1HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. wggpan Tn i SPECIAL SALE "Farmers who live in ter er e surrounding un A "4 . - h in need of help," was 1h tat : : of the local represc e ol : Sy ahd ) : "at : | the Ontario labor employ! eau to the Whig on Wednesaay | ® UY oy AE 2 Tay morning Th ppresewtative «8 4d. day, for an extended ! - ¥ te ea wr ao Be has | clo ERE walt. MP gue W3 COMMENCING -10- O'CLOCK. hee SFY F foot gat eT te W Washington. | fas ey nye On Tuesday ithel Bickham has gone to Toron- |! > MILL ENDS he was able to get four mel } t ere she will be the guest of A. Bostridge, Galley avenue, farm experience to accept Mrs. A. € ) At the present time the local office : me ees ; has 142 applications n ntaric Mrs. Robert Edmunds came from wet help. | Ottawa on Tuesday ! spend some farmers who are anxio Of that number about t the Kingston area. The live near Kingston have time with her parehts, Dr. and Mrs. | Chown, at "Edgehill i | Miss Lois Derry, Napanee, who has/| tage in getting men as ! n | been spending a few days with her | into the local office and i s aunts, Misses Hele: Margaret || ist they can | Williamson, Barrie s t, returned | any men on the waiting ls : get them immediately and take them | home Tuesday to the ut t is stated that out . th e co I To 518 a] . Lots of the wages paid 1tenac arms Mr. and Mps. George Bateman have | > v | i rt from $20 to 3 a month and 3 : Caisi rub from $4 ! 20! 11 spent a couple of weeks visiting Dr. | b | board 1 ot { % Alan Bateman, at ewhaven, and Western farmers are offering $50 alo 4,00 1 Rose, of Schnectady, N.Y., | 2,000 yards month. They a willing to pay $ 3 : + Ii dor also going or 3 to nar o wil com- 2 mont uc a man wi i they met . mence work on April 1st. If the men emain until the end of Novembel will receive $60 a month accept these s yositions g ave to go by train on- ms . a e our Yin 1 pay 21 cents a . The itario government pays th al STOCK MARKETS. ate Quotations Furnished by Bongard, Clothes Now SERGT.-WAJOR GOLDHAM Meron 4, Cu 357 tia RETIRES FROM R.M.C. = { * New York Stocks. / HERE THEY ARE He Will Take Over the "Sun- | Opening. Closing 86% Am. 1.060, .. . . 863% " ny Range" Farm Near Tobaoco 73 , iy A special purchase enables us to offer to-morrow 2,000 yards of high-grade Dress Gingham, in mill ends, which measure from 1} to 5 yards. This lot consists of Plaids, Plain Chambrays and Stripes; 27 inches and 36 inches wide. These Ginghams will be sold as shown below. VOUYEYYYEYYeV SWE VYeW Am. Sum. New Suits, New Overcoats, very high Sydenham. Am. Sem Topaece , 72. Bw class; new models for Men and Young eT i Ex ( IN HAMS { INC H AMS structor sngineering department, Jeth, Steel "B" Men. Royal Milit College, retired from C.P R. 13% the service on Saturday tO take up Central Leather .. . 365g SUITS presses .$25.00 to $45.00 | farming. Mr. Coldham has been 8 {Crucible reel pr > 2% | highly efficient official and has spent | } | OVERCOATS oa $20.00 to $35.00 | fifteen years in the military service | Kennicott Coprer .. 17% | 35¢. a yard. 50c. yard [ with the Imperial and Canadian gov-| Pierce Arrow .. .. 331% 5 | z lernments. He has pur hased the | Rep, Iron & Steel .. 66% 81! THURSDAY THURSDAY 5 | "Sunny Range" farm near Syden- | U. 8. Rubber .. .. T1054 ham, and recently took over posses- Royal Dutch (N Y.) 601% | sion. His ingen and enthusiasm | Southern Pacific .. 14% | that he has alw carried into his Studebaker .. .. . iT C y : C y . | | t | work ass Su ss. He expects nis { Canadian Stocks. ® ® 9 while carr x on general farmpnng, o 1 W in 5 on S Ito devote derable time to poul- | Brazilian apie t ; vo | L ; { aising ranch he has been d¢ Can. Steamships ... 