Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1921, p. 15

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WEDNESDAY APG 6, Theatrical ~ "Way Down East." Reserved seats will be placed off Sale to-mongrow for the engagement of D. W_GQriffith's wonder gpectacle, "Way Down East," which will be seen for the first time in this city at the Grand Opera House for a st three days beginning Monday, April 11th. This picturizdtion of a famous play has been pronounced by sub- ual authorities the greatest work of this genius of the screen. The producer has combined drama, artis- tic motion photography, color and | humor, with a musical gmbeliishment that spells a genuine departure in | the art of the theatre. He has vivi- fied the people of-Lottie Blair's orig- inal play and brought them forth from the land of make-believe far niore charmingly than! they were | originally introduced. Mr. Griffith has also taken'a step forward in this Presentation by employing a new idea in color schemes, whereby he brings forth the richness of gowns and surroundings in scenes he .has builded to contrast the pastoral back- ground of the main story, He shifts kis audience from the country to town and back -again; gives them views of landscape splendor never be fore equalled on the screen and ends it all in & compelling series of snow storm and ice sceneg the like of which have until now remained unat- tempted. Players ever assembled for a screen production interpret the various roles of this remarkable production. Advt \ The "Maple eats." One of the most beautiful en- semble numbers in the "Maple Leafs" big musical comedy revue, "Canrouflage,'"" is the Colonial Ball, where all the boys are dressed as belles of 1860. This dainty num- ber dnd the big '"'rube'" song, 'Take Me Back to Bingville," where the boys all portray old men, gives am- ple evidence of their wide versatility and real histrionic ability. Although the boys of the "Maple Leafs" are all able bodied fighting men. each one having done a long stretch in the trenches prior to his having been ¢hosen by Capt. Plunkett to enter- tain his comrades _ overseas, their performance.of "Camouflage" is es- sentially, a 'girl show." Taking the original party as 2 nucleus for the present show, Capt. Plunkett has gathered together all the famous impersonators from the other divi- sional parties as well as from many of the twenty-eight concert parties [tial possibilities, and yet practically vy of THE DAILY BRIT every phase as does "Kismet," which action are pre- represents a tremendous outlay of {sented in "Beau Revel," the latest money to obtain the results of the {Paramount-Ince / picture story of combined efforts of the best talent New York society life which comes {obtainable in America. to the Strand Theatre to-morrow.| The price for this wonder event! | Many of the scefies of the fascinat- | will be reserved seats, 50c, general | ing drama, which embody a subtle admission, 35¢, and these prices In- charm, are the result of the | clude the tax. Special matinee 'will be psychological insight of the author, glven every day at bargain prices so Louis Joseph Vance, one of Ameri- | we impress upon those that can avail] ca's leading novelists. The climatic | themselves the epportunity of attend | situation of the'story? is » a _ scene {ing the matinees to doso. Tickets are | cwherein-"Beau-Revel-a-wealthy-and now Gr sale at the Box of 1 -=KdvE | fastidious social leader, is brought | -- ' to account by his son, whom he has At The Allen. i betrayed by having stolen the affec- | james Whitcomb Riley's best tions of the girl with whom the boy | known poem, "The- Old Swimmin'| is in love, and then by the girl her- | Hole", tells itself in motion pictures | self. ._|--an achievement due to both the | ~ With such delicate psy hological | \,pjyorgial note of understanding | finesse has this powerful situation |); the verses strike, and to the been approached--the father consci- manner in which Charles Ray has ous that he ha: deceived his one |... ed them. When the filming was | Glos {riend oy niet i Sou completed and the result was pro-| nowing only. a e s love | . i he # 4 t wd been taken from him, and the girl jjected in the Ray studios, It was devoid of physical deep | | | { The Kiwanis Club Donates $400 For Improved Water Heating. The meeting of .ue Board of Gov- ernors of the Kingston General Hos- pital on Tuesday evening 'was of more--than- usual interest-- nd many matters of vital interest in regard to the present afid future of-the hospi- tal were, brought up and freely dis- cussed. The attendalice was not only large but very representative and in- cluded the following, R. E. Kent (chairman); ¥. G. Lockett (vice- chairman); Dr. J. C. Connell, Wil- liam Anderson, R. N. F, McFarlane, Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson, Dr. R. BE. Sparks, A. F. Chewn, F. Elliott, A. Shaw, J R. McCahn, William Jackson, Dr. R. J. Gardiner, Walter | Cooke, R. J. Carson, Dr, Austin, H.