Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Apr 1921, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1931. - 7 - . THE TOYE BREAD CO., Limited CANADIAN ONE COMPANY IND USTRIAL Mex REVIEW ' KINGSTON g ' nc, EA ig Lim ited MOTHER'S KINGSTON, ONTARIO. J) eT > 3 #7 LlOTHER'S and <] and will be even more ticklish, For | vast growth of these schools. Like NF he, 3 QU AKER BACK 10 NORMAL the man Who uses it lo exploit the | the aeroplane, the submarine and ; 4 A a BREAD | workers or to swell his own profits | cther institutions of modern days, | Fok 3 195 Ontario St unfairly there is no name low [they passed through the time when A ' : a ; ad the Slogan Heard AN |. un ooii.._..|the world doubted them. .but-theyi} Nr = _AND Yeu sar se - NT OVEFIRG COUN ~~ | Oa the whole the outlook is far [have proves their valué and have bo Er LE SS MEAT 4] EVERYTHING IN LUMBER ' try better than the most optimistic had | come a decided factor in.the business 7 i = 4s oy : 2d { hoped for at the immediate termina- | afid industrial life of this continent. | ry Ye - Lath Shin les Trim All ov 7 {tion of the war. As the Retailer's -------------- i\ All over N erican con- T 4 | OUR I ALI. . tinent the hor orn Ame! journals | World, of New York, puts it: Who Is the Hardest Worker? ie 4 3 : i e pape business | Now is the time to advertise fair Mr. Brain-worker, you who wear PRINCE OF WAI ES Hardwood Flooring a : peor odicals Tepresenting gust stie | Prices, high quality merchandise and | white shirts and collars and present- | DINING ROOM AND LUNCH FOR L ADIES AND GENTLEMEN activities are sounding an optimistic | better service. When the consumers | able clothes every day in the week | Try eur Special Dinner from 11.30 a.m. te 7 p.m. Table Service--Prices Moderate, Rote in regard to present conditions | y : 5 : LLAN LUMBER CO. {are satisfled with prices, and when | but Sunday, you who, work six and | . swuinr Boies pie--ryievs Meiers . t » Flakes, . its aad the 9utisok for the futute. Ro the public confidence in merchants | seven hours a day in a bright, well- | ad Ea Toast, Whent Callen, Tea, Coffer ur aitn + 11o0 Ba VICTORIA STREET . PHONE 1012, course, it Sanne be Seni a LH of | fully returns, as it is already begin- |heated, well-ventilated office and then | TRERT. American Management. PHONE 544. return le normal, which. in spit | ning to do, then business can be con- | £0 home clean, remember, when you the predictions of many, is becoming i d inclined b - : ae an Tr ducted on a firm foundatfon and mer- | are tired and inclined to abuse youa THOS G BISHOP { MOTe evident every dav, il ani chants will find that the public still | Job, that the fellow in overalls usual- | » MEADOW CREAM SODAS . . pinch some of those merchants whe has man wants that must be filled." | ly has a much tougher proposition to | . . { We are getting pre-war Flour and our Biscuits show it have neglected to make allowance buck for six days a week than you! ar for it and are loaded up with large \ - : have. Whe far in the depth crispy. Your grocer does not Keep them, 'phone the fact Cox Hectel : ORIGIN AND GROWTH av 0 you are far in ths | ra u 2 Brass and Iron Caxtings, Elesteie and Oxy Acetylene Welding stocks at wartime prices. In the! A x of warm and luxurious slumber, he! want you to sample them. Pione 1s - - - - - - Kiog and Queen Streets main run, however, the merchant 108 the International Correspondence is already out in the cold dawn.| _ THE W. J. CROTHERS CO, Limited -- has been expecting and has been ! Schools Canadiaw, Limited. working or on hie way to work nd f-- jIepareg nq it 1s 8 ig say ne The International Correspondence |Y¥ou have reached home and the, A d most dealers welcome t return of |g ols int i89 0 >. | fireside, he is still at werk. He works | WALK DOWN TOWN AND SAVE MONEY WHEN IN NED OF ELLC- old stale conditions. Most chusciens Is Book iy tojuced iss hes 2 HE gn, Wot hd AE es ihe A TWIT A Ov. ake TRIC SUPPLIES. VACUUM CLEANERS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. tious manufacturers and dealers have professions by mail with special | COme grimy, his hands roughened and.| : a X eo pre HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. bean ashamed to ask prices which homestudy textbooks and a system of | twisted--but sti]! he works on. puricts au Sloper. 