WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1021. Best's SPRING NEEDS Moth Tar Bags. ~Camphor, Flakes ZC aRipilor Balls, --Disinfectants. SEEDS-- Rennie's. Simmers. Steele Briggs Ferries All fresh 1921 stock Phone your wants to 59. L. T. Best, Druggis; THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987, Wanting anything done in the carpen- tery Hine. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and pew work also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop ZN Queen Street, INSURANCE AT COST When you take out a Mutual Life Participating Policy you buy Life Insurance at cost. Everything earned above the expenses of carrying on the business of the Mutual Life is ' the exclusive property of the policy holders. There are no stockholders in the Mutual--the policyholders are the company. Therefore, ALL of the profits --not 90% or 95% of them-- belong to the policyholders. This means Life Insurance at Cost. The 'utual gives you the greatest amount of sound life insurance for the least money, S. Roughton AGENT, 60 Brock Street Phone 610. eee ete It is regretted that most of us fail to remember how little it takes to cheer up and make some one happy. - Expert Watch Repairs HAVING BEEN ABLE TO PROCURE MORE SKILLED HELP {entertained at bridge | ternoon, play, and the souvenirs of the games | i went to Miss Lucy Waddell, Mrs. W. --We are again in a position to give quicker returns 'on watch repairing. --A watch left with us for over- hauling can be returned to the owner in good condition in Two Weeks. --No matter how intricate or delicately made your watch may be, we will turn you out a first class piece of work. telephone No. 8§57w | tion, was one of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ied | Told In i | Tuginy Se BE in s 'all over f $1 nar- riage or reception announcement.) To get the Whig's society writer, , 189 Earl street. . . » Mrs W H. P on Tuesday af- when = six tables were in | . Everett Birdsall and | An glin. Pink roses were G. Beeman, Mr Mrs. Douglas {in the drawing room and op the tea table in the dining room, where Mrs. Elkins and Mrs. P. G, C_ Campbell made the tea, antl Miss Cecily Ruth- erford cut the ices, . * Mrs. H W. L 1st vice-presider branch of Quee 2 guests at a din: ner given on Friday by the Toronto br i Alumnae. Mrs. Day was als the guests at a tea given by the Uni- ich of Queen's { versity Women's Club, Toronto SMITH BROS. | Jewelers - | { Island, the {on Monday, Watchmakers--Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses 8506 Kirg Street Established 1840. -l | eae - Furniture--Freight--DBaggage TRANSFER Phone 1425W S. WHITEMAN 360 Bagot Street. | real, | teen covers The Greeks are evacuating Afiun- | Karahissar, an important junction on | the Bagdad railway, and retiring to| their old positions. | Sans | -- Tr -- a ------ ft, ie al Se See = Se a -- S-- me ---- Se very closely. SO on prices. once. our good reputation. I 9 modernly equipped. Our prices are right. T.F. Harrison Co. Limited Phose 90 WATCHOUR PRICES The situation to-day is such in the hard- ware trade that we must watch the market Our reputation is not based alone on stock selling and deliveries, but al- As soon as there is a decline in any commodity we reduce our price at This is very important as it is our determined wish to retain the confidence of the public. We would rather lose a little on the sale of a few goods~that lose the confi- dence of our customers. Consequently, you will always get the very best price available in the trade, and you can always depend on the quality of our goods. house in the trade and we always maintain "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kirgoon Phone 237 - . . SEO 55 Save your steps by purchasing one of our Labor-Saving Kitchen Cabinets -- all Your choice of White Enamel, Oak or Maple--any one of these real value. ---- = --_-- = -- = We are the oldest IH A Kingston ll i \ - | Monday street, | | the reunion and dinner of the "Old r » . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe Island, ment of their eldest daughter, line Mart cet, son of William*Fawcett, marriage to take April 11th. . * . Halliday, The glorious. spring the Country Club. { Joying the | spring. - - - Miss Francesca Foulkes, wood," gave | Saturday evening for Miss Shirley | White, London, Ont., who has been Visiting Miss ~ Katie "Otterburn." . - * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joseph, night, in Arthur on Saturday honor of the Right Hon. | Meighen and Mrs. Meis hen, . Several teas ue parties have been | given for Miss Marjorie Devlin, whose marriage to Mr. Urqupart, Ot- | | tawa, takes place tomorrow in St. { Mary's Cathedral. * * . The Bridge Club met at Mrs. F. B. Phillips' home on Johnson street, on Monday. - . *. Mrs. G. R. Canning Stephens, Wellington street, has returmed from Nassau, Bahama Islands, where she spent the last few months, Miss Mary Ogilvie and Miss Mar- guerite McLimout, who have been with Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, Earl street, for the holidays, went back to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. James Hayden, Johnson who went up to Toronto for { Girls" of Bishop Strachan's School, | returned té town today. Miss Thelma Bogart, who has been "Canada's Most Famous Dessert" «ps Bric ar W bu. 7%,Onturiy NLT CCT: WHITENS CLEANSES PRESERVES VES PYORRHEA Js) 7 TP [22 Elkins, Gore street, | "| has beem in Buialo wits Mrs. de Sil-| at Hart House, © >) one of | aVe annouvhce the engage- Made- ha, to Francis Edward Faw= Wolfe place | short time with her sunshine of] lured several parties over to | Mrs. G. Y. An informal lun- | cheon was arranged for Mrs. Russell | the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas { Brown and Miss Brown, who are en- | beauties of a Canadian ed to Toronto on Monday. "Calder- | a merry little dance on | Bermingham, | Mont- | entertained at a dinner of six- | 1. G. Bogart Wel- Havergal with Dr. and Mr Li ngton stréet, went up te | College op Tuesday. , 2: . and Mrs. W. J. Code and dau- er, Ki are in Perth with jr. and N W. Gamble. PROBS: --Thursday, winds; rain before night. a George R Kingston, and Miss | Florence Rc Picton, spent Sun- | day With his brother, O. G. Roblin, {Green Point Miss Lilliap Carter spent the week- end with } rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. | H. Carte I and on her return to Kingston was accompanied by her | sister, Miss Dorothy Carter. Fred. Kelly, Kingston, spent the | week-end at. the parsonage, Frank-| ville : . * - { Graham Richards, of Kingston, | spent the week-end at the home of A. Henderson, Athens. i Miss Edith Walker, of de nurs- | |ing staff of the Kingston .General | Hospital, is SpE nding a week's vaca- ! j tion at her home in Perth. 1" Capt. Tamers, who will come up! | with the Ottawa Badmintof Clud, | { will be with Col. and Mrs. W. P| | Wilgar, Mack street, { Miss Beth Small, Montreal, who in town for a few weeks. | y White, for whom sev- | parties were given during | "Otterburn," has retura- | n, Ont. i s Richardson, University up to Toronto this) We { Fo) a Robert Urquhart and Mr. anc r {enneth Urquhart, Ot- tawa i e in town for the.l'rqu- art-Devlin ldin | i :1l Brown will go up to! wrsday to spend a mother, Mrs. before returning to Mrs. Russ Toronto on T | Thomas Tanday, | England Miss Edna Chown, Boston, is with | Chown, "Sunnyside." | Stewart, who spent | | Miss Florent |Stewart, Collingwood street, return-! | Miss Margaret Porteous, who spent | | Easter with G. H. Porteous, Ottawa, has returned to Queen's' University. Miss Aileen Folgef, Sydenham | street @will go to Toronto, on Thurs- day to visit Miss Olive Caven. | Mrs. Frank Anglin and Miss Hattie | Chown have returned from a visit to |New York where they were for the Easter holidays | = * -. Mrs, W. A. G. Spriggs, and Joseph, Picton, are | some days in Kingston. Miss Beryl Mowat; B.A, William- | stown, is visiting friends in King- | | ston. Congratulations go to Col. Tasche- | eau, for his promotion as administra | | tor of the Veterinary Services with | headquarters at Ottawa. Col, and | | Madame Taschereau left today for | ithe Capital. Margaret spending | | | | Mrs. Victor Anderson, who wit come down with the