| S. ISH WHIG. THE GENERAL HOSPTAL' SPORTING NEWS The most notable cast of | h beck d furious at belu {found that net one single sub-title earthroken and furlous at belug,l,,, ,,eegary 1g explain the action BD Biths, Blac. Dac. ste Sel tor the motive of the story. Every- Jame % ney Dr 'Br ih : a2 | thing which one associates with the f 0 a Noy FE Tyce Bo OF | old swimmin' hole of Riley's fancy is | Foy J e and W. F Fon Srson, | there--even to the sycamore tree un- | ing I emODE : NE enitise | le yhi p y p he . = 4 = a Which the Dore ee |acknowledged a communication from {heat of a broiling day. Charles Ray|'}€ 2 Salil nu the will 'be found more than ever de-|. ; . | ighttul in the role of Ezra, the hfe. jIHDIOYE the system for ea 1Ne wale: | footed country boy, doing all the | OF ip Figen PFA Shane | things and having all the fun that| eon e Eo end E 9:1 {any country boy ever had. At the Al-| used towards this end. The governors | T CB a { é ost hearty vote of thanks len, Thursday, Friday and 8 y..| passed a most h jet: Thursday, Friday and Saturday. which will be forwarded to the secre- {as she supposes, the dupe of the two ~that the resulting scene is an in- novation in its dramatic streggth. Others of the many unusual situa- running throughout "Beau have been finely conceived Lewis Stone and in the leading tigns Revel" and executed. Lloyd Hughs are | men's rules. The extra added attraction to be | shown in connection with this mas- ter attraction will be Mack Sen- |nett's latest comedy, "Movie Fans," which is a riot and will chase away (all the blues and make you happy with joy. The usual short subjects will be screened, including a Snub Pollard comedy, the latest British News, Paramount Magazine, known as the educational delineator. The mnan- |agement - begs to announce that {starting to-morrow and on every | Thusrday, Friday and Saturday fol lowing that the latest Mutt and Hh cartoon will be shown as an extra. This, no doubt, will meet with great approval, as these two are dearer to little ones than any other picture play made. mous Strand orchestra will their usual good concert and Phyllis Devlin will be heard comp.ete change of songs The traction coming on Monday the famous photoplay, "Kismet." Reserved seats are now on sale at the theatre office. --Advt. render Miss "Kismet" At The Strand. The most remarkable event in mo- | tion pictures will take place nex! day, when the miracle of photoplay art, "Kismet", will be shown at the characters | The fa- | in a| at- | will be | week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- | | --Advt. Fuad : tary of the club It was stated that the graduating exercises in connection with the | training school for nurses would be i , | lield early in May and the board left 5 connected with this s of the committee the arrangeme Interesting Occasion at oven: in I. B | of management. The committee report also that | Miss Mason, Toronto, has been en- os | gaged as a masseuse to work in con- The fiftieth anniversary of the |nection with the hospital. She is to marriage of Mr, and Mrs. James | 81ve at present only half time, name- | Clarke (Miss Amanda Spafford) oc. |!v from ome to five oclock each day. | [curred on March 28th, when a party | A communication was redd from | of relatives antl friends having plan- the Nurses' Alumnae Association and |ned a celebration, foregathered at |3[ter being freely discussed was re- their home at Salmon Point to insti- ferred to the committee of manage- tute festivities befitting such a not. | Ment and. the medical staff for re able event. The arrival of the com- | POM: at the next meeting, y. F. Ni 3 t at- pany was a complete surprise to Mr. | oa ke Drought 3p ihe mat and Mre. Clarke, though Mr. Wil-| wc UIé new Dullims Ho called liam Clarke, who resides with his | : of tus © the va- : : | cancies In the executive of the build- parents, had been informed of the {ing committee caused by the death of | { intentions of the conspirators, | they had not failed to make a | Robert Richardsos, akd-G. ¥. Chown J Sed | The board afterwards elected Dr. J provision for a feast was evidenced | io Connell and Elmer Davis to fill | by the array of culinary art, soon to | the vacancies. A meeting of this com- | | grace