4B. ROLTON circnmstances compelled them to de- | Girection and correction of students' Mr. Manual Laborer, vou must not | Domestic and Steam COAL Florist PHONE 94. a - Corner of King and Princess Street mand and th have becn instances { work. Many years of successful teach- | et the idea that yow are the most : 280 Princess Street - Phome 661. \ where men have gone out of business {ing show that this system supplies | 8bused person in the world. You may | \ ' dl a ' rather than manufacture at prices | the greater educational neefl of the | have quite long hours, bul when your) 7 ~~ . ' \ A lanuinttn Gu aa le > oH CLT aa Cav which the; thought ridiculous and | worid; it carries a practical knowl- stretch is up your time ls your own. | S. S. CORBETT - JAMES RETHANION 4 SY Lia Waterproof the Price out of ail proportion to tlie value of edge to the thousands who cannot] Your friend who works wiih is brain KINGSTON CEMESRT PRODUCTS Our Plumbing is being built up on 1} (py article turned out | ieave home nor give up work to seek | €arries his work with him all the | Faneral Director Head Offfee - - Kingston, Ot. . quality frst basis s ! give up . ANCHES: FaC70R 3 a Be & BARRETT The last two years have bepn ex- 'an cducation. time, home and at work, always won- Ambulance Phone 143. Calgirs PA UH M 3 Cornel Ferny Manner, 208 W eliing ton Street cmely unsettlod and ot umes ko] The work of a corréspondencc | dering and worrying. His muscles be- Residence Phome 213. Quebe. Saskatoon ities Phone 730w, Phone 658. outlook has Leen very uncertain. ' It [school, a good one, is three-fold: | come soft and he is an easy victim Winnipeg has been evident tbat som. change | teaching employed parsons the sei.) for ali those little allments which | + -- must take place urd that there would ' ence of their tradeg or professions; t you throw off l'ke drops of water. | DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. HOOPER & SLATER be suffering from th: chamge. Only | preparing misplaced and dissatisfied | When the whisile blows for five Sashes, Doors, Biinds, Mouldings, etc || |ately have we realized that the un- | people for congenial or better paying | 62lock he may quit, as you do--but We The place to get your repairs done oi 3 t unle bh vork is d p, S e] All kinds of Dressed and certainty and trouble was merely | Work; giving young, unemployed per- | Rol unless his work js dome. & omé- | Promote Industry M. M. SIMS ~~ EXNGINGER A ND NACHINISY \ promptly--motor boat e , tolida : | automobiles and dry dockins Rough Lumber. part of the change whieh is gradu- | sons the training necessary to tnable | times on a holiday, when you are and Representative ally reaching its destination and has !them to stant at good salaries in cho- i tree, if you will glance into the office Build Character ~ | done s0 in some lines of trade. Other | $eN vocations. You will find him there.-- But still! »y he work# on. Sa 3 lines are rapidly getting back to nor- Over 400 American and Canadiac i Rendering Service * mal status and moresgnd more it is | industrial companies, including some Both of you, brain worker and The Laturney Carriage Works being dri'en home that the sooner |of the largest in the world, have en- | manual laborer, must hand the hard they do this the better for themselves |téred into arrangement with the in-, work prize to someone else. To some- CSI Ess w Aone faetusgt AUTO BODIES and the better for the public. jernationst Btugois for fhe instruc- sme rie is sho boss avd He Worker |, . 4 He 35 ne E s are zo- | tion of their employees. This is one | the br k t 25 « 3% PRING as a a, mage fo order, PHONE 132. Wy Ses Dev Soudirions aT of the greatest distinctions ever con | arer, the brains and the brawa, and KINGSTON NAVIGATION CO., Limited * trial world known would be rather ferred on any educational institution, Mistress of many trades whieh, she | | hard to say at the present time, 1¢ | 0d the continuance of these arrange- | uses in her little plant, her home. | S.5. BROCKVILLE--300 PASSENGERS, SALE OF BICYCLES 1s a foregone conclusion that in cases | MeRtS is conclusive evidence of the | Tlie leader is the little woman w! in) Opin for SWATIe