FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Ey : » . ho ¥ * ¥ Our aim is to give you the best prices we can on the finest merchandise we can procure for you always, but we tell you frankly, that right now, we're exceeding our most ambitious aims from a value-giving angle at this Gigantic Opening Sale, WHEN YOU GET LOWER PRICES, GET QUALITY, -- TOO OR DON'T YOU PLAY DON'T. A low rice on trash ceases to be a low . + ¥ When you're over anxious to get one you are inclined to overlook the others. nothing is too much when you can get good clothes at good prices. Why not the hunt are apt to be swayed by price tags rather than sound goodn 7 i quality now just as much as you ever CAN I SQUEEZE BY ON, but how much can I GET FOR WHAT IHAVE TO SQUEEZE BY,ON. How much can you get--that's your thou much can we give you? and we can show you better than we can tell you, in other words, you'll OPEN YOUR EYES WHEN YOU SEE. You"l at a reliable store--that's why folks say it's a RELIABLE STORE. A SINCERE MERCHANT COULDN'T SELL YOU RUBBISH, because store that considers its reputation an asset rather than a liability, builds its products up to a standard rather than down to a price and we recognize the quality dead- line here. The Clothes we give you are the best. We bought them right on the new low level and can naturally give you better value than any other store in KING-* STON. The values in Lion Clothes right now are COMMON GOSSIP about town, and on top of that you might do well to remember this: that High Prices or Low Prices, you'll never get anything at ARTHUR'S that isn't certified. a price and whatever you pay for absolute- page for lower prices and in the thrill of were. Your proble misn't HOW LITTLE ht and ours. How A aun ENGAGEMENT ALL THE 75c. NECKWEAR TO GO AT 29c. at this Opening Sale. Our supply ran short last week, but will take care of those who were disappointed. They bought them by the dozens last week. MEN'S SPRING DVERCOATS We bought them right and are passing these great values on to you. Black \ EXTRA TROUSERS Have extra Trousers to ease up the burden on your others. We have hundreds and all kinds. Sizes 32 to 50. Special Working Trousers at this Opening Sale . . $1.95 dG ly--to goat this Ory Sale for . . $1 7.50 BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS A new shipment has arrived. Sizes 26 to 34--at this Opening $1 50 MEN'S CAPS A new shipment of Men's Caps -- the best Cap that has been sold in years for the price. At this Opening HATS! HATS! Your final test of a Hat is that it shall look well on you--an intensely personal and individual matter. Indeed, we are showing all the new blocks. CHILDREN'S ROCKS RIB HOSE Sizés 61 to 10. We bought them right and are passing these great val- 2 5 ues on to you for, per pair . . . . C Sale, per Pair MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S CAPS We are showing the largest range of Men's and Young Men's Caps in the city --all new Clothes and Styles. YOUNG MEN'S SNAPPY SUITS For Boys going into first longs; in three neat patterns, including Blue Serge. To t thi : le f Sizes 341038 +... $15.00 MEN'S WORKING SUITS Extra strong--nice, dark patterns--At this Opening Sale NEGLIGEE SHIRTS We are showing the largest range of Men's and Young Men's Negligee Shirts in the city. See all the new shades on display in our window. : The Lion Clothing House has endeavored in all its departments to bring your cost of necessities back to a safe and sound level. If in your search for better prices you chance to find a better price ELSEWHERE, that's probably one we missed. THE LION CLOTHING HOUSE \ 1 WHERE JENNINGS SHOE STORE WAS 356 KING STREET LOOK FOR THE LION IN THE WINDOW RR | SORE THROAT COMMON Al Wide SOUP TIME Y LEAD TO A SER! IOITION. SIMI iH OLD Ccoua EVELOP AND REQUIRE SUS- TREATME! MAY BE AVOIDED. AN OLD AND RELIABLE REMEDY 18 FOUND IN D8 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC|P Oo iL | At, --~ Williamson & Wellwood Tailors | Announce Special Reductions | IN TIUILOR-MADE CLOTHING | I LN IIAMeRR 30 MON RRA ver I : 1X8 Duors Prom King Edward Theatre LOYAL TRUE BLUE AND ORANGE ORPHANAGE. | whos Above is shown a view -of the Orphanage building which will be erected by the Orange | {Order just north of the village of Richmond Hill, Ont.. on a site 387 feet by 2,700 feet. | { The four-storey building combines a home, school. and hospital. Ils splendid equipment | {will include boys' and girls' gymnasiums and a swimming tank. | 1 NE SURVIVING HUNGER THE REFINERY TAXES for industrial us® will get thebhenefit | CUT BY COMING LAW of the lower assessment. - STRIKERS ARE REMOVED [corvyvitie Piant would Be |Norway's Ship Claims | 8a Assessed at 60 Instead | May Go to The Hague |To Cork Military Barracks in of 150 Per Cent. ' Washington, April 7.