a tastefully arranged table |pitipe will be called immediately to | ahout which the guests were seated | t)oroughly investigate conditions and | An the Home of Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke. Picton Ti ino bearing on the standing Strand. Seldom do theatres so small | with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke occupying | as the Strand attempt such a big ven- | places' of honor. Many words of af- | "ture as to bring under such an enor- | faction and congratulation had been i | mous cost an attraction so stupen- spoken as the guests arrived and, as | decide what buildings, if any, should be proceeded with at once. Rev. Dr. Wilson and C. A. Mac-| pherson were appointed visiting gov- Girls' Basketball Games. defeating Bethel in the last 1 game of the 8. 8S. A. A. A. ball league, Sydenham | thodist girls qualified to | Queen street Methodist team the final game of the series. The nal game will be played on Tuesday evening--pext--- Both-Syderhanr and Queen street girls have lost one game and won seven. On Tuesday evening the Sydenham girls won from Bethel by a score of 20 to 5. At half time the score was 11 to 0. For the win- ners, Miss Anna Prager and Miss Kathleen Lockhart each scored four field baskets, while Miss Vince ac- counted for three foul baskets Miss Prager also scored one foul basket. The Sydenham defence played a good game, Miss Mary Porter and Miss Veale each scored one field basket while Miss Myrtle Stagg registered one foul basket for Bethel. The line- up: Sydenham meet Bethel Forward. Miss Prager Miss M. Porter Miss Lockhart Miss May Porter Centre. Miss Vince Miss Stagg | Defence B. Abernethy Miss Ruth Lyons Miss Grace Wood Referee--George Ada. The second game between Baptist | and St. James', resulted in a tie | The final score was 6 to 6. No scor- | ing was done in the first hglf of the game. The result of the game had of the league, so it was decided not to play the game to a finish. The teams: Baptist St. James' Miss Veale | Miss Gardiner | Miss Forward Chapman Miss Anglin Miss Selby | Centre { Mibs Leslie Miss Ada | Defence | Miss Brunki | Miss Veale Miss Osborne Miss McCallum Referee--George Ada. VIOLATED HIS PATROL; MUST SERVE SENTENOE Joseph Lanzon, Sandwich, Was | Removed to "Pen" Wed- | nesday Morning. ---- | The case of Joseph Inanzon, who | was brought here from Sandwich, on | Saturday last, by a member of the | Northwest Mounted police, for the | penitentiary, was finally disposed of | the police court on Wednesday | morning. The constable did not have | the necessary papers for the prison- | in NECESSITIES FOR YOUR MOTOR CAR AND MOTOR BOAT ~--ALL-WAY OILERS. BRUSHES. ~-- POLISHES. --LENS. -- WIND DEFLECTORS. ~---CUSHIONS. -- ENGINE ENAMEL. --SPARK PL¥FGS. --and anything special. : abies gd, * ' * + Automotive Equipment Phone SISwe TUTTTTTTTTIOR Miredk Street, Kingston, Tourists' Bureau--Mfg. Agents--Accessories A BARGAIN 1920 Dodge Touring Car SLIGHTLY USED Equipped with 2 Cord Tires, Spare Tire Bumper, Non-glare Lenses, Radiator Coverand 1921 License. Varnish and Up- holstering like new. Cost $2,375.00 when purchased. A snap to a quick buyer. - BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET - - PHONE 400. THURSDA re SPECIAL Tailored-to-Measure Suits & Overcoats which he directed in France, The ] result has been that the augmented | deous as this marvelous ten reel sup- "Maple Leafs" are offering ths | er-photoplay oftall-man "girl shows' ever youth, all he had to do was rub tha | magic lamp, summon the genii, de- | mand anything from a gold fish in the bottom of the sea to a palace with, a thousand windows ptaged, Their entertainment is a veritable riot of "Girls" and gorge- ousness, staged, as only Capt. M. W, Plunkett, whose experience as a di- When Aladdin was a | on the | shores of a desert isle, and, lo and | rector overseas has proved invalu- able in his new fleld as a theatrical producer, could present it., *Camou- flage" will be the attraction at the Grand for one night only, Saturday, April 9th.--Advt, At the Strand. Situations teeming with choking suspense, unlimited in their poten- SOME MEAT SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY a lb. Pork Tenderloins . . 60c. Pork Sausages... . 