THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, APNIL 6 1921. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features -- Mark Well ! Your safeguard is { the name - "SALADA" This is the genuine 'tea of all teas'. If you do not use Salada, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use Black, Qreen or Mixed Tea, Address Salada, Toronto ~~ Ae At ERR A Safe in Your House is a standing invit- ation to burglars. How much better to keep Bonds, Insurance Policies, Jewell lery and other valu- ables in a Safety Deposit Box in this Bank, where they will be' properly protected. The yearly rental is very reasonable. THE MERCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. CANADA Established 864, KINGSTON BRANCH, A. TOFIELD, Manager. PAKHAM, VERONA AND RDEN BRANCHES, LMECLYMONT, Manages ency a. Mountain Grove open Fridays. gi Agency 4 Boxes to rent at Kingston Branch. PR HOUSEHOLD FABRICS When any of the Curtains, Drapes, Chintzes and Carpets in your house look dingy, do not imagine that their usefulness has passed. Send them to Parker's to be cleaned or dyed. You will be amazed and delighted with the result. Whatever the nature of the fabric to be cleaned, we can do it to your satisfaction. Parker s Dye Works Linted Cleaners aDyers 69 PRINCESS STREET : 3 KINGSTON | | AA AA AA ALAA AAA AAA A AAA A A ins | | : EN TT | PLAYERPIANO WEEK [| 2) LL Po 22 9 Y2 Ii Il a Il & 4 HAPPINESS piness makes the "kiddies" romp and play: it lightens work for the| grown folks, it sends a man to busfness with a clear eye and a buoyant step equip ped To succeed. No home can be completely happy without music, and the LINDSAY PLAYER-PIANO will bring music to ANY home. If there is a pianist in the family, it being also a perfect Lindsay Piano, the Lindsay Playerpiano will be his or her delight; in addi- tion-it will procurg for all the others in the family a means of ACTUALLY PLAY ING the plano just as well as the musician. H *biness ma is the most precioussthing in Jife. Hap- If there is a "silent" Plano In your home ex- change it for a Lindsay Playerpiano, Phone us and find out what the piano is worth as a trade-in. Special easy terms are being grant- ed at Lindsay's during National Player-piano Week. Free Demonstrations Every Day. < / TT Tr rer TT oe «WV. LIN DSAY LIMITED 12 I Princess Street, Kingston ment every five years a new blue suit with brass buttons similar to those worn by the Americans in Fremont's Got Clothes for 76 Years. Fig Tree John, an aged Indian hunter, who guided Fremont through been the guest of Dr. ~~ i i {Continued From Page ich interest is beir cen By the rs of the th tournament am local players for the Lest ld. Mrs, W. H, P. Elkins and ler won Keith vson the I doubles Miss Calla the l4dies doublés and P Hi cks and Major Horace L men's doubles The inixe will be played after tt: irnament at the armouries on Saturday. Among those present at the tea on Saturday were: Col. and Mrs. Norman Leslie, Mrs Hunter Ogilvie, Prof. and Mrs. . G. C. Campbell,. Prof. and Mrs. Callandey, Miss Callander, Mr. and Mrs. Bridger, Col. and Mrs. Elk- ins, Mrs. Russell jrown, Miss Brown (Engla and Mrs Greenwood, Col ithedlin, Major and Mrs , Major and Mrs, Horace Doug- lag Young, Mr. ar igh Ryan, Mrs. Douglas and Mm W. K. Macnee, el Gilder- sleeve, Miss Wurtel Aileen Miss Mildred , Miss | Loretta Swift £ + a and Mrs Garnet Greer Rogers, street, a short Miss Jean Young, Union went up to Picton today for visit Master Bert Winnett Trinity College School today, after spending the with Dr. and Mrs. Winnett Miss Bessie Higgerty, Ottav with Mrs Peter Devlin, W street returned to Port Hope, holidays Uni- from Col. and Mrs versjly avenue, Montreal Miss Eleanor Sutherland who pent the holidays wit) Dr. and Mrs WwW. L Alice street, has re- turned to Branksome Hall . v - Eric Phillips, have returned Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs tawa, are Devlin wedding on Rev. J. C. Dixon, Robert Urqu Thursday. Stella, spent sev- eral days in town this week Miss Macauley, King street, went to Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. Hilyard Robertson, who has and Mrs. Win- | JOSSELYN' S WIFE By Kathleen Norris Author of "The Heart of Rach- ael," "Martie, the Unconquered," "The Story of Julia Page," "Mother," ete. '"'And this part, Gibbs, is so | strange! He fired it twice, your | father directing