\ FRIDAY, APRIL », 1vzy. "FOR SALE, | 'T CLASS arn: al Theatrical TWO HUNDRED ACRE land ise 8 FIRS fin r k kK t LILLIAN GISH IN "WAY DOWN EAST» This Old Stage Favorite Gains by Its Screen Resurrec- tion. HOUSE, lings orn, ACRES FRAME BANK barn and outb en terms; $ mil ACRES, barn ar miles GOOD HOUSE; BANK W Way the re OR East," Opera ACRES, (ERNESTTOMNN) . GOOD | . Speakinz ofp ITT] of Water I 3 der Specigele. t and three evening Tues- comes to Gi in Kingston for g Monday , with matinees on Wednesday, say After and waich Ho TALSO A NUMBER OF OTHER FARMS 10 suit purchasers on TRUMPOUR & LOYST «+ vy and Advertiser tae 111% Brock Street. Phone 704 or 144iw twenty-two Notice to Creditors version, Lottie Blair Parker's famous 'In the Matter of the Estate of Eitza. play, "Way Down EAi3t," has entered beth Allen, Inte of the city of King- iy awatya rs mizaa tr he Sota &ton, in the County of Frontensnc; Wi- Upon what promises to be a gr ater dow; Deceane triumph than even the most NOTICE IS guine imagination of author or pro- sSuant to Section §6 (R.S.0. 1914, Chap duce creditors and othe presentatic demands against . ed G | {each day this ek Elizabeth Allen, Even the most blase of theat- yea¥ pleasure provided to the great 1 public tarough the medium the stage of : genera of 3, twi at the Opera House 6 the fifth day of Ma quired on or befor the 1921, to send 5 sr to Willian § | regoers, with the impression that he Sydenham Street, on ad- ». hada alra ; sa e ministrator of theyestato of the said|©r She hds already seen th uis Flizabeth Allen, de d, their Chris-|that the silver screen has to offer in tian names and = ames Hc es | > wa fe isi n- and description¥, the full particulars of | the way of exquisite and even won their claims, a statement of Counts, and ti 1 be SC miraculous ability of the picture such | producer to combine the sister 3 in a picture of surpassing beauty and trator d to distribute th tal : . assets of the said deceased among the | infinitude of detail. must perforce Parties entitied thereto faving regard | admit that in the film production of vnly to the claimg of which he shall ay - ara then have received notice, and that the | Way Down East," D. W Griffith ' haig Jramivigtrater will lable | has surpassed anything previously or the al Bssets or Ere. | of to any Pere ose | Attempted, and that he has done so claims notice shall not hav must largely be credited to an abil- Tre oy Bim at the time ity and intuition very much akin to DATED the 31st day of March, A D, | the Scots' "second sight" with which a1. as selec > " ina le CUNNINGHAM & SMITH. { he has selected the principals, the licitors for the Administrator | art directors, scenery, and - | every detail for elaboration Automobile Repairs USED CARS FOR SALE ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Shop 1032, ties (if an m J t after arts » said adm ae d e been re- f such dis- the of | common every-day life. As Anna Moore, the heroine of the | story, Lillian Gish has made a name for herself as an emotional actress not second evbn to that attained by the "Divine Sarah" at the height of per career as lead- ing man, Richard Bart in the of David Bartlett, gi a sup- port to the development of t story ! that could not by the most extra- vagant imagination be excelled The story of Anna Moor who lives in a humble New England home with her mother, and is for by straitened circumstances to k the financial aid of wealthy relatives, is | full from the beginning to the end | of the pathos that till revealed by the | suberb acting of Miss Gish has ne ver | found an expression 'o the | humble ranks of life where repres- | sion of feeling has become sec ond n | ture. As a result of her visit rich« friends sie becomes the tim of Lennox Sanderson, | whose life plaything hag | "woman." A mock marriage, | birth of a baby, which dies shor | afterwards, and Sanderson's refy tion of any responsibility for the whe wh 1 role Phones: Res, 13373, 378 BROCK STREET ed es side of Gish wonderful opportunity for fullest display of her powers | emotional i mere cribe, | To relate the story in detail would | not alone be too lengthy for the available space, but would tend to | destroy the delight of watching the | unfolding of this wonderful life story jon the screen. Suffice it to say that the as an actress, 'a power which words refuse to fittingly des- there are innumerable scenes which fix themselves by their intensity, beauty or artistic setting on the ming with a grip which cannot be refused, Of these Scenes, perhaps the out- standing is the rescue of Anna Moore | by David Bartlett from the floating | block of ice just as it is about to pe | hurled over the falls in the | rush of ice and water | spring break-up takes place; the | Scene in the fashionable ballroom { with the gorgeously attired women, | this scene being in colors; the old- | time barn dance with its true-to-life | participators, and dozens more | might be mentioned as worthy of | special note, The musie, A. D. Jordan, is a feature in itself, its melodies and cadences 1 | dapted to the spirit of tt | 30ugually clever manner. a | To say that every person in the | packed house last night went away v | deeply touched by the pathos of the Pork Tenderloins when the money with less work. A feed it ~justadd hot water vetonit Soldia Checkerboard bags only by W. P. PETERS Wholesale and Retail Distributors Offive and Warehouse Foot of Princess Street Phone B1Retail Store 117 Brock St. Phone 217 being a- 1e story in story, and delighted with the special Presentation of it is in no sense ing beyond the strict confines of truth. The picture will be presented twice each day for the remainder of the week, and that there will be many repeat visits to see it is assur. ed --Advt. .60c¢. a 1b. "The Maple Leafs." In response to the many requests from the ex-service men in Canada, especially former fourth division men, Captain M. W. Plunkett, the producer of most of the soldier en- tertainments supplied our boys in France, has gathered together the "Maple Leafs" theatrical company, and will present them on a home coming tour of Canada in their origi- nal overseas revue, "Camouflage." at the Grand on Saturday, April 9th. The "Maple Leafs' were the official party of the fourth division in France and were one of the greatest favori- tes of the C. E. F. Their musical re- vue was written for them in France, and it proved to be one of the bright- est and most tuneful shows ever staged in close proximity to the fir- ing line. There are several wonderful "Birls" anong the "Maple Leafs," ail of whom did their bit with rifle and bayonet before being chosen by the captainfor service in the entertain- ment corps. It is this fact which makes the artistry of the soldier-ac- 25¢. a 1b. 30¢c. a 1b. Hamburg Steak Choice Spring Lamb by quarter. HOGAN'S MEAT MARKED 822 King Street. Phone 283 the The skeptic alway: has in stock a whole lot o. things he don't believe | Lecause he has "not invectigated | them. An empense account rightly kept Would convince most mia that they Are i0 a greater or less degree ex- travagant. days | London | tructiom | san- | . | r could have pictured in its film which is being present- | their ac- | derful exemplifications of the almost | n fact, | ~a} | : 2 ; | Seldom does one have such an op- | to her | vie- | intend seeing the marveldus photo- | a man | Play to book their seats as soon as | *0. been | Possible as this attraction will posi-! : . r- 1. M. Cos. G. the | tively be shown for only three days, | Publishing Compagy, L. M. Cox, 1 | Adve, fu- ture of his innocent victim, give Miss great | under the direction of | 80- | i | Supper Held For Boys Taking Part | | i | | i | } i | i | | OUR SELECTIONS --IN--._, Spring Woollens! while not as large as some years ago, is very attractvie and we think we can meet your taste. Our prices are reasonable, consis- tent with high-class work. CRAWFORD & WALSH TAILORS Bagot and Brock Streets To inaugurate of agriculture, milked a p ure- | Toronto. Above the i ing the lacteal fluid. E. \ | ed~spectator. {ihe anvantanev | tors a thing above t { trical egtertainment Advt At The Strand. | this simpi 7 lair I g | Portunity of seeing the thrills of the { tS simple story of plain people an | gay Bohemia life of the great met- | ropolis that one is completely carried he ordinary thea- ---- CABINET MINISTER MILKS BOSSY. the "drink more milk campaign," Hn. bred Holstein in front of Ont minister is seen all dolled up in bib and H. Soneliouse, of The full-length picture shows Mr. Doherty the advantages of using more milk. TIT MONA rm sr Rn, a | Off their feet by the thrilling photo- | play, "Beau Revel," the attraction | that opened at the Strand last night | for a three day run. The story is very | unusual and is completely full of az- { tion, thrills and suspense The cast ic great and the direction is perfect. The special comedy "Movie Fans," a funny Mack Sennett feature, brought down the house with round jafter round of laughter as did Snub Pollard In his latest comedy, "Open Another Bottle." The Strand orches- tea, under the capabfe direction of | Mignon Telgmann, played themselves into the hearts of the large audience. | Phyllis Devlin sang sweetly and the | usual' short subjects rounded out a { plendid bill. | The advance sale of ticketg o | "Kismet," the gorgeous spe®acle that opens at the Strand on Monday, is very brisk and we advise those who At The Allen, What is the oldest thing in world? , the A query of this sort will probably | recall to the average person a vision | of the pyramids of Egypt or some other relic of a dim distant past. But {the oldest thing in the world is no ['monument of stone or other material | that crumbles and decays with. the | years. It is something that "time can- | change," | not