[Lad FEF PEEP PPR PTETR INS MAES rtotbite HERE REAR Ee ty OUR NEW. STOCK OF _GAR.. "RIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. ") DIAMOND DYE DY-OLA RIT TINTEX SUNSET and COLORITE HAT COLOR. We have all shades. 21 +42 BUILDING ?' REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Manufacturing Wire Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kin 1gston and Vicinity ] Main Street. Phone 1670. | : Partridge Wire Works NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Fencing, Flower Border Guards, ete. JING SE. Wz JHONE 380. | as a DEN SEEDS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Try Rennie's Seeds--they always grow, 106 Wellington St. Dr. Waugh | « Dentist Phone 236. Austin's Drug Store mn i Corner Kiag and Market Square Phone 330 eb bdeb ddd dobb db ddd Sted Bedell olen dodo dodood rode 4 R. H. JONES Auto Tops repaired, recover- ed; slip covers; all kinds of cushions repaired. BOAT CUSLIIIONS made all A. Chadwick & Son FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. t | | | ! New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. \ \ sizes with KAPOK filling. 300 PRINCESS STREET Phone 152. Harbor mon reports that the Ope sion free * In accordance 'Kingston Regime Wales' "The { ment." Thomas McKay, nue, of the of next week for C | will enter the pay office of the Mar- shall Field Company. Everybody Should Hear Jot temperan this ev ra House @ '"Pussyfoot' New-Name-of- Aeentments ith General Order gnation™ of 'the (Princess of Own) has b n changed to Princess of Own Regi- 1921, » the Wales Mothe rs Read This, Spring is here and now is the time | to clothe your boys with a new suit | See our 1812. | styles. Brock street. $8.50, goods and Clothing $10 and latest House, range at all new Prevost 50, Leaving For Chicago, University ave- well known in sporting circl:s city, leaves at the beginning hicago, where he Harbor Water is Higher. Master William McCam- water in the harbor this year is six inches higher Spring Suits |: than last year. the boat and dry them this Some of which were high havg water in meeting and every ing. 'It is cla proposal t ion will ca favor. At at the recommenda- th seven votes in its t two will oppose. Was Heavily Fined. trate Sparha imposed a fine of $709 on GG gan, of Smith's who pleaded guilty to expos- liquor for sale. Of- 0.T.A s of gin. Falls, ing or keeping th bo ficers of seized 95 Tax Rate Takes A Jump. At the meeting of the Falls council, on Monday, the tax rate was struck. It is to be forty-one mills. Las par it was 321% The cour of 1 with a deficit of $23,000 to take care of, while the Board of Education, through not handing in adequate es- timates, was $10,000 behind. Ready For Journey Homeward. M. Saad, the popular dry goods! merchant, of Napanee, will leave for | New York, April 17th, and immedi- | ately sail for Europe. He will land at | whence he will take a the Mediterranean Sea, Syria, seilles from boat through landing at B irail to Dam Mr. Saad is going home to visit his parents, whom he lias not seen in twelve years. Died From Paralysis. y "committee meet-azda by i by those favoring y enforcement | Smith's | mills. | 320 left its successor | Paris and thence go by rail to Mar-| thence by | the humane societies with a to impressing upon boys and g , and the public as well, eration in t of all dump afimals -- Rideau Xanal Opening. ation will be opened ou the F Rideau Canal this year from May 1st it was announced by the Rideau Canal Commission This is. the usual date of opening, but, unlike I most seasons, little difficulty this |year is being experienced in getting |the canal into shape, owing to the mild winter. The commission is ex- pecting that shipping activity will be |resumed on a scale almost, quite, equal to last year. Superintendent Superannuated if not | the duty | | 1 After thirty-two years service with ithe London Life Insurance Co., John | | Taylor, Brockville, has been super- |annuated, and is sticceeded as super- | |intendent by F. E. Mirande, Ganan- i oque, who has been employed by the | {company for the past six years. | Taylor was employe d in the Kingston Mr. | | office of the London Life for eleven | made superin- twenty-one {years before being {tendent at Brockville | years ago. Leading Resident Dead. H. W. Perrett, Pembroke, one of the most prominent men of the dis-| trict, and until a year ago local regis- trar and clerk of the surrogate and Watches and Clocks Repaired --by---- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore dor wili be promptly attended and Qvercoats Choice stock of Men and Boys' Suits--in all the latest shades and styles. 