him. He fired first | | at some target over the mantel, and | then somewhere elge-- "Couldn't pull the trigger--!" | Gibbs said breathlessly. "Oh, indeed twice, he did! He fired but you see those chambers were empty. And, 'Gibbs, he says | | that Grandpa said tg him 'Good old Tommy!' You remember how he used | to say that? Then they had some | talk about soldiers, and finally your | father was a Spy--and the amasing | thing is, Gibbs, to hear Tommy teil | it--every few minutes he would put | in something that the testimony had developed, and Lizzie and I would AA AA NTA FREEZONE Bn Corns Lift Off with Fingers Drop a little "Freezone" on an ach- | ing corn, instantly that corn stops | hurting, then shortly you lift it Fights| the cell's door who spoke a moment off with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. Your druggist sells a tiny ho#tle of | "Freezone tor a few cents, sufficient | to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without a particle of pain. WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington street. time. In 1845 he expressed a wish that he be paid for his services in that manner as long as he lived, the west on his expedition to the Pa- | nett, | west on Tuesday Ba n Ciub in| in town for the Urqubhart- | ' | downstairs s her cue. - {that she had heard so sharp and Baght street, returned to the} Miss Ewart, who will come up from Cttawa with the Badminton team, will be the guest of Mrs. R. W Rutherford, Stuart stregt ! Mrs. Garnet Greer, King street, | went to Peterboro today to visit Drfj and Mrs, Greer, i . . -. i Mre, Jack Osler, who has been in town with Mr. and Mrs. W. Harty, | ""Roselawn," returned to Toronto on Tuesday. SW, Hobart, Montreal, Is Etta Henderson, Earl street. | Miss Russell Brown, who has heen with Miss Frances Sullivan, Villa St Clare Apartments, Be today for. Montreal, England from New York, day. = Migs Evelyn Nickle Dranksome Hall, Toronto, . . . Mr. and Mrs, F. L Kingston, who have been MrssR. Moffatt, Brockville, turned home, i Miss Frances Dart, Kingston, is | the guest of Miss Geraldine Grennon, Plecton, Miss anoque, gion W. Valentine, Kingston, guest for a few days of Mr Walter Cdx, Gananoqus« . . . on Satur- | returned to this week. Stephenson, visiting have re- Kathleen Sutherland, Gan- is visiting friends in King- was the and Mrs Tipe" L. Step- Burford Stayner, The Brockville, is visiting Mrs oF. Lenson, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William arty, Jr and Mrs. Eric Phillips were guests | at' the Walbank- Ogilvie wedding on | Saturday last. | Miss Evelyn Bruce, Kingston | guest of her friend, Miss Bessie Roh- | f in, Eulleville, has returned home. { Charles H. North returned to Pic- | ton from a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rowland, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville, of | Kingston, are visiting at the home of | Will Somerville, Leeds. eA 1 look at each other! I couldn't realize it--the importance of it, but I knew | George was on his way, and that he | { would know! Well, and then Tom got | frightened, and he tried to rouse your | | father, and threw the pistol in the | | basket, and ran out and called for | Lizzie, But Lizzie, of course, didn't | | hear. He wasn't sure whether your | | father was fooling or not, but the | noise of the report had frightened | | hinr. He was afraid he'd be scold- | | ed for getting out of bed and going when he found Lizzie | | was nof in the 'room, he got into | bed before she came in, he fell asleep. | { The next day, of course, we carefully | kept any 'of the excitement from | } him--"' "What Lit?" "Well, I don't know, But he tele- { phoned the District Attorney mime diately, and Ryan is here now talk- | ing to George, and to Tommy. Oh, | | Gibbs--Gibbs!" she broke off fever- ishly. "It's made me--I can't tell | you--s0 nervous!--I can't tell you--"" ' : | "I know!" he interrupted nervous- | iy. "We usta't Hox ourselves | | to think about " "Could a chi h Tony' s age testi- | ty, Gibbs?" ' | "I don't know, dear." ,'And--if they believe this, means a new trial?" "It might, I don't know." "We can only wait." Ellen tight- | ened her fingers on his, and they sat | silent, does George think about does it A messenger came to the officer at later to Ellen. Would Mrs. Josselyn | step into the warden's office a minute, to speak to Mr. Lathfop? Ellen, | with one ick flutter of breath, | gmiled a good-bye to Gibbs, and was gone, In the warden's office she found George and the District Attorney. 