The Event of the Season! THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | - The First Time in Kingston ! "An Unexampled Wonder of the Twentieth Century." FOR SALE | | : . . CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: WANTED GENERAL | Editorial in-Boston Herald. First insertion, lc. & word. Each con- a | = a TELEPHONE | . secutly. insertion thereafter, half pv MAY Ist, FOUR ROOMED FLAT FOUND 9 AN hn HT PIANO. pe AN 4 ig as L cent a word Minimum cnarge for ohh A odes au a 3. A y in pias G 3 : fhe lnsariiony bith reninsartiunay eg lubathivom: fos et Say | STH UF MONEY, TUESDAY, |] GAS RANGE, 5 BURNER 'GUERNEY| = D. Ww. GRIFFITH S MASTERPIECE The above rates are for Lash only; ORD x re pply 102 Clergy Oxford Apply +7 Prince i > re y : n the hoy > : 3 i shone ~ et 2 ke a frp Bel 4 * CHILI'S TAN GLOVES, WICKER BABY CARRIAGE IN GOOD m= f Union Si. We condition. Apply 25 Ellis street. HELP WANTED. WANTED TO RE E Int, 1° A 8 F MONEY IN BOWEN'S "Puts Moving Pictures Among the Fine Arts." --Charles Dana Gibson. i i es ---- | EI ToS ENT NAY 1 . : BEDS: SARPETS, DISUUS, B10, COME] "Stamps the Producer of This Great HALL GIRL, APPLY HOTEL HAN- ments Ch 3 : YOUND ARTIFLES aDvER | ! ~ Work as the Genius of a New Age.'-- dolph { fice WHITE WICKER GO-( Ay ALRosy Tyrone Power. , : TiS "HEE. t 1 new; New York model pply 2 FTC 4 GAML WANTED APPLY TO HEND- FARM TO 1 e T 200 ACRES, TISED y 1 ri StroeL > d €fsun Urucery, by-5l Brock Stres by practical i view 1) pur-| | Anyone finding anytuing aud - "The Greatest Motion Picture I Have oe ree ---- chase. Frank Herring, Coleman Wishing Lo reaca the vwuer may | SMALL STRONG STEEL SAVINGS . . : MAID FOR GENERAL HU SEWOURK, P. 0, E. Toronto 40 Bo Dy reporiiug the lacty tu "banks. $1.00 each. Mills Co, 79 Ever Seen, the Public Is To Be Congratu- Apply 68 Johnson stree | m-- en eet Tne dritish Whig. 'Ane adver: : ence St. . atad "hap - RS: GIRLS PRE. | WANTED TO PURC : Usement Will be printed io thie Yiarence St lated." --ChaFles Hahson Towne. TEMPORARY HELPERS; GIRL zood location: a n cu.umn free of charge. THREE BURNER GAS STOVE USED . : Terred. Apply Kingston Public Lib- lave posse May or cash 'Found articies" dues not ir. only six months; as good as new. "It is a Masterpiece in All Its Wonder- rary ! e § Offic clude lost dogs, cattle, norse ADDlv 5 Colbourne St. ~ nen Ce eic. These, if fost, way Le ad- Apply 185 Colbourne ful Details."--David Belasco. TWO GIRLS OR WOMEN FOR d = ENT OR SHARE A FARM OF | vertised for iu the "Losi culumn "IVE FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES : " 2 " 5 ing bottles in brewery, Ports-| about 150 acres; fully « ped it rt Bros; make. Apply Prince of Wales A Work of Superb Art."--Editorial in mouth. Phone 2000. } pussible; in good distri \pply - - Lunch, 191 Princess street. Brooklyn Times Box Bl, Whig some J . GUOD, RELIABLE WOMAN FOR ( j-- eee 60 CHICK CHATHAM BROODER. AP- ; , 5 : eral housework Apply Mrs. Ed-| waANpED FURNISHED OR UNFUR- . i ply Baldwin, House of Industry, 362 "Well Worth $10.00 a Seat.-- New ward Walsh, 390 Albert street. shed apartment by first week ------ - eS -------------- Montreal street. Phone 68. York Herald by married cou; no chi | GOLD CUFF ----------e ee . WANTED EXPERIENCED FARM 2. Address Box S-6, Whig Office Lisp" Linder leave at Wiig O1- | gua" po ONE 5 ae L 2 hand, single, season ur yearly en a oni od : > ys large antique hog sofa. Ap x Surpasses All Words. Your Picture Bagement. Apply Jag. IL. i. sproule SECOND-HAND UPRIGUT PIANO ly No St. Apartments. - a i s Westbrook Sop Sash of in Pail payment of few | GN MARCI 1710 AUTO Tins CHAIR Ply Has Outheroded Herod-- Outspoken All rr = No bianca and gratonolas. C. W. Lind- | Un berth Huad or ln tie CILY. PIN | oNl8 CANADIAN ICE MACHINE -- Spoken Language and Put a Climax to TRESS yO SWAY SAD - say Limited, 121 eriuces Street. phe Lune ) . e ; ree months. . * ¥ o9. 