--Suggestion | View of 'Attem t to Rescue . : [ that Norway's ,claims against the Toma Belleville, April 7.--The refinery | ynjted States for_ships requisitioned of the Canadian Industrial Alcobol {gyring the war be adjusted by arbi- . oe . Co.,- Corbyville, will be very favor- tration before the permanent court Cork, April 7.--Nine survivors of ably affected by the proposed amend- (at The Hague was made by Secre- hunger strike, conducted for time in {ment to the Assessment Act. If the |tary Hughes, in a note to Minister Cork jail by Sind Fein prisoners last autumn, but which was abandoned when the prisoners realized its fu- tility, have been removed from Jail to the detention barracks connected with military headquarters. This 8tep was taken dy the authorities be- cause of th> sensational attempt about two weeks ago to rescue some of the men. At the time of the at- tempted jail delivery, all the *prison- €rs were in the jail hospital, where they had been indergoing treatment since declaring off their hung:+ strike. They were immediately taken to their cells and confined as ordin- ary prisoners. PE 8 | x BE. Lohans EN ARR SAR oy RT ARR io a. TBR NE CHOICE WESTERN MEATS and COOKED MEATS McGEEIN'S Phone 1182 282 Princess Street legislature approves of the commit- | Briyn of Norway, here. Ae pres- tee's action yesterday, distillers |ent a special Norwegian commission ~ / . BS if manufacturing alcoho! for industrial is on its way here for the purpose ? . xd purposes are to be assessed in future | of reaching a settlement of the *Player's fo S I0r as' manufacturers, which 'means a claims, business assessment of sixty per cent. { Chairman Benson, of the shipping a , LY Yom / instead of the 150 per cent. imposed | board, explained that an allowance on' distillers and prewers producing lof $14,157,000 was made by the alcoholic beverages. The bill will be | board for a number of contracts for been ob. Me re-drafted so that only the premises ships under construction in this actually used for producing alcohol | country for Norwegians, which were {taken over by this government dur- : ing the war and completed. Nor- fui. however, it was said, expressed Yo y | dissatisfaction with the amount. oull find || Grape:Nuts | , | Added Water to Outdo Measure of a delicious and | Cowman, . London, April 7.--When a farmer was.summoned at Croydon for con- signing to Croydon milk containing in one case 56 per cent and in an- other' 28 per cent. of added water, the town clerk informed the cours that these percentages were so ridi- culous that intentional fraud could hardly be conceived. Inquiry had Habit jol will give you the t in the MILKMAID'S AMBITION. Not Given Credit Due For Mesopotamian Policy 'London, April 7.--Apprehension that the position of Great Britain re- lative to the oil fields in Mesopota- Dia is not understood in the United States is expressed by the Daily Tele- &raph, which says that, as the result of the present situation, the British Government has not ved due cre- dit for the policy it has pursuéd--This showed that a girl of 13, employed at newspaper asks the people of thef the farm from which the milk came, added the water. In the circum- offie usand names United States if they are "convinced : jm morally guilty. To gratify her stances, the prosecution would with- ure aN Ny dd Sigs ; have Nujol they would have observed similar ambition to be recognized as a better | draw the case on » £ payment of £5 bs. signatures for the repeal of the Envy is one of the hardest coemies self-denial in like circumstances. milker than the cowman, she had costs, : Act im Quebec. vor ten | (hat i and I Fave to dea! «th. \ . /'