Fo TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921. CPPPEPP Pb bbb bo 1 DIAMOND DYE DY-OLA RIT TINTEX SUNSET and COLORITE HAT COLOR. Fdrddddedded boobed ded odo dd dodo Ideadrodrdrd dod defode dh dood bo doaeoerd i We have all shades, w \ OUR NEW STOCK OF GAR- DEN SEEDS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Try Rennie's Seeds--they always grow. Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square Kingston Phone 3130 & Advice Regarding Moving As Conveyances will'be much in demand the beginning of May, we advise the timely placing of orders for large wag- gons with us. Kingston 21 Main Street. Partridge Wire Works Manufacturing Wire 62 / The Corn Gems you said were the best you had ever eaten, were made with a tablespoon- ful and a haif-of Crown-Brand-- iw Syrup, instead of sugar. Crown BRAND Syru The Great Sweetener 2 BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son Phone 1670. NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work, Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. KING ST. W. - = PHONE 2380, AA tnd Transfer Co. 153 WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 877, Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Watches 'and Clocks Repaired G. W. LYONS ---- W. H. STEVENSON .. HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST | als | | are guaranteed for one year. Call or "phone and your ore der wilt be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. -- DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiumbing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Address 143 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277, on FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being bulit up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tinsmiths 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 685, { . Now she ia agile, attractive, | 4 alert and in better health. Why not you? t. Korein easy directions of Korein system clumsy fc "tures to graceful men- at busy iets', e booklet to on Company, 277-A, Toromto, Ont. W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOUK. | For Sale A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. cl PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Ep vent NYAL'S because we know the formu- la and have sold their remedies for No tools, no rivets, no washers, just a finger and a package of VOL-PEEK will mend any kitchen utensil of Alu- minum, Graniteware, Enamelledware, Tin, Copper, Brass, Iron, etc., at a cost of ¥ a cent, At pour dealers for 25¢. a package Vol-Peek Co., Box 2024, Montreal, Can. "Prouse's Drug Store PURIFY THE BLOOD NYAL'S BLOOD PURIFIER leanses the blood and should be taken at this time of the year to pre- boils, etc. We recommend years. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks... .85c. "Take a brick home with you." Phone 214. 849 Princess St. -- ---- DID YOU EVER TRY Bounuits Slinger Marmbinde: age meapple Marmatade, Wagstail's Bramble Jelly, We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King asd Earl Streeqy License No. 3-3T1dp Phone 1544. S------ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ~ W. H. GODWIN | Choice Rib Roasts Choice Pot Roasts 18¢. Ib. 20c. bb. Pork Chops 28¢ and 30c bb. Princess Meat Market . & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock: Street. Phone 424, | A team of elephants wil drag logs | averaging as much as 2,500 board .{ $12.50, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Vicinity The is, purchas there the Cor use as a village J playground for for men sine wn de dA OE | The A port is ke are bel those owned the aut Busy Cleaning The Streets. On Monday a gang of men were put to work cleaning some-of the city | streets down town sections of the city, e roads are' very dirty. Trades and Labor Banquet The Trades and Labor Council | holding anguet at the Randolph | hotel next Monday. Tom Moore, | president of the Dominion Trades | Congress, is to be guest of honor, is | ee | To Light the Village. ! Roblin Milling Company pro- power to light the | village of Rot 3 Mills lis being put on the mill and a cement { flume will be built to carry the water to the mill. The pose to develo} i ------------------------------ Mothers Read This. Spring is here and now is the time to clothe your boys with a new suit our range at $8.50, $10 and all new goods and latest Istyles. Prevost Clothing House, | Brock street. | Ree Kingstonian's Success. e London Sketch has a photo- | graph of Miss Jean Chown, daugh- [ter of Dr. and Mrs. A. | Kingston, contralto, who | won first prize at the | England, musical festival, i ---- -- | Died In the West. Word was received in the city on | Monday of the death in Coronation, [Alta., on Sunday, of John Dillon, a former highly respected farmer of Pittsburgh. The remains will be brought to Kingston for burial. recently London, Decidedly Mild Winter, Alex. Taylor arrived in Picton on Saturday from his winter resort, the Main Ducks, Mr. Tayler put in his first winter on, the Ducks in 1886. ter as mild as this one at the Ducks. Death of Mrs. Broughton. A sad death occurred on Tuesday at the Pembroke General Hospital, |when Mrs. Robt. Broughton passed |away after a comparatively short ill- |'ness. Some three weeks ago twins | were born to her, and afterwards heart trouble developed, which could not be overcome. Mrs. Broughton was, in her twenty-seventh year and was a KNEW WHEN HE First convict: aintcha? Second Convict: Naw! are awful on the outside. Uplifters. Kingston and A new roof | P, Chown, | Only once does he remember a' win-| ------ == | don't wanna leave now. Prohibition, Sunday Blue Laws, Profiteers and late William Knott t, Pembroke em $3 A Meeting. fathers think coun are worthy of Fé-plicl-- $0. PULPOSE.