Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1921, p. 14

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N THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a 3 Mame 10%) ALLEN ©" |{ sow GRAN One Yah =i CAPT. M. W. PLUNKETT PRESENTS " ' " His Best All-Boy "Girl-Show" My Lady S Latchkey | THE FAMOUS FOURTH DIVISION "MAPLE LEAFS" cir Original Overseas Revue A Romantic Mystery In Their & " 7 ~ --als | 6 2 . IR ag a : ANN IRNER 1 FOR SALE i 'q "AMOI IFLAGE NDENSE s SING " ENE \ ek pr SSSDENSED: ADY ih ISIN ¢ ss = WaT DGEN ar Madge Kennedy. FF Eg R = 5 opin sempre L202 pee ER pore EAN ; IANO TELERHONE . . . secutiv inser thot te 31 f MAY Tet, FOTIC HOOWED FLATT . FOUND oN erRTeaY PING ' --F Return After Record-Breaking Coast to a RM $1.00, $1.50 cent a word. Mini c t m Boor ail house; | . 3 u 3 CPRICES ves Shin aad con DOC, TI, 00, - of t m fn } oF NTAIN PENS - - " | Brg : s EuY rae rds Badd] 2 Sep: facate wh HT Saxon a Au GAS RANGE, 5 BURNER NE The Girl With The Jazz Heart : Seats Dn sale Thursday, h : : ly, | meester \ : SSDAY xford. A 47 ' The abuve rates are tor Rash SY. WANTED TO RENT MAY Ist, FIVE OR A Sth oF MONEY, TL} 3D ys Oxftor y A Jazz Riot y are double. | ; stuves| s, - : . when charged t dey re 0 nr) $ roomed hous ith v nj 1 ne ) lerg WICKER BABY ¢ ARR AG . ug: Thurs, Fri, Sat i 5 nents. Apply Box T-t #1g Ofs] tr . condition. Apply 25 E Street. CHARLES RAY ! HELP Ww 'E Ta PAIR OF CHILD'S TAN GLOVES, sion ! LE WANTED. f 5s 3 ; OUT 200 ACHES Apply 17 Union St.' West. YOUNG SIBERIAN HARES. APPLY 26 E OLD IMMIN' HOLE" || BGM CLASS YAUDEVILLE HALL Gir} APPLY HOUT 2] FARM To RENE ABOUT 700 ACRES. | | A SGX UF MONE) IV BUWEN'S Frontenac Street North 'or phone Dive into Laughs With | dolph : Ir erring, Ccleman | Bakery. 2112 C . : rife. : Ture . | Sti = 'ER © KER GO-CART; ALMOST 4 Gk WANTED. RELY 10 mesD- rm | A || I Ne ark woes API To MRT. ergon Urbcery, 5¥-6l ire Blip. y - , Ma tl TISED vHER. Ring street. DRILY MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, rb $ w in good ality. Aj Anyone nding anything and | SMALL STRUNG STEEL SAVINGS DANCING LESSONS & Apply 68 Johnson street ! 1 nig | Wishilig 10 Teacu low UWLer May banks. $1.00 each Mills Co, 79 a 3 | PERS; GIRLS PRE Ww AN ) TO § URC HASE A HOt SE he ataien Whis "ine was r- Se AT GARDEN HALL | » TEMPORARY HELPERS; G 8 PRE- To P» 2 Ane dSritish Woig. ine. sdver- =a terred. Apply hingstun tublic Lab rod Jocatl , mo te ' Usement will be printed la hig THREE BURNER GAS STOVE USED i | - : rary Z 8 s May 1s sh. | Cuedinili Iree of charge only six months: as good as new Hours 7 pm. to 9 p.m. | VED EA : / x-U-4, Whig. Of i ir. | 3 | i - Found articies' Gues not | Apply 185 Colbe e St . TWO GIRLS OR WOMEN FOR WASH. ciude lust dugs, cattle, Dorses, ply 185 Colb All the Latest Dances ing bottles in brewery, Iorts-{T0 RENT OR SHARE A FARM OF | eic. These, ir lost, may Le dd- : 50 a ral | Five Four SHOW ASE, JONES| MRS. 8S. COHEN ROCK ST. ; : mouth. Phone 2000 ibout 1 equippe d if Vertised lor in the Lost Sotumn | Pye x Nr UW, Prince of Wales| Hall Poo OHES - 11 BROCK ox 'THURSDAY--FRIDAY SATURDAY Launch, 191 F cess street. GUO, RELIABLE WOMAN FOR GEN- LOX Wi € ms - = EE . , i TE er ! 1 3 eral housework Apply Mrs rR ------------ ns G0 CHICK CHATHAM BHRHOODER. AP- EXTRA! EXTRA! Polite Vaudeville a a a De he gt mh] De ply Baldwin, House of ludusiry, 362 R AMAZING REVELATIONS! CARTWRIGHT x partment hy Hrgt Week in| meee eee Alontreal street. Phone 56. | AM 3 1 WANTED EXPERIENCED FARM | May, by | ed le, no child-| GOLD CUFF LINK WITH INITIALS - DOROT!