Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1921, p. 12

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CHILDREN | Freckle-Face Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots, WHO By "GO TO WORK" Charles St zle How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face to try a remedy for freckles wit guarantee of a reliable con it will not cost yon a penny. B i removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complexion the ex- Wy pense is trifling Simply get an ounce of Othine double strength---from any druggis and a few applications sheuld w t you how easy it is to rid yourss the homely freckles and get a heauti- ful complexion. Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine as this rk weather, and strength is sold under guarantee of glamour money back if it fails to remove and the lights, and the freckles. 1 s of life and mor Sr the city--all of wi LET 8 woman ease your ruffering 1 wang rtificially, delinquer You to write, and let me tell you of 2 Bay \ 'e® wy simple method of home treatment, 1 labor first ' ie where; the of of ¢ he + send you ten days' free trial. post- paid, and put you in touch with women in Canada who will gladly tellwhat my method bas done Vor them. | DN de If you are troubled oa consyipi with weak, tired feelings, head. ache, back- ache. bear tarrhal conc log dowa pain in the sides, regu larly orirregularly, bloating, sense of falling or W misplacement of internal ore > gans, nervousness, desire to cry, palpitation;-hot flashes, dark rir under the eyes, or a loss of in life, write to me today for free trial treatment, Mrs. M. Summers, Box) 7 1/indsor, Ont, Amer thou "industri gh i een clearly trican work t child labor, an tl we pted the ich car indus to pay a liv- no right 1 progress in the although it the fi If of the child- Have Beautiful Hair Beaut!ful hair-- lustrous, thick, wavy--mecans healthy hair, Delmayv's Vitalene French Hair Tonic ; ren i that the pre will make hair healthy. You will sent federal t 1¢ the United be delighted with this tonic-- it £1 per it is unexcelled as a hair v , Price One Dollor for a gener sized bottle. If not obtain: druggist, direct from Scobell ug Limited, Montreal at all agricultural For sale by BARGENT'S DRUG STORE that cen' r hose who mines and quar- foes not af domestic and de- America the "Backward Nation" Child Welfare. United States socia mn In the ork- 'e stil] talking about "minimum irding 1 if discussing t I w tandards" They re are still ire. ! provis sion noi yet attained in no civilized « ford to ignore if it wo The United States has est school tsrm, 3 saories: Sewing Machines Spring is here and you will of sewing. can af endure." the zhort- school TOU Are vos ex periment- nn ing when you use br. GZEMA i: ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita- tions. aly heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase's DP Ent free if you mention this per and send 2c. stamp for postage. 80c. a ' X ; all dealers or Edmanson, Bales & Co., Limited. Toronto. whic! 0! want to do a lot Get that troublesome overhauled and adjusted by an expert J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2056J. machine It relieves at once and gradu- | of the p L Popuintic llows with 58 par weden, and Norwa 8 per per th the rom the sta e United Sta list of all the e world ndpoint of tes is at ivilize 5,500,000 Health Work Needed. Out of 22.000.000 school 75 per cent. are physical nine per ined for war ser Twenty hysically unfit e of working ealth wi » yet children Groups of Handicapped Children. f ve child the tragedy of through no What shall be > We have only be- thronegh modern And the poor, d private nurses and t most s rely un- Defec humanity of their hit own done for them them ods are 1dicapg n the care of these fortunats no marriage--in mon law has fixed In we find the situation of a judge I married truants," decisions regar und cording to the child labor law. Children deprived of play-life are robbed of their childhood--and the world can never repay what has been even though it may try, in an agony of repentence, to compensate these children--for in this respect, | there is no forgiveness of sin. Sevente tes have statutes regulating age of nine of the the age for gir ft at twelve years, many ( rathe r curic deali of making ried workers who are hese states and g mar- age ace lost, | Committee at Work to Improve Con. | ditions. | The National Child Labor Commit. Tm 2 ia THE TT SHOE "A Credit to our Canadian Pride" SSE || correct shoes the well dressed woman's appearance, If she wears Onyx Shoes she will be assured not only of footwear with her costume for either but also that her shoes will retain their, graceful appearance throughout long wear. indoor or street wear, (The trade-mark on every guarantee of all the qualities of design, material and workman- ship which go to make the Very finest in foot- 'wear, Sold in the better boot stores throughout Canada. pair of Onyx Nyx Dress Fashions Demand Elegance in Shoes THE newer dress fashions with their short - skirts emphasize the part which must play in in harmony Shoes is your IHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. rendered a heroic service in f the children of America. 