A cl gL DR. NASH DENTIST 10 SE ET ---------- BALL! The noise on the diamonds say it's baseball tim¢ kinds of supplies In this line at our store BASEBALLS, MITTS, GLOVES, BATS, PADS, MASKS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | In the World of Sport | cil Come On Boys! Let's Play Ball! MASSEY Your next Bicycle should be a- The very best of Bicycles costing a great deal more, are the Massey. The MASSEY is the Bicycle you satisfaction. no need if you have LOOK FOR THE SILVER RIBBON We take your old Bicycle in part payment. Easy terms: ride. Enjoy one with your family. Store open Saturday evenings till 10.30 p.m. , GOODS CO. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" 88 PRINCESS STREET better than Pay as you TREADGOLD SPORTING Telephone 529, IT MAY BE ONLY A LITTLE THING that alls your engine, stops it from workl and spoils your plea car here, We can make It right No matter wha Ss wrong by repairing or replacing the injured part. McLaughlin "oadster for sale. White Rose Gasoline. Scott's Garage 298 Bagot Street. Phone 1594w, ---- VICTORY BONDS DUE 1922 and 1923 Holders of these bonds could sell to- day at about 98} and re-invest in 1924 at 964 or 1934 at $6,000 or less, 951, and if your income is it would pay you to do it. You would make $15 per thousand and ex. tend your investment for a longer period. Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. 83 Bay Street, Toronto. - KinosTon, or that pleasure of drivin try our Auto Laundry. We repair all makes of Cars. Several Used Cars for sale. Cor. King and Princess Street, 'Phone 733 IE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES blesome teeth And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work.. : cor. of Charles and rick +: H. F. NORMAN ge Phone 730w. Queen Streets - g a nice, clean car, Phone 634. | | | ever wanted bicycle | THREE PITCHERS 0 N WHOM TORONTO BALL TEAM WILL REL Left to right: Eddie Reis, Gary Fortune, and Bill Snyder. | | ! DECLARES HE 1S" THROUGH | Stanley Trotter Retires From Active Part in Local | Baseball. After years of work and service {in baseball circles in Kingston, | "Stan." Trotter has announced that | he is going to take a rest and that he is through with baseball in any official capacity. For a long time | Mr. Trotter has devoted the best part of his summers to organizing clubs, arranging for games, looking after the finances, and generally boosting baseball in Kingston. Now he thinks he would like to take a little rest and see some baseball as a fan who undemstands the game, rather than as a hurrying, worried-to-death man- ager or secretary, who has no time to watch what is taking place on the field. "Stan" Trotter's retirement from local baseball circles will mean a big loss to that sport in Kingston. It was through his efforts that the class of baseball shown here was greatly improved, and it was also largely due to him that Kingston fans had two and sometimes three good senior games each week last year. His re- tirement will be heard with re- gret. If there is to be any senior base- ball in the city this summer, it is high time that some officials were elected and clubs organized. Al- ready Mr. Trotter has received sev- eral communications from teams de- siring games here, ameng them bhe- ing the Ottawa Senators, who were popular here last year. The Ponies met last night, but so far they are the only ones who have made a move. EN rire etme mane A For Stiff Neck Immediate relief comes from rub- bing Nerviline over the chest and lower part of the neck. Rub in deeply--1lots of rubbing helps. Nervi- line reaches the congested parts at once, relieves tightness, takes out the soreness. A bottle of Nerviline in the home relieves a hundred ills, internal and external Used for nearly half a century, asa general household remedy. Large bottles 35¢., at all dealers. T&B For enjoyment, fill your pipe with T & B And Sore Throat | CHARGE WOMEN FULL PRICE FOR RACES. Women have always enjoyed one advantage ovem men at the New York race-tracks. They have been able to buy admission badges for , one-half the price paid by the stern- er sex. This advantage will be enjoyed no | longer. Further, than that, the cost | of thoroughbred racing is going up. Badges of admission will be $3.50 Plus the war tax of 35 cents, and wo- men must pay 'the full price. In the old days the admission at [the tracks was $2 for men and $1 | for women_In recent years, however, { the prices have been $3 for men and [$1.59 for women, plus, of course, the | war tax. The advance for men is {now only 50 cents, but for women | it will be $2, quite a jump, to say the | least, | Halt price for women at tracks in that state have come to be a tra- dition. It was instituted long ago in an effort, no doubt, to popularizé the