for §. §. Picuies and Brcursions | where wages have been increased practical results produced. { works while you are away and awaits | Call us up and get @ good date | S. was a you at home. She ought to have a lit- | ~TELEPHONE 190-- AT MULLER'S BICYCLE WORKS 371-373 KING STREET | right to the par with selling prices During the war the I. C. 8. | . | that there will necessarily have to pe | POteDt factor both on' this continent | te raise now and then, 'for she never | \ and overseas. In February, 1920, the | Strikes, she's always willing and---| Bicycles at reduced prices. either a drop in wages or 3 total v Tike ] f I. C. S. was granted a Dominion | till she works on. \ Used Bicycles from $15.00 up. PHONE 1033w. cessation of production. This' seems . 3 ---------------- - \ -- | o spell trouble but so far, where | CNArter, a very fitting tribute to the ! GRIMM"S Vi the case has come up affairs have work of these schools in Canada since | There is an automobile for every | > 3 the enrolment of the first student | ten or eleven people in town. That's AGENTS FOR NEILSON'S ANB WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES TIRES, SOLID and PNEUMATIC at Tau surprisingly Smoothly. In the over 2F years ago, so that they are |a good sign. It means that there is | Phone 1 « o« uu ao & . 102 Princess Street, volo hane is almost here. Are your Tires in good conditi | States of New York and New Jersey now' known i Canada as Interna- | money in the town. Money in idleness | canizing our Special i the e ses - } Next time you need a Tire, get a really good one. That's ou: la re have been several cases of this { opal Correspondence Schools' Can- | is like sugar not stirred. It sweetens | SUDDABY BROTHERS escription and the producers, lay- adian, Limited nothing. STIR UP KINGSTON'S | 7~ Corner Ace 4u 4 d Wellington Streets ing all their cards on the table, put Experts, instruciors and assisténts | SUGAR 4 | . . th | She Gade a urns hod Tppesled are occupied in writing and revising| Never mind Kingston's past. It is | . Smith Bros., Jewelers, Limited » | at once saw eS, as ers She IL & 8. esthoalts aud in examin- Sue future shat is important ie Js. . DIAMONDS, SILVER AND GOLD GOODS Wi far "| ing and corresting the work of stu- le Histarical Society will look a fer) 3 WwW. Mo Sherwin- illiams: Paints and Varnishes [reat and met Hew halt way. Off dents. At present over 4.000 persons | the past in its spare time, Expert atch Repairing course, the reduction will have to be are employed in the various depart- If you cannot Build anything, can- | Established 1540, / 40 King Street W. H. COCKBURN & CO. | Yery gradual to accustom the people | ments. All publications are protected | not put money into anything to boost | > : < HARDWARE to the difference. It is one of the by several thousand copyrights. Kingston, then talk Kingston any-|/" #3 PRINCESS STREET , .- . PHONE 216 | most ticklish problems of the times This gives one some idea of the | way. Everything helps. THE THOMPSON BOTTLING CO. "Belfast Ginger Ale" ™ N i THE . " THE NeCALLUN GRANITE CO, |} OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 304 130 Clarence Street East End of Wellington Street. 125-132 ONTARIO ST. « Phone 74 © Kingston, Ont, S.8. ST. LAWRENCE-=330 PASSENGERS A-- Po -- " 10% discount of ail new Bicycles. Our complete stock of re-built ton mrt prmer TTT mited THOMPSON BROS., Launderers, Limited MONUMENT BUILDERS Operating i . { / 395-307 Princess Street. i a "SA N 7: Phone 1931. '| Molaughlin Motor Cars. Gabriel Snubbers. IMPERIAL LAUNDRY Phone 302 ASSURANCE COMPANY 2\ 4 ee ------ Michelin Tires. Samson Tractors. KINGSTON LAUNDRY .... Phone 22 Head Office =» =» « + . wWoreat Ja : a pe - he Reliable Represent o a oi 8: : THE STANDARD VINEGAR OF { If We did't think these brands were the best in their tine We wouldn't teliable Representatives wante § . CANADA . handle them for ome day. Xa . in the Kingston district. Apply to -- | yes examined scientifically, Largest Factory in Canada i PHONE 367. BLUE GARAGES Limited, ' : Over 20 yéfre' experience. o iE A 3 Ly the w Co. L H. M, Fair, . J. B. COOKE KEELEY JR, M0, D.O. The Wilson Lytle Badgerow ( td. || - M. Fair, Manager KINGSTON'S ONLY DRGERS A Real V. acuum District Mana, Branch Factory, Bagot Street et us prove or r work, by giving us \ strfet mager, Kingston, out. J 1 226 Princess Street. Phone 937. | one trial Cl | \ Dry Cleaning our an FRONTENAE |{ FOR SALE 1 Specialty reir vse nos, | | MATTRESS CO. hevings snd Sawdust, I MamoDzo The FROST CITY meek démonstrating our mew moder ||| MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER y | THE K. D. MANUFACTURING COY |For Fresh Fruits | STOR AGE Company PATT ON'S G Cadillac. | Renovating a Speelalty .D.