267 Princess St. || ---- | nn to. "Phone 1866. For a nifty Spring Overcoat, latest style, see us. Our prices are away down. |1. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET FAULTY PLUMBING IS COSTLY NO MATTER HOW LOW THE PRICE Our Plumbing and Tinsmithing is being built up on a quality first basis. If you are going to build we will be pleased to quote you prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. Davie & Barrett Plumbers and Tinsmiths 203 WELLINGTON STRERT W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. a pleasin, For Sale A new Sharples Milking Machine. Will sell cheap. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. My Ma t EB Take Me--Fox In Old Ra ny Sql PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. -- a . Wagntan'; DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstatl"s Sinwes Marmalade, Wagstant'y ie Marmalade, Brn Jelly. We have a full line of other rellable makes of Marma- Coral Sea--Fox Trot Garden Honolulu Eyes and In the Heart of Dear Old Italy--Walts hestra } 216267 Orchestra | lamond Trio Diamond Trio, WR Thomas Trio Ha eta Orenestra Martucci's Venetian Carden Orch. 216269 lossom Time and Your Eyes Have arlo Perri Mario Perri Bright Eyee--] My Wonder Girl and Sweet Mamma Testy s Getting Mad)--Fox Tro Sultan rm Be. Wich You in Apple Told Me So--Walts (Accordion) Chill Bean and My Little Bimbo--One-Step Ak 0-(0-My-0) (Cota tie Grey Home a of Your Smile (Tenor) The Teaching of Reddy Fox (Bedtime Story) Little Joe Otter Tries to Get Even (Bedtime Story) Plan Has Seven Supporters. Interest centres around the Belie- ville council committee's proposal to pay themselves $3 for every council Copia "DODD'S ")) fa) 0 NS ) "HUMMI | TROTTERS will appreciate this wonderful new Fox 180 for it has Syery qualification that go to make t dance number is musical, DANCE NUMBERS Fox Trot Martucci's Venetian Martueci's Venetiar Garden Orc Fwo Sweet Lips--Fox Toe t ox Trot 'Arabia--One-S VOCAL SELECTIONS 1 Know Where the Flies Go (On a Cold and Frosty Morning Down Texas Wi Baril Woo ay (Baritone) Lewis Lewis Village * Yamp) (Comic) in hy West (Tenor) Glandon All on 10-inch double-sided, $1.00 Any "His Master's Voice" dealer will gladly play any selection you wish to hear Manufactured by BERLINER GRAM-0-PHONE CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL The death occurred at her home in | county court for Renfrew county, Bloomfield of Mrs. Lena Hicks, wife |died at his home on Wednesday, in of Royal Hicks, as the result of stroke of paralysis. The burial was | a life-long Conservative in politics, made at Mountain View. Bes?des her | land for a time was secretary of the father, James Boyd, of Wellington, | Nor rth Renfrew Conservative Assoc- six years of age, she | iation. He was a Methodist in relig- leaves three sisters, Mrs. McFaul,|icn, and in his younger days was ac- Wellington; Mrs. R. Colling, Belle-|tive in the Odd Fellows order. He ville; Mrs. Nelson Parliament, Amel- | is survived by his wife and one son. iasburgh, and one brother, Wesley | Col. Thomas Perrett, in Regina, and Boyd, Allisonville. who is eighty- { don, Ont. Be Kind To Animals Week. . . J. R. C. Dobbs, secretary of the | Three Cade, Corps Camps, Kingston Humane Society, is calling | LA~C0l Gillespie, oe Se, sar the attention of the public to the | Y'¢%5, Who Is arranging fo general observance of "Be-Kind-To-| 1 int Animals Week," April 11th-16th. | reports received from outside points to all of the city clergy, school teach- | time he does not see how one big dis- explaining the object of the campaign [the great expense involved by trans- melodious and peppily played by the Rega Orchestra, who are becoming more popular every day. "Laughing Vamp" of those irresistible One- Garden Orchestra on "His Master's Voice" Record 216270 10-in. $1.00 These new and popular selections are on "His Master's Voice" Records (Introducing. the Vamp") is one Steps played by the Venetian Diamond Trio! Orchestra 216278 ) } Bil 216268 Frank Oldeld| James-Crescunt Trio ames-C escent Trio Billy Joneeia16266 Glandon Roberts) 216263 Frank Orr Frank Orr, being conducted all over Can-|Portation. In 1914, the second class rate charged by the railways was low and this item was not a heavy one, but to-day it is practically pro- hibitive, and the authorities placed under the necessity of hold- ing local camps to avoid the trans- {portation costs. These camps will be held at the Barriefield ranges, Kingston, the Fair Grounds, Peter- boro, and Rockliffe ranges, Ottawa, making three in all. now a remap enn 4 ALL PHILADELPHIA HONORS WANAMAKER Famous Merchant Began Career Sixty Years Ano This Month. Philadelphia, April 7.