Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1921, p. 9

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THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1021, - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features MR ro Rp SS ' %) Ala 'PANELS ARE IN ST. CHARLES GREAT VARIETY ----NQALNIER a | Decoration for Gowns May Be ! 2s ong or Short, Wide or Nar- row, Plaited or Plain, in Manner to Enhance the Beauty of New Garments--High Collar Making Headway. cream left in. in IE THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done the Serpen. oF repairs 'and mew Tork: aise haves Are plain. They may hang perfectly Woed floors of all kinds.' All orders | loese and straight, or be in a series of will receive prompt attention. Shop 28 Queen Street. An infinite variety of changes Is rung on the panel. panels hanging belsw the bottom of the skirt and these that are short. There are wide ones and others that are nothing more than narrpw. strips of ribbon. Some are plaited, others Just Apply This Paste and the Hairs Will Vanish (Boudoir Secrets) The judicious use of a delatone paste insures any woman a clear, There are long | ! | by means of plaited side panels. | twin sisters of the panel. | panel for that matter, of the same | | material as the dress. In fact, it Is much smarter to have them of a con- trasting color and fabric. They may be of embroidered net or lace, or even enfbroidered cloth of gold on the more _ elaborate frocks. ..On_ cloth. dresses the panels may be ornamented with an -applique embroidery of the material, The searf movement on evening | Bs and afternoon drésses is closely akin to the panel, the scarfs falilng from the belt of the dress to the bottom of the skirt, where they are caught bhe- | neath the hem. They de all sérts of | other interesting things as well, such | as forming bodices and swathing the Effective | shoulders In various ways, but in the skirt treatment only lies their re semblance to the panel. : All of the trailing sash ends and trains so popular at the moment are The apran tunic, too, is a very near relative. Many interesting things are now te- ing done with this form of panel. A remarkable model of brown satin shows the apron tunic and front of the blouse cut In one, the plaited sides falling from a deep shoulder yoke. Fullness is inserted in the skirt The | edge of the skirt and the sides of the | apron tunic are finished with a bead | embroidery. | ) | | uf deep red and beige. | 'f the bodice Is embrotdered in red. One model of beige serge has a front panel of plaid cloth in a combination The lower half carrying out the pattern of the plaid SIXTEEN SHEEP KILLED. + By Dogs, At Keelerville, During the | Past Week. Keelerville, | re-opened {spector Truscott visited the school ' i ! April 5.--S8chool has fter Easter holidays, In- } TtoSday A Hitie girl has come to ven | 7 1 [the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tsaac Mc | | Lroy. {| James McLroy had sixteen sheep {killed by dogs last week. The Tcads {are drying up nicely this fine weath- | fer. A number of the farmers turned | jout last week and did considerable | | road fixing in bad spots, Miss Mildred {Anglin has returned to her school | near Napanee after spending Easter { holidays at home. Miss | Sleeth, Collegiate Institute , | ston, after spending | has returned to take up her studies. [Mr and Mrs. Thomas Clark and fam- | ily, Miss Ethel Clark and Mrs. Har- | | old Sleeth, Jack and Robert were at {Charles Clark's recently. Mrs. Amy {Clark and daughter, Muriel, burn, are spending a week at James | Boal's, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sleeth and Miss Mary Jane spent Sunday at | Battersea. | | Raymond Fretts, Napanee, was at J. | | William Suthefland's, |B. Anglin's, Sunday, Miss | White, Jones Falls, was Andrews. meeting was held Letitia The annual cheese factory last Wednesday Bertha | King- | aster at home, | Mil- | at Edward | --- Rug 40 } In2.,5-and 10:16. tins "The Great Sweetener" T IS the children who tax the Crown Brand factory to its capacity. There is some vital need of children that it satisfies better than anything else. That is why it does them so much good ~-- whether used as a spread, as a table syrup, in baking, cooking or candy- making. f "THE CANADA STARCH CO.; LIMITED MONTREAL Send for copy of Cook Book, FREE. night and was a very satisfactory | meeting The factory will open in a few days. The rural mai] carrier is delivering the mail in the evening | now instead of morning. Mr. Black- lock shipped a number of veal calves Mr. and Mrs. John Robb and Mr. The man who acts faithfully to his Crown Brand Syru p A man may be all right in his land Mrs. William Dixon motored to | employer acts still more faithfully way, but he should not block the way the city to-day. The temperance |to himself. ~ of others. | material. The buttons and little nar- | pw belt are also of red. The high { collar is cut in one with the bodice. Dressmakers deserve considerable | .. ns hairless skin. To prepare the paste, mix a Mélle® of the powdered dela- tone with some water, then apply to { the objectionable hairs for two or | three minutes. When the paste is { ! removed, and the skin washed, every / : | credit for their temacity of purpose | trace of hair will have vanished. No | ln holding to the idea of launching | | pain attends the use of the delatone i the high collar. Everybody despaired | and it will not mar the most sensitive of their ever bringing thls about. | ! skin, but to insure results, see that | This season sees the high collar go- | you get real delatone. | Ing over the top, or over the ears and | : | ¢hin, at any rate. f Like many a more serious thing in | life, the very boldness with which it was presented probably has been 'argely Instrumental in securing its acceptance. Now it is exaggerated to the verge of eccentricity on some models, so that in contrast the colla: | of ordinary height seems simple, in- | deed, and something to be readily ac- | cepted. | The bizarre exaggeration of the collar is a species of advertising for high collars in general and ' should be looked upon as such. Nobody is expected to take very seriously these great puffed affairs that the wearer can barely see over. : Last year