--10 Secure ) three dollars for eting and for every ting. A by-law will be that yf of submitted Took Wrong Medicine, Miss Harriet Alice Eamer, a fcrmer Smith's Falls nurse, employed in an Estevan, Sask., surgery, took Colum- bian spirits from a bottle which had recently been re-labelled and died on the next day She saw service over- seas as a nurse and was born in Smith's Ft: The First Grass Fire, Sure sign of the approaching sum- mer. Chief Armstrong and his men had their first run of the season to a grass fire. Grass on_a lot at the corner of Arch and Deakon streets a call was sent in to the station, and the firemen soon had the "blaze ex- tinguished. Village Gets $1,300, { The claims of Frankford against {the township of Sidney have been satisfactory settled by the village re- ceiving $1,300 as its shafe of the as- sets of Sidney township. Frankford | became an incorporated village on | January 1st last and the new munici- | pality laid claim to a portion of the | county machinery and go forth. | City Buys Land for Camp. | The Belleville Boys' Work Board | has purchased on the north side of | Moira Lake a five acre stretch of | property owned by Mr. Danforth. | This land has been used for camping | by boys in charge of boys work, Sec- | retary Angus Buchanan, Belleville, | states that it is expected that 125 | boys will camp there this summer. A Queen's Man To Wed. Announcement is made of the ap- proaching marriage of one of Pem- broke's successful young professional men, Dr. J.| B. Galligan, and Miss | Carmel George, Montreal, only dau- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam George, Eganville. The cere- mony will take place in Montreal on Wednesday. Dr. Galligan is a Queen's graduate. Purchased Mote Land. The Roman Catholies of Pembroke bhve bought the old William Moffat homestead, one of Pembroke's oldest and most substantial dwelling-houses from William Collie. It was built about forty years ago and paraliéls caught fire on Monday afternoon, and | | Trafalgar Road, facing on Front street. It will be used as a presbytery A new church will bé erected on ad- jacent land as also a separate school and a convent. ' Arrived. In the City, "Mr. and Mrs. M. Healey and dau- ghter, lsbel, and Mrs. Healey's brother, Garrett Hughson, Teronto, arrived in the-city on Sunday from Los Angeles, where they spent the past eleven months. Mr. Healey is 2 former employee of the Whig and his old associates in the office were glad to welcome him back. He will remain in the city for a couple of weeks re newing old acquaintances, Will Work Two Weeks, It has been arranged that the men | who are doing the work on the Mac- | donell sewer will work for two weeks and will then be relieved by another gang of men. For some time the men have been working week about. The Board of Works departments will in the future only have to pay every two weeks and the men will be able to pick up some work during the time that they are idle. Was Born in Kingston. Capt, John Alward, who died gt Toronto on Saturday, at the home of | his daughter, Mrs. J. Marshall, 286 | Gladstone avenue, was born in King- | ston, and salled as a captain on the | lakes for many years, He was one of | the oldest captains sailing on the lake and for twenty-five years was connected with the Toronto ferry company. Deceased was seventy- eight years of age. Two sons and two daughters survive. Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallinges We have about 100 tons of Run of Mine Hard Coal, on which we are making a spe- cial price of $10.00 a ton, screened. This Coal gives good results in a fur- nace or a heater, if mixed with the regular Chestnut; Stove or Egg Coal = S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. - Phone 1415. I Factory SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, "phone 811. en Ce CE USE SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR COOKING Economic Wholesome have just completed fifty years of wedded life, the occasion being fit- tingly celebrated at their hone in Bea consfield, just outside the western limits of Cornwall. Mr. Gall™sger is | the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Har- monious Gallinger, Eamers Corners, | and Mrs. Gallinger"s maiden name was Mary M. Crites, she being a dau- | ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crites, at one time of Eamers Cor- ners. Still In Custody, The prisoner who was brought down to Kingston from Sandwich | for the penitentiary without the na- | cessary papers is still being held at the police station awaiting develop- | ments. A member of the Northwest | Mounted police arrived in the ci'y | with the prisoner on Saturday, but | as the constable did 'not have the | necessary papers, the warden would | not accept the prisoner, who it ap- | pears, was allowed out of prison on | parole. | fot / A din; Re TZ q J e537 * To pt SF WAS WELL OFF | understand yer time's up tomorrow. Guess yer glad They tell me things Patient: hair. Doctor: a new switch, NOT LIKELY 76 "She's let it be known she's out eet. LIGHT TREATMENT INDICATED My scalp seems full of electricity and doctor, I'm losing my The bulbs need tightening, madam, and certainly you need COP THE COIN tc marry for money." "I shouldn't think such a rumor would gain currency." WHAT HE THOUGHT "How do you like my new gown, hubby ™ "It's head and shoulders above any other gown you ever wore." CERTAINLY, CERTAINLY Mrs. Knagg: Remember, Henry, it takes two to make a quarrel. Her Husband: Sure! A scolding woman has to have someone to scold. Candle: There are those Saoths flirting with me again. ACTED AS GUIDE "He called on her and simply sat there lost in uf . "What did she do?" "Finally showed him the way out." \ -- Brock Taking Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS from ..$3.00 up. Call and see them. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. m-- rrr ({ P---- TO LET SIX ROOM FLAT---very desirable-- ex- cellent locality. Also some desirable houses for sale. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. O. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON Phone 703 67 Clarence Street. SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's \ BROCK STREET We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$3500-- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) About half the children of the United States are enrolled in the' religious schools, One person out of every thirteen in the United States owns his own auto- mobile,