THE BRITISH WHIG | 88TH YEAR. not seen | and what less op- travel in this co much of Canad he has see portunity than most ( 1 1 tionists to come to judg ment Indeed there few {ep ip any country afford | to make raliza- tions as indi- cate Morison ca- such swe his addres eems to Upon what does Prof | base his | on his he fehose to moreno with Canadian [ troupe, but naturally friends in Scotland. * "Not iipor or high school far he has | middle judgment? Certainly not overseas experienc for with" his old wn IB Be on JANN TEEN Pe teaching in Canada, gen I not taught lower or schools Not rorts of such librarie In Canada, for Canadian from the re- 8 we nave outh seem to patfonize these aizn adults found classes in better Cana- It may be that he-has students am than Pablished Dally and Séemi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., LIMITED the of university history badly prepared in Eeperal reading for his courses It | may be that here they suffer in com- | parison with the students of other universities, but again it may not he | 80, unfortunate in J. G. Elllett ,. vee-.. Presid Leman A. Guild ,..... .... Editer Managing-Direct ett tenes? TELEVH Business Office ' Editorial Roomg Job Office , "ae SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city . Une year, if paid in advance Ona year, by mail to rural offi One United States 11-Weekly Kdition) fs y mail, cash if not paid in advance $1.5 » to United States ......$1.5 ONES: «nd the professor may have heen his students Jt would be weil for us to remem- ber that the never sets to th that of those average Canadian boy 1@ university at all, and intelligence and equipment who do enter a Canadian university will compare favorably with those of any other country But leaving aside comparisons, which rr ore pobneiesl in this instance are peculiarly odious, Morison tual name o the | let us heartily thank Prof our attention to this card- for calling inal need of this and every | country, viz., the need of more and | better reading. It time that | the whole country there | great revival of int raries and | literature $1.00 the uv One One , Montreal | 1%0 King St, E r, 23 St. W. Thompson Toronto, 8 to the er the ac ched is ona of the best job | ing offices in Canada is in should be a erest in public lib- good and wholesome will have I service if he has given impetus to this insistent de- mand on behalf of the youth of this country The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticaied bv the ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. BAA eB cee em. Egg on the vest now is slovEnli- | less, not ostentation in Dr. Morison done us a rea fresh The tips are smaller where the . ---- OUR FARM WOMEN. Saturday there was € meeting in the court house of members of the United Farm Women of representing patrons are not tipplers, On last a z larg Uneasy lies the head that goes to. sieep on a full stomach Ontario, the town- ship clubs of Frontenac county the purpose of electing officers hearing addresses given by "He done" he but "He duns" sal may Chicagoese, : and 5.3 ese ver- : Is al present univer promi- nent speakers, The man who once bragged about how much he could do now brags about how many mirably conducted by Mrs. R. J. Vair, Glenburnie, the president, and the addresses disclosed a keen apprecia- | tion of the handicaps, soc ial, domes- tic and otherwise, under which our farm women labor, and a concerted | and enlightened endeavor to bring | { about improvements by the-dissemi-| nation of information, study of indi- | vidual problems, and by enlisting the | | active co-operation of the women of! | the communities through their clubs! It will be odd if force of habit | in raising the standards of home life! persuades Mr Harding to use a blue | and promoting the health, comfort pencil instead of a veto. | and happiness of itg members, The Whig commends the action of the ladies who are taking the leader- | A lot of men fail to recognize Op- portunity because it knocks instead of flattering them. It is hard to tel] which is more es- sential to peace, scrapping the battle- ships or the Balkans, * We don't know much about this | Plum plan, but if it's anything like | ship in so worthy a cause, for the | the one the plumbers use, we're agin | reason that the objects sought can | it. { only be attained through themselves. | They were particularly fortunate in| being privileged to hear Mrs. Amos, a woman of wide