} i Y OS hand, single, Sally =n ¥ eres hig e Hk Linder leave at WIE Ol- | pw LARGE WILTON Ryas, oNE BR . gagement. A . pul - -- ere fice i a 2 ;! 80 Ap- . kote Westbrook. UPRIGHT NO | re Soi: 'laire Apartments GISH In a Musical Novelty. ---- a ------------------------------. -------- 1 OF In pati paywient vi new : | _ ------------------ i ---------- WAITRESS FOR MOWAT SANIT pianos and gratunulas, C. W. Lind-| A COLLIE DOG; COLOR BROWN 41 BLACK LEGHORN PULLETS; ALSO Ls JACK d FLO ium. Apply to the Dietitian, on the say Limited, Ss street. white and black t A ies ral 110 egg Huckeye r and " it o iss s ion" an premises. ees re ward 1 It Ie turn ) jiropny, ou Brooder Apply 171 © Street. f | L tl daughter ANTED, ONE OR TWO UNFURNISH- Wellington street - 11 fh 1 f Excitement--A Riot REED | th tht houstKeebin - . : is 2 A rls IX Cnt -- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS HOUSE- with: USE Ket PIE SOME TIME LAST WEEK, BOSTON ONE CANADIAN ICE MACH hirls © i" 1 1 Hod Lit $ macaine only ru Tee 44 { of Laughs and the Funniest Keeper in country for 1) of . = 4 wall, vark and white fhacaing Restor of F t C 8 i Taree Apply Wd Reynolds, R.| Office. ph ); Whig tae name of ©. An : nu Apply # U Hox 19 Bo ron ena Girl on the Screen In Rural Comedy Skit R. No. 3, bath. narb ring Er PHAETON BU OLLIET ; « t a "KE is hereby given that all per- " v 3 = x Ee na iM ry; ge . a A I ins rch oh Orne "" In a New Novelty V EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAID | WANTED, POSSESSION - ~ i = 50) SArticy ars ty ons us or driving Trucks ELIE KIDDIES y one who ca 1-4 snialt 1 onveniencs : 3 8 or ¢ v : 5 ar- ST ST IN > : Stree \ y Y , Two Reel Comedy wer, 191 Ban purer 1 | Loni ree Jeune with optim" 105Y of STOLEN oT . ting lands to SPECIAL NOTICE ! SID GRANT rire . RED EGGS; BOTH - 47 SY SILVER 3ON 3 11627 MASSEY SILVER RIBL 4 In ne . THE PEOPLE'S FORUM B Katherine Machoald | &&J/ SATURDAY, APRIL April Tth. he = 18 Stock. | 3 8 ol. 1 an All Children Will Be Admitted RETURNED SOLDIERS TO f trom opposite the Garden 32 5.00 pe i ADDY F s to Mutinees for songs; good money-maker pete L ¢ Hail, Brouvk street, Wednes- 5 Ryan, 21 Balaclava Street, Black, JFK Street 1 ening hindiy return to 21 | 1915J for appointment. IST MAY, BY TWO LADIES t bilreet LOT WITH CONCRETE FOUNDA. 0 furnished bedrooms and sit- Ee u; arain and water in and joist | | | | | | 1 RESPECTABLE ELDERL | ym with grate 'and bal. | Also about 2,000 ft. lumber.| 300d Rot "ounty 'rontenac. man to do light housekeeping for ity south of Princess s FOii SaLE, Apply 75 Pembroke Street. | Kir r ar s { _ two young men in the country - | vl Alfred. Apply Box| === = = See = = { ply to Box M-4, Whig Office : AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS, CANOES. | PORTABLE GARAGE, 10'x1 FOR CARTING " =a : > = 'hot W. Couke sal hea nr yer. é NG | WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR ONE | R hone 1 Coupe taograp gor r month, good general maid; plain | BABY CARRIAGE AND CRADLE: Haglan Road 1 HAVE YOUR ASHES MOVED NOW cooking reterences required s neariy new ADPpLY 257 Montreai before the r General carting, | wages - Write Box IL-4, g. | SON AND DREVER, ARCIT Street THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL moving, ete. horses on the LAST SHOWING TO-DAY $ AND IVER, - kin thorougnbred ob. Charles Andre, corner of Bagot . tects, Merchants Bank Chambers Ey J J % x : ' GIRL WANTED FOR GE J | corner of Brock an le t SECOND HAND VIOLINUCELLO; FIRST Hac Kn) and Charles street Phone 1849F, i store work. Permanent po ion | > : oc d Wellington onuition; complete equip- | Dr. Gibson, 33 EEE we Ey STRAIGHT IS THE WAY to right party. Must be able to] -- ree - a} d toned would traue| ---- --- a -- = - | ! 