TN A 8 AIRE ihe dr Sp ET pn pp tl tape Ae . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, APRIL 3. 1921. ha 8 humanity's greatest asset. It none sought to evade the obligatior | Your daily newspap THE BRITISH WHIG i: a Lama Ee evid > that | to eet the demands for national forse a8E unei: {118 every day beco fiSnatah 88TH YEAR. ' ' . a a a r instance we lispatch | the deterioration human charac-! revenue. All recgnize that it rom Columbus, Ohi L. Dakan, | Ider is more dange 5 to a country course of common sense to s 17 | poultry specialist at « State Uni-y | than the faiiure of crops or the taxation and reduce the cost of, col-|y BjiGes tha; "6NY 47c fresn) | breakdown of nat redit. 'A dis-| lection to the minimum, and it is > be kent oper wos ; | ability of this sort cannot ! reckon- | parent thatsif colieotfon be m ge e5Es arc opensd jed in figures. It used to be thought | from manufacturers and importers | paragraph: | that religion need not be a vital there will be an equitable distribu- On another page we : life Indeed a tion and Wo obstruction to business fessor Whiddington, of Lee's Univer- {thing in a nation's | : | | y ir 3 e mio > - i 8ity, England, has inv d an ultra. | great advocate is reported thus If Hugh Blain, who presented the com ion arent has ! Bultsu we must have a religion let us have mittees Teport. stated that 1 lS rhundeedtirotuyns: FOOTER neh _ wI"01e that 18 cool and indifferent." But tHe intention that the manulacurer! ang you merely surmise that the pros MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR that is precisely the sort of religion should pay he tax and not the re-| fessor must be t 0 measure the re. It must be much|taller, and," he added. "I don't (soul of a Rent Profiteer. and there is | ot have. | vo > y . ub a . we do not have it | think any .other system would be ac- b fi shi notice an item about | The Store That Keep the Quality Up--The Store That Keeps : The Prices Down! pm ER A a A NOI ye Te ee LS at all. ceptable to the government." | Henry Ford's mechanieal cow. A lit. | { a Is 3 Droduc Rg 3} It is therefore not surprising that ---- tie thought will produce this z We sup 4 rywhere set- pose country #octorg wil e kept busy | thoughtful men are everywhere | attending to careless milkmalds who | | caine ana tosees 1a ane moss sone| + BITS OF BY-PLAY ° § "wim nte me MEN'S SUITS MEN'S OVERALLS | gaing and losses in the body politie ; as clutch in.' ) | KE UKE | . - . . Weekly by| With more than ordinary concern. | BY JUKE MeLUE {In another cojumn you read that Sec- Stiffels Blue and White 8 - and Published Daily « Sems- : 9 | retary Mello 1cl'ned to be libe i . . THE BRITISH SYHIG i UBLISHING Sclentists, economists, labor leaders, | Eg ee av: Shon 18 jarnes 22 Tre; YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Stripe; full sizes: made bs capitalists, theologians are seeking to | . e J | being issued. Whereupon you chortle Perfectly tailored by one of the with high bib and long J. G. Elliott ....... : | ind where this country stands in the | ie * Joytully that Mellon 's not_a water Leman A. Guile -- tir Er aude In 10] ten Carers Auris How, a best Clothing establishment in | straps. Sizes 32 to 44. | simple it is NOW, You've TELEPHONES: national asset. | Old Mother Hubbard, had your complete course, and You are Canada--good quality Tweeds BIB YS PRICE : . $1.98 Eartorian See. A rin But the personal is always the vi-| Went to the Supboard. of beet | & full-fledged humor'st. Go to t! And and Worsteds . Job Office --irirese: tal aspect of the subject. Nothing in | Bay So 4 sue) toad cobs | may the Lora have rercy on you! , : ' MEN"S WORK SHIRTS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | the whole range of a man's posses- Saw her drinking her hops | -- | BIBBY S PRICE $22.00 ig, roomy, well Made | Daily Edition) | for a year. | Whoa! One year, any) in city o I3 jiision is so well Woh salesuaraing| And they sent hes 0 ud} fos ! | MT Jug informs vu that the farm- YOUNG MEN"S OVERCOATS Shirts -- Blue Oxfords, ns year JL Paid in advance ... 338 | ang fostering as his spiritual estate, mahi i : year, b, afl to rural offices $2.50 Ouch! ers in the South do it cal them a 56 Sear, iad iaien C77. "500 Ho ban to live with, ana at tne; ir Honor." said the Attorney for | "SUMS" any more. © They are carmen | Form fit models--nobbys--grey, | Black and White I'weeds. - on) : : tors . : . (Bem eskly : 1.00] end, it is his only stock in trade. 