25¢. a 1b. behold, it was there! For the Robert- | son-Cole super-special production oY | all lingered about the table after !ernors for the month. dinner, A, E. Bowerman rose and read a congratulatory address on be- | half of the company, which was ac- | companied by the gift of a hand- | some china dinner and tea set in gold {and white. Mr. Clarke's reply im- pressed all, as the expression of age and experience always must. One | sentiment carrying peculiar weight 'from the police station to the prison "Kismet," to open at the Strand thea- tre on Monday night, in which Otig| Was to the - effect that while the Skinner, the star of the stage play, | speaker had not been particularly | makes his debut on the screen, the Successful in life from the financial | magic lamp and the genii were busy | Standpoint, he counted himself most | day and night, and wonders have | fortunate in »being surrounded by | they performed. many faithful friends whose affec- | Ranking next in importance to the | tion was beyond price. i selection of the cast was the matter | Among the guests of costuming. Julian Harrison, cre-|Clarke's sister, Mrs, Thomas Gilmore, ator of raiment unique, was commis- | Picton, and brother, James Spafford, sioned to design the costumes, which! of Cherry Valley, who were both ae- surpass in splendor anything ever be- companied by their partners in life; fore shown on the stage or screen. | Mr. Clarke's sister, Mrs. Willet Pal- For Otis Skinner as Hajj, the peggar, | matier, town; Mr. and Mrs. Jas Ket- who in one short day rises from pov- | chum George Palmatier, Sidney Gil- erty to the position of advigor to the | more, Mr. and Mrs. Finley Spafford, Wazir of Bagdad, there were cloaks | Mr. and Mrs. George Workman and and turbans of satin in dazzling col- | family, Mr. and Mrs, Bowerman and ors, each destined to establish his | family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Workman new position and prominence in life. (and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowerman For Rosemary Theby, who will be|and family. seen as the fascinating queen of the | In the evening about thirty couples harem, were designed gowns of mys- | gathered at the home and the pro- terious charm. Elinor Fair, as Mar-| gramme was repeated---=ell filled were Mrs. | necessary steps had to be taken to secure them. Lanzon served a term {for an offence, and was allowed out on parole, but it is alleged that he violated his parole and for this rea-| son he must go back to the "pen" to | serve out his term. Ganzon was taken |after the court proceedings The Late John Hopeson. | John Hopeson, aged forty-eight, a resident of Toronts for the past fif- teen years, died at Wellesley hosp- ital en Tuesday morning, following | an operation. He was born at King- | ston, Ont., the son of the late John | Hopeson, For the past fifteen years | he conducted a confectionery store at 938 Bloor street west. He was a ! member of Westmoreland Methodist | church, a Mcson and an Oddfellow. Surviving is his widow. 3 The Late Mrs. G. F. Little, Mrs. George F. Little, aged forty-| four years, passed away at her resi-| dence, 24 Nelson street, at 10.30 a.m. | Tuesday after an illness extending | over two years. The deceased was] born in Kingston, being a daughter | Sidney Babcock, aged eight, an inmate of the House for the Aged, passed away in the General hospital on Tuesday. was formerly a farmer at Olden. He has one sistei residing in Kingston and another at Verona. Another lot The members of the Lend-A-Hand er's admittance and as a result the | seventy- | The deceased { of strawberries ex- ! {pected in the morning at Carnovsky's. | Circle of King's Daughters gave an | entertainment to the people at the | Home for the ABed on Tuesday af- | ternoon. Mrs. Joseph Hawkey and {her daughter and Miss De Witta as- | | _-- sisted in the programme. The forty hours' devotion will open | in the chapel of the Hotel Dieu on April 13th, { ~A men | ligious education committee, held at | of the city to try and determine the Sh and Scotch Woollen ¢© 90 Sah EXTRA PANTS WITH EVERY ORDER WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE ENGLISH & SCOTCH WOOLLEN CO. 79 PRINCESS ST. Religious Canvass of Children, WILL BUY D. U. R, At a meeting of the Kingston re- Detroit Votes 2 to 1 in Favor of Pro. position. Detroit, April 6.