wither or the custom | something that was brought into be- {ing "when Adam delved and Ev» span, | itselt and new as the dawn of to- | day--Mother. Love. | And it is upon Mother Love that ithe Selznick picture, "The Greatest | Love," which we will present next | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, {with Vera Gordon as the dtar, is founded. You may remember Miss Gordon ag the outstanding feature of the screen version of Fannie Hurst's {eque," but. it should be stated here {that in "The Greatest Love," Vera { Gordon reaches the afiex of a career | based upon her remarkable ability to | portray the role of a mother. | It is a photoplay you will want to {tell all your friends about, everyone | who sees it will feel that way, so that is the reason we advise you to come |early on Monday, Tuesday and Wed- inesday to the Allen. --Adwt. ~ "» EVENT AT THE YM.C.A. in Athletics, At the Y.M.C.A.,, Thursday night, a supper was held for the junior and senior boys taking part in the inter- national Hexathlon® events. Twenty- six boys took part in this supper, which was a great success. AMer the supper, "Jack" Elder, who donated the junior Hexathlon cup, gave a short address on "What the future held for boys hawing a good athletic training." He also complimented the boys on the splendid work they had done in these athletic events, it be- Ing the first time for a number of years the boys had participated. He then presented junior athletic cham- rion, William Bartels, with the Jack Elder cup, and the semior indoor champion, Lachlan Mackinnon, with the Y.M.C.A. medal. Both boys ex- pressed their appreciation of tho same and stated that they would im- prove their records and defend their titles pext year. The first three win- ners' in each class were presented with ribbons and a short speech was given by each. Art Dean moved a vote of thanks to "Jack' Elder for the interest he Lad shown in the boys of the Y.M.C. A., and it was heartily responded to by all the boys present. After a few Songs, a most enjoyable evening was brought tb a close. . something as old as humanity | "Humor- | The Late Lewis Clarke. Lewis Clarke, aged . eighty-five yearse passed away at the House of Providence, where he had been an inmate for the past eight months. 'he deceased was born at Ernest- town and was a laborer. He is sur- vived by one ber, ! Charles street; one brother, Charles, also of this city, and sister, Mrs. McQueen, Odessa. @ THE Y, M. C. A. CAMPAIGN Subscription List oh Friday Morning Totalled $4,066.50. The M.C.A. canvassers .in the last two {days has brought the total up to $4, { 066.50, reported Friday morning in cash and pledges, maue up as fcl- OWS: A. Bateman, $20--C, W, Lindsay Co. §15--H. D. Wightman, Mrs. E. | B. Pense, G. W, Mahood. $10--J. 8. R. McCann, Dr. Gardiner, C. J. Graham. --Sherman Hill. Rev. J. A. Waldell, s . C. Folger, J. Mrs. F, J. Prouse, C, Barnu | McDonnell, Norman ldgar, Bishop, C. J. Harper, A. H, Geo. A. Wright, Rev. A. F. Brown. $3--F. M. Graves, Miss m, J 8. T. G S. | royd, B. Barnum, R. H. | Kleinsteuber. $1-- Friend, H, Cook, J. Routbard, | |R. T. Clark, W. F. Goudier, W. H. | Pickering. Treneer, Wm, : # Army and Navy Reserves. London, April 8.--The intention lof the British government to issue fan appeal for volunteers for transport | {and other essential servipes, in view | |of the prospective tripla alliance | | strike, was announced in the house | [1ate to-day by Lloyd George. A royal | | proclamation would call up the army | |and navy reserves, he said, The gov- | ernment also intends to enroll spe- |cial constables and form a special emergency corps for a period of nine- ty days to protect the police in tha | question of their duty, he said. All efforts by the prima minister to bring the miners and mine owners together have failed, and the execu- tives of the triple alliance went into conference this afternoon to decide | when a sympathetic strike should be [Fe | | Event at Mowat Hospital. Some of the members of the Angli- | can Girls' Club went to Mowat Mem- | orial hospital on Thursday, and pro- vided an evening's amusement for the patients, Miss Eileen Jandrew, the president, saw that everyone was provided with quantities of maple sugar, and Miss Anita Martin, con- venor of the programme committee, played popular music. Miss Marjorie Booth, sang several much enjoyed songs, and songs and choruses were sung by the girls, in which the men joined heartily. A whist drive formed part of the evening's amusement, the prizes being won by Miss Helen Tec field, and Mr. Johnston, Col. Alex- ander Gordon was chairman, and Mr, Hallett, convenor of the amusement committee, made the arrangements. Lovely Lot Large Leafy Lettuce, Rhubarb, radishes; green onions, iceberg lettuce, red cabbage, arti- chokes and salsify, at Carnovsky's. a -- N. Drumm, Haldimand township, loses barn and contents second time in a year. Walter Crossley, Timmins, return- ing from work, found wife dead. 4 Ingersoll merchants extend h There was an eclipse of the sun Mr. Doherty, Ontario's minister the Milk Producers' Association, on, W. H, Clarke, bar- | The result of the efforts of the Y. | $3,779.50--previously acknowledg- | $25---~Newman & Shaw, Standard | | Muir, | $2--W. D. Graves, Dr, 8S. A. Ayk-| | OE rt rer et rr ever r------ A BARGAIN 1920 Dodge Touring Car SLIGHTLY USED ario parliament buildings in tucker in the act of extract- 1s an interest- ddressing the spectators on A rs ROY REYNOLD'S STORY. mt | Regarding Bonus to Biggs Again | Under Consideration, } Toronto, April 8.