Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1921, p. 16

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: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Frabaz, arm 8, 1021, Se, [| THE ANTLERITISH FEELINGS (fn) cvveessoveveeeerereoe STORY OF POLICE COURT", "ame movies fo] tation From An Article. Two Old Pals With a Bottle, c. A. Windle claims :hat the quo-| | 0 With the Usual tations made from his writings to] | chow his anti-British feclings are not {| ' Result. fair inasmuch as they are culled from | O CLOCK - fei { writings previous to the United Sta-|| Two old pals met in Kingston on $s entering the war. Since then he|/ Thursday, namely, Bill" Simons and | 1.4¢ een on no uncertain groung. 'Bill Mitchell. Simons has be Certainly there is no doubt about |! Se sn ie SALE bs OFE- hm Montreal for sometime; -so- when TT FeCeNT TeRTES Toward OTT Bre iT imi | came to Kingston he did not forgat fo tain, for in' the "'Iconbclast" for! bring something on his hip, { March, 1921, immediately before his | ° * : | which to treat his old friends. *'B present visit to Ontario, there is a . | Mitchell was the first pal ha met, | Icng editorial of denunciation of Bri- || ottin al ] } urtain n S |as "Bill" was feeling very dry he was | tish policy. The article closes with !! {the first to have a drink out of the |this paragraph, | bottle. While talking over old times, "Was 'such a civilization worth 35 E A CH tthey poilshed off the liquor in fine | saving? Is this heartless old hag, || 2 C. istyle, but fell by th, wayside, and | clothed in garments of lust, loot and !| . . ng 'mtoxiated, and at the. end of bier son of Cuter vic mem El A timely sale Saturday morning, commencing 10 o'clock, 200 | » iL { . . . {what they dreamed of being a perfect | France? He thought he geve Be life Nottingham Sample Curtain Ends, ranging from one and a half day, the couple were unanimous infor the honor of a Vesta irgie . y ' . their verdiot fhat Thursday had been | about to be ravished by the Huns to two yards in length; nearly all white. Knowing the demand their "Jonah day." | America threw all her resources fnto that there'll be for these Curtains ends we suggest that it would | "Bill" Mitchell was the first to be | the fight with the same idea, but we . Sled When de Ce a lal a ate game liga, TUL We be a good idea to be here sharp at 10 o'clock. The regular value the police court on Friday morning. | fought~for a vile old prostitute that ] of these ends--75¢. to $1 .00. . Asked where he bad secured his li- | she might parade her shame and in- || |quor it almost brought tears to his | famy throughout the world." | ¥ EE ---------------------------------------- eyes to tell the cadi that he had been| This quotation has been compared ||§ [i [treated by his bosom friend in the | With the original and the reference || | prisoners' dock, but "Bill" played the | 18 England and to England alone. iM game and told all. --ACVL ie ts or iouked oF Riba) STOCK MARKETS. | OFFERING OF WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS, COATS AND (in jail, and then "Bill No. 2" was | { | called upon to answer to two charges | BT ge i SKIRTS--LOWEST PRICE IN THE Cl I Y - {that of having liquor in a public | t. ' : Dicee, and with being intoxicated. He Bien | FASHIONABLE SUITS | leaded guilty to both charges, an 1] New York Stocks. a |asked the court to be as lenient as | Opening. Closing. | i possible with him. [Am. Inter. Corp. ... 411 : | $25 00 l IP M ' "This is tha first false step I have | Am. Sum. Tobacco . 74% 73% || . ur oung en S made since last October," said Si-|Baldwin Loco. .,, .. 86 1% 861 | : : ! : [mons [BRO 1 veer, 28% 33% : For Women and Misses, Priced L : | ,] 4B" 7 5a ° i? Magistrate Farrell looked over the Beth. Steel "B"" ... bb s % |! : . : . oy rl Overcoats |O:T-A. book to see Just what he could |C.PR.... .. ., ,. 113% .. || Charming Spring Suits--developed in All Wool P {do in the matter, and afterwards an- | Central Leather ... 