2 vriucess stive:r : Macliing (only tun iliree | All Superlatives."--Rev. Lincoln H. Cas- um. Apply to the Dietitian, on the Sl ee Apply FP. O. Box 79, Kingston, Ont. | premises | WANTED, ONE OR TWO UNFURNISH- | x . ee | well, Pastor Crawfor hori M. E -- - Sh ol ed robms with 'light house ng LOST OR STOLEN, | GRAY WICKER GO-CART, ALMOST| Rel, tor Ci d Memorial M. E AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAID rivileges by lady and grov | new; also three brass electric mo- | Church, New York City. one Who can do plain cooking; ret- Apply Box P-5, Whig| NG 21w<7 MASSEY SILVER RIBBON | tur boat lig} me 909w, orf { < = y r, 1 - > » > * ol (> wer, 131 Tans sre B- J. Hod | crcie ium vppusite tie Garon | Sui Alired street AN EIGHTH ART, COMBINING DRAMA, PAINTING, POETRY AND MUSIC, WITH THE GREAT- x : . - | n «Brovk street, vanes 2 RIC ES oT . yao RETURNED SOLDIERS TO SELL WANTED, POSSESSION MAY 1ne a way eten MAdiy feria to 21) PHANTUN BUGRY, MAY BE SEN Ay EST CAST EVER ASSEMBLED AND A SELECTED ORCHESTRA OF 20 SYMPHONY PLAYERS. al * , make . 'D, SSESS st, =» a et Mr Guess dvery; s Sir i : . os : ORR SR i Bg mall house, lease with Spd gar | comets ee poss Jor particulars apply Mrs A CINEMATIZATION THAT ENLARGES UPON THE DRAMA OF THE SAME TITLE, BY LOTTIE 1915J for appointment | ing. Woste ii, oF lon a | lborn, 2 ; ; = : : ! Communi! ite 108 Fh - TAILORING, | PURE BRED R. 1. RED EGGS; BOTH BLAIR PARKER RESPECTABLE ELDERLY Wo. | L af once || me Smet em, teen combs from prize-winning stock. | man to do Light housekeeping f Ra YOUR SPINNG AND SUL MY $2.50 to $5.00 per setting. Apply i two young men in the country. Ap- | : sa SUlts Cit ad al repaired now Black, 25° York Street ply to Box M-4, Whig Office, ARCHITECT pairing and pr 1 + RCE et eee | ; 2 4 d | PORTABLE GARAC 10'x14 FOR YOUNG LADY AS OFFICE ASSISTANT | ON AND OREVER, ARGH | rs i ' n sale cheap for « ¢ buyer prez) ARCHI- 5 gon oy ; owl- con 3 | ap for ey Mal COMMENCING i dy anys aphes, witn enw Merchants" Bank hampers | com steer ~" D7 TT Miliard's Grocery: 'corner Main and ; NCING . expected. Apply Box A-7, Whig Of- | Sornes of Brock ang w elitagton | 8 MONDAY NIGHT fice. : maa THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL Sram: - Some | a_i » thorgughbred er eae me UE -- | ao milking strain; a LIVE AGE) IN KINGYTON, HAV ARN RI: TT a | AG 1 "LAGS, CANOES Hackney five yea old Inquire an opportunity to get a good lin FURNITURE FINISHING ! AWNINGS Couke. Dr. Gibson, 336 Barrie Street. of Household and Food Specialties | rete sete e------------ --_-- oA) ros - , ACINN TN 'DAY Nie Exclusive territory : posit | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. BABY CARRIAGE AND CRADLE! | EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE y THREE DAYS ON LY--BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT required, but will e refur Coll, 22 John street nearly new ApPpiy ¢8T7 montreal bred Barred Rocks and White Wy- § oie Jaonth, See My Monkman at | === = mee 5 - Street ar dottes: excelle nt ayers, $2.00 for Twice Daily Tuesday and Wednesday. Matinees, 2.15 sharp; Nights, 8.15 sharp. he Prince George after six | } Joh Potter, 3 . 