10} the Defense, "the prisoner is charged | "White Mule Incubators rich green I weeds, etc, Spring Sizes 14} to 1 7 5. Ons Soak ho advance }1501 begin a new life. And of all things, | wih stealing a car-lpad of iron cast- Aw, Gwan! | and Fall wel hts. . ; BIBBY'S PRI( E ta $1.50 Dear Luke: Isn't ig. about tima to re. ' g fer to a haircut as Overhead Expense? BIBBY S PRICE eww $15.00 WORKMEN'S SOCKS « year, to United States ... . | re Pits unary ney 2 | connected with it, by far the most ings from a foundr He pleads. gulity J. K | OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES | Paws. himself on the mSreyy . Thompson 190 King St. E.| to make the soul of a man the move- | ,, f- weakness." { oronto. | "| moment of- weaknes nee ? | ' S ' * 3 ~ oron | ment may be one always of less to "In a moment of, weakness # y -- | MEN S FINE SHIRT Penman S Ribbed Wool pe | | *- 3 : anc F. Calder, 22 St. John St, Montreal interesting is that in all that EOGB. ¢ the Court. He stole the irdn in a letters to the Editor are published | rupted the Prosecuting Attorney. "I Our Daily Special, . : etters io itor a than | rupted the. Prosecuting soma D0UF Spelt, Neat patterns; made with French natural enlor. Sizes 10 to only over the actual pame of the | MOTe; always upward rather that 4 .| Him Wish He Had Mor. Enemies "style, soft cuffs. Sizes 14 to 161. 1 | i BIBBY'S PRICE riter, | v . re : suppose if he had felt stronge --_-- [1°"nward. He Must grow older Bay. he'd have stolen the whole blame Attached is one of the best job| years; as he advances from youth | ¢oundry! -- a Ch Oh & . : printing offices in Canad {to age he must witness many changes, | ---- . BIBBY'S PRICE $1.50 | 2 Pairs for { physical and mental, but there need Betepa! The circulation of THE BRITISH | | be no perceptible lessening of the ei a Jans, 2 . Bing | Walt Mason | > WHIG is authenticated by the sense of justice, of the passion for I'hat honeyed words | THE POET PHILOSOPHER | ABC | purity, of human sympathy, of sen- Oft leave a sting." ! Audit Bureau of Circulations. sitivenes Spiritus y 8 tp of Circula | sitiv eness to the spiritual world, and Correct! UNSUNG HEROES. | 9 all of the beauty and promise which $ there any connecting link be- The owner of the Blue Front! ET NEN are Ashen | | holds. Nay, these things may, in-| tween the animal and vegetable King- |gtore has ample reason to be sore, to! The love of money is also the root | eed must grow bri er, ¢ er, | doms?' asked the Teacher heafe a throbbing sigh; for when | . | deed must g ghter, cleaner, g 4 of all industry. | stronger with the years, or the fault th mam!" replied the Redopleads | the Price slump hit the land He had} -- | : x { ed Boy : a inds of goods on ' i About the time a race reging to|!® BOt With the years, but with our- Can you name 1?" said the Teach-| bought at prices high. He had to | selves. For the great touchstone of | er sell them under cost, and every night {loss or gain in the spiritual world 'Yes, mam!" replied the Red-Head- [there was a frost, when he sized up | is Love, and. love never faileth ed © Be "It's has the till; each day of business stripped | ra ! | his roll, and put him further in the | Maintain the standard of sweatinz _ | Ho, Hum! hole--it was a bitter pill. And yet | and the standard of living will take BUSINESS TAXATION: | 'I'm sorry 1 wed | he wore a smiling face, and went | = : "That the present sales tax be ad- | Said the mad Mr. Boog { around with princely grace, refusing | BUCKEYE JIIN( UBA I ORS dare of itself aid | 3 o : | £ ! usted so as to provide the addi { | wish I had fled to be glum, and urged his neighbors We would like to show you some - J d so 0 provide the additiona _ a od old | mew goods which have just arriy- Aud now the glad season approach-|révenue needed by the government," | When the Heading id 12 Do iad #14 gost fo Ee! ry . a y ed, including-- es when Nature devotes herself to|W&s the proposal reached at a con- Some Narrow! (hum. The merchant princes of the | ii i |] > --New Frunt sama. producing things that will ferment. | ference held in Toronto on Thursday | «phat fellow Bluelaw is ay marrow | land have seen a season's<profits can- | ) | between representatives of the Can- | cuss, isn't he?" said Brow: ned, they had a plexus blow: "We'll oe J ; ee tains ails / i , ssociation, | "He sure is" agreed Jones. "Why, | just forget the loss," they cry, "for | EEE LAND Ag || =French Marrons, An ounce of old-time religion | adian Manufacturers ; Association, he's so narrow that he could look | better luck will soon