Spi By Miles Murray ORN of the war, the question of daylight saving it still the subject of more or less heated debate ir. which business men, city councils, farmers with cows to milk, mothers with children of senso! age tc look after, and last but not least, railroads with tirae-tables to print ani trains to run to tre minate, if pessible, demand to have theic say. The advocates for dayligh: paving point out that in England the economy in coa! consumption affected by daylight saving dur- ing the summer months amounted to $2,500,000, Whereas the dairy farmers of the middle West plotest that the morning dews and the natural milking time for cows cannot be regulated by clock, while in the Northwest, where the summer sun shines 18 or 20 hours a day, the mother of seven children wishes to goddness that the dark- ness and the hour for bedtime came twice as soon and lasted twice as long. What she wants is a darkness saving law. As the accompanying map shows, "sun" time #8 measured on meridians does not accurately conform with the arbitrary time divisions estab. lished in the United States. Astronomers years ago discovered that the sun travels 15 degrees longitude in one hour and, therefore, the tima changes in America should be marked along the 60th, 75th, 90th, 105th and 120th meridians in- stead of along the arbitrary division indicated on the map by broken lines. "Standdrd" time has been carried too far cast of the 75th degree and now covers Quebec, New England and part of New York state, including New York City, all of which naturally belong to the "Atlantic" time zone, which is one hour earlier than "Eastern" time. In these places, MONG the most recent devices to protect A the lives of firemen is that of a water cur- tain by means of which it is claimed that it is possible for a man to walk right into the hot- test fire with flames playing all around him, with- ~ out in the least endangering his life. The accom- panying illustration perhaps shows the idea bet- ter than words, As described in Science and Invention by J. R. Schmidt it is simply a curtain of water which sprays the fireproof uniform with a continuous \ The Latest ' Fireman's Suit Sprays a Sheet of Water Down Between the Inner and Outer Cover- ings, as Well as Providing an Outer Water Cur- tain Which Is Supplied from the Main Fire Hose. stream of water, enshrouding the fireman entire- ly with it. The water being transparent, he can see far enough ahead providing the flames do Not cut off the view. He can then do all sorts of res- cue work. For instance, hold a child closely to his breast, while the protecting water curtain not enly protects him but the child as well. The fireman can stand right in the midst of flames and will not get burned, He need not fear the glowing embers arourid his feet. He can walk . vight into the fiercest fire and it will dwindle away and go out around him. As for the uniform, it is made of fireproofed eanvas of two thicknesses, bétween which water flows constantly. The water enters by means of SAVING the . DAYLIGHT from May to September, the sun rises from two to three hours before the average person is up, hence the nat. ural demand for daylight saving. If New Fngland, part of New York state east of the 75th de- gree, Queber and the Mari time Provinces >of Canada were to adopt "At- lantic" sgtand- ard time, which is their nat- ural specific time, they would save hundreds of thousands of dollars the year round for as Follows: Mountain Time. fuel and light, and the agitation for daylight * saving would come to an end. For example, when it is 8 A. M. at New York and Montreal by "Atlantic" time (instead of 7 by "Eastern" time as at present), it would still be 7 by "Eastern" time in Ottawa, Washington, Buffalo, Cleveland and other places now gov- erned by "Eastern" time, while all cities covered by "Central," "Mountain" and "Pacific" time a perforated brass tube which encircles the neck between the two thicknesses of canvas and flows down between the layers through the arms and legs, finding exit at the finger tips and around the soles of the feet. Water flowing only between the two thick- nesses of canvas would not offer complete protec- tion to the wearer, so, to keep him cool and com- fortable while standing in the hottest fire, the brass perforated circular tubes encircle the hel- met and give him a constant shower bath from the outside as well as within the folds of the uni- form. This not only keeps him from becoming overheated but also asts to extinguish the fire | around him, Encased in this air-tight water-bathed uni. form, some provisions must be made to get fresh air to the fireman. He need not fear his air sup- ply giving out as long as water continues flowing through the hose he is holding. The air supply comes from the atmosphere surrounding him no matter how much smoke, flame or gas is con- tained in it. It is sucked into a patented