14 PEOPLE'S FORUM THE DAILY BRITISH W | eo | THE - CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: Fest insertion 10 & Words UEaCH TET secut insertion thereaiter., nal cent a word Minimuin charge t One inseruon, 23¢; three nsertions 60 cents. The above rates are for cash when charged they are double ¢ I HELP WANTED. APPLY HOTEL MIS, Arla Ani, iby Lar A LOU, Lijigil 10 APILY Bx GIRL WANTED, €rsyn Utucery, bi MAID FOR GEN Apply 88 Johnson street TEMPORARY HELPERS; GIRLS P letred. Appiy Alngstunl t'ubtic lat rary -------- ee ------ TWO GIRLS ORR WOMEN FOR WASH- Ing bottles brewer Lurts- mouth in Pho BY THE young g ¥. Nickie, | GOOD, RELIABLE WOMAN F¢ eral housework. Apply ward Walsh, 390 Albert JR GEN- M t sty 8. kde WANTED EXPERIENCED hand, singie, season ur ye¢ 8agement. Apply Jas. L Westbroo tum Apply to the Die premises ----im---- YOUNG LADY AS OFFICE ASSISTAN ~~gO0od stenvgrapher edge of bookkeeping expected. Apply Box A-7, fice eee COME AT ONCE--MEN $6-10 DAILY special short courses; one mor Auto Mechanics' course $50; « month Gas Tractor Course plenty of time to finish for spring rush. Hemphill Bros. Gag I'ractor School, 163 King W.,. Toronto Board and $5.50 up. Call or write GOOD, RELIABLE take orders line of Te ada. Highes concern In t goods are funded financially looking ) permanent jg earning possibilit opportunity Quick, ac sary Patricia. Blend Tea fee, 651 Queen Street East, ont. MAN WA? and deliv 8, Coffee t 'commissi Toront RAL HOUSEWUOUG, room | nly, | - | FARM | WANTED FURNS WANTED GENERAL. XCHANGE FOR 1 ANT MANY TO RENT, Ly practica chide Y. 0 ABOLT farier; Frank T 200 view Herring, KE ) | HE. HE ed aj t > no child- Whig Oftice ANNO dient of new C. W. Lind- "E88 Slrwel ARCHITECT ps ee cn ------ 8, SON AND ODREVER, ARCH]. Mer hamoers, ciitigilon | {| ON MARCH FURNITURE FINISHIN CALL OR DROP A CARD 10 W. DRIS- . < John street S--T April 13th, 1921 DRS. SPARKS AND tists, 159 Larnovsky's. SPARKS, Wellington street, Phone 348. DR. RUPERT I'. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 | > > | A | Help Wanted Experienced Cigar Makers. Also Girls to learn trade; steady work for 1921 guaranteed. Apply-- GEO. 'A. McGOWAN MFG. CIGAR Co. POSITION WANTED, MISS MADGE Stenographer, Stencil 8raph work done. surance Office, Phone 321 EDGAR, rusLic and Mimeo- White's In 9 Bagot Street AGENTS WANT AGENTS 500% PRO¥IT GOLD ters for stores, office windows; ily applied; will not wash off samples. Acme Sign Co. Wells, Chicago, 111 E cas- i free 546 N MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS LET- | | carn ¥. | COVERED but to travel and appoint local re p-| resentatives, $1,092 ang expenses guaranteed first year, with good chance to make $2,600 and ex- penses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. | | | rincess Street. Phone evenings b 1850. Upeu t RR, HAS RE. Princess of Nova Scotia 3 AYKHOYD, aimed t practi Bank RPENTERING WHEN YOU W AN James Selb L niver sity A venue " MEDICAL. LLIOTT, rH Count Ph see ractor, ' Nw, 362 HROCK ST SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLAS etc. large or small, guara gold leaf; posters, showcards, artistically writiea by Sha Kingst ete. ana designed W, at 205 Princess St-eat mn UPHOLSTERING. -- OR DROP A CARD 0 WwW. J, Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. BUTTONS MAD TO OR- der in all popular ghapes and sizes Upholstering and repairing E Goodridge, 244 Avenue. | ------ ee ~| FURNITURE REPAIRED AND FIN- ete. re- ranteed ncess St, guns, gramaphones promptly and & Sleeth, na ired ' BE Stanton Pr LAND SURVEYOR F. F. m1 ER, B.Ap., Se, C.K, O.L.S, DLS, M.E1C, Napanee, Ont. tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. RT PERSONAL HAIR, MOLE marks, skin cance moved permamsent Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished cthers have failed. Goitre removed. 