1 more its work is preven- eational expe d oppor: hildren ultural i the ch ld on the farm to deve ally and ec y as compared with The child labor e xe onditions among ch en industrial occupations of and what chances they 'p normally, The juvenile court expert reports on such matters as s ndards, juris- dic procedure, agencies with referenc: of dei lop mental- ally, especi- e city child, investigates engaged all kinds have to de- vel tion ment quent children. staff lawyer draws up a sums- of laws and their enfo recommendation IaWs when nece These experts cone ir * invitation of local organizations and work with them until the task has been completed. One of the most useful Committee th through its experts of Comn makes ssary, 11 functions 'f the » a securing State Code ssions reparation of a Child the Children's Bill Already there are twenty-one such com bodies of workers w hict al the equivalent of missions, ren's Code f Rights. sions or Code Betty Takes a Trip With Gocome- back. Betty certainly was happy when she looked up from her study book and saw Gocomeback, the travel elfin, smiling down at her from the arm of her chair. "I knew it!" she laughed merrily, shaking the little elfin"s hands. "I knew if I wished hard enough you'd answer me" "Well," replied Gocomeback, "I 'heard your wish the first time, but I waited to see if you were in earnest." | "Indeed I am," she said, '* and I know if you take me on a trip I'll re- , member every word of the lesson." Gocomeback laughed merrily, and taking Betty's hand, they sailed through the window away to a strange, strange land called India. | "Agra is the second city in size and importance in the northwest pro- { vinces of India," said Gocomeback, pointing to the beautiful little city | | situated on a great bend of the Jum- ina river. "In some ways it's the most | interesting place in all India." | - The city was walled in by a fort | about a mile and a half in circumfer- i ence, and was about eighty feet high, Surrounding this famous red sand- stone fort ran a moat, crossed by a drawbridge. Gocomeback told Betty it is called the Delhi Gate. Through this gate they entere land to Betty. "That beautiful building you see the Mogul emperors" ored glasses to wear. is lined throughout with marble." emperor's palace, and Betty was de lighted with its beautiful halls, wi pavilions and its marble baths. Gpcomeback iet Betty w hey own will over ihe palace, peep- oth She had never seen such a beautiful place before, and hated to leave it when Gocomeback led her on to the next building. said Gocomeback doubt, the most exg "It is, celled in all India." ciuster of domes. The building stood on the banks of the sacred Jumna river in the centre of a garden filled with orange and lemon trees, pomegranates, palms and rare flowering shrubs. The gar- den itself was a third of a mile Square, surrounded by a wall sixty feet high, sandstone and was richly carved. An avenue of cy- press trees led down to the Taj Mahal, which was crowned with a snow-white dome. The foundation on which it sto Was a marble platform, nine hundred feet square and forty feet high. At each corner was a litfle turret. Go- comeback told Betty that from this place the people were called to wor- ship. The whole interior of the build- ing was lined with mesaic work, "Shah Jehan, the e'nperor at that time, erected the Taj Mahal in honor of his wife," said Gocomeback. "They say it required twenty thousand men more than 'twenty years to build it, and that it cost $15,000,000." with a start. Her study book drop- is the Pearl House," said Gocome- | i ih back. "It was the private chapel of | been going the rounds cutting wood, | Standing in the bright sunlight its [now a fine pila. _| dazzling whiteness blinded Betty, so | A short walk brought them to the ! ing first into one room then into an-| | "Next we'll see the Taj Mahal," | without | = i T r | uisite structure in | with the car going in New York, the | Agra, and I think it cannot be ex- | rest of the country would clamor for | Then he led Betty down toward a | agency The wall, built of red | inlaid with marble, | A bell clanged and Betty awakened | ' SATURDAY, APRIL N, 2029. | Why Castoria? YEARS ago Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups were the remedies in common use for Infants and Children; almost impossible and the others all containing but So disguised as to make them pleasant to the Castor Oil so nauseating as to be Opium in one form or another, taste, yet really to stupify the child and give the appearance of relief from pain. It required years of research to find a would take the place of these disagreeable, purely vegetable combination that unpleasant and vicious remedies that from habit' had become almost universal. This was the inception of, and the reason for, the introduction of Fletcher's Castoria, and for over 30 years it has proven its worth, received the praise of Physicians everywhere and become a household word among mothers. A remedy ESPECIALLY prepared for Infants and Children and no mother would think