Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1921, p. 8

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_THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG. THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1031, ~~ ree stciprins a -- a -------------------------- a ---------------- In the i of Women---Some Interesting Features thought. "In a few minutes we'll | see her!" : - Hi | ' "Oh, don't!" Lizzie sald faintly. : , > "he Utter er Daintinerr [38 1H : JOSSELYN S With the baby on one arm, and the C it ne Baked in the ot Ye ation . Yi 1 big suitease in his free hand, Joe 4 . picking jo the packing of S Bend Tu ud Ey dh gf 0A WIFE went to the waiting motor, and Liz- most modern biscuit zie, carrying the little suitcase, fol- can . factory in America ---- are a combination which play an important B . ; | a 1 ' 2 the exclusive of the tea itself. I : = y Kathleen Norris 1 |lowed. He put-his-wite and baby-in-t-- H / i r wee et in ro 2 = i Author of "The Heart of Rach-{ | the tonneau, where various packages | / . Rich in food value and ael," "Martie, the Unconquered," "were already piled, but was too ner- 7 high in quality. "The Story of Julia Page," vous himself to join them there, and | i "Mother," etc walked up and down the sidewalk |' J Sold by Canada's best mer- Sw | | instead, turning his he:d whenever NS A G chants for over 62 years. you will find your affinity, a tes that you will stay with, a rare a screen-dvor banged, to look for -- | w precious Jeverage chun will scatter a thirst, renew your Gibbs, followed by tue inevitable | Ellen. -- 3 « --a champagne amongst teas in a d, ez > ov - i : ¥ ; ----y - In and balf. Smane guard, came in, and they turned to Suddenly they saw her, in a door NY AGORA him His silver cres: was, as al- | way a hundred feet away, talking to CHASE a SANBORN, Moatresl, Que. Ways, as smooth as satin, but he look- | some other marketing woman. The . : x oe . g 1 ed ili-groomed and huggard; worst | same Ellen, with her blue honest | | a " of all, he looked beaten. There were | eyes, and her sensitive, sweet mouth, | lead-colored circles about his dark, { with white-shod feet,.and a soft white anxious eyes, and his manner had & | hat crushed over her dark hair, and a jeertain nervous apprehensiveness | trim little striped gingham gown that was unlike its old imperial cer- | showing under her loose dust coat. Rey CREAM Boston's Best Coffee 70¢. 1b. {tainty. He had been overpowered, | There was some new quality in her | Boston Special Coffee . 1b. | disbeliéved, he had been triumphant- | face and manner: what was it?--re- | Choice Jamaica Coffee "eee rw 50c, 1b. ly convicted of one of the most hid- | sponsibility, gravity, tenderness, Joe SODA . «sos 400. 1D. €ous crimes in the calendar of erime, | could not tell, ----------_-- Blended Santos Coffee i ' We specialize in Teas and C off ce. "Choice grades of Teas he faced years--twenty interminable | He walked up to her, and she rais- Ahr ™ from 'on 35¢. to $1.00 a Ib. years or all the rest of his Jife--of | ed surprised eyes. » ==¥ou two haven't got a baby? And then I was so sick I didn't Crown Blend Tea--our leader BA -- . 70c. a 1b. moral and mental degradation, of "Mornin', Ais' Josselyn'" Joe thought that one moment was po dream it would all come out . . i Bg , i e long ht!" Lizzie added eagerly. "We socfal ostracism. is bris | in her eyes | Worth all the fatigue of the sifaclm, In Fisk, posi-| The putsied look b trip 2 planned to keep it a secret until it ' tive Di rney @ wiftly, d the ut her . = Gilbert S Givoin bo ll STHet Atiozney Wag muster [es he bop "Haven't we!" he sa'd, as Ellen, | was over, And then Joe got your 194 Barrie Street. hone 234. | "Mr. Josselyn," Ryan said, LH it to hold a dream. For a few standing on the curb, with the prec- birthday present, and he said, 'Lizzie, : JJ | your wife informed you that we have | seconds she held him at arm's length, | ous bundle in her Sima Opened 186 we'll fous te baby out to call on | found some .most important testi- | staring at him amazedly, then with a | tissues that screened the Nay face, Aunt E len! mony bearing upon your case?" [little sound between laughter and | 30d bent her own cheeks against the Well, I have never had scch a "You regard it so, Mr Ryan?" tears she put her arms about him in | Warm, unresponsive little chek, delicious surprise in my life!" Ellen Gibbs said lifelessly | the old way "And such a tiny on:!"