35 years' experience. Dir. Elmer J Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Tt! t WwART rs, 8 SALESWOMEN WANTED For Hosiery and Glove Departments. Apply to: JOHN LAIDLAW & SON pr Good*for any furnace. $1.50 pe Consult us re THE RUSH IS ON w is the time to orde clutch, Schebler carburetor, K. stuffing boxes, shafts, propelle spark plugs, etc. We can sup short notice. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End of Wellington St. No. 3, 51000. Ne. 6, $1200 Best Stove for Garage or work hep. Cooks and other Stoves as we LTURK Phone 750 Mild Weather Fuel Economy Use Pea Coai in the furn ace. T ton less than other sizes. garding ts uses. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street T 'your motor boat W. marine box spark coils, magnetos, r wheels, water circulating pumps, ply you at r Let us have your inqu --- engine, reverse easonable prices and on iry ? Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. . BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. Ee Rt a Putt Ards asin -------- By our extravagance we soma- times shorten both ends of the rope until it is' impossible to mak? them meet, mn! LEN. | 2 over | done | University | tivn Restaurant. Owner have same on pfoving pr erty at the Restaurant TERRIER, WHITE black, with t collar Apply Sydenham Street A SUM OF MONEY, TUESDAY cn Princess, between rie and Clergy. Apply lve Clergy street PAIR OF CHILD'S TAN GLOVES, Apply 17 Union 5 FUUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED WREE. Anyone fuding anything and Visning Lo redca the UWuer may "ou Bo DY repurung the fuctsg te Lhe British Whig. The adver. Liaement will be printed in this cu.umn free of charge. Pound articies" dues not (r- Cisde lust dogs, caltie, nurses elec These, If lost, may ve ad- VerUsed Lur lu the Losi eviumn RAY GOLD CUFF LINK WITH Hot Finder ieav fice CHAIN ¥ind- | ALTO TIRE ir in the city, 17th, on Perth er please | ad ne | LADY'S GOLD WRIST WAY wel car MASSEY yele from Dance Hall, Brock day evening Kindly Chatham Street Garden Wednes- return to 21 TAILORING. ING AND SUMMER d and repaired now. I { FOR SALE. AWNINGS, S$, FLAGS, CANOES hon b ". Cooke BADY CRADL Montreal | | HOUSES, 03 AND 03.4 of William 'Street, hot% gas and electria . H. Sullivan, 38 | CARRIAGE 4 Apply [TWo BKICK north side FRAME HOUSE, street: eight roor electric light; as; Cheap for cash sale. D-16. Whig Office « OLLINGWOOD | furnace; W. C lot 72 x Apply 120 Box | : | SOLID BRICK plece bath room; furn nt; gas for cooking; exempt 1 taxes for five years Fasy 18. Apply 14 Plum Street, | A NEW FOR SALE { CAST DWELLING; 7 ROOM (.; stable and garage; King | Street, next Gore Street--e$2,400, | | DOUBLE FRAME; 4 ROOMS EACH; W C.; Chatham str near Princ Rental § Price $1800. | BUILDING LOTS LIVINGSTON AVENUE, NEAR KING street, 33x132--$320. | ADELAIDE STREET; NEAR ALFRED street; 30x120 to lane--§200 | | ROUGH Ww street 8. | | | MACDONNELL STREET, NE ston street, 50x120--§200 Apply to:-- AR JOHN J. 8S. R. McCANN, 86 Brock Street, 'hone 326 or 621. FRAME DWELLING, WITH 7 ROOMS, detached kitchen, electric light gas, three piece bath, good garden Possession May 1st Price $2500 Apply 194 Division street. -- eee BRED BARRED ROCK AND White Wyandotte Baby Chickens 40c. each Hatching eggs from brize winners, $3 to $5 per 15 Joseph White, phone 2301 4 Portsmouth, Ont, 2 $3,500 WILL BUY single frame; A SEVEN ROOM electric lights; for cooking; Johnson street. 300 cash. Balance on time. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence Street. SPECIAL OFFER--PURE BRED BAR- red Rock eggs for hatching from Cobourg and Guelph strain; worth $3 a setting; reduced for this month to $1 Orders left at Gil- bert's Grocery will be looked after p-- BARGAINS 1 FURNITUR "TC, parlor set, mahogany, $35.00. easy chairs, $9.00 each planos, $55.00 and $7 gentleman's bicycle, ladies' bicycle, $18.00 Baby Carriages, $15.00 and $18.00. Maple Leaf Cook Stove, $35.00 large Victor Gramaphone, twenty new records, $45.00. 1 Edison Gramaphone, diamond point, two hundred records, $45.00. 1 set of 25 books, Alexander D $15.00. Duméa LESSE Phone 1045. 'S ANTIQUE SHOP 507 Princess Street. eet eee. SETTING EGGS FROM -- DUBERRY'S, | Second to none, Barred Plymouth | Rocks. Individual matings, exhi- | bition strain. $2 to $4 per setting. 0 eggs. Charleg Duberry, 53 Bev- erly Street. ONE IDEAL GASOLINE made by Goold, Shapely Co, 1% h. p 's ~-- ENGINE and Muir Excelsior Motor- 371 an Phone 1032w. 8 | SCHOONER FOR SALE H 1G. RAND NOW PLAYING ST The Famous Story of New York's Bohemia "Beau THE FAMOLU | GAS RANGE, Oxford Apply 'rincess St. BEDS, CARPETS, DISHES, ETC, COME | Apply 2 t at once ario Street | SMALL STRONG STEEL 3 | banks. $1.00 each. 'Mills Co, : Clarence St. | FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, | Bros. make, Ap; Lunch, 181 Princess street. 60 CHICK CHATHAM HBROODER. AP- ply Baldwin, House of Industry, 362 Montreal street. Phone 68 | TWO LARGE WILTON RUGS, large antique mahogany sofa. Ap- ply No. 1, St. Claire Apartments. MACHINE three months Kingston, Ont ONE CANADIAN ICE | machine only run Apply P. O. Box 19, GRAY WICKER GO-t ART, new, also three' brass electric t boat Mghts. Phone 3030w, Alfred street lor 364 JN BUGGY, MAY BE SEEN AT Guess' Livery, single har- For particulars apply Mrs Kilborn, 244 King Street | PHAET Mi PURE BRED R. J. RED EGGS; BOTH | nbs from prize nning stock 50 to $5.00 per Apply F ack York §2 18 Bl 25 Str EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM PURE bred Barred Rocks 1 White Wy- , excellent ers. $2.00 for Potter, Portsmouth GENUINE GHRAFPHONOLA AND TEN sele¢tion bur own choice, 0 Terms $7 cash; $5 per month. C. W Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. SINGLE FRAME SITUATED on Brock street, Park; with all ments Enquire HOUSE, 108ite rn 474 tmprove- Brock St. mud at WYANDOTTE PURE BRED WHITE cas strain. $3.00 eggs, Martin's Dec to $5.00 for 15 tham Incubator. mouth. ------------------------------------------------ "BERTHA CALKINS," carrying capacity )0 net tons. Can be inspected at Picton Ontario Further particulars and price on application. T VanDusen, Pie- ton, Ont. J. Turner, Ports- MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize in mill- tary boots; buy all kin second. hand goods; highest prices paid. I. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. FRAME SIX ROOMS and tewsd BO garden fruit freés,. 00. 8 Also house, rooms with good arden and gate- way, $1500. HOUSE 4 d TWO BL parlor (ds, with | rors, springs and mattress includ- | ed; square Piano in excellent con- | dition and artist's table. Apply | Union 'Street. MOTOR BOAT, 19 FT. LONG x 4 6" | beam; engine, § h p.; double cylin-| der and clutch; auto top and cush- ions; speed eight miles per hour; great bargain at $125.00. Apply| Knapp's Boat Shop, Barriefield. | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF LARGE well-built stone residencé, 98 Karl Street. Interfor just painted and decorated; 12 rooms. Open fire] grates. For inspection, apply to J. Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street, | ------ ------------ ee ONE FUMED OAK BUFFET, ONE! fumed cak round dining table, one| mahogany pedestal, one oak bed | with spring and mattress one | baby's high chair, and one kitchen | table Apply 26 Frontenac Street | North | | 1 McLaughlin Top Buggy, with steel! tires and auto back; almost new. | Ice Cream Wagon and Harness. Ford Speedste Seven Passenger Studemaker Car Five Passenger Gray Dort Car Seven Passenger Tudhope Car. Apply between the hours of § and pm. at 3 1690 RAGLAN ROAD p.m BUY EGGS FROM JOHN M ARSHALL'S | exhibition strain of White Rocks] and W Wyandottes; three to] five dol per 15. Henergizer and | Chicklivia for sale. At 101 Queen Street. Phone 181w. WF HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves | 2.0¢ furniture to dispose of, we wil] highest rices. J. Thompson, 23 Princess street. Phone 1600w. COMFORTABLE FIVE ROOM FRAME house, Thomas street; hardwood floors downstairs; good cellar; large poultry house: exceptionally large poultr vard enclosed by six foot poultry wire; deep lot. 130 ft frontage. 'Cheap to quick buyer Apply George Wickham, Por mouth, opposite Granger's stor RELIABLE USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD satisfied customers Honest methods, small profits. I handle my Own Credits The following amountg down, balance | arranged, buys $350 Dodge Touring. | $300 Chevrolet Touring. $250 Ford Touring $300 Ford Roadster 1920. $150 McLaughlin Truck. we PA LM ER ee Corner of Bagot and Queen Streets. Over 70 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE HOUSE, lots and barns, big stone house, on corner; 9 rooms; gas; electric hot Water heated; cemented cellar; large cattle barn; can hold 26 head of cattle; slaughter house; horse stable; 4 sta) large drivehouse 8nd EArage; hen house. eic. Eight sbuilding lot large garden and fruit orchard. A reasunable offer will be accepted, Apply 338 Prin- cess Street. Telephone 799 or 2007, REGISTERED HOLSTEIN C this year's crop, male; bred from ams and sired b Daisy Pauline Pieterye, with a - cord of 110 lbs. milk per ip Priced right to an early buyer One or write Geo. H G Bath, Ont. Urpen, SLVES oF both male and fe- high producing ¥ & grandson of | | | TWO NEW TRUCKS . One Republic Truck with inter. nal drive, One Intern ternal drive. Some Grant Six Touring Cars will be here in a few days. J. W. MARTIN { 110 Clergy Street. ational Truck with in- BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, ALE FOR SAL $750--KOR SALE--IU IL. 3 DING LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING | &ood location. $1900---~FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; north end; 4 rooms; B. and C. Lot 233x132; for Immediate possession, $2000--~FRAME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS; &bout an acre of land; suitable for PAINTING AND DECORATING, J. H. J way, 37 Cherry Street. Phone ew, WHEN WANTING PAINTING oR Paperhanging done. dro a card te A. Mounteer. x4 Arch streef summer rders; near Westport. FRAME HOUS and C.; electric lig §nod cellar. E; 4 ROOMS; B. his and furnace; PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING rooms and halls; low prices; paper furnished. Work guaranteed sat- isfactory. Drop a card or call H. B. Rowley, 138 Bay street. RICK SEMI-DETACHED; 9 rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar. age. HENRY WARD & soN, PAINTERS, Paper Haugers and interior deco- rziors. Now is the time to have your interior decorated. Phone | VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONE} to Loan. > FARNA~SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR « gale. G. A. BATEMAN, ellington Street, 159 W tom. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING J. Flanagan, Painter and Decorator. Estimates freely given. Metallic gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal street Phone 1433. 