sport, but just why it has been maintained has long been a mystery. i | HORSES AS HOBBY INSTEAD OF AUTOS Strenuous opposition met the pro- | posal to incorporate the Winnipeg Driving Club and permit betting at races conducted under the auspices of the association when the Manitoba legislature private bills committee considered the measure, Representa- tives of organizations opposing, de- clared betting was degrading and had evil tendencies, The proposal was for betting along the lines of t he parimutuel system, 7 per cent to go to the club for purses. Alexander Stewart of the driving club said the reason for ap- plying for a charter was not to make money. - The provincial minister of agri- culture, Hon. H. H. Malcolm, said the bill would encourage the young men to take up horse breeding in- stead of automobiles. The hearing Was not concluded ------------ GREATLY IMPRESSED BY SEVEN-MAN STYLE "We are greatly impressed with the seven-man hockey as played on the coast," declared the secretary of the Ottawa Hockey Clyb, in an inter- view. "It is a much superior game than we had thought in our six man ope- rations," he said. "The playing of rover back on the defence, leaving three men on the attack, undoubtedly speeds up the game. In the east there Is too much of this two man attack that we started, and which has now been adopted by most of the other clubs. . "Of course, we still think our game has many features that are su- perior to those of the seven-man style, but your game is in many res- pects just as good as ours, and in Some ways offers greater opportuni- ties for making closer contests with- out handicapping the forward divi- sion," i ¢ -- tr sa IR Y. Frontenac Regiment Team | Defeats Machine Brigade The Frontenac Regiment defeated the 4th Machine Brigade in' a fast! game of indoor baseball at the Arm-| ouries Tuesday evening by a score of 20 to 14. There was a large number of supporters of the two teams and, the enthusiasm reached a high pitch when the Frontenacs gained the lead, | especially as they were previously de- feated by the machine gunners. The line-up of the Frontenacs was R. Cornelius ¢, A. Clarke p, G. Cornel- ius 1b, P. Cornelius 8s, L. Doye 2b, J: Tanner 3b, G. Merritt 1.f.. T. Gar- rity cf, H. McQueen rf. Umpire Ni- cholson. -------- WON'T INDICT DUNN FOR SUNDAY BALL The grand jury has refused to in- dict Jack Dunn, manager of the Bal- timore Internationals, on charges of working on Sunday, in a basebal} game at Oriole Park on April 3rd. Efforts are being made by various Sunday observance organizations to: suppress ball playing here on that day, but thus far without success. Deeptex. A New Starched THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1021, | EE ---------- HL A PRICE REDUCTION As evidence of our readiness to do our part in bringing down prices of building mater- ial, we have decided to forget cost and an- nounce further reductions in the price of lumber. We are now quoting Hemlock Di- mension Stocks at $55.00 per M. Allan Lumber Co. Phonel042. : 3 ; 3 Victoria Street i ANS Special Prices On EXTENSION COUCHES AND DAVENPORTS ACCOR OOOO ad Double or Single sizes--complete with Mattresses, Davenports and Chester field Beds. Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. Also new tires and tubes and all kinds of Vulcanizing done. EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 384 Ontario Street. Ph 20350. WA te AAP, ci SEEDS Specially selected for Purity and high germination. Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, (White Blossom). GARDEN SEEDS--in from the most relia packages and bulk le growers. ' W. P. PETERS Phere 51 Li hit wei di is a product of one of the best f. therefore very reasonable to our The J. M. HOME OF GOOD WHY HESITATE People who have been putting off the pur- chase of a Piano from time to time for var- ious reasons, need not let the matter of price or terms deter the many longer. THE GREENE PIANO actories in Canada. Is a handsome model built expressly for our trade, bought in large quantities for our five stores, getting in this way a close price, which is customers. We sell it on such easy terms that the purchase is not difficul by any means. Come in axd let it sing its own praises. Greene Music Co., Limited MUSIC. 166 PRINCESS ST. WELL - OF COURDE IF YOU CANT 40 TO THE GREY'S FOR DINNER TONIGHT - ILL HAVE TO PHONE" THEM - ' i | HAVE AN IMPORTANT * DIRECTORS MEETIN': 30° Yan TMBOSS - BLE FOR \ =~. J ME TO <O- <A Ie 44 THANK GOODNESS 1 LOY OUT OF THAT- | HATE THEM SOCIETY DINNERS, - ALL THES HAVE 15 knives ANT FORKS AN NO FOOD + HELLO - MR. GREY. SORRY WE COULDN'T GEY TO YOUR DINNER PARTY LAST NIGHT 'WOU D0 AM) 1 KNOW You ENJOYED 17- AD WE HAD CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE AND LOTS oF I T- LD HAVE v