3 .i 3 3 " -- ---- AGENTS WANTED SECOND HAND VIOLINCELLO; FIRST a ED oMsy Portsmouth os All Seats Reserved, Now Selling. With Special Attention to Mail Orders When Accompanied by WE REQUIRE A MAN Pe ------ as alton; guihpict HET GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TREN Remittance, Filled in' the Order of Receipt. ------ 3 character and standing :p ! IENT BRAND NEW SELLERS -- Tie \ yea would rau :lections; your own choice, $42.50 PRICES Nights: --Orchestra, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00; Balcony, $1.00, $1.50; Gallery, 850c. Matinees:~-- Entire Orchestra, $1.00; Balcony, $1.00, 50c¢; Gallery, 25¢, i &ent us in this city 'ar ant ibberized aprons and other pouse- r 2s Terms §i cash; §5 per month. C. W | and lucralive position te ' ho cessities; big profits; no mem eran: Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess St. | . NOTE--Owing to cost of production, length of performance and iron-bound contracts, "Way Down East" will never be presented in Kingston at other than first class theatre prices, 'Direct From 3 Weeks' Record Run at Royal Alexandra, Toronto. H right calibre, Apply In perso competition Write Anderson | TWo0 BRICK A 83 AND 95 Mr. Neville, Randolph l, be-| Manutacturing Co. London, Ont. | north side o diam Street, hut] HIGH CLASS BABY CARRIAGE, TAN tween 7 and § evenings ree ee ee water IUINAace, gas and eieclric and ec corduroy linings; wicker | - ars AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET. lignt Apply to w. H. sullivan, su trimmings; almost new. Apply 73 COME AT ONCE--~MEN 86-10 DAILY, ters for rea or windows; cas t gly ney » Teel Division street. Special short courses; one month | ily applied; will net wash ofr; Auto Mechanics' course $50; one Sampies, Acme Sign Co. sig NJ A FRAME HOUSE, COLLINGWOOD SINGLE FRAME HOUSE, SITUATED | onth Gas 'ractor Course $50; | Wells, Chicago, fll. | street; eignt Lurnace; w. Brock street, opposite Victoria | lenty of time to finish for the | i cieciric Ugh; Bas; lot iz x 120. Park; with all modern improve-| Spring rush, Hemphill Bros, Auto | | Cheap ful Apply box ments Enquire at 474 Brock St. | Gas Tractor School, 163 King SL. MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO ( ANVASS | D-16, Whig Oftice eee W., Toronto, Board and room but to travel and appoint local rep- BRED WHIT WYANI $8.50 up. Call or write | aernatives, 31.00: and expensesi 3 Npw SOLID BRICK HOU SE, 3- 'gys, Martin's Dorcas str $3.00 | TO LET. Tr ree eo | guaranteed first year, with good piece bath room, 1urnace, electric to $5.00 for 15 Also 60 3 | GR A ND 0 . GOOD, RELIABLE MAN WANTED To! thance to make $2,600 and e MBO, Bus 10r CouKIng; exempt tham Incubator. J. Turner, Ports- | HOOMY GARAGE. APPLY * ne Night Only ¢ age « ual ¢ . p 'e yeal's ut A GoOoD take orders and deliver the f rest | 8. Slate age and f ium taxes fOr lve years | mouth. { o 3 Es e x - unnecessary ierms Apply 14 Plum Street. ee ------------------------------------------ aaa Of eds Coffees, etc. in Can | *0., Dept. G., Toronto. a | SCHOONER "BERTHA CALKINS» 301 Earl street. ROS Nx TC Pen os . 8 Concern tn" the omission of Arle Re ' Sma FOR SALE carrying capacity 500 net tons Can Foun UNFLRNISHED Noows, Ap. b id SA I'( JIRDAY APRI : NF : . , rT $1 | nspecte Yieton, Hy 2 * 8 gouds are guaranteed qr money re- | DENTAL. ; ROUGH CASY UWLELLING; 7 ROOMS; be inspected at Picton ntario [ry TAT JI lam Str AN. 9 L funded. Iach applicant must be| W. C.; stay : Further particulars and price on GARAGE, KING OR GORE et & 30 Sts ce { { ,plic T 'a seh. Plo. STR ; financially responsible. If You are | DR, A. KE. KNAPP, DE ST. OFFICE | Stfeel, BeXi Uorg iY. | Auplication, T- L VanDusen, pie | J. 8. R. McCann, phone 326 or 621. CAPT. M. W. PLUNKETT PR looking for a Sooq, independent, | closed until April 12th, 1921 | - SE | . 