5 BURNER GUERNEX | 47 4 SAVINGS 7 JONES y Prince of Wales: S ONE ALMOST mo- | or Victoria | Also 60 egg Cha- | and | 4 Apply to 71 Stephen | Street. | CK WALNUT 1 ena plate glass mir- | STORAGE ---- ----e. | MODERN APARTMENTS, 4 ROOMS and | Return PRICES Revel' With an All-Star Cast | Mn, LATEST NEWS MUTT AND JEFF POLLARD COMEDY PHYLLIS DEVLIN, SOPRANO FAMOUS STRAND ORCHESTRA tte MONDAY "KISMET" Seats now on sale, of the Announcement of "An Unexampled Wonder | TO-DAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DOROTHY | GISH "Little Miss Rebellion" "KIDDIES" Two Reel Comedy { i : $42.50 | IN VAUDEVILLE CARTWRIGHT BROS, JACK AND LO REE SID GRANT | CHILDREN ADMITTED TO MATINEES GRAND ° SATURDAY, APRIL CAPT. M. W. PLUNKETT PRESENTS His Best All-Noy "Girl-Show"" FOURTH DIVISION Ia Their Original Overséas Revie "CAMOUFLAGE" After Record-Breaking Coast te Coa (Seats now on sale) FRIDAY, AVRIL 8, 1921. ne Night Only "MAPLE LEAFS» st Run. Oe, Tie, $1.00, $1.50 THE PROOF Thursday's, April 7th D. W. GRIFFITH'S LATEST ACHIEVEMENT of the 20th Century." --Editorial in Boston Herald. A PICTURIZATION OF IS THE GREATEST SUCCESS IN THE | oe HISTORY OF THE THEATRE. THIS IS NOT A FROM COAST Direct From Three Weeks' Re IDEAL \ VENTILATION ALLE STAGE PLAY! TO COAST cord Run at Royal Alexandria, | Toronto. Now- CHARLES RAY "THE OLD SWIMMIN' HOLE" A Real Ray of Sunshine! "The Greatest Picture This Masterpiece Rais Creative Genius," A Ra Living Image of Reality." SHEIK'S REVENGE" Episode Four) (Serinl) "THE THREE DAYS « "Son of Taran» VIOLIN SOLO Il Trovatore" TUESDAY AND WEDN hy SID. HOFFMAN, Director Allem Premler Orchestra Gallery, 50c. $1, 50c.; Gallery, 25c. SEATS ON SALE Watch Saturday Papers for Additional '¢ Document of Life in Which the Daily Matinees: "Griffith Has Climbed to New Heights of Achievement." --N. Y. Evening Sun. ver Produced." --Philadelphia Inquirer es the Standard to a Higher Level of ~--Chicago Journal. Characters Are the ----Los Angeles Times. Grand Opera House COMMENCING MONDAY NIGHT APRIL 11 DAY TWICE NIGHTS, 8.15. --Nights, Orchestra, $1, DAILY--MATINEES $1.50; Balcony, $1.50, $1. Orchestra, $1; Balcony, Now Particulars of This Special Engagement! A GOOD ROOMY GARAG APPLY 301 Earl street. Annual Gymnasium Exhibition GIRLS OF QUEEN'S, QUEEN GYMNASIUM FRIDAY, APRIL Oth, 1921 3.00 p.m. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, ply 214 William Street AT NO, 2, TORON- | Apply on premises AP- FRAME GARAGE to street GARAGE, KING OR GORE J. 8. R. McCann, phone FURNISHED HOUSE TO LE able Jocation. Apply 1087 | | DAY ) & : DESIR | Admission ..... "lary, includes war tax. | | FURNISHED HOUSE court. Apply to Phone 628W. AND Alice TENNIS 1 Street Usually prosperity don't turn the ¢.ld shoulder on th2 housenold Wir re the woman has %:r own way part of tha time, Most of us have in mind the dime instéad of the dollar whenethe col- tion plate is headed our way FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all Improvements, centrally locat- | ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. | FOR FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean aud dry. Me-| Cann, 86 Brock street. Phone 326 or 621. HOUSE ments. | April | | NINE ROOMED STONE 146 Montreal St., all fmpr« Phone 1089 ring 3 Vacan 1st. | ROOMS OR PART OF HOU SE, OCCU. | pied by widow lady. Possession May 1st. Apply Box C-7, Whig] Office : A » CARTING., -------- HAVE YOUR ASH MOVED before the rush General carting moving, etc Three horses on the Job. Charles Andre, corner of Bagot and Charles street hone 15491 NOW FOUR ROOMS; HEATED; G! tricity; private lavator) ses- sion ay jist Rent $30 B-7 | | Ca | | i Whig Office. | FINANCIAL STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANCE or agents; established in 1860; only : T.i| the most reliable companies repre- sented, Office 95 Clarence street, | Opposite the post office. LARGE FLAT AT 520 PRINCESS » 8&as; electricity; private lavatory heated; suitable for two couples Apply at Weese's Art Store i 1 7 FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- A MRS. 8. COHEN Hall Phone 357 RUSH BOOK YOUR SEATS AT