4 start at once. Apply, stazing Phone 1141W | EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE | Te wages with or without biavd, > ITH FP RINIS ry l bred Barred Rocks and White Wy- -- -- -- = - R Sh Foiton, Leva k, Ont. | FURNITURE FINISHING TWO BRICK HOUSES, 933 AND 95 andott excellent layers, $2.00 for STRANGE -* SIRINGE, INSERANCE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATU DAY | | no side © tua Street, hot 15 John Potter, Portsmouth gents, established in ' Y : a . y a CALL OIt DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. DaFLn side Ee wa Breer, hui the most reliable companies' repre- | THE MOST DARING PICTURE OF THE GREAT WHITE WAY WE REQUIRE A MAN® OF GOOD! Coll, 22 John street lgat Apply to yw. H, sullivan, sv! GENUINE GRAFHONULA AND sented, Office 95 Clarence street, EVER FILMED character and standing to repre-| =--------=Trt=s ESET | Ciarent Tee selections; your own choice, i opposite the post office. | ( WV EE a sent us in this city Permanent JRA RD rr | Yerms §i¢ casi; $5 per month. C. W, - i - ---- and lucrative position to 'man of | AGENTS . WANTED | A FRAME HOUSE, COLLINGWOOD Lindsay, Lamited, i2) Princess St.'| FRONTENAC LOAN AND. INVEST. right calibre. Apply in person, | | street; eight roums; furnace; w. o., | > Mr. ville, Randolph Hotel, be-| AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET-| electric ugnt; gas; lot.iz x 1zu.| SINGLE FRAME HOUSE, § : resident, al! a Ter tween 7 and § evenings. | ters for stores, office windows; cas- | Cheap for cash sale. Apply Boa on Brock street, opposite 4 1 Jres n> ated "on eit gpa] ily applied; will not wash off; free D-16, Whig Oitice Park; with all modern improve- ne A, or A Xd or sampies. _Acme Sign Co. 548 N.| w ments. Enquire at 474 Brock St his per J Ad ses pur Soanty COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY, Wells, Chicago, Ii Yebentures; mortgages Durchas od special short courses; one month S$. C. 'ANCONA'S, SHEPPARD'S FAM-| PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE | investment Lona lor sale) deposits Auto Mechanics' course $50; one ous heavy winter laying strain eggs, Martin's Dorcas strain, $3.00] r celvay an nteres 1 ho RR, month Gas Tractor Course $50;| MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS EGS 35.00 per setting; aso 2 dark | 5.00 for 15. Also 60 egg Cha- Lc. SRI Iw Hg Joanager 47 Clars) plenty of time to finish for the] but to travel and appoint local rep- Ancona Cockereis tor sale, 19 tham Incubator. J. Turner; Ports- , LE spring rush. Jlemphili ib Auto | resentatives, $1,092 and expenses Laonas Street, city. i mouth. -_ ias Tractor School, 163 King st. sud red first year, with good a ys Toronta, Board and ro m | 2 lo make $2600 and ex-| A NEW SOLID BRICK HOL , 3-!' DB AphED ROCK EG 3s FOR Jia i 8.560 up. 