4 ! 1 HOURS AND BUARD His Best All-Boy "Girl permanent position with unlimited | SPARK a | DOUBLE FRAME; 4 ROOMS EACH; Ww, 8 . Ny JLOTHING, | FIRST CLASS a © ) RE ; " ' ; Sponing possibilities, this is your| DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, viv. | C.; Chatham Sireet, near Princess EN ons Dn SNEN'S Cut NG, ail improvements, centrally Ucar: THE FAMOUS FOURTH DIVISION "MAPLE LEAFS? Obportunity. Quick action neces- | tists, 159 Wellington street, over | Slieel. siental 326d. rice Jidvv. | tary boots: buy all kinds second- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. In Their Original Overseas Revue sary. Iatricia Blend Tea & Cof-| Carnovsky's. Phone 346. -- | + . 3 : hand goods; highest prices paid. I. _ 2 ha 'uU p . e Givi, 381 Queen Street Last, Toronto, | DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 BUILDING LOTS ! Fouthad, Pious X01 "289 Priv. Ome enandian; cleus wid. ary, ue ' C OUFLAGE" a es La | Princess Street. Phone 1350, Open | LIVINGSTON AyENUK, ABAR KING cess Street. Cann, 36 Brock street. Favne 326 4 Ea TAN s¥enings by appoinunent SUeet, sitlapmtile, on | ONE FRAME HOUSE, SIX ROOMS or 62). Return After Record-Breaking Coast to Coast Run, * POSITION WANTED, H | | and gateway; good garden and| Ts ER i SE, 228 BARRIE ST. PRICES .. ..00¢c., 756, $1.00, $1.50 «| DR, AYKROYD, DENT HAS RE.| ADELAIDE 's NEAR ALFRED | fruit trees, $2500. Also house, 4 | FURNISHED HOUSE 238 ARRIE ST, (Seats now 'on' ani) Miss MADGE EDGAR, PUBLIC sumed practice 2 Princess a Street; Juxl1zu to 1ane--3200. rooms With good garden and gate- Immediate possession. Appiy A Stenographer, Stencil and Mimeo- r Bank of Nova Scotia. Phone way, $1500. Apply to 71 Stephen | Geralal, lye .barrie st. Phone graph work done. White's iIn- iT, NEAR JOHN- Street. | 1088. siirance Office, 239 Bagot Street 1 Sireel, SUX120--3zuu | Phone 321 : =n : LAND SURVEYOR I 3 : STONE HOUSE, | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE | A MAE RoouEn ih UNE HOUSE ha : . : 1-built 5 e.g carl | 146 Montreal >t, all impr 8 NOW PLAYING -- J. 8. R. MeCANN, well-built stone residence, 98 karl Phone 1u9Y ring 3. vacant Apiil : WHEN YOU WANT THE Car oe | rk 8 Phone ' Street. Interior just painted and ------------------ | | ! a | see James Selby, Contr 212 -- decorated; 12 rooms. Open fire ! | 1st. EC Ea ---------- PE Se MONDAY That Daring Photopia oo FOUR ROOMS; HEATED; GAS; y e a y F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., sc. CE, O.L.S, rior Bivate lava ory. an. | In OTIS SKINNER "B '» DIE ME rvennpance. Ont. Gn ey mi Sood sued; clecirie lights; sion May 1st. Rent $3u. Box B-7 egre Ia » ario land Surveyor. Kingston Of-] _ LY Water; oud garden; younie jot McLaughlin Top Buggy, with steel] Whig Office. -- With A o fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clare DR, C 362 BROCK ST and orcoara. Apply tv 1is Clergy (tires and auto back: ali Sail at v hig ice Kismet LATEST CONCERT pat th n All- Star C 7 a h ao > y NEWS | Famous Strand Or. EE. Speedsters 8 electriciuy; private vator) h advanee--now MUTT AND | chestra 1 ence ptreet. on Street, Laty. Ice Creanmi Wagon gnd Harness. ' 3 Ef Seats reserved in Re RANE PW or rama, 2 F : SIGNS FRAME DY BELLING, WITH 7 ROOMS, ven Passenger Studemaker Car heated; suitable tor two ] on sale JEFF detacned kitchen, electric lignt Passe r Gray Dors Car. | Apply at Weese tore vd dg Te CHIROPRACTIC. : " . : - Bas, thiee pie bath, good gaiaen 1 Seven Passenger Tudhore Gor 1 boi SH 8 NS OF AL INDS, GL Nae . 