To-night 5 yds. for $1.00 NATURAL STRIPED TOWELLING-- 1,200 yds. heavy quality, Natural, Striped Towelling; extra good weight and finish; a special value at 25c¢. a yard. To-night 5 yds. for $1.00 CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE 25 dozen, Children's Black, White and Brown Cotton Stock- ings; in sizes 6} to 10; regular 50c value. To-night 3 prs. $1.00 ' LISLE STOCKINGS-- 300 pairs of Women's Black, White and Brown Lisle Hose -- . To-night 50c. Penman make; a regular 75c. value SILK GLOVES ~ 250 pairs "Niagara Maid" Silk Gloves; in Black and White~--in sizes 6 to 7}; regular $1.50 values To-night 98c¢. WHITE BED SPREADS 24 White Honeycomb Bed Spreads; size 60 x 84; worth $4.25 . To-night $2.98 each BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK -- 150 yds. extra fine, heavy quality of Satin Damask; full 72 inches wide; regular price $300 a yard ....c..vperenaciininranines To-night $1.98 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS-- . . 10 dozen Men's heavy Blue Denim Work Shirts; full size; 14} to 17} ......To-night $1.50 MEN'S CASHMERETTE SOCKS-- R | 240 pairs Black and White Cashmerette Socks--a good weight | ir | + 8% 8 8 sss eset Et eee for present wear; in sizes 10 to 11}. To-night 3 pairs for $1.00 Steacy's - Limited |