10 WHIG. TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1021. LADIES They're Serving on the Juries Now -- But It Will Be the Same Verdict: There Is'No Better Bicycle Than the MASSEY At Any Price. ; Ladies, as well as Men, have found out that the above statement is true. You don't want trouble- some repairs or have to have your Bicycle laid up for want of parts.. In a MASSEY you are pro- tected against these faults. Made in Canada by Canadian workmen, with Canadian capital -- the MASSEY has become the, leader of all Bicycles -- terms. reasonable prices, easy r THE DAILY BRITISH World of Sport | HOCKEY CLUBS MUST SHOW THEIR BOOKS Already the Ontario Hocckey 4 sociation Is taking steps to dividuals and clubs who wou the letter and spirit of tion's rules next winter in the 1 ter of the age limit in the junior series, and in disposing of their gate receipts, Birth certificates submitted by junior clubs are being returned to the clubs with instructions that new the birth certificates will be required for | all players next season, Each club must now have a set cf | books setting forth the receipts and Bring in your present Bicycle in part payment on a new one. We'll gladly show you the MAS- SEY, even if you don't want to buy now. (Ladies expenses of each year in detail, which books may be examined the O.H.A. or any of its officers ap- pointed for such purpose at any time. CANADIAN RACING. Dates have been arranged as fol- lows for spring racing in Canada:-- Erie, Model) All sizes for Boys, Girls, Men and Ladies in| stock. Comeand see them NOW! You'll want a few new RECORDS. give you real service. Store open Saturday evenings till 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET "I'ER PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" A AA AA Ae A AP ANAL Let us! Telephone 529. IT MAY BE ONLY A LITTLE THING that alls your engine, but that little stops it from working as it should and spolls your pleasure. Send the ear here, No matter what's wrong we can make It right by repairing or replacing the injured part. McLaughlin "oadster for sale. White Rose Gasoline. Scott's Garage 208 Bagot Street. Phone 1584w, VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 984 and re-invest in 1924 at 961 or 1934 at 954, and if your income is $6,000 or less, it would pay you to do it. You would make $15 per thousand and ex- tend your investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. 835 Bay Street, Toronto. N PHONE 1728. For that pleasure of driving a nice, clean car, try our Auto Laundry. We repair all makes of Cars. Several Used Cars for sale. Cor. King and Queen Streets - A Phone 634. C.R-A. First Courses, | Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, | ay 28th. y Club, Montreal, Monday, May 30th to June 6th. | Montreal Jockey Club, , Montreal, Tuesday, June 7th to June 14th Connaught Park Jockey Club, Ot- tawa, Wednesday, June 15th to June 22nd. Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, Friday, June 24th to July first. | Niagara Racing Association, Fort Saturday, July 2nd to July 9th. Windsor Jockey Club, Windsor, Tuesday, July 12th to July 19th. Kenilworth Jockey Club, Windsor, Wednesday, July 20th to July 27th. Independent, Thorncliffe P. R. and B. A., Thorn- cliffe, Monday, May 30th to June 6th, Metropolitan R. A. Dufferin Park, Wednesday, June 8th to June 15th. KING AND QUEEN SEE PRINCE WIN Watched by the king and queen, with other members of "the royal the | | While only by {to witness the athletic i Stockholm , OLYMPIC GAMES SUCCESSFUL y ' | Over. 200,000 Persons. Paid To Wit. F ness Various Contests, The Olympic games of 1920 were {a success from both a financial and attendance stamdpoint, according to a complete and detailed statement just issued by the Belgium Olympic Exe- cutive Committee, The attendance and receipt figures attached to the report show that the keen interest displayed in the soccer football play helped greatly to lift the interna- tional competition across the line which divides failure and success. 