1 sh 3 £ L ger udhope ar | a WM. A. MARCELLS, D.C, Ph. C., Cor. | BI UAL ALI KINDS, noon, aon May ist. price' §130v APply between the hours of 5 p.m | ONE LARGE FRC FURNISHED | KE Nelson and Mack Streets, gold leaf; posters, showcards, ete. APPlY 194 Invision street. and 9 p.m. at bedroom or bed sitting room. fire. Kingston, Ont, Consultation free artisticall written and i a : a TT -- 169 RAGLAN ROAD place; suitable for couple; ceantral- Telephone 1056. Hours 9 to 12a by Shaw, at 206 Princess a Eled rong al uuED ROCK AMD iy 1ocated. Phone 1584w, ALLEN FOR -- 5 -------- University Avenue. p 3 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE NO, shh grates. For inspection, apply to J wington Avenue; Stree $ Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street. ! m 1 to § pm. Kingston, A hite Wyandotte Baby Chickens, | guy mGas FROM JOHN MARSHALL'S | ee 0c. each. Haicaing 'eggs frum exhibition strain of White Rocks| MODERN APARTMENTS, 4 ROOMS and REFINEMENT Prize winners, yi tw $0. per 13 and White Wyandottes; three to] bath; ated; Barrie street; near 4 is rutin Joseph 'White, phone 2391 r. 4 five dollars 5 x {ze 'rincess g 1 a ' ve do 8 per 15. Henergizer and| Princess Also new room house - et eee-- SA] ESWOMEN" --tOriSmOuLh, Unt. Chicklivia for sale. At 101 Queen] Montreal St. Apply 1. Cohen & Co NOW PLAYING - Rg a ---- 5 1 EE -------------------------------------- $3,500 WILL BUY A SEVEN Room ! 181w. { single trame; eleClric lights; gas - ------ ~ we < Rl AVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF | LARGE, BRIGHT, WELL FI RNISHED C RL TO-DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY jue ooking, Junnsun Slieet. g1,- good second hand furniture an | front room, and two smaller rooms : ' Chas Beil ba five. Oh. time. 'R, £foves. Any person having stoves | in a central locality Apply 18% DOROTHY 3. Bell, 130 Clarence Street, 2a¢ furniture to dispose of, we will Iarl street, near Chalmers' church --] L Vay highest prices. J. Thompson, tsetse ----t erent ¢ SPECIAL OFFER PURE BRED BAR. 333 Princess street. Phone 1600w, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN . : dry, al sms; Jock and For Hosiery and Glove Departments. red Rock eggs for hatching from COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOM FRAME key. "ross City arora, Jock and Covourg Sha Guelph strain; worth house, Thomas street; hardwood Queen street. Phone 626; res. 959w, y " s orn ting; reduced for this floors downstairs; good cellar Apply to: ror $0 31. Urders left at Gil- large poultry house; exceptionally bert's Grocery wili be looked after lar, ult " 3 ' EN EEN STREET; LARGE : ge pe ry yard enclosed by six; TO RENT, 60 QUEEN ¢ CET; L. E . fore poutine win deep lot. 130 ft yard; stables and. sheds; also at Come on in--the fun's fine! "KIDDIES" BARGAINS IN FU RNITURE. "TC, frontage Chea to uick buyer rear of 185 Queen; large barn; " > , OHN LAIDLAW & SON 1 parlor set. mahogany, $35.00, , © Apply George Rvickham. Ports- suitable for garage and stables. Ap- Episode Four (Seri : Two Reel Comedy Z easy chairs, $9.0y each. mouth, opposite Granger's store ply 155 Queen Street. SON OF TARZAN 4 planos, $55.00 and $30.00 ---- : IN VAUDEVILLE 