ONCE! BIG CR H FOR TICKETS "Kismet" A A A a. Pt tn) Public Mee 1 'HON. N. W. ROWELL, K.C. Will address a Public Meeting in | CONVOCATION HALL, FRIDAY, at 8.15 pm, om PLACE IN THE OF NATIONS" DANCING LESSONS Every Night AT GARDEN HALL Hours 7 p.m. to 0 p.m. All the Latest Dances 111 BROCK ST. Residence 1878 "CANADA'S LEAGUE bath; heated; Barrie Princess. Also new 7 Montreal St. Apply 1 street; room Cohen near house & ment Soclety, incorporated 161 President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice- president, A. B Cunningham Mouey issued on city and farm propecties, au cipal ana county debenture purchaseaq, + sale; deposits Lt allowed sd eo] BRIGHT, WELL FURNISHED front room, and two smaller rooms | in a central locality Apply 188] Earl street, near Chalmers' church STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CI dry, airy rovms; your own Jock and | key. Frost's City Storage, 208-305 | Queen street. 'hone 576; res. sxvw EAN, | LEGAL -------- A ------------ CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors i9 .Clarence street, Kingston. A, B. Cunning- ham, Cyril M. Smith. AMBRO SHEA, BA, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law oXice, corner af King and Brock, over Hoyal Bank hot Money to loan. Phone 1999 gar- TO RENT, 60 QUEEN STREET; yard; stables and sheds; rear of 155 Queen; large suitable for garage and stables ply 185 Queen Street, LARGE also at| barn; Ap- BY MAY Ist, UNFURNISHED of three jarge ioums and ete Gas ior cooking Wailer heat. Also four age. Apply 286 Queen. FLAT | aud " stall ee mn | TWO FUOUNT APARTMENTS, ESPE- | c.uily furnished for light house- | keeping, gas for covking and ight, | at the Ploneer Apartments. 212 and | 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. FROM MAY 1st, APARTMENT OF four attractive and nicely deco- raied rooms. kitchenette and bath, two fire places, hot and cold water. | electric light and heat, Kigg street west. FP. O, Box 112. .: 4 FURNISHED HOUSE; REASONABLE | rent; for an indefinite time; if} satisfactory, or would rent furnish- | ed rooms for light house-keeping, | if preferred. Possession 1st May. | Apply 78 Division Street. By e crowded houses We a Shareholder in this fits that are bees BIG You Dollars now regularly the Shares me cannot place better advantage. paid 2 to FOUR ROOM APARTMENT, HARD- wood floors, electric light, gas stove, heater, refrigerator, modern in every way. Rent $50.00 month. Apply to White's Insur- ance Office, 238 Bagot Street. SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE, 219 QUEEN Street; summer kitchen; electric light; gas for cooking; 3 bath; garden and stable; room flat Queen street; toilet. elec- tric light; garden; pussession for these May 1st Apply 1. Zacks, 271 Princess Street. dividends HOTEL investment will be Or expense profitable obligation on your WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C, Pa. C, Core ner Princess 1 and Barrie Streets, Ind floor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822). Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to § pm. enterprise your & pare on the Preferred will commence to be paid on the Common > is very little of thie Stock (; but write ¢r phone our MR. DARRELL FRONTENAC When You Eat Let It Be the Best. Ask for GOLD BOND CANNED TOMATOES, CORN and PEAS AT ALL GROCERS TO THE PATRONS AND FRIENLS OF ALLENS KINGSTON THEATRE know you must enjoy the music and pictures; but you § hould go one step further and and share [n the ® now assured One Hundred or every three months Shares and in more is July Yo ieft unsold. DO NOT from whom the fullest particulars of this safe, sound and cheerfully given, without any part. THIS 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY--ACT AT ONCE. ONTARIO SECURITIES COMPANY 4