16:4, SATLNIAY, APRIL, p, HERR rb rb ED | DIAMOND DYE i DY-OLA RIT TINTEX i BUNSET 3 BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 2! Main Street. Phone 1670. reer, Fone 4070, Partridge Wire Work NICKEL PLATING AND BRASS FINISHING Now prepared to do this work. Manufacturing Wire. Fencing, Fiower Border Guards, ete, 62 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 350 eA Acts me cc rath .) TERRY > and COLORITE HAT COLOR. We have all shades, lededed bode Bde dodeode DS HAVE JUST ARRIVED Dr. Waugh Dentist feed oly oe Try Rennie's Seeds--they always grow, Austin's Drug Store Cormer Klag and Market Square Phone 230 106 Wellington St, Phone 256. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired, Prices moderate. B58 RING STREET EAST a" ------------------------_---------- Fr ddebobdodod ddd oh Kingston - 3 rt nn, Advice Regarding Moving As Conveyances will be much in demand the beginning of May, we advise the timely placing of orders for large wag- §ons with us. Kingston Transfer Co. 1533 WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 877. 50.000 SAMPLES ckage Write your . KINGSTON, Out. FOR SALE GOON, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: en Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G. W. LYONS ars guaranteed for one year. : Call or 'phone and your or- der wilt be promptly attended Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. ---- WATTS to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. Phone 214. 349 Princess St -- -- i FAULTY PLUMBING mithing I quality first basis If you are going to build we will be pléased to quote You prices on the total fixtures and the cost of installation. People's Florist 177 Wellington street. plants daily and wedding Phone 1763. Fresh flowers and Funeral designs, bouquets to order, Res., 1137. 1 | gf siasimced Davie & Barret 10 Years of Eczema '-- A Sample Cured Her - | nn and Tinsmiths INGTON STREET | Are you reading the weekly Canadian letters, | telling stories of suffering from skin diseases and how cure was effected? Here is part of a letter from Mrs. Henry Har. { vey. Black Lake, Que. Write ter if you desire. | "Ten years of eczema on the face. Treated unavailingly by doctors, A sample alone of D. D. D. cured me, etc." | The proot of the pudding is in the eating. When a prescription for skin disease has letters of cure and endorsement from Dearly every city and town in the Dominion, surely it is enough to convince the most skeptical. | _ Relief from itching torment is immediate, | Just try ene bottie of D. D. D. today on our | Bouitive guarantee. $1.00 a bottle. Try D.D D, | P. 24 Totion for Sin Discase Mahoot's Drug Store, -Kingaton COAL Chotcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 W. R McRae & Co. GOLD! N LION BLOCK. F, r Sale new Sharples ing Machine. ill sell cheap. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, Nyal's Blood Purifier Sr ---- | Is cleanses the blood and should P ATTON 'S | taken at this time of the year to pre- DYE WORKS | We (Late Montgomery's) be vent boils, etc. recommend | la and have sold their remedies for years. Prouse's Drug Store Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks. . .35c¢. Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. a) DID YOU EVER TRY Wagsiail's Ginger Marmalade, Wugstan'y Vineappie Marmaiade, Wagstail's Bramovie Jelly, We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marmas lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- "Take a brick home with you." em rn Choice Pot Roasts | 18¢. Ib. Bon Marche Grocery | | (Choice Rib Roasts Cor. King and bari Streegy 20c. Ib. Pork Chops 28¢ and 30c Ib.. Princess Meat Market A AAA ant { | REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE 'W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, ' PURIFY THE BLOOD NYAL'S because we know the formu. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . ingston and Vicinity Rector Rev. W Transferred everything 1 boats troubles | Golf Club Expandiag. company Tay Cot organized A. Code hool re- 0 from the co'- he Board of Edu- t stand for any reduc- itenance estimates ee thought musi 1001s could be cut off. cation tion on their The finance cc nd vocation s Mothers Read This, and nov ir boys with a new at $8 59, goods Civthing Spring is here to clothe See our $12.50, a styles I Brock street range new vost Buys Farm-For $6,000, Peter McCarthy has purchased the McGonigle farm near Newboro, and Las already taken possession. The price paid was nearly $6,000, Thomas McCarty, Newboro, has rented Mrs. M. Mulville"s farm at Westport and is busily engaged mov- ing 3 Injured Her Thumb. Little Miss Theresa Dwyre, of El- gin, met wi a very painful accident | when she 1ght her thumb in a re- volving waggon wheel. The end was badly lacerated, but amputation is| not necessary as was at first feared. | his 8 Me farm to A To Start Walk Laying, The. city engineer's de partment | -- . the bu ding of con Started Their Drives, | son & [Findlay have started will commence Fergu their spring drive which takes in the Madawaska River and its tributaries and it is expected that the work this will well inte September. as cement i ral streets | crete walks soon 8 purchased. re are where walks are urgently needed, in- cluding Stephen and Cowdy streets, vear last Going To Asia Minor, as far as A Dr. R. A. McLean, a native of the 2 re ; township of South Elmsley, who ig| force will be divided into two gangs, professor of sics at McGill, Mont- | fifty men in the st, handling what real, leaving in May for Constan- is technically known as the Jam y | tinople to engage in archaeological | the logs, ties and other material that | work in Asia Minor with Sir Wil-| can be more easily driven, and about ham Ramsay, Co sixty men to take care of the rear. : ro Gee Death of an Aged