Ottawa Badmin- | ton team, will spend the weck-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunning- ham, Earl street. ! J. Loxton Rawbon, Weliington | street, is wisiting in Montreal as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wether: spoon, No. 42 St. Mark street. | . » . | Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Barriefield, | will entertain at bridge on Thursday. i Miss Lesslie Taylor, New York, is | with Principal and Mrs. Bruce Tay- lor, Queen's University, for the week, and will leave on Monday for Cali- | fornia, \ Mrs, McMillan, who will come down 'rom Ottawa with the Badmin- | ton team, will be the guest of Mrs. | Constantine, 'Bolton Rayd." | Mrs. J. G.-Elliott, Barrie street, re- | turned from Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Annella Minnes and Grant | Minnes, who were at "Hilleroft" for | the holidays, have returned to school. ! -. * . Miss Mary Strange, Sydenham | street, has gone up to Bowmanville | to spend a week with Mrs. Southey. | Mrs, Keith Johnston is in Belle- | ville, with her brother-in-law, Dr, | Robertson. | Mr. and Mrs. Collamer Folger have | returned from New York. Miss Marion Gill, Ottawa, who | spent the Easter holidays with Miss | Mary Hickey, College street, left on Monday for Whitby Ladies' College. i Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chown, Uni-| versity avenue, have returned from | a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T, F, Harrl- | son, Toronto. Richard Atkins, who has mal visiting his brother, Alexander At- | kins, at Portsmouth, has returned Yo | his home in British Columbia. { (Continued on Page 8) ee ---------- Free Holiday in Europe. Calgary, Alta., April. 6.--A three months' trip to Europe, substantial pocket-money to carry him over the trip, a handsome travelling bag, wna other gifts will be presented to ex- Postmaster E. G. King, by the South Alberta Pioneer and Old Timers' As- sociation at the+regular luncheon of that association on Wednesday. Mr. King retired March 31st, after being postmaster thirty-six years. | Three Day Specials For Thursday, F; ay and Saturday we of- fer Men's Black and Brown Boots for Spring wearat . . ...... ser ee een $6.00 Also Men's Black and Brown Calf Boots at .. vo Both the made on leather insoles. from $9.00 to $15.00. » JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 10 Brock Street Phone 213]. $8.00 above are re Goodyear Welted and "eee. Regular values Yin "BRIGHTEN THE HOME WEEK" Beginning a Week's Special Selling of House Furnishings Most timely is this special One Week sale of House Furnish- ings at prices much more reasonable than those which we have of- fered for a considerable time. CRETONNES AND CHINTZES In pretty floral patterns and in shadow,and brocade effects, are shown in light, medium, and dark colorings, at prices ranging 49c. to $4.00 a yard. TAPESTRY COVERING-- English Tapestries in rich colorings and effective designs and exceptional values at VELOURS-- $1.75 to $4.50 a yard 50 inch Velours in heavy quality, woven with very close pile; in colors. Rose, Green, Blue Special $3.95 a yard PLAIN and COLORED MADRAS-- "In plain white and such colorings as Rose, Green, Tan, Blue. yy Special 50c. to $3.25 CURTAIN SCRIM and MARQUISETTES Thousands of yards to choose from; in many novelty effects-- White, Cream and Ecru . . ...... Priced 25¢. to $1.35 CURTAIN DAMASK -- In five pretty shad=s--blue, brown, rose, red and green, Iss susan soap #2 8 08 tae tae Special $1.00 a yard Poe Colored Marquisettes-- ; 85c¢. to 95¢. a yard Casement Cloths $1.25to $3.00 Fancy Sateens-- 35c. to 85¢. Bed Specials-- $2.48 to $15.50 Cushions-- 75¢. and 95¢. Art Blinds-- 98c., $1.19 to $2.19 = Curtain Net with Fancy Ed 50c., 75c¢., to $250 Curtain Poles-- 25c¢. to 45¢c. each Cushion Forms-- All shapes and sizes. . 65c. to $1.35 Pillows-- 75¢. to $3.50 each Cushion Cords-- all colors-- 75c¢. each. Curtain Repp-- LACE CURTAINS--...................$1.50t0$9.50 4 pair SCRIM CURTAINS ............... . $2.75, $3.25 up to $16.50 NOVELTY SWISS NET CURTAINS clea... $4.50 to $29.75 I | Steacy' s - Limited ' #1 A Se