-fhe exult- | exclaimed. "You darling!" she J my regard it as more than import-| "Joe Latimer! Joe!" 8he groped ed. "But how oH is he? And you crooned to the baby "What did you jpe=atiuibecit BOL a gaa it us 50 Vital that 1 ToF.hér haudt¥eralite!, |avghine a3 she new nh ay lidn't' Tm good name for hi teel free to congr tulate yo | wiped her eyes; tears of joy stood in eh lhe 8, Wi ( or him : SUSIE alg ou upon | Ped hey eyes; ] know it ourselves until most people | would be Ellen," grinzed Joe. It it, Mr. Josseélyn, upon a miraculo his own, 'But Joe dear, what brings y p > us | : have got everything ready down to | was good to hear her old laugh again, i | escape from an error of the law. And | you here! I simply can't believe it! : ] : For In fants and Children. {I hope to God." Ryan added, "that |I can't believe 5 eyes!" she said, the last safety-pin!"" Joe explained.|and see the pleasure in her eyes as she glanced from face to face. we wiil soon find means to get you "Liszie brought me!" Joe grinned. TOU Are MOT 70 be Contisued.) clipping bureau, to get every new Mothers Know That out of here!" Ellen dropped his hand to go swiftly ing yen (To be Continued. slant on coal. He said to the clipping "I thank you," @ibbs answered | to the motor-car. use Dr. bureau: "I wart everything you can ETE re H . briefly. But Ellen saw hid lip tremble. | "Lizzfe!"" she echoed radiantly. ment for Eetems aod aae's Ol Olut All About Coal. find about coal." The first clipping enuine astoria "Gibbs--my dear, dear boy!" | Her eyes fell upon the bundle In Liz- It relieves at onee and grad iy (Providence Journal) he got was an article about a man George stammered, taking both his | sie's arms, aéross which Lizzie must heals fee i. Sample bez br There is a New York scientist who | who was suing his wife for a separa- hands. lean to return her kiss. "But--but ASP for do Jotlage. 8 ow » | is greatly interested in coal mining. | tion because she hit him in the head Ellen had a quick sensation of |--what!" Ellen stammered. "Yau He decided to subscribe to a press| with a lump of coal faintness and nausea. She looked . bravely at George, and smiled waver- ingly. "We---we mustn't be too sure--" she stammered. A moment later the harsh, whitewashed walls and the, rodded doors, the warden's desk, and the tall, bare windows, vanist.ed. She jaw them all blur together, like a | picture in a bubble, and, like the | bubble, suddenly become flecked with widening black spots. Then every- thing was black, TEE met a CHAPTER XVIII On a quiet September morning, . about a year and a half later, a young man, his pretty wife, and their very fF small baby, got out of the long train or ver of dusty pullman coathes at the dry, sleepy little California town of Los . Antonios. From the station plat- Th | rt Yea I'S form, with eyes eager for new im- pressions, they looked down the small HT straggling Main street, where The on nthe rary Red Front" dry-goods store, the RY FS "Palace Picture Plays," and *The EE L'Accomodacion" 'millinery, in their hideous brightness of paint and glass, ; were scattered among the older adobe THE SRNTAUR samniny, I -- buildings, blank-faced buildings, with narrow porches running across the upper/floors. There was a small bank, its wooden steps baking in the sunshine, just opposite the station, flanked by two open markets; where figs and sprawling grapes made an unfamiliar note among the tomatoes and peaches. Dusty farm wagons 7 NATIONAL | Crees hem sioed secon moter UNGEIPNTRNTTY | he Bread with Raisins is a 2/35 v7 882. A 9 ks A were stowed away: apples, coiled rope, groceries, a great unwieldy from the four or all of them lump from the butcher store, a Stew smoothly wrapped armful from "The gover Sun Maia Raisin with cold wa- "» r An a eo Rl Red Front." There was lively com- to each half pound Place on Ire; Dring : ing and going at the post office. It to a boil and allow to simmer for one ng going e Pp hour. Sugar may be added. but 1s not chanced to be a Saturday morning, i 5 and Los Antonios was periencing Forget, for