'a or write, enges. State age and ualifica- 1éce batn room; turnace; electric Ing rom an excellent strain 0 5 a - a BADE i Poy: gas for cooking; -exempt bred to lay Barred Rocks; one dol-| A GOOD ROOMY GARAGE. APPLY STUDENTS YOUNG ME ] ept. (., Toronto. trom taxes 10or Hve years iuasy lar pee Sozen. Apply Geo. A. Gur- $01 Earl street. 'UDENTS «-- YOUNG MEN OR WO-| -- = = terms yen, ath. . VFURNISHE ; men, write for our $600 offer for FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Summer holidays; earnings guaran. | FOR SALE | WALL PAPER, INCLUDING ODD BOR- ply 214 William Street teed; good chance to make $900 in| 2 ders of all Kinds. Oatmeal, 18" and GARAGE. KING OR ¢ ORE | CFD Jo - - ; 1 : 9". Small remnants in 9 and 10 Roy " i 3 standing Experience unnece ry | MB A Ey AT uouE-1s 10 S69) Street, next Gore Street--g2, 400. 2 Solis, AL sales cash. Apply 114 . R. McCann, phone 326 or 62 retue Jew oi 3 d 3 ohn street. { cireonal Interview ean be Arians. writing show cards for "us. No == | Sires FIRYL CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; Stade > EEN ad a "i 4 CANVASSING. Ve lustruct and sup-| DOUBLE FRAME; 4 ROOMS EACH; W. | SCHOONER "HERTHA C NS» all improvewents, centrally locat- radents Department, 129 Spadina ply you with work. West-Angus C.; Chatham street, near Princess | e ALKINS, : | : rk. carrying capacity 50 tons. Cs ed. Apply 243 Brock Sireel | i showcard Service, 5717. Colborne St. street. kental 3. Price $1500. Har ag an ity 399 net ontar - ! the story of a man who ; Toronto. _-- Further particulars and price on| UPSTAIRS BEDROOM; DOWNSTAIRS | GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED TO |= BUILDING LOTS | application. T. L. vanDusen, Pic- living room; with use of kitchen | . 3 olive 3 s , AV BS " x ING . ly the evening, 94 karl St take orders and deliver the finest AVE NM KE, NEAR KING | ton, Ont. : Apply in the eve 8 | had a way with women. line of Teas, Coffees, etc, in Can- 20. | ada. Highest commission of any MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND concern in the country paid: all house furniture, specialize in mili- mercénandise; clean and dry. Mec- - RO0¢s are guarantéed ky Jai a ADELAIDE STR ET; NEAR ALFRED tary boots; buy il kinds second- -- 26 Brock street. Phone 326 Revealing some secrets of New funded. Each applicant must bel ¢ Pp dal e | street; J0x120 to 1ane--3$200. hand goods; highest prices paid. I. or 621. | 90 days. State age and college financially responsible. If you are | -- Routbard. Phone 1723. 2x9 Prin- - w----" York's Elite and Sparkling with the 8 looking for a good, independent, | MACDONNELL STREET, NEAR JOHN- cess Street. FURNISHED HOUS 8 BARRIE ST. | permanent position with unlimited ston street, 50x120--§200. immediate possession. Apply Mrs. | Lure of Luxury. | earning possibilities, this is your E ea % Apply to.-- Geraldl, 1ys Barrie St Phone] wi py ! opportunity. Quick action neces- "xperienced Cigar Makers. Also J. 8. R. McCANN, ONE FRAME HOUSE. SIX ROOMS 109. { | sary. Patricia Blend Tea & Cof- 88 Brock Street, Pl e 326 or 621. and gatewd¥, good garden an - S-- en . " fee, 851 Que reat Kast Tor Girls to learn trade; steady worl fruit trees, $2500. Also house, 4 NINE ROOMED STONE HOUSE, | St 31 Queen Street Kast, Toronto, y % SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, NO. 9, Al. rooms with good garden and gate- 146 Montreal St, all improvements. | SPECIAL MACK SENMETT COMEDY Ar ore, for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- wington Avenue; ist Street Ports- way, $1500. Apply to 71 Stephen Phone 1049 ring 3. Vacant April POSITION WAN Houta! good shed; electric lights; Street. 