3 «3 | {try raising, a branct 1s been Co Steamships, pid. 3 v / 'No phone orders accepted. All sales for cash. Cons. Smelters .. .. 58 " La ™N 27 inches wide; regular value 36 inches wide; regular value | voted to for years with satisfactory | results. 75-77 BROCK STREET, | Dom, Steel rie . z , | NAPOLIS-O'BRIEN NUPTIALS "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." | ook Place In St, James' Chapel on 3 Tr ee - | | O | R | READY O WEAR Tuesday Evening, Rev. 8. B_ 'Marshall, B.A, B.D, of : ( - -~ Tho marriage of Jean SpeNCer | yo jay Methodist church, Brantford, | 9'Brien, voungest daughter of TiM- |, 4 peep called to Dominion churei, || othy OBrien, £5 Merkin oy | esimouat, Montreal: rm A] DEPARTMENT OFFERS FASHIONABLE | SPRING SUITS FOR WOMEN AND { of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Napolis, Gan- large stock at Carnovsky's. anoque, was solemnized in St, James' At the voters' list revision in Na- || | chapel at eight o'clock Tuesday ev- | panee 185 names were added. {| ' ening, Rev Father Kearey OCIAL" | mummers wm ty |! MISSES AT i ing, The couple were attended by | DAILY MEMORANDUM: ! | the immediate relatives, and after {| guchre and music, Irishman's Hall | Jo | the ceremony a dainty wedding sup LT ! . at Market Square on ° u per was served at the home of the | priday, April Sth, 9.30 am. under aus-| bride's family. The room and table | pices of Y. W.C. A. i i N 1 : » \ ® were beautifully decorated with roses Sek These Suits are well made and are decidedly better and carnations, and in an adjoining HANSON CROZIER & EDGAR i | room were exhibited numerous valu- 1 ) Limited atv, y than it is generally possible to find at these prices. BONE + PRIN 1 ERS Developed in high grade, all wool Serge and the ver, the gift of the bride's father. | The bride was attired in a smartly | MARKET SQUARE, KI¥ = : fashionable Tricotine Cloth, enriched with hand- | - 4 ' tailored brown tricolette suit withhat N BORN. : ' . . ev: embroidery braids, silk stitching and pretty but- to match and carried a bouquet of {ingston, te Mr and THI JRSI ) A Y WII i BE A roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Carmel | CROZIE gston, to Mr an { ; . O'Brien, a sister of the bride, wore i yo CADT. Sth, 1921, Aaj < 1) -~ . a navy blue tricolette suit and a cor- | : - . ul \.} tons. See These Suits Thursday! SPECIAL DAY Sage bouquet of pink roses. Ed-| OSPORNE-_AL Buterpii, of Jon ty) ward O'Brien, a brother, was the daughter 11 | best man. In the Hahnemann Hospi-|| ter, N.Y. on .Sunday,| Every Department presenting real values. The groom's Sift to the bride was| 'ha Rochestel, ¥ ki ng.des FL|| M i 1 . {a necklace of pearls with platifum ile (nee Grace Cook), a | any lines at lower prices. setting and diamond stud, to the bie A ~~ |} | LJ S bridesmaid a platinum brooch set MARRIED. I FRUITS WILL BE A FEATURE with pearls and amethysts, and to | pOWNEY --SMITH--In Kingston, at 3t | . Sy . . ' the groomsmen a pair of gold cuff | james Chapel < | Women's and Misses' beautiful Spring Coats; fashionable made; in . . . S. | Elizabeth Smith, to George Norva Ripe Bananas in particular--200 dozen | The happy couple left a alge re ee xe I} Polo Cloth, Velour and Tweed effects. Some have patch pockets, at prices to show a market saving. OE yy, mua Siig, Re 15th, 1920," Wm. Sevens. Se Cath, '| others have set in pockets; full, loose, belted models are favored in all Every home-keeper should take advan- ence in Port Hope, where Mr. Napolis 