--Elaborate plans are being made by the citizens of Philadelphia to honor John Wana- maker this month on the sixtieth an- niveryary of his career as a mer- chant. It was on April 8th, 1861, that two young men, John Wanamaker and Nathan Brown, opened their little ciothing store under the title of Oak Hali at the corner of Sixth and Mar- ko streets. From that small and unobstructive beginning sprang the career of one of the greatest merchants of the world, cabinet officer and philan- taropist, While the actual anniversary falls on Friday, the plan is to hold the celebration and luncheon April 26th, when prominent men from all parts of the country will be present, as well as a number of diplomats. 1216262 216246 First Woman Graduate 216264 Of Agricultural College Guelph, April 7. -- This ' year's graduating class at the O. A. C. in- cludes the first woman to graduate from the Ontario Agricultural Coi- lege. Miss S. I. Chase, who finishes her course this year, comes from Greenwich, Nova Scotia, where her father owns a large fruit farm. Miss Chase took two years of her course at the Truro Agricultural College, N. 8. 216261 21237 Daylight Saving By-law Defeated. Peterboro, April 8.--A by-law pro- viding for daylight saving in this city this s.mmer was defeated here by a vote sf 624 to 437. The apathy of the elec'ors was evidenced by the light- ness of the vote polled. A second by- law providing for the construction of lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati Bon Marche Grocery Cer, King asd Kar) Street, License No. 6-37149 Phone 1844 wa VY RODGER Victor Records and Needles 132 Princess St. storm drains near the Canadian Gen- eral Electric plant was also defeated, the vote being 519 to 254. Herrick Is Appointed Ambassador. Washington, April 8.--Myron T. Herrick has decided to accept ap- pointment as United States Ambassa- Addi nh ama---- enn dor to France, a post he filled under President Taft and which he occup- REAL ESTATE FOR ~MAHOOD BROS, 'Agents Victor-Victolas. 113 Princess Street. ied at the beginning of the war. Mr. Herrick's formal nomination will be made soon and he will go to ° ®rance in the early summer, To Grant No Delay. SALE Quebec, April 7.--The government will grant no délay to the liquor W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. ~ Phone 424, F. W. ( (Jeweller): Me a a COATES 158 Princess Street), Sasdan dealers of the province in disposing of their stocks, Premier Taschereau stated yesterday. All liquor stocks must be disposed of or handed over to the control of the commission by May 1st, when the new law becomes effective. {camps in the summer, states that the | Notices are being sent from his office {are very favorable and at the present | ers and young people's organizations | {trict camp could be held owing to | a his seventy-ninth year. He had been |, | one daughter, Mrs. E. T. White, Lon- (1 are | \ Id ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? 24 page Illustrated Cata- Barns, Garages L. New Just in--a neat, logue of Modern Homes, and Farm Buildings. Yours for the asking. at 'S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, 'phone 811. * =~ USE SUNKIST SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR COOKING Economic Wholesome - - mr Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. Pn TO LET SIX ROOM FLAT---very desirable-- ex- cellent locality. Also some desirable houses for sale. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited J. O. HUTTON. B. G. ROBERTSON Phone 703 67 Clarence Street. SPRING FURS Dealer in Furs only. Gourdier's BROCK STREET, We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 $30.00, 32.00 See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Any business man can tell you 'that even the best stenographers have their bad spells. Many a poor devil has to support his grandchildren before he is through supporting his children. y