knowledge and ex-| perience, possessing a keen apprecia- | tion of the problems of rural life, and | - a singularly gifted speaker. She The cynic remgrks that preachers | summed up the whole case in one | work only one day a week, and the | word, when she declared that salaries they get seem to bear out the | future citizenship of Canada and our | argument agricultural prosperity depended up- on the "HOME." She dealt with the farm home from every angle, and showed conclusively that if the high- est ideals were aimed at, ideals that would be productive of contentment and happiness (and she saw no rea- son why such should not be realized), then the status of agriculture would be raised and production and pros- perity assured. The question of ru- | ral depopulation, too, would be dis- | posed of, for the rising generation would find satisfaction and content- | ment in a proper appreciation of the advantages of rural life. Among the things she emphasized as calling for serious consideration were improve- | | ments in the methods of household | economy that would relieve the wo-! | men of much heavy work, such as the | | more general employment of house- hold labor-saving devices, better planning of houses and appurten- ances; education upon the import- | ance of farming as a profession; the | development of social life in com- Small nations can take their trou- | munities; enlisting the wonderful en- bles to the League. But, then, they | thusiasm of juvenile members of the have always had the privilege of tak- family in the different branches of | ing their troubles to thé Lord the home work,.by giving them a | -- : minor share of responsibility so as | Nations can abolish war by re- | lO create interest and teach industry | Quiring each citizen, in case or con- | and thrift by the practical demonstra- flict, to serve a month in the tion of business methods. srenches for each thousand dollars| Mrs. Amos showed that the farm be is worth. 2 women who ruled the home, held | the destiny of the family in their | hands, and it was absolutely neces | sary that they first secure an ame- | lioration of the many: pressing duties | that made life often a burden to, them. It is all very well while health | and his altogether disproportionate | 18 present to carry one through little | daily vexations and set-backs, to see | distaste for reading good books. His ] Observations do not seem {6 dispose | the bright side and keep steadfastly | him favorably to the Cidnadian boy. | on, but there must be an aim to bring | Indeed, the Canadian boy in this re-|{ about more relaxation for the woman | 8ard fares rather badly in compari-| of the home, time to mingle with her Son with, say, the Scottish boy whom | neighbors and give some thought to Dr. Morison knows best. the matters of health and her chil-| Prof. Morison may' be. pardoned | drems' educa ion, by taking part in| for a natural bias in the matter, for | the direction of the schools. There! he has not had the advantage of be-|fs an old saying that "a woman's A mouth that is open most of the | time indicates adenoids or an exag- | gerated respect for one's own opin- | ions The best tobacco is cured for sev- | eral years, but that used for cigar- ettes is taken just as ijt comes from the sawmill. Oklahoma reports a scourge of green bugs, but the Red bugs are still confined to coastal and dustrial regions. in- If there is no other way to get money out of Germany, Why don't they seize the former kaiser and hold him for ransom? The Society for the Prevention of | Useless Noises has accomplished one thing. You never hear the swish of skirts any more. There are a lot of good men in this country who are not interested | in any missing link except the one that will connect them with a job. ------ THE CANADIAN BOY. At the Ontario Educational As- Sociation meeting at Toronto, Prof. Morison, of Queen's University, rais- ed the question of the Canadian boy other | Y®' { Tal for | The meeting was ad-| 1 | wear hers from 7 the | x. | at his girl, but he did not reply. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG he | -Luke McLuke. i UF. W.0. clubs are designed to bring | And 310 was just what pr all problems under intelligent discus- sion with lution wise 4 View to their practical so- and there is no doubt that counsel and co-operation, will bring about many improvements communities that could not be tained individual efforts of the most important suggestions is the utilization of electricity the farm Its general use would revo- lutionize farm life, and it is to be hoped that tHE government mav ear neetly apply 'itself to the considera- tion of the farmers' demands : 3 is always ob- i I'm certainly n | by One Atta Girl ! We take great pleasur ng that Elsle Stam SegEer of the Wester ion He Koyo does a » on n announc- office mes- | in Louis- | soothes Names Is Names. are hard to 4 E. Z Man in Some find men an B wa | can Johnson, | Neb ----en Our Daily special. There's No Fool Like a Boid Fool. BITS OF BY-PLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. | Walt Mason | THE POET PHILOSOPHER Merey! i Refogmer wildy | assistance begs tables and the chairs legs | re yo The good staree And for The nasty Display - JLL HEALTH, | You may be sound in wind and | | limb, without an ache, and full of | | vim; but if you sit around the shack | and read Doc Dingbat's almanac, | | You'll soon be buying pecks of pills | {to cure a string of pipedream ils. | | You'll find that every act of yours | | demands a lot of bottled cures, and | lit you groan or cough or sneeze, | you're marked down by some dread | disease. And if you sweat when you | are warm, there's some punk ailment | in your form. And if you dream | | when you're in bed, it argues that | you'll soon be dead, unless you flee | o'er vales and hills and buy three | I Guarts of Dingbat's pills. The more | you read the more you find that | | you're diseased in frame and mind; { and to the drugstore by the dump you're always going, on the jump to | blow in good five-dollar bills for Dr. Dingbat's Dinky Pills. It shows how reading soils the mind, unless | your book's the proper kind. If you | read volumes of despair you'll cave around and paw the air./ If you read morbid tales of ¢rime you'll slay your grandma for a dime. If you | read slush concerning sex you'll line | | up with the moral wrecks. The | | world is full of helpful tomes con- | | taining stories, essays, pomes, and | | 80 it's folly to inspect the books that | jar the intellect. | --WALT MASON. | PUBLIC OPINION nakey thelr The Limit! won't take any ything," sald Browr That's 1" agreed a statement in ' Jon ¥ "He an agricultural cotton planted oduce 40,000,000, - wrote read paper that or and 000 seeds in replanted will vears., and he a rec BX } and demanded count Cheer 1p! ming, the wheels a-huniming friend. will soon be just hustle the bustle ip, and and times on hard, shut 18e D soon be over And Look « days will soon be in clove ful, and don't croak, if you are wise Kk good times, and you'll win them Be game, and you'll be in them Now is the thme for you to advertise { ommon sense | | | | Paw Knows Everything. ie--Paw what are the ups and downs of life? Paw--Talking ing other peop Wil p and run Wolf fr son who Sheep's a old-fashioned now has a Wolf's Clothing is Wouldn't It? many men, it seems to | vating Mem v | think it i » a good } cult Short-Sighted Miners. (Buffalo Express) . The British coal-mining industry | appears to be in the same predicd- lss Oldgirl | ment as the American railroads. The "Huh!" grunted Mr Oldbatch miners will resist reductions in wages | does raisin jack." and the price of coal cannot be fur- | Ee ther increased in spite of a deficit of | Pe pes! about £7,000,000 weekly *» that blue-nosed clime : : | king is a felony Pershing Likes "Em Young. igarett me (New York Sun) ANd cigarettes & crim Gen. John J. Pershing attended the Southern ball not long ago and en- tered enthusiastically into the danc- Ing. It was interesting to note that his partners were mostly young girls and that his method was much more | that of the rollicking glide of mod- ernity than of the staid steps of the | past. Two Church Idears. | (Atlanta Constitution) | Two ideals of church usefulness | | exist to-day. One requires that the | church shall be a spiritual organiza- | tion, offering its members and at- tendants such inspiration through | preaching and worship as will per- | : suade them to go out into the world | and do whatever good they find to | do through existing benevolent or-| ganizations or by their unaided in-| dividual efforts. The other ideal re- | quires provision by the church itself | for ambitious, charitable and social | activities. In many instances there | is room for the cultivation of both | ideals. There is, indeed nothing an- | tagonistic between the spiritual and the institutional