come by--we | would probably do the world more|the Wholesale Grocers Assoclation, | 0 4 telescope with both eyes at | haven't time for woe." The wallings | good than a pound of statesmanship. | Retail Merchants' Association and | once. come from doleful gents who lost | HE ' -- =FPreserved Melange, wal the Canadian Credit Men's Associa-| -- some twelve or fourfeen cents, from | y If she brags about him frequently, |tion. The meeting was held at the How To He a Humorist. pikers hese and there; the bigger Take the risk out of your Chicken Breeding by buying the ome best | 4 . bs | . .: inne i Lesson VI--How to be a paragraph-| men just stand the gaff and face thes NCU OR--THE BUCKEYE. Sold at-- he never outgrows the conviction that | suggestion of Sir Henry Drayton, er. Paragraphing is hard work, inas- | harsh world with a laugh, and side- | INCUBATO H he has the best wife in the world. | minister of finance, with a view t9 | much as you must do a lot of reading | Step grim despair, | BUNT'S Jas. REDDEN & Co. LL ---- | 1eaching mutual agreement on the| to ig out a half dozen quips and glbs. --WALT MASON. ! HARDWARE. KING ST. PHONE 388. | Phone 20 and 990, Heinie shows a commendable will- | subject of sales taxes, but, whila| | | n ingness to suffer any punishment he there was unanimity regarding the | o-- : "The House of Satiaiastione may be permitted to select for him- abolition of the business profits war | » - 8 ' self. tax, "income war tax and the excise | i - ----------. tax on confectionery, the manner 'n | > ; Our mothers knew nothing of alls the sales tax is to be collected | ' Hh FOR SALE ories and vitamines, but they knew | is still to be determined. | : & how to prepare honest-to-goodness | The Retail Merchants' Association, | i x 1.--Brick dwelling, Montreal eats Fontana 200,000 merchants, is | | § . street; 5 bedrooms; B, and i | Be vitally concerned because the retailes . Ci; gas--8$3,000. A republic will never be an entire stands between the manufacturer, | ! han An Other Success until there are jobs enough | wholesaler and the consuming pub-| . y 2.~Detached framer dwelling; for all the members of the wining yj, and upon his enterprise and sales- | Union Street; 7 rooms; ® * l party. , | manship depends the success of the | ; : Any size, kind or electric light; stable and i ------ | whole merchandising business. The. two extra lots--$§2,500, It is getting so that the only way : . . . | retail merchants by concerted action | i k f tir || Farm for sale and one large "0 tell a wax igure from 2 lady 8hop= {yp ou0n their assoclation convinced | s : ma € oO es | farm to rent. { ped is to wait and see if it powders |, governmect of the impracticabil- | its nose {ity of collecting revenue through the | When the jazz orchestra begins | "°'i! 8166 tax and brought about its | v , Fag ; 3,000 miles guaranteed--for less than half | : hostilities, you can pick out the m ie withdrawal. They found that the | g : Pc h . f Ti PF h . ill I ° ° ckhar i & : it Lue music operation: ef the tax In addition to | 1 the price of a new Tire--is what we wi lovers by the pained expression on | Mlacing upon them the duty of col | | . f d - ir fac | 3 goa ; : : 1ve you or refun ou your money. or their faces | lection, caused a distinct falling off h - 8 ye y y y | Phones 1035w. or 1797. in the volume of business, and de- " . ' teated the object sought. Guided by | Our Car will call anytime, any place. that experience they were in a posi-| take it easy, it begins to take a back seat. | AA rr -- ' --Frfesh Fruit Cocktail, --=Preserved Figs. --Crystalizsed Fruits. ==Crystalzsied Figs. Money to loan on Real Xstate. Clarence Street, Kingston The trouble with soup is that if it's too thin it isn't worth the space it occupies, and if it's too thick it isn't | aot i | . . | soup. Hom 19 alter waluable suggestions | : : If your tires cannot be repaired or re- Lake Ontario Trout Why should one spend years and| Their representatives at the Tor- | bell) we have the largest stock of new tires and Whitefish, Fresh \ vears learning to teach school when | Onto conference proposed a tax upon D . there are much easier ways to get|Manufacturs and the source of im-| - to choose from. Sea Salmon, Had into the poor house? portation which would be paid direct- | dock, Halibut and iy ------ {ly to the government and absorbed | "Our Service Sells Our G is" C 3 ~The three great afflictions are a|bY the retail trade and recovered | od { boil on the neck, a friend who bas [from the public without the direct | & favorite story and a wife who (designation of the tax in the retail - 3 MOORE'S | Bours Ho . . i ' thinks she is a martyr. prices, which was a considerable e £ handicap to business when the Yor | ~ i Canadian Co. In the old days parents were at |tailers were uader the necessity of | 0 } f -d S d 11 ithi . | Phone 520. 