--The complete vote on the traction issue in Monday's the Y M. C. A., on Tuesday even- ing, it was decided to hold a canvass Spare Ribs 30c. a Ib. sinah, daughter of Hajj, the beggar, | baskets not being lacking. A hand- of the late A. §. Stevenson, a -- CASTO ya 1A known lake mariner. She was a mem- b First Baptist church. Sur- SE of Lie D B50 = For Infants and Children | number of children attending Sun- day school, It was also decided that referendum just announced, showed service at cost, yes, 53,302; no, 91, Hamburg Steak 20¢. a lb, Cholve Spring Lamb quarter. HOGAN'S MEAT MARKET 322 King Street. Phone 283 by the who becomes the bride of the Caliph, | some chair was presented to the Is resplendent in her series of gowns | ride and groom and =a suitable ad- ot brocaded gold cloth, dress read by Harvey Starks. And then there is--but one might | go on forever and ever telling of the | exotic charm of it all, for there are thousands of costumes provided for the "populace", all varied' and dif- ferent, miore gorgeous in coloring than the rainbow, Suffice it to say that never before hag there been of- fered to the. public a production which embodies so much artistry in Won Poetry Contest. R. W. Cumberland, a final yo student in arts, was awarded the prize of $25, offered by Prof. J. F. Macdonald, for the best poem writs ten by a Queen's student, during the session. Mr. Cumberland composed a sonnet entitled, "Phantoms." Second honors were won by E. Lyght, a mn HIRE OUR SELECTIONS IN-L Spring Woollens! - while not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. CRAWFORD & WALSH Bagot and Brock Streets' freshman In medicine. There were over forty competitors. The judges were Robert Irost, the noted Ame- rican poet, who recently lectured at Queen's, Prof. Ferguson and Prof. Macdonald. --- ---------- Dress For The Matron. Here are a few things about dress | which the average matron should { remember, says a clothes exper®: Long lines and soft draperies are becoming to her. The inclined-to-be-stout woman should avoid very short skirts, even if her ankles are slim. Dark dresses should always be re- lieved by a touch of ivoty-white or créam--the touch of white must be spotless. The woman who is getting on in yéars should remember that unless she has a particularly good skin and complexion she cannot wear unre- lieved dark colors successfully. They should always be brightened up by a touch of white or some bright color whieh is individually becoming, She will be wise, also, to shun short sleeves, whatever the fashion, as far as her day dress is concerned. Tips to Housewives. Before washing greasy plates, rub with cornmeal, scrape off, 'and feed to chickens. x Rub a rusty article with onion peel viving are her husband, Geo. Little, | letter carrier, Kingston post office; | three daughters, Edna, Marjorie, and | Helen at home, two brothers, Robert | Stevenson, of the firm of Stevenson and Hunter, this city, and W. A. | California. The funeral takes place to Cataraqui cemetery, Thursday, Rév. J. 8. LaFlair and Rev. Mr, Fair- ful officiating. AT SYDENHAM HOSPITAL The Patients Were Entertained on Tuesday Evening. On Tuesday evening the patients of Sydenham hospital had an enjoy- able time A number of local talbnt | and military 'Y' combined to put on | an entertainment. Rev. A. G. Gordon acted as chairman. The first num- | ber on the programme was a duet by | Mr. and Mrs. Kettle. Their volces | blended beautifully and they mm | | | | | | | called upon to give two more num- bers. Mr. Risin, a patient at the hospital, rendered three solos, which were much enjoyed, Mrs, McBride, who is a favorite, sang two popular songs in besutiful voice. Mr. Cook, another of the patients, and his son, gave a mandolin and plano duet, which was appreciated. A very amus- ing sketch entitled "April Fools," was put an by Méssrs. Elder, Urqu- hart and Young. The artists took their parts weli and the sketch made a big hit. Another hit was made when Harold Shaw and Master Jef- feries presented a comic dialogue entitled, "An Actor Wanted," and also sting a number of comic songs. One reel of film was then shown, af- ter which coffee ana cake were serv- ed, -- en Waters Very High, The waters of the Madawaska are unusual)y high this year for although there was comparatively little snow during the winter there have been and allow juice to remain on for 24 hours. Polish with turpentige, some heavy rains recently, Signature of In Use ForOver 30 Years Always bears th | | 490; municipal railway purchase, a rally day be held in all the Sunday yes, 96,308; no, 47,717. schools of the city on May 29th. No two leaves, even from the same tree, are exactly alike, - . The better place is to be sure, rath- er than speedy. "1 HAVE PUZZLED ABLE MERCHANTS" rT E. A. NOEL. HO FOLKS! WERE YOU AT THIS SALE DURING THE FIRST 3 DAYS? The Victory Shoe Store GIVES THE PEOPLE THE BARGAINS Store Packed Every Day BECAUSE OF THREE REASONS: 1--Truthful Advertising. 2--Unbelievable Prices. 3--The Store's reputation. The Victory Shoe Store ONLY 3 MORE DAYS and this Sale will be past history. Come before the end. Be sure to read the final announcement in this paper to-morrow.

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