1 BenUeman's bicycie, $15.00. RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT YIOLIN SoLO CARTWRIGHT BROS - 1 iadies' bicycle, $18.90, AND SOLD MAY Isat, UNFL RNISHED ,ElAT SID HOFFMAN - - 2 Bany Carriages, $15.00 and $18.00 Over 70 satisfied customers, of three large rooms ang Ritchen- 4 - - Maple Leaf Cook Stove, FL 5 Honest methods, small profits. ette Gas lor cooking and hot Director Allen JACK AND FLO REED | 1 large. Victor Gramapnone, twent 1 handle my Own Credits. | water heat Also four stall 'gar- * Rew records, §os.00 vne, twenty The foll wing amounts down, balance age. Apply 286 'Queen OLLIET éad er ue conom wo nares record 3 Fra ond pot, 350 Doage i % SID GRAN un 2 CO % 5 odge Touring. . A) 1 set Of 25 Books, Arewmnder Dumas,| $300 Chevroiet Touring. TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- wo r $15.00. 4 $250 Ford Touring. clally furnished for light house- CHILDRE DMI 1 ¥ LESSE'S ANTIQUE SHOP 3300 Ford Roadster 1820 keeping; gas for cooking and light, 4 N A TTED TO Use Pea Coai in the furn ace. Phone 1043. 807 Prine OF $150 MeLaughlin Truek. at the Pioneer Apartments, 212 and MATINEES ............15e Goolk for ady furnace | S8 Street, -- A LMER . 214 Division street. Phone 1434w HON. N. W. Rov 1 le Sp i aagIey TT mapa . wow ON. N. £ VEL K.C, SETTING EGGS FROM py BERRY'S, | Corner of Bagot and Queen Streets, i ile $1.50 per ton less than ot her sizes, jecond to none, Barred Ilymoutl - . ~~ Consult us regarding its uses Docks. Individual matings, exh. | FOR SALE oR EXCHANGE HOUSE, | FROM MAY 1st, APARTMENT OF Will address = Public Meeting in x bition strain. §2 to $4 per settin lots and barns, big stone house, on four attractive and nicely deco- GRANT HALL, FRIDAY APR, sth DANCING LESSONS 15 eggs. 5 corner; 9 rooms; gas; electric hot rated rooms. kitchenette and bath, d ' . 3 Charles Duverry, 3 yo v " 5 " > | ® erly Street 8 SITY. 63 Bev Water heated; cemented cellar; sito Bre Races, hot and ahd Waier at 8.13 p.m. on Every Night as. 0. Toh wa ee | feat, S| Re ple ot "cavanws Lack AT GARDEN HALL 9 ® af tte; slaughter house; horse . -- _-- : Anas PLACE IN THE : ' 3 stable; stalls; large drivehouse| oreo > . ' EAGUE OF NATIONS» 3 apely 2 p* Be I FURNISHED HOUSE; REASONABLE Hours 7 pm. to 9 pm, Foot of Johnson Street eh BP: Building "loca Tause tle Eight Tenlialor an indefinite time: if -- All the Latert Dances > rd' satisfactory. or would rent furnish- + : Tit orchard, i reasonable offer ed rooms for light house-keeping, CARTING. MRS. 8. COHEN 111 BROCK ST, cepted. XKpply 338 Prin- If preferred. Possession lst May. |r Hall Phone 357 - Residence 1878 31 cess Street. Telephone 799 or 2007. Apply 78 Divist 3 Phone '1032w. 2Pbiy 18 Division Street. HAVE YOUR ASHES MOVED sow ke - - - - before the rush. General EE ------------------ REGISTERED HOLSTEIN caLves ox TWO NEW TRUCKS FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. moving. ete. Th "on the I ares ey both Shale and fe. One Republic Truck with inter wood floors, electric g Job. Charles-Andre, corner of Bagor 1 HE R SH S N dams and sired by a grahposacin€ (| nal drive: grove. huate Vi ein rela Yhone 10438 When You Eat y 3 Daisy Pauline oy. 8randson t One International Truck with in- in every w R DOE [LLL ' ; { . erna rive, month. . Apply to White's Insur- t Now is the time to order your motor boat engine, 'reverse i Priced righ: ; day Some Grant Six Touring Cars will ! ance Ofrice, 7 Bagot Street. FINANCIAL Let It Be the Best. ; early buyer. || be here i r clutch, Schebler