Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1921, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921. CRE eb rr er pr EET DIAMOND DYE DY-OLA RIT TINTEX SUNSET and COLORITE HAT COLOR. Teed ds raped 2 ® HELPLESS WH RHEUMATISH Unik He Took "Frolt-a-tres THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity Purchased Farm, Herbert Mck I th con. | ifty acres with Drummond, has from Robe iliness oI one Lorn seventy-i ) e died and had re- » farm on sided the The deceased was | years ago on the |'B yetween Kingston and Seeley's formed the Wh , on Tuesday that the road was in dread- | tion The road is in such bad We have about 100 tons of Run of Mine Hard Coal, on which we are making a spe- cial price of $10.00 a ton, screened. This Coal gives good results in a fur- nace or a heater, if mixed with the & togular --Chestnut,-Stove-or-Egg-Coal.- a -- t » was held up for one 'War Memorial, 11 I P day. The road has been Drake 3 ned over to the Ontario hway COMINISSION, s0 It 1S up to JI We have all shades. | his own fa ily one lot The Fruit Medics ~~ 5. BeBe Nord hom rr 20 WD TAVIS i Proceeds For "For over three years, I was a . owners and travaganz: | { OUR NEW STOCK OF GAR- DEN SEEDS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Try Rennie's Seeds--they always grow, Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiag and Market Square Kingston - Phone 230 * PEEP EF EF EE PETER EES PTEPPPTTOTPPVTTIYTYY il deed ddr deo dodedodedede Adeeb bb dd Feeder ledte de esonfioed 0 bed with Rdewmatiom. I treated with doctors, and tried mestly everything without benefit. Fladlly, I tried "Fruide-tives", { Aad -wsed Aalf a box I saw > the pain was easler swelling started to go down | I continued taking this fruit me~ disine, Improving all the time, and' pow I ean walk about two miles and | do light chores about the place", ALEXANDER MUNRO. B00. abox, 6 for $2.00, trial size 280. R. H. JONES Auto Tops repaired, recover ed; slip covers; all kinds of cushiony repaired. BOAT CUSAIIONS made all Sizes with KAPOK filling. 390 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. [" Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore der wii be promptly attended 267 Princess St. aet------ mt nn to. 'Phone 1866. | At oll dealars or ssnt postpaid by _Frlbetives Limited. Ottawa. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTORATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street. Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington St. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOFR and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate 381 KING STREET EAST Phone 256. - DAVID SCOTT Plumber Fiumbing and Gas Work a special. ty. All work guaranteed. Addregy 145 Fromteume Street. Phone 1277, | FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Qur Plumbing and Tinsmithing fs being built up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tinsmiths 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688, W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. CRE, - ------ Angrove's Repairs - | Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, aby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, etc. We | do repair work right and guarantee satinfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET Automobile Repairs FORD CARS A SPECIALTY ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1038. RA 15373. 278 BROCK STRE The longer you use it, ! the better you like it RHEUMATIC PAIN | | Rub Away The Soreness With | "ABSORBINE JR." '""ABSORBINE JR.' penetrates | deeply into the affected parts--sets up free circulation--relieves the pressure on the nerves--and gives wonderful Phone 1670. | Getang Licenses, i t of he police station co H 2g from the carters. On ay big batch of licenses were issued for carters and their drivers ---- | Mothers Read This. Spring is here and now is the time to clothe your boys with a new suit range at $8.50, $10 and all new goods and latest Prevost Clothing House, street. | See our 1812.50, | styles. | Brock s | Hotel Changes Hands. Anthony Quinn has leased the Clyde Hotel, Lanark, from James N. Dobbie and takes possession at once. Mr and Mrs. Dobbie will take up idence in the villag: for the present. Change of Management. Messrs. Sylvester and Joseph O'- | Donnell, Lanark, have purchased the stock and interest of the Titanic billiard parlor of Perth {rom Peter | Kanelakos. This place will hereafter | be known as O'Donnell's Billiard Par- ilor., | Stealing The Earth. Some people are helping themsel: ves to earth from a lot on Livingston iavenue, which does not belong to | them. If this practise is continued, it ls reported there will be something doing for the gullty parties. The gullty partie: | Horses Had Bad Fall. While responding to a fire call on | Stuart street, on+Monday night, the {team of horses on the hook and lad- der truck suffered a bad fall as they | were passing the General "fospital. | Luckily the horses were not injured, {but the mishap delayed the truck. P. R. Promotions, . Lackey, formerly roadmaster of he Kingston Division of the C.P.R., | nas been transferred to London to | take charge of the London to Wind- | sor sub-division. F. W. Nicholls, Lon- don, takes the Kingston position va- |cated by Mr. Lackey. ---------------------------------------------- ' On One Farm All His Life. One .of Fitzroy"s oldest and most respected citizens, Dennis Doolan, {passed away on March 21st, at his home on the 5th line, after a short | Sr A i i A ag a | | AT PERTH ROAD. | Mumps Are Prevalent--An Address By a Missionary. Perth Road, March 28.