collar which fits on '0 the hose just back of the nozzle. In the mechanism of the collar the contaminated air is washed and made pure and sent by the pressure of the water flowing through the hose up into the helmet for the fireman to breathe. The foul air or gases find their exit through vents in the helmet. ' The same collar which washes and purifies the air for the fireman to breathe also has the , water hose connection which supplies the water curtain. With this uniform a fireman stood in the flames of a burning wood fire for 10 minutes without becoming uncomfortable, Although the fire was kept burning fiercely all around him he came out with a grin on his face and not even perspiring! The water which flows to, the helmet is se- cared from a bypass which is attached to the main water hose, AANSAS CITY Care { J / / would be 6, 5 and 4 A. M. respectively, just as at present. The demand for daylight saving, however, is almost insistent in eastern Canada and the east- ern states, and for every insistent demand there is usually a real reason. The reason apparently is that the so-called standard time in force in the area' in question varies considerably from the mean sun time upon which the actual length and y intensity of daylight is based. Standard time is + & convenient artifice established in order to se- Water CURTAIN to Protect FIREMEN cure uniform time for neighboring communities or places. The sun is traveling from east to west and the noon hour originally traveled with it, but it was found advisable to fix definite areas in which the noon hour and other hoWrs should remain the same for the conveniences of the op- eration of railroads and telegraphs and the trans. action of business wherein contracts involved defi- nite time limits. = Such standard 'time was adcpted for the Upited States in 1883 on the initiative of the American Railway Association, and as the time of the civilized world is by general consent based on Greenwich, 'England, the meridians selected for Lhe division of the various standards were fixed at the 60th, 76th, 90th, 106th and 120th de- grees west of Greenwich. Atlantic standard time thepretically extended from the 80th to the 76th mePidian and Eastern standard time from the 76th to the 90th meridian; Central standard time from the 90th to 105th; Mountain standard time from the 105th tg 120th, west of which was Pacific standard time. These times were adopted by law in a number of the individual states, but 2 A Vv 29), 2 / 7 HAY 7 \ i Since the Sun Travels Fifteen Degrees of Longitude an Hour the Time Changes Should Be Indicated Alohg the Meridians 60th to 75th, Atlantic Time; \75th to 90th, Eastern Time; 90th to 105th, Central Time; 105th to 120th, The Area Between the Broken Lines Shows the Sections of Arbitrary Time Divisions. municipalities have not all followed suit as public senti. ment and hab- its have proved more potent factors in fix- ing the time 0) XX, 0 0 S standards for ) 4 A oc, than . 4 "7 / Ww statutes. Y 7 Prince Ed- " Aw vom ward Island 7, and Nova Sco- on the eastern boun- dary of Atlan- tic time zone, have used that time for thirty years and more, but it was not until 1903 that New B runswick, which was in closer contact with the New England states, finally by act of its Legisla- ture adopted Atlantic stand- ard time for that province. The situation was complicated, particularly in the eastern states and eastern Canada, by the railways themselves, where in actual practice it was found necessary to fix the time-breaking zones at terminals or division points. As branch lines have been constructed, the carriers have extended on these the standard time observed at the junction point or upon the main line. Theres are instances where the branch lines radiate out of one zone into another, thus introducing a time at variance with the theoretical time of that zone. The contention of the railways is that time should be changed only at the points at the ter- mini of train dispatching districts when train crews are relieved. They claim it is hazardous to require train crews to change from one stand- ard operating time to another during a trick of 2 145 / ADELPIA 4% 7] tia, SHADED AREA SHOWS PRESENT EXTENT rg EASTERN TIME MERIDIANS SHON CORRECT SCIENTIFIC OIVISIONS OF STANDARD TIME duty, and impracticable to have train dispatchers * - operate trains under two standards of time. Conflict between the states which have adopt- . ed Eastern standard time based strictlyMupon the 76th to 90th meridians and the railways which have found this to be not sufficiently elastic, has naturally resulted, as for instance in the state of Vermont, where a bill has been Introduced into the House of Representatives in which one sec- tion reads: "A common carrier engaged in commerce within this state or between this state and any other state or territory shall not change its time schedules for the movement of trains