63 Brock Ste + | other four-door Sedan se 8 within i h 2 j times shamed by their children; but | Specifying the amount of the tax. | six hundred dollars of the Over- 206-8 Wellington Street. : Nv. 9-3240. now the children aré'more frequént- | The contention of the retailer is 1 d I h d . t t f 1 ly ashamed of their parents. only logical, and, in adjusting the | and. t as advantages out of a propor- _ . ~ |sales tax, the minister of Ruane | tion to its cost, . | | A , . . ( N If the postoffice doesn't notice the shoud Seon She Silplen. Meas os ' Speaking Of this beautiful, modern ~~ i special delivery stamp on the en- s'hie: to so a ny 15 can be Sedan, one owner * says, "After driving ® . { Coal That Suits velope, it Will be turned over to the better applied at the source than at ix diff k : f Yai . - Iai : d : the outlet. It will cost no more to Six difierent makes and sizes o cars, 1a er rpigehgh a WHI get Ml plivet 5 two OF three per cent. tax quite convinced that the Model Four yd ; ------------------ » The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad's than the one per cent. tax now levied | | Overland Sedan is the best. It is cozy in INSURANCE AND When Lansing finishes his discus. | ©" the turnover of manufacturers | 'winter, cool in summer." and wholesalers; and the argument . . . i sion of the Big Four, President Wil- Ho To opal he argument It is advisable to see this car now--not GENERAL BROKER . ; lebra te d son might come back with a series | only see it but own it ' : entitled: "Secretaries of state I have Reed cause no obstacle as ihe 1e- | x7. . . . . . In daily communication with Mont- " tailers have to meet competition | We delight in demonstrating and give : ADEes. known. . : el : fesl and Toronto Stock Bichang THERMOMETERS ~~ ---- which will take care of prices to the | free driving instructions. Domjnion, Provincial and Munici- || , ! etnsusiers. wa for sale. MILKING TUBES | 8S t PROFIT AND LOSS. Taking the dstimates of the anu- : 2 A25X-Name on request pal Boada or YPODERMIO cran on One hesitates to 'speak in terms of facturers themselves, it was shown ' : 281 KING STREET HYPOD Jeon and loss concerning. what men | that internal turnover reached the |* : & 1087 SYRINGES i oal all the spiritual life, for that lite is neighborhood of $4,000,000,000, a . - 568) . i} hidden away in all kinds of elements, which, allowing a turnover three! - | : Phones TEAT SLITTERS BR : TEAT DILATORS The Standard Anthraette 'elusive, impossible of measurement | times, brought it up to $12,000,000,- ----- With the tools of the physical scien-| 000. a profit of 15 per cent. increas- 4 R OUTF a5 1 : ITS : a ist and detying the rules of book-{ed the figures to $18,000,000.000 MILK FEVER : The aul} Coal saxuied by j keeping. For whatever the contri-|upon which a tax of ons per cont. ' SED AN $1795 FOR SALE BLACKLEG SYRINGES | bution to character that may be made yielded $180,000,000. This estimate £4:k Toradeand of der sik AND PELLETS by temperament it will not hold that is regarded as conservative, : Good second - hand : the wicked are all born so and the The question left to the minister | A 800d are all born not wicked, any|of finance to decide is the simplest | ° Bros. | Lumber, Corrugated Dr. Chown's Drug Store [aw or more than it will do to say that all | method of collection, and it is in. he TON 5 TREES | Sheet Steel and other oe hr . | white people are superior and all conceivable that a return will ve! hd qq ' . black people belong to an inferior nrade to the previous method of mak- | : PHON®. 1410. i building materials. Phome 9. rout of "Jueen St. Tace. Goodness is not an accident ing the collection through the re. L Cohen & Co. of birth or a thing of geography. tailers. All of the lines of business ' 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, Attempts by anti-Bolsheviki ele. 'K © Whatever else this spiritual life is, | involved were in agreement regard- Willys . Overland Limited, Toronts, Canada ments to gain control of Viadivostok it is more and more being recognized ing the pringiple of the sales tax and , have resulted in failure. "It's a black business 0Gl we treat you whitd."