of giving to without consulting a physician. co-operating | to the treat- | ement, | s of new to a state at ,and advising them in in existence | * practic. | Conr- | TecSmile op BE #2 Lxac: Copy of Wrapper, her baby a remedy that she would use for herself Children Cry For Have You Tried It? Everybody has read the above headline; how many believe it? Have you a little-one in the home, and has that dear little mite when its stomach was not just right felt the comforts that come with the use of Fletcher's Castoria? You have heard the cry of pain. Have you heard them cry for Fletcher's Castoria ? Try it. Just help baby out of its trouble tomorrow with a taste of Cas- toria. Watch tke difference in the tone of the cry, the look in the eye, the wiggle in the tiny fingers. The transformation is complete-- from pain to pleasure. Try it. You'll find a wonderful lot of information about Baby in the booklet that is wrapped around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of o THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK eiry, laughing merrily, Betty tie? her bon- net and ran to school. AT PLEASANT VALLEY, { An April Fool Day Alarm of Fire | { ! Given, | Pleasant Valley, April 5. An | alarm of fire caused excitement ggere | on Friday and every house in thé nei- | {ghborhood was called to their tele | | phones. The burning of T. H. Wat | [son's chimney proved to be a false | {alarm- on April 1st. The Manson | | brothers intend patronizing the bach- | lelors' ball on Friday night at Har- Jrowsmict. A. Watson has leased his to T. Emery, Harrowsmith. | | farm d | Some farmers are now ploughing. Su- | ason is ov ar 3 hava. what appeared to be a perfect fairy- | gar season is over and farmers hav {taken up their buckets. A splendid | |¥ield is reported. The Watson Bros. { with their wood sawing machine have | |and every farmer in this vicinity has Gordon Ellerbeck was a recent! Gocomeback gave her a pair of col- | visitor at Hartington. James Manson | |&nd Earl Botting visited at W. Bot- The mosque was built of white |ting's, Harrowsmith. T. Bradford re- marble, and Betty 'was allowed to [turned home on Monday from King- read the inscription upon it, which ston wh informed her: "It is like a precious |ing his daughter, Mrs. Joyner. Trap- | pearl. No other mosque in the world | pers report a fair muskrat season. | e he spent a few days visit- | Erwin Manson returned to bigh chool at Sydenham Monday. | {Friends of Mrs. Joseph Watson are pleased to hear she has recovered [trom an attack of scarlet fever. Mrs. | der at jw McRory and daughter, Sydenham, | are visting at T. Ellerbeck's. Carman | Botting was at T. A. Carr's recently, Advertising Stunts. (John K. Barnes, in World's Work) | Mr. Olds, the inventor of the first | {car produced in quantity, knew that |it. The tricks to which the sales | resorted to attract New | York's public attention--even to get- i ting arrested for speeding on Fifth | avenue and' for upsetiing a bicycle policeman--is a unique story. The | | net result was the sale of 750 curved- dash Oldsmobile runabouts in New York City in 1902, | Tips to Housewives | When boiling white fish add a lit-! | tle vinegar to the water to keep it j wkite and firm. Per delicious spring onions place the onions, cooked, in a buttered glass baking dish and pour a wii: gzuce over them Cover with fine crumbs and bits of butter and yrated | cheese and brown in an oven. Fires Shell 100 Miles Experiments 'have been made re- | cannon, which is claimed to fire a shell 100 miles, or three times the | range of the Big Bertha, Lieutepan: | | Delamare-Maze, a French Officer, is | 'the inventor of the gun. , Set ---- | If your methodg are questionable, don't be surprised if you receive ped to the floor with a bang, and, | questionable results, -- cently in Belguim with a new Turbo | ¥ | mu When a Scream Startles You --and your heart jumps up in your throat-- and you know one y the children is hurt-- run to the medicine cabinet for the bottle of Whether it is a cut hand or a gashed knee ---a torn arm, burnt finger, sprained ankl bruise or open wound--apply *ABSORBINE JR." full strength. ° | It pay smart for an instant--but it will cleanse the wound, destroy germs, prevent infection, ease the pain and promote rapid and healthy healing. For toothache, saturate cotton with "ABSORBINE JR." and place in the cavity in the tooth. Then rub the face with this reliable liniment--it stops the pain. If the children get sore throat or tonsilitis, make a pole with "ABSORBINE JR." You see how useful, ow handy, how necessary it is to keep a bottle of "ABSORBINE JR." always in the house--it saves so much pain and suffering. $1.25 a bottle--at most druggists' or sent postpaid by W. F. YOUNG Inc. Lyman Building, Momtreal. await the renewing touch of Vol- Peek VolPeek will mend any leak mside of two minutes put those discarded articles ite ware. Aluminum. Copper, Brass, Tin or Iron back into service. 25¢. 1s all it costs for thirty mends 00 NOT ACCEPT SUBSTITUTES VOL-PEEK MFG. COMPANY » © wou sete wonTmEa ue Wholesaled by EDWIN CHOV/Hl & SON,

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