'Bll the new Spring shades; such as Camel, Sand, Grey, Brown, Harding . . . . is an operator for the Grand Trunk . [1B 1 ¢ 1 tage of special offerings in Fruits, 8 4 op ; _ DIED. v.13 Blue. Sizes for women and misses. TK -- Kingston, oO jesday, | s------------------------ a A TR Ruth, the Southern Vegetables and Green Stuff. Aerante For Rally: | April sth, is2i, Catherine Ruth I Weather permitting Fruit and Vege- At the meeting of the eXecutive of | rune idt Free inne 135. Contre SL x : < : the local union of Christian Endeav- | nm Thur v at 10 a.m. to Catara-| tables will be displayed and sold outside or. held atthe YT. M. C. A; On Tues=| pupa L Comelry raesdar.}] . £ q . day evening, final arrangements for| Apr. 5 1931, OE les Blevonao) our spacious front, affording every fa- the rally, io take place in Zion f : 1: : . church, were made. Rev Mr, Scott, years | cility for display; also comfort and sat- a returned missionary from Korea, Fun! om her late residence on! isfaction to customers in selection and will speak on that occasion. a 2 pan. 1s Catala It was decided to recommend to | Friefids and i purchase. the different societies that the local a 2 {union act under the Kingston Religi- | IN MEMORIAM. {ous Education Council. The union | In loving memory of the late Thos 500 DOZEN LUSCIOUS, SWEET | will take in the young people's or- | Keates, who died on April 6th, 1918. 1 | i At rest. ORANGES {ganized bible classes, and both or-| At pest --Wite' and family. | | ganizations will work together. i 4 )) AN P ING OXFORDS | es ol Nelson street, { Miss Myrtle Leishman, vice-presid- | CARD OF THANKS N 2 dozen for 70c. 38 cents a dozen. ent, presided at the meeting. | Thomas Moore wishes to thank i om | friends and acquaintances for their Ladies' Gun Metal Calf--Military Heel--Price .. . Lemons--Apples--Pineapples--Grape PG | sympatny over the death of his late N\ i Wanted At Sturgeon Falls. ate, also for the generous floral tri- 4 aH Black Kid Oxford--low heel, plain toe ....... arenas - . . } At th ; i 1+ Fruit. { © request of the police at |e NAN Black Kid Oxtord--military heel, med. toe .... ; { Sturgeon Falls, the 1 AMES REID - | 8, the local police on IN 2 ; 8 | Wednesday morning, took into or) J | ; eid Tis ary Hoek ©... Head Lettuce--Celery--Cucumbers--Rad- |tody Norman Hughes, wanted at | aot Did Firm of Undertaker : : Biack and Brown One-Tis Military Heel r, A { alls, to ans t . 1 ' ishes--Rhubarb--Leaf Lettuce--Green | charge of thett of $250. He is be | o~ Phcte 347 for Ambul:uce. ] Brown Calf Oxtord--new shade of Tony Red | ing held at th li : a , . Onions--Tomatoes. | ing the arrival of an oficor from that | ROBERT S-REID | | place. Constables Vernon Campbeil | Phone 377. Ln t8L hots. . THESE ARE EXCEPTIONALLY DRY VEGETABLES--Carrots, Spanish and Frederick Clark made the arrest. | M. P. KEYES LOW PRICED AS WE WERE Onions, Local Onions, Parsnips, Tur- Pussyfoot Johuston Coming. Underta_.er and Embalmer. . LUCKY IN BUYING--S0 WILL . i Pussyfoot Johnston lost an eye in | Undertaking Pariors, 228 Princess St. . YOU BE, nips, Cab c. ! England, but he won the hearts of | ' Ambulance Phone 1839. bag . {the English people by his manliness. | The leading London dailies spoke of ~ JOHN CORNELIUS him as being a splendid sport. He Undertaker and Embaimer jwill speak in the Opers House on | « Parlors: 274 Princess Street Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. fF evening. | . A branch o fthe Catholic Women's A. D. HOLTON League is being organized in Kiggs- |280 Princess Street. Phone G61. | ton. : Wedding and Funeral Flowers. °