} Can we have your same? i} 17 Balaclava st. Fhose $106w. Phone 16817. DYE WORKS | : J. RG, DORBS & « 9, | : : and Vegetables Choice Rooms ne Spaces in oug 41 Clarence St. Storage---clean, bright and dry. "~ 349 Princess Street. Phone ane | CANADA CUTLERY ¢; Limited ) / 4 Chatrse----Best of Service SE -- Menufactuvers of We Specialize in Wholestle and Retall 200-300 Qpeen Street. Phone 326. \ - . . ¢ I WN Rt . Fruit and Commission Merchant POCKET nad PEN KNIVES CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING : : i Street - Phone 776 HAVE YOU SMOKED A DUNHILL : C. A. Eston, Generel Masaner "TONSORIAL PARLOR? 153 Wellington #1. Phone 1318) 39_Priucess ' " iN j = E HAVE THEM. | | BAKER'S CIGAR STORE ! 7 i VESTA BATTERY CO'Y ) i BATTERY WITHOUT REGRETS * f HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY ! Place our vie PATH In your car and forget ail your Battery Street and have our representative demo nstrate the most ~ ved Ignition, for starting, for Lighting. getc., it will serve you well : Im over 400 cities the STREET RAILWAYS have had an in. i FURS types of Vacuum Cleaners. All kinds. of kieciricai Appiiancas for the A Battery you will recommend to your fellow motorists cre fare. By your patronage show your appreciation of the | TH LE ip R 0 a0 r W. MILNE and F, KING , 4 'tilt es Comm! in) . KINGSTON, PORTSMOUTH and CATARAQUI ELECTRIC Be a' RAILWAY r r rn r ice: 528, \/| BOOTH FISHERIES CANADIAN CO. Ltd . I JFhones 0 1500 | WILLARD BA Es DONNELLY SALVAGE & WRECK. > { MITED i i» ' " DEVELOP Y OUR C11 } { Limited Sow wiledtive, Wrecking und ae work since €3 BROCK STREET - - PHONE 320. . I. LESSES * 1530 without a failure. 1 JOHN DONNELLY sn Fan oa a Turn tnpe--ry pio84 ache monty to A ayure Save facd by using Ice. \ J ees a eniee GRO. A, BATEMAN pestits, ; If you have Savings for igvestment or if you have sectirities which you A > 130 WELLINGTON STREET University Laboratories as being | [| otner Kingston nem, as we are in direct iouen With Torunio, Montreal - | T i r Ww LOrK al all times auning business balirs, we spedhaiize m ihe pure ana Ne 3 \ | = x buy ng and seliing @1 Guverntueut and Muniocipa: Bonas. We are me: - ivingsion, Vatarie. i JOHN McKAY, Ltd. It would pay you iv @rup inte THE HYDRO SHOS n rincess troubles. It is a rea] Battery of service. Whatever you use it for--for home. Phone' 410w. Queed und Bagot Sts. -. ty. fact that Sc. carries you to any part of our cit y : KINGSTON = CANADA ie Utititi en Commis . ce Compa N v ic n fo 1 COMPAN . i Kingston ny New low price for Willan Service Tg chy an i Ligaiern, Divers, |! JOBBERS IN FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY By owning your own home and beautifying ft--HBatoman's Real Estate i 19 Brock Street - .P) 1340 Zl 1 % - Brive ot 2 200, Rev iy ie tue to list your pro, Our Ice ig certified io by Queen's . 3 - i wish i) sell, consvit our office. Oar service emnnut bg equalied by any bers of Toronte michenge and can candle viders Lulh Ways Lor say rer i. il] For Scrap lron, Metals, Rags and Paper Stock. . [ll 5334 Euan « co. mw saget nove. gy McGi . & . i] Promp:i delivery is our specialty. If you telephone us we will call promptly. \ nnis Con : N : Phone 238%w. Residence 2057. [ UConrier | B% or. Hemenbe M. ROSEN & CO. | The Medical Health Officer Advised The HIGHWAY ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS ogy an tes other pe or Li 14 RIDEAU STREET : Koi ui 'All it silk i ! Why not let us do it for you and do ig right ? We clarify it first and then pasteurize it. It is clean--it is safe--and it is the best and cheapest {ood yoa | | | SAE OF: ply t | "PRUE COTTONS" ' PRICE'S DAIRY MONTREAL TORONTO / WINNIPEG | "hone $13 . = + 277 Princess Street.

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