31% || S d All W I Tricot nth desired | nounced that the penalty would pe | Crucible Steel ., ., : os €rge, an 00 rnco ine--n € most esire | 1109 aaa costs, or sires monthy In (USHER! Motors -. el colors and latest models, in strictly tailored as well { sail. Mex. so Ml | : . . . how f Sori o : I js the blow aimost Killed "pity [Northern Pacitc "Bui as novelty suits. You will be delighted with the , showing o pring vercoats we [Fe 2." ent Just as well hang me," Re ros Steet oe 1 5 1] beautiful embroidery and braid designs, combined | he remarked. r | worth your time to come to see. IK | And then the two bosom friends |U: S. Rubber .. .. 71% {i with the many other trimming touches. Ready for | s ~ | Royal Dutch (N.Y.) 59 £ i . . . [Tor Jsheted out of the court 100M. (gs pen; Pacis Lo. 74% your inspection Saturday. $20.00 up to $35.00. |, Tue second chavter in thy case ot|SLMBED Bustle ... 744 - 104 |a young couple who aired their trou- {Sinclair Oil ..e., .. 23% {bles before the magistrate a Weel | maxas Pacific .. 19% | ago, was heard. Hubby was charged | 5 Steel .. .. .. 31% with non-support, but it was shown 1 very clearly that there was no found- Canadian Stocks. i ation for the 4charge. Hubby had | Brazilian .. .. ... 30 % . been quite willing to support his wife | can. Steamships ... 24B. | & and child, and make it very pleasant | General Electric ... 109 3 » ® % | . Livingston's for all concerned in their little home | Can. Steamships, pfd. 5214 on Princess street, but it was shown | Cons. Smelters .. .. 15 'eo WOMEN'S 1% : COATS that are an inspiration. Here's a i All newest styles. that the young wife had a love for | Spanish | River, com. 71% dances, card parties and staying out {Money .. .. .. .: 6p.c. . . - { late at nights. The case had been Soest mat o---------------- 75 77, BROCK STREET, enlarged for a week, in an endeavor A SMOKER DISTINCTIVE PRICED oe Y R 1 P WwW 1k we to get the couple re-united. T. J. Rig- 1f Off | our oute It ays to walk, ney, who appeared for the accused, -- sald the husband was quite willing to support his wife and child, but she had refused to stay with him, The young wife wanted her hus- band bound over to keep the peace, but there had been no. evidence offer- ed to show that he had abused her in ' Col. J. N. S. Leslie, | {any" way. The magistrate was very President. H | * |anxious to bring about a peaceful Prof. James Cappon, {home, and for this reason stated that i [it the husband at any time did abuse Vice President. | his wife, he would be dealt with. And William - Harty, Jr., ® {so the case was disposed of in this 2nd Vice-President. } : TE SPRING COAT ° = First Hon. Treasurer. : Limited "p ¢ And Ee A S uss 00 Secretary. a : Moderation Committee; . Swagger new models, developed in Tweed effects, Polo Cloth), A smoking concert will be held to- SPRING : LOW AS morrow (Saturday) evening, in On- tario Hall, at eight o'clock, by the Citizens' Libetty League for Modera- | . $ | 4.50 tion, to which werkingmen are cor- dially invited, Everybody welcome. James Swift, POPULAR OUTDOOR TRADING Prof. Macphail, Velour Cloth and other beautiful soft fabrics--will be ready for MARKET IN NEW SEASON'S The citizens of Kingston will no Solution. - your choosing to-morrow, and the new shades are Harding Blue, lougn: Give Fruseviooe Jomnstonal py Tiger Camel, Sand and combined tones. | courteous reception. He is entitled T. J. Rigney, i as much as any one else to express . Callander, cei ; FRUI I S AND bis viows--which have boon repud Bo, Calloder | COATS PRICED ................... $14.50 up, ated by the people of Scotland, and John Strange, which the people of tha United States John Birkett, | ETA B H ES y |are finding it impossible to carry out. Dr. Austin, ] Pl] . . {He will in time discover that Mod- Prof. P. G. Campbell, | . [eration and Temperance are the only Prof. 1. E, Martin, | ew 00 al rts cures for the evils brought about by W. Casey, i : : the abuse of alcohol, not by its mod- Ald. Driscoll, COME with your car or basket daily, mak ee a culo, oi | Lieut.