1st. " NS" city water; good garde 0 : 1c = Nr hs A NTED, ape ww fa and orchard #0) Toi ffeubie jut IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE | ONE LARGE FRONT, FURNISHED | MOVIE FA ¥ Miss MADGE EDGAR PUBLIC GEO. A, McGOWAN ( IGAR Street, City. well-built s Earl bedroom or bed sitting room; nrg. Stenographer, Stencil ana Mimeo Street Int ¢ and! place; suitable for couple; central-| - i Sraph work done.' White's in Mra. fo. a my or ron, SL DY factions 13s 'l CONCERT by the Famous Strand Orchestra. surance Office, 239 Bagot Stiect detache itchen, electric lignt grates. For inspection, apply to J.| -- : . r c. CLE | ig 2 2 gas, three piece bath, y 8 e Lilbert, 194 Barrie Street. STORAGE FOM FURNITURE, CLEAN, | pr . AY MU FF. Phone 52k us, Phay 1st. En -- -- er -------- a ----] dry, airy rovwms; your own lock and | SNUB POLLARD COMEDY IUTT & JEFF NA ct st cts st ena ls A i " : x p 3081 EAP ar 4 AY INCING : 2 y { Apply 194 Division street. BUY FGGS FROM JOHN MARSHALL'S Nol a ae Giiy Siofage. Zv3-us LATEST NEWS--SPECIAL SINGING NOVELTY--MAGAZINE - exhibition strain of White Rocks ue tree ho sass *1 4 SALESWOMEN PURE BRED BAKHED ROCK AND and White Wyandottes; three. to ' White Wyandotte Baby Chickens, five dollars per. 15. Henergizer and | TO RENT, 60 QUEEN STREET; LARGE 3 40c. each. Hatching eggs 3 Chicklivia for sale on | dy she . : : 3 Ww AN I ED prize. Winnetn $5 15 3.55 0er Street: Phone Tal. "+ 101 Queen | U7 yard)' tables and sheds; iso at Special Attraction for the Children on ber Joseph White yhone 2 155 large | For OR ont' ne v1 = suiltabie for garage and stables, Ap- LA LS FAYE om SALE ALL HINDs ox | 51 Glen Street | SATURDAY AFTERNOON ! ROOM stoves. Ar ers ol an single trame; electric lights; gas es a laving stoves . 20¢ furniture to dispose of, we wily BY MAY 1 'NFURN Pr | > gE: 3 1 i Bi y M. st, UNFURNISHED FLAT Aor Hosiery and Glove Departments. Jou Saguingl lehuaun street. guy highest prices." 1. Thompson | PY MAY Ist, UNFURNISHED, HFLAT Tuesd as a al lise on time. . 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w. ette. Gas tor cooking and hot| on ay ues ay A K \ g e " Clarence Street. water heat. Also four stall gar-| Wed d Pply to: > COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOM FRAME age, Avply 3d Queen Nesday ir rh AIL, TRE IT, house, Thomas street: hardwood { The Greatese¢ Achievement in } C ' ogany, $35.00. floors "dow ai good cellar; a PARTMEN | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON § Shar, So Hl at fart putty Yonge: lena] MORAN APARTWENT, + RoONS ana Motion Picture Art 08, $55. ) 70.00. arge poultry yard enclosed by six Prine immediate poss > 1 gentleman's bicycle, $15.00. foot poultry wire; deep lot. 130 ft Fincess; Immediate Possession A | \ IN ladies' bicycle, $18.00. frontage 'Cheap to quick buyer a Em Rouse, Montreal St OTIS SK NER Baby Carriages, $15.00 and $18.00. Apply Georg Wickham, Ports ' ats sas : ] Maple Seat Cook Stove, $35.00. mouth, opposite Granger's store. f ~11) arge ictor Gramaphone, twenty | TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE-| new records, $45.00. i clatly furnished for Light house- | . ° tv Edison Sramapnone, diamond point RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT Keeping; gas tor cooking and light, | €€ ® 9 P hungred records, $45.00, AND SOLD at'tne Pluneer Apartments, 212 und | \ 1 set OF 25 books, Alexander Dumas, Over 70 satisfied customers 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. | $15.00. Honest methods, small profits. 