--Roy Reynolds |story regarding "commissions" or {| bonus for Hon. F, C. Biggs, minister | jof public works, in connection with |the purchase by the Ontario govern- | | ment, through L. C. Parkin, Dundas, | {of $117,000 worth of motor trucks, | | was again beforg the legislature pub- | lic accounts committee to-day, when | | Reynolds was examined closely with the idea of showing that the evidence | he gave before committee was | | "diametrically opposed" to that aaa én in Hamilton in trial of his action against Parkin for commissions, | | Reynolds said that there were things | he had not been asked about at the | Hamilton trial, and he had not men- tioned them. He was not consider- {ing the political side of the matter ! when he testified there. W. A. McLean, deputy minister, | was called and corroborated the statements of Chief Engineer Hogart [In connection with the purchase of itrucks. Equipped with 2 Cord Tires, Spare Tire Bumper, Non-glare Lenses, Radiator Cover and 1921 License. Varnish and Up- holstering like new. Cost $2,375.00 when purchased. A snap to a quick buyer. BAWDEN & EDWARDS 39 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 400, the ------ Masters and Mates, An examination for masters and mates was conducted at the customs house on Friday afternoon. There were six candidates and the exam- inations are being conducted by Capt. King. | Ernie Sliter, manager of the iQueeh's senior hockey team, is mak- ing arrangements for the banquet to be given to the hockey players of the three teams on Saturday evening, The members of the junior and inter- mediate hockey teams, which won the Intercollegiate championships, are to receive rings. On Friday morning a number of the prisoners confined to the county jail were busy raking the lawn at the court house. -- Quebec Harbor Commission pro- Poses to tax immigrants landing there | fifty cents. | Thomas Horne crushed between | Belle Ewart. Walter Dodson, Preston, received 12,200 volts while changing a light wire, The condition of Dr. James Third {1s reported improved to-day. had head tatally blocks of ice at The members of the Citizens' League received the letter of the Referendum Committee extending the Invitation, which was courteous- ly declined rer a RN ' Sale of New Spring Merchandise SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY--EVERY ITEM IS MARKED BE- LOW REGULAR VALUE | Children's Lace Hose | 50 dozen, fine, Lisle Lace Hose---in small sizes; | worth 50c. a pair Special at . . ... Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose 25 dozen Ladies' 'fine Black Silk Lisle Hose -> frst black and fully fashioned. Special Price . . .. ....50c. pair Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' fine Art Silk Hose In Black, White and colors. Special Value . . .,...98c. pair 'Corset Specials Two special lines of Ladies' Corsets On sale at . . . .$1.49 and $1.98 Ladies' Brassiers Ladies' New Mode Brassiers--made of fine Children's Wash Dresses All sizes in Children's and Girls' Print and Ging- ham Dresses--all new styles. Special Price . . $1.50 and $1.75 Ladies' Middy Blouses Ladies' new Middy Blouses in plain White and White with Cloth Collar--- all made of fine Middy Twill--all new styles. Priced at . . $2.75, $2.98, $3.50 Ladies' New Smocks The new Embyoldered Smocks--made of fine In- dian Head, White and Colored. Specialat .. .......$2.25 each Wash Dress Special Small Children's Print and Gingham Wash Dresses. Broche Coutil--in every size. al'........... 98c. each | Special at 50c., 65c., 75c., 85c. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIALS GOWNS -- Children's Night Gowhs made of fine Cotton and nicely finished at-- 98c., $1.25 and $1.50 pecl CHILDREN'S HOSE-- Black, Tan and White Ribbed Hose; in every size-- .... ........ 3 PAIRS FOR 98c. CHILDREN'S HOSE-- in fine Cotton and Lisle; Black and White and Tan-- 85c¢., 50c., and 75c. pair PRINCESS SLIPS--Children's® fine Cotton Princess Slips--em- broidery trimmed 8c. COTTON DRAWERS-- Child~ ren's fine Cotton Drawers; all embroidery trimmed--- 85c., 50c., 5c. b PETTICOATS-- Children's fine Cotton Petticoats; embroidery trimmed ~~ 08c. Each. McINTOSH BROS. nm ------ % Loliday season to seven mofiths. this morning. No one saw it,