28,665 persons, ali told, paid admission, other than hold- {ers of season tickets to the stadium, games in which America" triumphed, 63,612 persons paid to see the Olympic foot- ball games. A total of 219,689 persons paid to see: the Olympic games, including ice hockey, and all other sports, and according to the committee, . this number exceeded the attendance at and put the 1920 Olym- piad on an attendance footing equal to that of most of its predecessors. The detailed report, showing at- | tendance and revenues from admis- sions to all Olympic events, gives an interesting index to the sport" pre- ferences of Europeans. It follows: Receipts in francs 37,119 Spectators Ice hockey .. ...6,946 3,913 104,935 12/882 | Bicycle races . Athletics Gymnastics Lawn tennis .. Wrestling and boxing Rowing .... Swimming Football Horsemanship Polo 6,805 In addition to these the season tickets for sports at the stadium, when figured for attendance records by multiplying their number by the number of days, give additional at- tendance of 56,570 for which the re- venues were 305,850 francs. Other revenues, from programmes, etc. swelled the total revenues to 1,090,- 80,708 16,633 64,682 284,635 54,092 family and a large crowd of specta- tors at Hawthorne Hill Friday, the | Prince of Wales won his first race on { a public racecourse. In the House- hold Brigade steeplechase, riding his own hunter, Pet Dog, the Prince car- ried off the Welsh Guards challenge cup, finishing the miniature Grand National course alone in dashing style, The prince wore a red jacket with blue sleeves and a black cap. This was said to be the first time a prince of the royal family has appeared in a jockey cap. The stipulated weight was 175 pounds, and as the prince is a light rider, he had to carry no less than 28 pounds dead weight in his saddle, Captain Wyndham Lewis fell heavily during the race, and was removed unconscious from the course, The course is a notoriously difficult one of two and one-half miles and 22 jumps. The prince passed the winning post amid deafening ap- plause, and the king and queen imme- diately went to the paddock to con- gratulate him _ Manager Jack Dunn, of Baltimore, will appeal to Commissioner of Lan- dis to have Catcher McAvoy reinstat- ed. McAvoy quit organized baseball and joined the independents, thereby suspending himself. Recommended by 917 francs which at normal rate of [exchange amounts to about $218,- 000. | Including 15,000 free admissions' ito the athletic sports and 30,000 free admissions to the football games, the grand total of spectators who saw the Olympic games is estimated at 349,689 As all major expenses, in- | cluding cost of stadium, ete., were | met by the Belgian government, the profit, after deducting minor ex- penditures reaches more than 000,000 francs. This will go to i Antwerp Olympic association, which | took the risk, organized the games | and procured the guarantee funds. Fort William Road Race. Arrangements are now under way for running off the big ten mile road race on the 24th of May at Fort lliam_ ' This big sports feature in h contestants from all parts of a have competed will no doubt ccessful this year as on for- Three magnificent of Montreal, the first prize, while Woods, of €algary,-and Selder, of Port Arthur, won second and third place respectively. Ty Cobb claims the distinction of working the first squeeze play of the season. It was made in the sevemth inning of Wednesday's game at Ranger, Texas, between the Detroit Tigers and the Columbus American Association team, when Ty. placed the ball to the left of the pitcher's box and Flagstead scored. Much of the Tigers' training in attack, under their new Manager, has been devoted to the sacrifice, squeeze and other tactics designed to produce a run in a pinch. "Babe" Ruth is out of the play with the New York Kilties, suffering from a sprained wrist. Frank Bak- er, the former home-run king, return- ed to regular work with the Kilties in a game with Shreveport and gath- ered a two base blow in the eighth inning that sent Mausel across with the winning run. Thirteen pitchers are trying out with the Baltimore Orioles. The fi- nal selection will probably be: Og- den, Groves, Frank, Bentley, Thomas, Kneisch, Sullivan and Murphy. Owing to the fact that this year's training trip will cost the Baltimore Oriole owners $5,000, Manager Dunn is threatening to give Goldboro' the judges of tobacco a DR. NASH DENTIST 188 Princess Street. 