--Maple sugar season is nearly over. The run | has been good. A very interesting | lecture was given on Wednesday { evening in the Free Methodist church { by Miss Coward, missionary from | India, 'A liberal collection was given to further the cause in that land. On | the evening of March 16th, Miss { TEelma Eanis held a birthday party. [A farewell party was given Miss Grace Darling, who is leaving soon for Kingston to train as nurse. The cheese meeting was held at the vil- lage last night, and everything was favorably settled, The factory will open on April 156th, Mr. and Mrs. J. Middleton have returned from Lynd- hurst, B. Simkins has had the tele- Queen Ze; war, Mr ! } OVE Ont 2 att tion is being played es of the Annandale and the proceeds ted to the war memor- under the Chapter, 1.0 are to be devi ial. Be Kind To Animals. It has been announced that from April 11th to 16th will be observed as "Be Kind to Animals" week. The humane societies all over Canada are taking in an endea- vor to have it brought befcré the people very strongly during this time. The local association has taken up the matter and is anxious to have the Kingston boys and girls remind- ed of the care and consideration they shoul give to dumb animals. up the matter, Are Yiaying "Baseball. The good old game of baseball is coming into its own. On Monday and Tuesday a number of boys were out at the cricket field throwing the pill and using the bat. It will not be long row before everything will be in full swing. The fans are anxiously await- ing the time when the umpire will call "play ball A Dangerous Practice. The attention ' of the Whig has been drawn to the practice of a num- ber of boys playing on top of the pon- toons near the La Salle causeway. On Sunday last a number of youngsters were playing on the pontoons and people passing over the bridge were afraid 'that they would fall into the water. It is a very dangerous practice and steps should be taken to have. it stopped. P. E. County Returned Soldiers' Club A new club has been organized in Picton under the above name. The of- ficers for. this» year are: President, W. Sheridan; vice-president, T. Bea- sley; secretary-treasurer, J. Guest, The club rooms are in Picton arm- ouries and are open every night ex- cept Sunday. Any returned soldier or member of "C' Company, Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, is eli- gible for membership. Road In Bad Shape. The driver of the stage which »rved during the | the rseas and his wife'| pas juarters at London, | partmyg to make the road Duri the summer months | intent tion of ithe Highway jon to commence the work on the new highway along this road. Was Jailer at"One Time. William E. Patterson died at the! Y home of. his son, Frank Patterson, Picton, on Sunday. Mr, Patterson was | only confined to the louse for a few days, but had been failing in health | secently. He was in his seventy-ninth year and was born in Picton. He learned the printing trade in the of- fice of the Picton Times in the fif-| ties and afterwards worked for a time | at his trade in Albany. Returning to | Picton, he went into the baking busi- ness which he followed until he was appointed jailer. for Prince Edward county. This position he held for | thirty-five years, resigning shortly after the Whitney government came | into power. Leaving this public posi- tion with a record for efficiency, he embarked in the grocery business in | which he continued until last fall] when he sold his business and retir- ed. His wife, Katharine Harris, died about twelve years ago. The surviv- ing members of his family are Mrs. P. S. McLean, W. E, Patterson, Jr., and Frank Patterson, ali of Picton. 5,000 Facts About Canada. The annual publication, "5000 Facts about Canada" is a gold mine of information about the Dominion | that no Canadian can afford to be| without, and its popularity is stead- out and may be had from leading | newsdealers or from Facts Publishing Co., street, Toronto, for 30c. per copy. Its | compilér, Frank Yeigh, is rendering | a public'service in thus making avail- | able, in accessible and condensed form, under fifty chapter headings, | ranging from Agriculture to the Yu- | kon, the story ef Canada in a nut- shell. It is a revelation of the won- derful wealth and growth of the! country, and is, as well, a fine adver- tisement of the Dominion. Govern-| ments, Banks, Boards of Trade and | big financial and industrial concerns use hundreds of copies. It is more- over an excellent booklet to send to friends abroad, as a unique cyclope- dia of Canada. AA A A A 588 Huron! { various creeks.. J. Guthrie, who was ill, is convalescent. Mrs, J. Raymond is visiting Mrs. Everest Johnston, Mumps are prevalent. Mr _ and Mrs. Mark Caldwell and Miss Clara Roberts spent Easter Sunday at home. 8. Boyer, Bracebridge, who has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Duffield, has returned home. William Ennis and William Ennis, who at< tended the educational meeting at Toronto, as delegates, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Harris, Tichborne, returning from their honeynioon, are the guests of R. Har- ris, G. McFadden was the recent guest of H. E. Stokes. Little Hubert Simkins received a severe kick on the forehead from a horse on Friday. Medical aid was soon obtained and he is doing nicely. Meetings At Elginburg. Elginburg, April 5.