-Col, Morgan, eac u ing your own selection. There is a charm Samuel Gompers, the great Labor J. B. Davie, . p leader, said:--"We ask that we be H. E. Welch. | ' jr Ou dovs Siading se well as 8 profi to you, EE ony ontualty, Joi enly te 44 IBM - 25 Women's and Misses' Pleated and plain Wool Plaid Skirts -- It 18 we be in touch with the new sea- preach temperance, but to practice Soren | . . pi : 3 well to be : dV bl 4 it." He strenuously opposes prohibi- Hall Changed. i beautifully combined tones and fashionably made. Note the pric- son's supplies in Fruits and Vegetables, an oh N. W. Rowell's lecture will be de-|I fl > ith ocal 1 ad we are careful to have for your table the Lately Henry Somerset, the great livered in Convocation Hall this ev-| 8 fl Ings, consistent with quality and style, are extreme y low. ening instead of Grant Hall as prev- mperance leader, said:--"Prohibi- I} new Bfoducts of the Season; Ve Sake up [ton will put hack the nase of som. ously annouRCed. | . ; 2 g earnestly the matter of seeking ou e bes | perance twenty years." Temperance eee & Y 1 ith ; 2 f ishi 5) means moderation, not prohibition.| Last call to get three dozen or- pH O I ) al aw on, 1ImM1 sources o supply with a view to furnis Ing | The late Archbishop Magee, Arch-|2n8es for 50c. Saturday, at Caryoy- a our citizens with the best in quality at con- [bishop of York, said:--*If I muat|SKY'S: . . ' : take my choice whether England sistent prices. Don't fail to pay our out- oe Copa mB DAILY MEMORANDUM: door market a visit this week, and bring strange as such a declaration may|__ Camouflage." Grand, 8.15. 15] | BIG VALUES IN NEW | . . . i sound, coming from one of my pro- your friend or friends. It will make a pleas | tession, that I should say it would HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR ther departments customers and visors = 45 5: 2 & PRINTERS ay ree that England shoul e other departments customers and visitors re ay th England 8 uly be P will be assured of courtesy and 'efficient = |J|is preter freedom to sobrioty te. MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. . {cause with freedom we might in the ~ J service. cm: Th | "NX. SPRING OXFORDS | alternative we should eventually lose MACMILLAN -- PENLINGTON -- In oy NEW FRUITS Strawberries. both freedom and sobriety." Kingston at St. Andrew's Manse, by Pineap les. Ex-President Taft said: "Nation- Th That Eon i iran Ladies' Gun Metal Calf--Military. Heel--Price . Grapefruit Oranges. * Pronibétion ia dangerous| Peter H.'Macmillan, both of King- : & Black Kid Oxford--iow heel, plain toe $4.00 . prop - Aa 4 Black Kid Oxford--military heel, med. toe .......... $4.75 { 1 s The New York World said: -- 'The Nh : App es. Lemons. country is having an object lesson in- JAMES REID IN Black Kid Oxford--military heel imitation ap ...l... Old Firm nderiakers. the futility of attempting to make amas 256 op nd STREET. 3 Black and Brown One-Ti» Military Heel New Vegetables Tomatoes. the public observe a law for which it Phene 147 for ts. Radishes. - has no respect." Ambulance. Vote "No" on the 13th Apri.| ROBERT J. REID The Cucumbers. Green Onions. Read the literature of the Women's Leading Undertaker. Beets. League for Temperance and the Phone 577. 230 Princess THESE ARE EXCEPTIONALLY Citizens' Liberty League for Moder- 3 ' . i Celery. ation to be obtained free at the of- M. P. KEYES : WOW FRICED AS WE WERE L . fices at 46 Clarence street. Phone Underta_er and Embalmer, LUCKY IN BUYING--S80 WILL 1,000 Dozen Bananas Special Price 1610.--Advt. Undertaking Pariors, 828 Princess St. YOU BZ. ------ . Ambulance ; SATURDAY It fs likely Hon. ta. sip smith, | JOHN CORNELIUS S----- M.P.P., will visit Kingston on Mon- erie and Emitaimer . Phones 458---459, Wholesale 1767. \ Jay nq speak under Canadian Te Pl e 509 Lockett's : 3 Northern Spy, King, Greening OLTON : bd A. \ D. H 5 and Winesap apples for eating at '280 Princess Street, Phoae 061. Carnovsky's. : Wedding and Funeral Flowers. dn 4

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