'Good afternoon, Mrs. Josselyn," Ryan said. Ellen, smiling faintly, [tried to read his rosy, complacent | face, "This is a most extraordinary | turn of events," he sald. "This little fellow had te secret up his sleeve al] the tinre, eh?" 5 Ellen felt almost faint with the revulsion this chafige in his manner gave her. Ryan had .always been sharp, suspiclous, menacing, before. She wanted to ask: "You believe it, then? but quick intuition told her that that must wait. So she asked instead: r "Tommy talked, did he? wered your questions?" "He is an extremely intelligent | child," Ryan remarked. "Gave his testimony like a little man. Nothing that we could'say could shake him." "Not that Mr. Ryan was very hard on him," George smiled. "He cex- tainly has the right manner with a child." Ellen Rpew that George never wasted words. She was quick to take He ans- - "You have children, Mr. Ryan?" "I have thzge--three girls." The District Attorney's voice, the voice barsh, was soft and tender now, ! "This Is a smart little fellow of yours," he continued, "We put him i through a 'thetty sharp half-hour. He stuck to it. I--I won't deny that I think this chyngés the entire agpect ° te js ; Mr. Josselyn." Told mn the Twilight Jus, eubisy, at hier suring, in that ied, that she ting up of cold terial," i thoughtfully. { missed." He | "May we see street, left ed, with the quiet manner of a man | and will sail for | making a request Mrs. Josselyn, I've already ff to delay the--the There frembling. may be a new tria 17" Ellen For answer Dan- and there was: something~so kindly, so reas- red fac, when it smil. ness and hate, in her heart. Hate changed suddenly to love and fear changed to confidence Ellen experienced the most poignauc of all human emotions, "We may hot even have 1t 20 Ww George supplied, *"May not?" she echoed, choking. "No," Ryan confirmed it. "There is no question for a jury. I don't krow of a parallel case." he said "But 'I should sup- | pose that it would only be Decessary | theft put this evidence beforé.the Court, guest of James Henderson and Miss | With suitable testimony to its genu- | to have the whole case dis- turned to the warden. Mr. Josselyn?"" ineness, sure to be granted. "Where 1. Tom?" Ellen asked, | while they waited | "We sent him qome, with Lizzie. | Mr. Ryan asked her not to let him talk about this matter, and you'll seé to that, too, Ellen?" "We might need him again," Ryan i said. (To be Continued.) TODAYS FASHION By Vera Winston. ges sgn Y This Sport Coat of Tangerine Polo Cloth is Trimmed With Wool. The sport coat that is light in weight and gay in color is a highly favored addition to the spring ward- | robe. This origination is made of polo cloth in the new shade of fangerine. Simple in style, it possesses that swagger look which is demanded in the modish coat for outdoor wear, The sleeves, which are set in raglan | manner, are designed with very wide cuffs Roomy pockets are outlinad by bone buttons. The collar, in tuxede mode, is developed from brushed wool in a pale shade of gray. The generoug cuffs -are also mado of brushed wool and the tam ls evolved from the same fabric. felt a melting, a Break-! he ask- | i All the delicious aroma and flavor are retained in air- -tight tins of Rideau Hall. Coffee NOTHING ADDED NOTHING TAKEN AWAY SOLD IN TINS ONLY--BY ALL GOOD a = BF An Important Item Sound digestion is the basis of health + and vigor. Digestiverdisorders should have prompt attention. from sluggish liver, constipation, im- peired appetite, flatulence, dizziness, If you suffer adache, biliousness, or other symptoms of stomach disorder you may expect to obtain relief by hoe BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere in Canada hy | LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD IE | n-- nt nnn, In Infants- Delight Talcum you will find the same TYe- freshing fragrance. Infants-Delight--an altogether delightful Toilet Soap, mild, fragrant, refreshing -- made with the careful attention that has earned con- fidence in the name "Taylor's" through the past fifty years. JOHN TAYLOR & CO, LTD. NFANTS DELIGHT IT'S WHITE [OILETSOAP For cleaning S-- WER for sinks and drains ' * MFoRT soAP G a i.e