'Phone 736 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome Josth, : Dormoform Gas administered for ex. "traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. Kingston Cement 'Products Factory: Makers of « Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Phone 7. BRINGING UP FATHER 1 go-by in future. i 67,275 b EXTENSION 3 oh Lao ; po | LRN, Enjoy its Lingering Flavor It's the popular chew--everybody likes it because it is different in flavor and chewing qualities. A little chew of King George's Navy goes a long way Special Prices On COUCHES AND DAVENPORTS Double or Single sizes--complete with Mattresses, Davenports and Chester field Beds. R. J. Reid | Leading Undertaker The first real opposition faced the White Sox on their, training trip tour resulted in a 4 £0 1 defeat Wed- | Phone 577w. That Extra Tire On The Back of your car may prove a god-send to you some day, when you need one badly. Take no chances and carry an extra Gutta Percha Tire We also have a full line of Oils, Grease and Gasoline. SUDDABY BROS. Cor. Queen & Wellington Sts. Phone 1988. nesday at the hands of the Fort Worth, Texas League team. Daven- port, one of the best recruit prospects AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP Special attention given your family or iriends going to or returiing from the Ula Country. : For information and rates apply te J. P. HANLEY, C.P. ana 1. A. G.T. Ry. Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night CUNARD ANN HOR : ANC HOR-DONALDSON Ae LAA DAM A see TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland Cassandra SUMMER SAILINGS MONTREAL--GLASGOW May 6/June 11|July 1s ...C May 27iJuly 2jAug. 6 . HALIFAX TO Ply, Cherbourg & Hamburg Saxon' ..... 0a APE. 38 TSS N. Y,, GLASGOW, (via Moville) Apr. 8/May 14/June 25 Apr. 23tMay 21|June 18 . June 1iJuly 2 July 30 .. C NEW YORK--LIVERFOOL 16/May 17/June-15 ....Carmania 23 Vauban Apr. Apr. Apr | May 1 i June TiJuly 12/Aug. 20 .... NX, CHERBOURG & BO 7 May 12/June 9 .. Mauretania 3 vy 24 .Aquitania 2iJune 30 Imperator «. CHER. HAMBURG Apr. 26 June ly 14 ......Saxonia N. Y,'TO VIGO, GIBRALTAR, PATRAS, DUBROVNIK( FRUME sad TRIESTE TAPE. 13'.. sivisinnrnrsncrrinnes Italia | For rates of passage, freight and further | particulars apply to local ageats or | THE ROBERT REFORDCO.,LiITED GENERAL AGENTS #0 KING STREET EAST en | Apr. | Apr. | Apr. Zr PACIFIC] | - [A A1E 39 | a J --r ROUTE To GREAT BRITAIN AND THE CONTINENT TRAVEL NOW BEFORE THE SUMMER RUSH LONDON AND PARIS Are Lovelist in Spring Incomparable Service for All Clangen Everything Canadian Pacific Standard--Nomne Better ST. JOHN to LIVERPOOL Empress Britain Victorian Apr: 32 inva Empress France Apr. 27 ......vc000n . Melita St. John, Southampton, Antwerp Apr. 16 .. siverness Corslean y St. John te Havre and London Apply to Agents everywhere or 1 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO ' CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Trafllc Agents. ---- i 50,000 SAMPLES Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder 50,000 one dollar ($1.00) bottles Free to horsemen Who give the Wonder a fair trial Guaranteed for Colic, Inflammation of the Lungs, Bowels, Kidneys, Fevers, Distemper, etc. Bend 25c. for Malling Package, etc. Agents wanted. Write your address plainly. DR, BELL, V.S, KINGSTON, Oat. of the White Sox, walked seven men, three in the first inning. DIDN'T | TELL YOU NOY TO LEAVE YOUR ~ I KNOW BUT h DONT TALK BACK TO ME: 40 RIGHT BACK TO YOUR ROOM 1 TOLD YOU LISTEN TO YOU 0 YOU You - 1 WOULD NOT JUST 40 BACK AS | TOLD GREAT HEAVENS - HIS ROOM 15 ON FIRE | THAT'S WHAT | WANTED TO TELL YOU-