church. Each | church organization must decide for | itself whether it will content itself | with ministering to the soul and spirit of man or add to this a minis- | But he needed the dou try of a more material sort. Sa es b LEnAnEEE REN GENRE The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd. PHONE 597 Mean Brute! ive ir I'd hate I'd dc Oh, Very Well! We set by the fashion hints "That skirts will be worn any longer this Summer We suppose this means that the Warking Girl will continue to a.m. until about 11.30 not p.m Hooray! Voistead Law ty shall have a new master: shall have but fourteen cases per day, Because he can't drink them faster, But This Was Ne Fake Marriage. Charles Leroy Fake and Jessie May nit Were married in Fayetteville, C., last week Walt! The enraptured lover and his Corn Fed sweetheart were walking down the street, arm in arm They passed a fat man with a face like a concrete mixer "You are a Ver "Am 1 as lovely cooed He looked at the fat man and then He us, he sighed as Hebe?' ghe couldn't. --Cyrus Corntassel Gosh! She called on a hungry your 8 Dr To find out what it was that had shr, The M. D. didn't know, We shall have some Extraordinary Bargains This G.Huni Week in Beef and Veal. Watch this space Friday! FRESH MADE WHEY BUTTER 36c. PER LB. | The Season is beginning for | COOKED MEATS Best selection in the city! WILTSHIRE BREAKFAST BACON 48c., SLICED. MILD and SWEET 1,000 TINS PEARS WILTSHIRE BACON (LEAN and MILD 40c. SLICED 1,000 TINS LOMBARD PLUMS 8s size "" SUGAR CORN SWEET PICKLED PORK 32c. PER LB. FRESH COOKED TRIPE 12¢. PER LB. NEW LAID EGGS Per Dozen 82e. | ing born in Canada, and by the na-| work is never done," and it Is cer- | ture of his calling and his limited | tainly true of our farm women. me ANSE NNN NN SAAN ANE EERE | (\ =H THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1921, Latest Hat Styles Latest Hat * Styles BIBBY'S $3.75 The Closefit $24.75 Fine Boys' Clothes | New Spring Clothes at New Revised Prices BUY THAT SUIT NOW ! When you see our new models in the latest colorings and most apprcved fabrics you won't hesitate. Prices have been lowered radically; you no longer need to keep from yourself the clothes you require. See Our Young Men's Hand-Tailofed Suits Nobby Overcoats "The Grosvenor" iC Glosvenor $3.75 The Astor $37.50 The Princely $28.50 The Ritz $37.50 NEW ENGLISH TOPCOAT $25.00--$30.00--$35.00 Other Coats BIBBY'S The Ray $35.00 Clothes 78, 80, 82 Princess Street Everlastic SI Made by the Barrett Co., who over 73 yenrs, weighs 150 Ibs, per square, INTRODUCING Multi-Shingles Comes in natural shades of Red or Green, BUNT'S HARDWARE nn et We would lke to show you some BREW goods which have Just arriv. ed, Including-- ate Surfaced [| = --French Marrons, --Preserved Figs, have been making Roofings for -- and Preserved Meinnge. --Crystalised Fruits. --Urystalzied Figs, Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phone 20 and w90, ee Ie a armrest! a - Fordson Tractors Phone 1609. g 8 are in great demand. Make your Farm Pay Greater Profits We are prepared to demonstrate to you on your own farm how it can be done with a FORDSON. VanLuvenBros. "The House of Satisfaction" EN FOR SALE 1.--Brick dwelling, Montreal street; 5 bedrooms; B. and \ C.; gas--8$3,000. 2.~Detached frame dwelling; Union Street; 7 rooms; electric light; stable and two extra lots--8$2,500. Farm for sale and one large farm to rent, Money to loan on Real state. T. J. Lockhart' Clarence Street, Kingston Phones 1035w. or 1797). Lake Oatario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, , Halibut and Cod. BOOTH FISHEIERS Canadian Co. Phone 520. 63 Brock No. 9-3240. 34-38 Princess Street. qt Nn ---- In daily communication with Mont eal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Munici- | ral Bounds for sale. 281 KING STREET 568; & 1087 FOR SALE | Good second - hand Lumber, Corrugated Sheet Steel and other building materials. British strike sftuation. A ------------------------------ --_-- Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad's Celebrated | Scranton | Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford rout of "'neen St. THERMOMETERS MILKING TUBES HYPODERMIC SYRINGES TEAT SLITTERS TEAT DILATORS MILK FEVER OUTFITS _ BLACKLEG SYRINGES AND PELLETS Dr. Chowns Drug Store 185 Princess St. Phone 843. hogs O. Large coal orders have ' been "it's a black busine., Gut we placed in Canada as a result of the treat you white"