a moment, the delicious flavor of raisin bread contain 16% nara he ded Ralaine the busiest business hour of the week, and think of its value as a food. with or 'without eres a itlay After a smiling survey of the Bs cup Sun-Maid Seeded Raisins scene, during which they were ap- Raisins furnish 1560 units of ene izing nutriment per 3 op ian, 5 cw ser. parently entirely unnoticed. fhe may pound, as well as natural iron whic brings the vose tint 2 eu 1-4 tenupuan nutmey 'prossed the street tol the bank, and Wash i a place Foal. omy) + | asked a question of the teller. , to women's and children's cheeks. with fh aie, a1 piace in double boiler m hore, saig that delicate, blond, The raisin's pure fruit sugar is in practically predigested f Hel ln arte Fo Sn . ; ,. Jean: ender. 0 e remainin from here," said that delicate, blond, § pure sugar is in yp ges orm, 80 it 1'caronin, add 'the sugar, spice an motstached official pleasantly, "Fome is almost immediately assimilated. This fruit-food value added to the ~ Joi! besten i H APPINESS is the most precious thing in life. Hap- Murphy's Garage. aud theyil take SovRishment of wheat, forms an almost ideal food. Suntard® fa heiet Alor nd bake unti piness makes the "kiddies" romp and play: it you up there, The Josselyns who Seiad lightens work for the grown folks, it sends a man bave 'the old Perry place, isn't it? the corner or telephone to your grocer or bake shop 4 cope. Bone: Béla Wren to business with a clear eye and a buoyant step equip Sure, it's about six miles out of town, Sun-, or bak 1 f 1 teaspoon sa ped to succeed. No hbme can be an happy [up in _the hills." He meditated a | ~ fora loaf at Maid Raisin Bread bake a loaf at home according : Jevet hp powder. without music, and the second, and then with a sudden burst to the recipe at the right. er ee. er. | - of {uterest he added, "Say, Mrs. Jos. The raisin flavor permeates the bread. Try the bread plain, with or bs! packnecion- : . little rich- LINDSAY PLAYERPIANO ~~ (siigriiiss) | raShesemsnioms ieemsess SEs : be right outside here." ~ twice a week to break the monotony of plain bread. Ste mart make one loaf. "Cannot fail And he obligingly stepped to the This recipe makes delicious raisin will bring music to ANY home. If there is a pianist in d look Every st-clas baker sells Sun- Maid Raisin ead 'muffins. the family, it being also a perfect Lindsay Piano, the : Sour With the Beweomer ran " fir 3 fr 1 cup sn nid seston Raisins. Lindsay Playerpiano will be his or her delight: in addi. \That's the tar," be said. Indiost- Tap dein CL, of PONT: tion it will procure for all the others in" the family a ing one that had been left empty be- 2 eupa cam y shredded lettuce, means of ACTUALLY PLAYING the plano just as weil fore the post office door. "If you get Was End dey the Tama add to the as the musician, in there and wait for Mrs. Josselyn, Apples ang I 0. Jie ow 1 or she'll be right éut of somewheres. sins and apples In center, cover with change it for » Lindsay "Brayerpiamo. Thos: Visiting here" | : : Chuecs "batts na garaien "top wih Ciange find out what the apernh ith hone "I'm just in from New York," said small pieces of red, tart jelly. trade-in. Special easy terms are being grant. ' the new arrival, smiling, "I'm her a fetus Ne te, oF i! go ed at Lindsay's during National Player-piano brother." : ed. uk S-- i diorg I Use Sun. Maid Raisins in all your Three varieties: Sun-Maid seeded Shirai ee) | inte de Spied #54 {Cut This Out and Send I Joe went across " table grapes. aud Spc is aby Hom 1s Mother's Packed in an immaculate plant in ee maar a pea on "That's Ellen's car, there!" he California. Clean, sweet, wholesome Send for free book, "Sun-Maid Please send me your book, *Sun-Maid said: smiling nervously. Lissle did © American raisins -- the kind you Recipes," describing scores of ways Recipes," free. not speak. Her cheeks were burning know are good. £0 use: with exxcitément. For four months she and Joé had talked -of going to CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RAISIN CO, Presa, Cllrs : 10,000 California to see Ellen, but it seemed a mad dream to her stil. "I can't Membership 10,000 belteve we're here!" Joe echoed her

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