designers appearad to un. | dertake the exploiting of this fash- ion In fear and trembling. They just naturally believed that because wom- en had wern the open-necked frock for so long they weuld not accept the high cellar, Consequently, they showed it on only a few models and every woman took it at the dress maker's own valuation. Custom Appreves Odd Fashions. A claim for the low ¢ollar has been that it was mere becoming to most women than the high one. We have only to leok back a little way into the past te realize that this statement is not true. A few years ago, after the flattering high collar and jabet, the open-necked dress with collar and revérs appeared quite unbecoming. It is, after all, largely a matter of what We become accustomed to seeing wom- en wear. There are chin muffling collars on day dresses and suits, and even on a few dinner dresses. Of course, on tne A bore is a man who has nothing to say and insists upon saying it. A good dog, as well as a. good {from here to-day. Trapping season people are organizing for the com- | | chit, is made so by gobdd training. {Is nearly over, with a small catch. |ing referendum vote, EN SNS 2 J <\ INE = £5 ATS WY ng cL roi © 3*] 0.0 [ND ih 4 - teers Messe eee etme eee e-- Will you spend % a» da ICH dollar tc buy gew or 3 su cent to mend your old kitchen utensils of Graniteware, Aluminum, Enamelled- ware, Tin, Copper, Brass. Irom, etc. with VOL-PEEK At pour dealers for 25¢. a packagé. Vel-P. y A Can, Black Cloth Dress With Pointed Pan- ols and Bodine Embroidered in Steel Beads. . A ------------ a ---- --p.. " Be Slen r | loops lying flat against the foundation 1 dress. These, writes a fashion cer- respondent, are only a few of the sim- pleat thing one may do with panels, A fresh surprise in the way of ap- plying them to dresses is sprung al- most every day. When designers set their minds on one particular phase of dress, and it becomes a favorite with them, there is apparently no lim- it to which Imagination may run, One firm has made a favorite of {he panel skirt, although it does not held entirely te this type, but, lke other makers, is extremely versatile. It shows a number of draped skirts, in beth day and evening dresses, but the panel is paramount. It is introduced even into draped medels. For in- stance, if the drapery is scress the front, the back is in the form of a Straight hangifig panel. Or the treatment may be reversed and the drapery placed at the back and the frent formed by twe straight panels, Skirts of Floating Panels. A panel may be a highly orna- mental 'affair, supporting costly furs or embroideries, which are increas- ingly beautiful. This firm makes i i [ i j 1 br : i f & | XE 9 A I2fF 2 il jaf t : ANNOUNCING "A New Invention that makes possible an Amazing New Saving, and a wonderful New Smartness in Home-Created Clothes 'lhe DELTOR WITH The Deltor, the wonderful new patented "Picture Guide," .any woman can now produce a frock or gown that has a Parisian finish and charm never attained in home sewing before, with full certainty of a per- fect result, and at a saving of as much as $10 on materials alone, These are the three marvelous new achievements of The Deltor--accomplished by et his rusts means of amazingly simple pictures and explanations that every woman popular way of evolving models from understands at once: the sefter materials, such as chiffens J . and laces. 1 50c to $10 Saved in Materials IT does not matter how much or how little Bolt after bolt of ribbon has been called upon t , i 0 i oh B weve as J. 3 THE Deltor "trick-lay" solves every problem experience in sewing you have, The Deltor crepe de chine, with an elaborate trim. of placing the pattern--of folding, piecingandmek- can save you money and secure such re- ming en the skirt, consisting of little ing sure that every piece is cut the right way of sults as you never hoped to attain in frocks fan-shaped pieces of plaited crepe at the goods. It is worked out so economically for a n every size and every Suitable width of material YOu made before. The Delfor now ac- that, by following the Delfor guide, you use from companies all new Butterick patterns -- and Butterick patterns' alone! Make use even intervals acress the front and of | blue ribbon peljels. These ribben pan- 4 to 1} yards less. 2 A New Certainty in Assembling of its invaluable guidance els are spaced so as te fall between the rows of plaited triangles, except: EACH step in putting together that an expert would také-- pictured so simply, explained so clearly i h uf g : I | ts M i i Je I bh # ksi A i ips {i i : $ i | PIAERN ) 7 CN Reo aA 2 2 ~ win a a] I Peevisu : ESTLES CHILDREN i ( Ne 2 TI 18 CURE RELIABLE MEDICINE Pet Ce [s DE = or # A oe NS -- --- NET AY, cAsk for The DELTOR at Your Favorite Store id \Y (ES 3 the A store. right to ---- Pt = J Ing over each hip, where the ribben % Wo Matter If You Have Been & der yoke are cut in one with the Sufl There's Ber, bedice. The shert sleeves are set in that all you have to do is to follow with your needle, a Suppositories the byttens and a band of ribbon, which outlines the collar. hE oe Pais 3 Paris' Own Touch in Finishing | In black satin. The skirt is made en- opera~ | tirely of narrow pamels, placed diag- Parisian modiste imparted to you by instructions | The high collar and leng sleeves are tin the " i 3 [featured in this model. Four motify : nd embroidered through the center with a running stiteh of black. Don't Su 's looped In sash effect. | At a very low shoulder line. A touch and you almost magically attain the perfect fit, set and ne aor Toes on A new and remarkable use of panels EVERY single detail, every tiny touch that onally se that they give the appear- down the front of the bodice are of ' From Piles Sum" The high cellar and the deep shoul: j of blue is given to the blouse through "drape" that say, without words, "Fifth Avenue" Te- | appears in a model which is developed gives a garment individuality in the clever hands of the ance of being cut in pointed outline. red velvet, outlined with red beads Style Leaders of the World : co wadta PUC & woddu § Gad Oa tae silver dollar, and now women are trying to get théir hands on it. of fan-shape. It is met a

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