1 1 3 1 LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP I handle my Own Credits. 3 Phone 1045. 507 Princess Street. The following amounts down, balance | FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. | Brought to the Strand at a Terrific + » - ima . - ---- | arranged, buys wood MHoors, electric light, gas Lxpense . Use Pea Coai in the furnace. SITING EGGS FROM DUBERRY'S $350 Dodge Touring. stove, heater, refrigerator, modern | mia nia Good for an rnace. econd to none, Barred Plymouth $300 Chevrolet Touring. in every way. Kent $50.00 per! Le = ak y fu : Rocks. Individual matings, exhi- $250 Ford Touring, 2 month. Apply to White's Insur- RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE $1.50 per ton less than ot her sizes. bition strain. $2 to $4 per setting $300 Ford Roadster 1920. ance Office, 249 Bagot Street, aad Re Consult us regarding its. uses 15 eggs. Charles Duberry, 53 Bev-| $150 McLaugh Prash sm Sd Reserved Seats ........ - Boe. ! me I" A LM ER ee General Admission «+ 35c, erly Street. EE PT Corn fn « SIGNS Tax included) J S ift & C t OX nade by Gosia SLLYE | ENGINE Sr mr a deem tree | Barain Dey Matin Dedy ... B56 as. WI1 O., ® Co, 1 hp. 2 Heine Mul SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, | b ee h ixcelsior Motor- | FOR SALE XC) iB SE. etc. large or smal uaran { cycles in E004 FunBing Leder olor: E OR EXCHANGE HOUSE &e 0 Lg nteed X\ ] lots and barns, big stone house, on &vid leaf; posters, showcards, ete. | Féot of Johnson Street suriiee tires pi While yom war? | COIS: 8 Teoma: 'gas: Clectric hoi| statically writes wna. designed and abs ¢ | : i] 205 Princ Lome 5 Muller's Bicycle Works, $71 br Water heated; cemented cellar Dy Shaw, at 205 Princess direst. | 33 King street. Phoue 1032w. large cattle barn; can hold 26 head Mingsion t STE of cattle; slaughter house: horse LAND SURVEYOR stable; 4 stalls; large drivehouse! EMAN' and garage: hen house, etc. Eight | TAILORING. F. ¥. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. C.E., O.L BAT N'S REAL ESTATE, building lots: large arden ond D.L.&, M.ELC, Napanee, Ont. On- R SA ge & < en ou $T30--1OR SALTY LE Tiit,orchard. A reasonable offer| GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER | tario Land Surveyor. Kingston. Of- Y FOR MOTOR BOAT OWNER | $TI0--FOR SALL--BUILDING LOTS ON will be accepted. Apply 338 Prin. suits cleaned and repaired now. Re- | fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Car. x be E IN THE SWEET BYE AND BYE. | 5 'Thus: Evod lovation, cess Street. Telephone 799 or 2007, pairing and pressing done prompt- t ot It Be the Best. 3 hy ER' 3 N i _---- o iy. All work guaranteed. W. Rob-| % : $1000--FRAME BUNGALOW; : ertson, 273 Bagot street, near Prin. | Ask for There's a place down in Cataraqui Bay, north end; 4 rooms; B. and C.. Lot UPHOLSTERING. cess Street. Where Davis Co, have a little quay, 33x132; for immediate possession, * 3 When your motor gets in t:ouble on the way, CALL, OR DROP A CARD TO W. | MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- OLD BOND Just 7 in re pier, and there ay $2000--FRAME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS; Gavine. upholsterer $18 Bagot ot. | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING marks. skin CANCErs, scars, etq. re- G 0 ibout an acre of land; suitable f. moved permanently. Satisfactory dar mat > Our facilities will enable us to make repairs and get you away smil- summer boarders; near Westport.