carburetor, K. W. marine box spark coils, magnetos, oH, Gurren. | © here in a few days. Ask Tor stuffing boxes, shafts, propeller wheels, water circulating pumps, nt. J. W. MARTIN | a : «| STRANGE & STRANGE, 13 Spark plugs, etc. We cah supply you at reasonable prices and on BATEMANS Rha mre |] 210 Distuy Yireet, EY Eeots sae Iie QUEEN | age 'most. reliable combat " short notice. Let us have your inquiry ? FOR FAL ESTATE, f= Te -------- light; gas for cooking' 3 piece sented. Office 38 Clarence street, GOLD BOND $750--FOR TK reauiLorvG Lots ox | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | bath; garden and stable: ako 4 Sbpusite the punt office. x e, " " Alwington Avenu 00d Joon reom fat Queen street; toilet. elec- aL i DAVIS DRY DOCK CO : UN TU vam ae DECURATING, J. W, Hie Sa sr } Zacks. 1} Viemoxtusac LOAN AND INVEST. CANNED TOMATOES, 4 a ® $1900---FRAME BUNGALOW; NE Janeway, 37 Cherry" Street. Phone Princess Street. » ment Society; incorporated 1861 CORN and PEAS East End of Wellington S EL ronm ke Helv. prongent Wor Selig Ko vie : = lenm, = T resident, . 3 'unningham t o ellington ot. iin PoSages WHEN WANTING = PAINTING © : ne GROCERS . Papernanging done: dram Sara UPHOLSTERING. oney issued on city ang farm AT ALL AME HOUSE; 11 Rg a re S---- properties, municipal and county AN ere of land; suitable Tof| i MOUDICEr 44 Arch street CALL OR DROT A CARD T0 Ww. 2 debentures; mortgages purchased. ee summer boarders; near Westport. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. investment bonds for Alloway oils 1| Auction Sales : : Ived and interest aile . I. Tooms and halls; low prices; aper rece 3 ¢ 92,200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; Bn furnished. * Work trans het er. Es HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. c co LIWHARY, manager, 31 Clar- and C.; electric lights and furnace; istactory, Drop a card or call | olstering and genera repairing fife street. & eaters Yam 3 in S3tom. smd Sellar, : B Rowley. 138 Bay street. 104 Ciara aincer" dup 8 earq ty » Maké me prove it, ; -- 7 x . MOLES, Tn : BRICK sea. A ) HENRY WARD & soy PAINTERS, : scars, roe new sings tr. ones os voce || BEDFORD The Auctioneer, | = Fai. Enmsiacuse rir, RUST A 'ier dco; | COVENED BUTTONS MADE To OR. acin sen Saathstery a w y a 4 sho Cooke HA Cihe a PS age. -- your "interior "decorated to pave] Lphoistering and repairing done. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. others have Falled Seared vod Mer other Stoves as Phone 1721 or 1428, '| vicToRY BOADS FoR SALE; MONE} 1867J. E J Sovariage, 244 University 2, 200, Scllaitors, 2 Cunrence B Jears FEpSrichon. A Elmer's I at adi, BP st ra Seo -- NE - 3 A % nning. The Latvian government has de} sluts... PAINTING AND PirER BANGING | eee Se ' bam, Cyril M. Smith. . Lake. Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat, § in, . nite; Dee ; NITU 4 : Ne . . " ; J TURK Phone 750 cided to permit the use of only the | paRMs--SEVERAL GOOD FARMS For Estimates freely given mor oh: paired Suns. Eramaphones, etc. re-| ANBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER| A new rafirosd Jack lifts 104. metric system of weights and meas- | 'sale. gold lette, and office paired promptly and guaranteed and solicitor. Law oYice, corner of pounds for every pound of pressure : : : G. A. BATE. A h 2 3 Stant & 4 . King and Broek, over tres after 1923. 159 Wellingion Street. Kingston. np tdaa, 7 Moateeal" sires | . Rext Goo Diane tactery). Tt SU shank 4nd broek over 'Revel Bank. to fts handle, 3