within the state in order to accommodate itself to conditions outside the state arising by reason of the adoption of any other standard of time by any other statp." Then again the demand for daylight ssVing INDICATED by MERIDIANS .otherwise would. has complicated matters. = The United States Congress last year passed an act which defeated the general adoption of the proposed daylight saving, whereas the states of New York and Massachusetts adopted daylight saving, and the New England railroads in order to reconcile the conflict between the federal act and the state acts of Massachusetts and New York, ran their trains on standard time, but one hour earlier than they The Canadian railways fell into step with the American vailways, and in do- ing so were supported by the municipalities of many of the larger cities which had adopted day- light saving. Now it is noticeable that the demand for adoption of daylight saving time by the larger towns and cities is almost exclusively confined to eastern Canada, New England states and the city of New York. On examination this appears to be due to the fact that Eastern standard time, . which theoretically extends only between the 75th and 90th meridians, has'been carried in actus! practice a very considerable distance east of the 75th degree. According to this meridian ail places in the Province of Quebec, all New Eng- land, Néw York City and part of New York state in the Atlantic should belong to the Atlantic time zone, If this time were reingtated there would be little or no eall for daylight saving now. The railways have carried Eastern time too far East, and the states, provinces and municipalities which have adopted the same time. for the sake of uni- formity are realizing that this does not corre- spond with natural time. On the railways, East- ern standard time is carried from Gaspe in east- ern Quebec to Fort William in Ontario, a distance of 25 degrees, or 1200 miles instead of the 711.70 miles of 15 degrees. On Eastern standard time, as at present maintained in New England and Quebec, the sun rises from May to September two to three hours before the average person is about in the mom- ing and sets at an equally unserviceable hour, Hence the natural demand for daylight saving legislation in these parts. If New England, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces were to adopt Atlantic standard, which is their natura! specific time, they would gain all the advantages claimed for daylight saving, thus incidentally solving the problem, Why Your Teeth Chatter HE little muscles which close the jaw are acted upon by the cold in such a way that they 'pull the jaw up and then let it fall by fts own weight. This, repeated many mes causes the teeth to click together and produce what is called "chattering," You think of it in connection with your teeth because it is the teeth which makes the sound but the cause lies in the muscles used in chewing or in opening your mouth when you speak. The chattering occurs in spite of the will or brain. You have little contro? over it, and can stop it only by clenching the,teeth., It is really a mild variety of spasm caused by the cold, whig.: acts on the jaw muscles in mueh the same wav that some poisons produgs musctilar spative whic cannot be controlled. Is This NEW PLANET the GREATEST of All WORLDS ? HERE is a new giant in the heavens and his recent discovery, due to the invention by Prof. Albert A. Michelson, Chicago Uni- versity, of a new method of measuring the size of stars, is hailed as among the greatest of astro nomical achievements, The name of this giant is Betelgeuse. He is located in the constellation of Orion and his size is beyond human comprehension, for he is 40,- 000,000 times as large as the sun and 150 light s years distant from the earth. In other words, if we were to place about 350 suns side by side, we would then have a star of the diameter of this new giant, Betelgeuse. "Figures of this kind, while tremendous, HE modern airplane, in fact, will soon be made so safe that the ordinary civilian will think no more of taking a flying journey than he would of going for a trip en a scenic railway at a summer amusement park. One of the greatest things the average man who knows little about airplanes is scared about is the machine catching fire in the air. A new fireproof gasoline tank has been invented, which completely does away with this danger. So safe is this tank, in fact, that incendiary bullets can be fired right through it without any danger of it catching fire. The secret of the tank lies in its patent in- ternal construction, and a special form of india rubber covering whieh automatically closes up any hole which may have been caused by accident. "Something may break in thé air, however," says the timid civilian. Well, the modern air- plane is provided for even aguminst that. The reason for this is that all the chief