| ¥. WistAROLD FOR YOUR = UP-| PAINTING AND DECOMATING, J. H Slasses fitted and furnished after * CANNED TOMATOE " nf -- ter and general repairin, ay, 37 Cher st t. PI | others h ailed, oitre remove . Ing, thatebiead smile that won't wear off, RAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; BR Leave orders at or drop a pry s Iw ¥, #3 RITTY Site Phone 85 years ®xperience. Dr, Elmer J CORN and PEAS RANE Nc Hemia aloous; a. 104 Clergy street. 5 i Lake, Eye, kar, Nose. Throat, Skin a V #wod cellar. . : ; WHEN WASTING PAINTIN Ee -- . . DA IS DRY DOCK CO. Sattar / COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. ha Sone am ad DENTAL. AT ALL GROCERS : : 2 i der in all popular ghapes and sizes . $3,000~BRICK SEMI.D ACHED; 3 CAR . A. Mountee:. 54 Arch street. : 3 \ ] pairing dome. | "i East End of Wellington St. Looms; B. and C.; hot 4lr; gas; gar E. J. Goodridge. 244 Universily| HENRY WAND & SON, PAINTERS, DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE lose 2 -- Avenue. Paper Hakgers and interior deco-| closed until April 12th, 1921. ' r~.ors. Now is the tim ve | ACTON) BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN. . © 10 Bave| pug SPARKS AND SPARKS, ug. your interior decorated. Phone : is%ed; guns, gramephones, ate. re- 1867J. vs Pha i a over * > ' 3 Auction Sales A paired promptly and guaranteed | -- Larnovai) s Tutus 34 : : FARMS SIY ERAL GOOD FARMS FOM Tianton & Sleeth. 35 Princess 5t.| PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J. | Di. RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 54 t (next door piano factory). . Flanagan, Painter and Decorator | Prine Street. Phone 1330. Upen (Quebec Heaters I am the best t * in ston. , G. A. BATEMAN, Estimates freely given. Metallic! Prince by appointment. be Make me prove it. 159 Wellington Street, Kingston. gold letters fur store and office! Ne, 3, $1000. No. 6, $12.00 BEDFORD The . = LEGAL Nindows. 247 Montreal street DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE- Auction hid dh hh a ae to +e - ume practice a 2 - ' Best Stove for Garage or work eer, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH. BANRIST- ri Bak of Nova Scotia Phone shop. Cooks and other Stoves asd Phone 1721 or 1428. FOR saLE' 60? we 3 ers and Solicitors. 79 .Clarence A few building lots well loeat- ! ham, Cyril M. Smith. - Street, Kingston. A. 'B. Cumin: CHIROPRACTIC. wl an CL = John Rudolphus Booth, veteran Ot- ed near Queen's University. Ap- i WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C Cm © CARPENTEKIN tawa lumberman and manufactrer, DIY King & faythe, 133 Clar- AMBROSE SHEA, BA. BARRISTER nee Nelson aud Mack: Siroots | oun Tuesday celebrated his ninety- § s. and Solicitor. Law oYice, corner of Kingston, Ont, Consultation free.| WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER King and Broek, over Royal Bank Telephone 1056). Hours § t¢ 12 a see James Selby, Contractor, 212 fourth birthday. adhd Andi th a 3 BS hs 0 §& p.m. : . y } Money to loan. Phone 1999 m 1t Usniverdily Avenue. Phone 1598w, ™

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