--On Wednes- day evening a congregational meet- ing is to be held in the Methodist church to conclude the financial bu- siness for the year. A referendum meeting will also be held the same evening. Charles Erving has been ap- pointed captain for this district. School re-opened on Monday. All are pleased to have Miss Rosenfield back | again. Bert Tolles has purchased the house and lot in the village owned by the 'Aylesworth Bros. Russell Bear- fance, Kingston, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bear- ance. Mr. and Mrs. B. Patrick and Teddy, Kingston, were recent visitors at J. SHlver's. Mrs, S. Jackson and Miss Magpel Jackson, who have been ill for some time, are improving. C. Cramer has opened his cheese fac- tory for the season. William Duffy and infant son are recovering from '" S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and- Wellington Office Phone 66. Factory Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. . Phone 1415. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, 'phone 811. USE SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR COOKING Wholesome Economic - - ily growing. The 1921 edition is now [Iam the Canadian MC Stock Taking Sale of ELECTRIC IRONS from ..$3.00 up. Call and see them. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. \ _-- J. 0. HUTTON. TO LET SIX ROOM FLAT---very desirable-- ex- cellent locality. (Also some desirable houses for sale. "KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited B. G. ROBERTSON 67 Clarence Street. Phone ' 703 SPRING ( phone installed in his residence. Mrs. George Webb is the guest of her mother, Mrs. H. McCadden, Mrgand Mrs. H. E. Stokes were recent callers at W. Wallace's, C. Sholes, King- ston, spent Easter at Charles Shales', A. J Ennis, Oxford, is visiting re- latives here. Miss N, Woodruff is the guest of Mrs. Robert Ritchie. Mrs. Wm. Ritchie spent a couple of { days with her son, Walter, this week, |} $1.25 a bottle--at most druggists or |The Misses L. and M. Barrett, Syden- sent postpaid by W. F. F. Yous, Inc, |ham, are the guests of Mrs. A. Rut- | Lymaa Building, Montreal. ® |[tan. The M.L.M. Circle meets on NE YY nvewws | Ari] 31D, at Mrs. R, Stonness'. Mrs. return of "the headache. Try L. Brooks, who has been {ll, is better, them.' Inspector Truscott called on the CO Al metas ves re pe vs UN ANARTE Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. NO other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 small pox. Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Keill and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keill, spent Sunday at S. Knight's. C. Simpkins and Mrs. W. McFadden spent Mon- day at Perth Road. L. McFadden is visiting his brother, Walter McFad- den. Mrs. T. Buck and Mrs. J. Cor- dukes were recent visitors at W. E. Cordukes. Ruth Emmons spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Clogg. ---------- The marriage was celebrated on Saturday evening of Eugene Michael Doyle and Miss Helena Stella Tis- dale, both of Belleville. The death occurred in Toronto on Sunday of Mrs. J. A. Zdfelt, a for- mer resident of Belleville, Her mai- den name was Nina Walt. CHAMBERLAINS Don't Just "Smother" The Headache Nearly all headaches have their beginning in the stom- ach, liver or bowels, and the best remedy is Chamberlain's Tablets. They tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. This ren- ders you much less liable to a | relief in a short time. { "ABSORBINE JR." is so highly oY a e | concentrated that just a few drops, | rubbed in thoroughly, does more good | than a pint of the ordinary greasy, ill A new Sharples || smelling washes. If you suffer with Rheumatism, Milking Machine. oF Jou, wily with Riswmctiom, Will sell cheap. || Ja x5 MRR Eom E. Brawley the great family liniment and home SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET; treatment. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 20c. bb. See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at | x -$35.00 -- Pork Chops «3 2 28c and 30c b.. || FEZ a = TWEDDELL S SALE = 2 oe 131 Princess St W. H. GODWIN Princess Meat ER rd (One door below Randolph Hotel) Estate Mar ket An actual photograph taken ii a of ¢ "Maple. Leafs" making up ge leading Over 500 names had been added to| Killer whales have been known te 80 Brock: Street. Phone 424, : the Belleville lists in connection with | swallow small seals and porpoises lady for a performance of YComoullage? behind | the lines, the coming referendum. entire. Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214, 340 Princess St. ---- ---- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagsiaf's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstail'y Pineapple Marmaiade, WwW Bramble Jelly. Choice Pot Roasts 18¢. Ib. Choice Rib Roasts We also have a full line of other Feliable 1 makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streegy License No. 5-37140 Phone 1544. REAL ESTATE FOR

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