parts of an Will the COLORED RACES Ever RULE the WORLD? AKING the broadest possible view of the 'racial maps of the globe as it existed be- fore the recent war, it will be found that out of a total number of hurian beings amount- ing to 1300000, 5 | were white, 1,150,000, were colored. Thus the colored races outnumbered the whites more than two to hr ing by continents, the really white world of Europe, North America to the Rio , the southern portion of South America, 'the Siberian part of Asia, and Australasia, the. last two, of course, being very thinly inhabited. On the other hand, the world of color consists of k of Asia, virtually the whole of Africa, of Central and South America, great bulk of thé white concentrated in the 1914, before the war, the was, approximately, 450 less than one-fifth torial area. Of the colored races 'the the most numerous, living in Eastern . numbering over ber more than 450,000 centre is i sbout 150, "How to MAKE the AIRPLANE SAFE airplane are either duplicated, so that if one member breaks there is another to take its place, or they are made five or six times stronger than , necessary for ordinary flying, and the chances 'of them breaking are practically negligible. Some violent forms of stunting will break any airplane ever made, but pilots are expressly warned against these stunts. But supposing after all the airplane did break in the air? Well, then, the modern form of para- chute will save the passenger from being dashed to pieces, unless the accident 'takes place very close to the ground. More accidents take place due to bad landing, so that the undercarriage is smashed and the machine turned over, than from any other cause. The war airplane had to be fitted with as light a landing carriage as possible, 50 as to save weight, but weight is not so important in the ordinary passenger machine. There are several kinds of landing carriages in existence now which will be fitted to machines and enable them to land safely under conditions where they would have been bound to crash before, If an airplane is one which travels rly along the sea coast "and may sedans Tod itself forced to land at sea, it will be with a special body -enablifig it to float for a I time, and it will, like all other aircraft, be fit with wireless, so it can call for help. mean nothing to our imagination, because our microscopic minds simply fail to grasp them,' writes H. Gernsback, editor of Science and In- . £2 L MAR The Shaded Portion of the Diagizx: Shows the * Size of Betelgeuse Compared with the Orbits of the Planets. The New Star Would Nearly Fill the Orbit of Mars. vention, who gives a few illustrations which will make the enormous sise of Betelgeuse more ap- parent. "A man on the earth, let us say, weighs 150 pounds. Transported to the sun the same man would weigh 4146 pounds, or ovér two tons. This is due to the greater gravitational attraction, just as on the moon the same man would weigh less than 25 pounds, the moon being much small. « er than the earth. But on Betelgeuse the same man would weigh 2,404,146 pounds, or 1242 tons, if we estimate that Betelgeuse has the same den- sity as the sun, which, by the way, it has not, "Suppose you live on Betelgeuse and you have a friend living on the other gide of that globe. You call him up on the telephone, and it takes your voice exactly 42% minutes to travel half way around Betelgeuse, although electricity as we know travels 186,000 miles per second. In this case you would speak your message into the telephone receiver, go out and have lunch for over an hour, and when you returned the words from your friend would just begtn to pour from your receiver. / "A train traveling 60 miles an hour speeding along the equator without stopping would take 419 hours or a little over 17 days to complete the circle on our own globe, The same train on Betelgeuse running at the same speed would take 1792 years to cover the trifli circumference, In other words, a train which had started during the downfall of the Roman empire would just now arrive at its destination! billions of; globes that Sa at the rate take 1,000,000 years to ting that each globe is When the VOICE callous tone you are justified, in view of the latest discovery of surgical science, in concluding thaj the speaker has developed When the human voice . WW stows ton anyone addresses you in a loses its vibrant quality or become impaired 'h what specialists are pleased to call "voeal corns," the removal of these impediments to clear tones becomes a delicate surgical operation, which already has been made a specialty by some Develops CORNS submit to absolute silence and, in most is put lobed, The reason fof this is that the singer s of such a nervous temperament that complets The nt ae Pa jedlas pa ever to a Sn ; 1 = use his voice S Very on ove formance, he will have a elon in the Hy Mefleal trestimeg. hed ae ment. Mawes in has, " 8