Resident, One of the oldest, if not the oldest, residents in Napanee, passed away at the Hetel Dieu, Kingston, on April 4th, in the person of George O'Hara, the advanced age of eighty-nine years. Deceased was born in the | province of Quebec. He came to Nap- anee with his parents at an early age, continuously till Macdonnell Street Sewer. time of his death. He was a Macdonnell street sewer, whose | kindly old gentleman. Deceased ction was undertaken' with |] aves surviving, his daughter, Mrs. f object of helping the uhem I'si S and two ployed, is not yet completed, and it| George, Syracuse; and James, Canas- will likely require the remainder of | tota, N.Y. Will 1 O'Hara, Napanee, this month to finish the work of | is a brother of deceased. laying the sewer and water pipes rior. Their working is Easy to Guess Citizens are complaining to the} Whig about milk delivered at their doors the past few days" being sour and they want to know what is the trouble.--Kingston Whig Why, old chap, its simply that's thll! Deserostn § at sour resided there {the Woodcock, sons, A Howe Island Fvent, March 30th a successful -hox and dance was held at John Dissatisfied With Wages, There is a report in marine circles On | social Sunday Services. in Churches Gospel Hall, New Orange Building, | a.m., morning prayer; 2.29 p.m. ground floor--Gospel service, Sun- Sunday school and hible classes; 4 | Cay evening, 7 o'clock. Week night | p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening | services, Wednesday and Friday, at! prayer. Music--Anthem, "The Radi- | 8 o'clock. [ant Morn Has Passed Away " (Wood- { -- | ward). Seats free. Strangers and visi- | St. Andrew's--Rev. John W. Stép- | tors cordially invited to attend. ben, minister. Services, 11 a.m, and | 7 p.m., conducted by the min } | Students, soldiers and strangers al- | ways welcome, | corner of Queen and Clergy streets-- Rev. W. 8. Lennon, B.A., B.D, pas- -- | tor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7_p.m. St. Paul's.--Morning prayer, o'clock; preacher, Canon FitzGerald, | seen." Evening M.A. Sunday school, 3 p.m. Evening | Plaints Against God." Sunday school prayer, 7 o'clock; preacher, Canon | and adult bible classes at 3 p.m. | FitzGerald, M.A. ( Strangers and visitors cordially wel- -- comed. Seats free, Bethel Congregational Church--11 | r-- La { a.m, Rev. A. B. Ransome will preach.| St. James' Church, corner Union } p.m., Sunday school and bible | and Barrie streets.--T. W. Savary, classes. 7 p.m., Col. Gordon wii! rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. | breach. A cordial invitation is extend-|§ a.m, holy communion; 11 a.m., | ed to all. | morning prayer and litany. Sermon ! --- subject, "The Easter Psalms--The | Calvary Congregational Church Resurrection, the Subject of Praise." | Charles and Bagot streets. Services| 3 Pp.m., Sunday school. 7 p.m., even- {11 am and 7 p.m. Y.P.S, Monday, | ing prayer and sermon, subject, The 8 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, | Referendum." § p.m. All are welcome. Rev. A. F. Brown, pastor. subject: "Some | Sydenham Street Church, Metho- | -- dist---Rev. W. T. G. Brown, minister. | Union Street Baptist Church, core erie 11 am. and 7 p.m. The ner of Union and Collingwood streets | minister will preach at both services. Rev.J. K. Fairfull, pastor. Services | Morning class at 9.45 a.m. Sunday 11 am, and 7 p.m. Sunday school | school and bible classes at 2.45 p.m. and bible classes, 3 p.m. B. Y. P. U.,| Epworth League, Monday, at 8 p.m. { Monday, 8 p.m. Bible study and pray- | Prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. | er service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Come | Woman's Missionary Society Sewing | meeting and opening of mite boxes, Friday afternoon in the "lecture hall. and worship with us. | Princess Street Methodist Church, | | --Rev. J. A. Waddell, minister, Ser-| [First Baptist Church, Sydenham | vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. The minis- {and Johnson streets--Rev. J. S. La- | ter at both services. Sunday schocl, | Flair, pastor. 11 a.m., germon theme: [2.45 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, | "What's in a Name?" 2.45 p.m., bible |8 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, | school. 7 p.m, sermon theme: "Why {8 pm.; W. M. 8. Thursday, 8 p.m. | Vote Yes On The Referendum?" The { Dr. Scott, Korea, will speak. Strang- | sermon will be illustrated with splen- | ers and visitors cordially welcomed. | aid lantern views. Monday, 7 p.m., | Junior B.Y.P.U. Tuesday, 8 p-m . Sea- lor, B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 8 p.m, an- nual reports meeting of church, First Church of Christ Scientist.-- {Johnson street, between Bagot and | Wellington. Sunday school, 9.43 a.m. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Subject --"Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" Wednesday evening, § p.m. Public reading room, same ad- dress, every afternoon except Sun- days and holidays, 3 to 5 o'clock. All are cordially invited to the services and to the reading room, | St. Luke's Church, Nelson Street-- | | Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D, rec- | tor, Second Sunday Alter Easter. 11 | Ae se ly SOHNE Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock strept.--The minister, Rev. W. Taylor Dale, will preach at both ser- vices. 11 am., Father and son ser- vice and sacrament of baptism. 7 D.m., subject: "Ontario's Attitude to Drink and Divorce." Sunday school at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m: Bible class at 3 pm W, M.S. thank-offering meet- ing, Tuesday, at 38 pm. A cordial welcome to all. lene Welding WRIGHT'S Machine Works Meese St. « = Phone 1264. St, George's Cathedral--Very Rev. G. Lothrop Starr, M.A., D.D., dean and rector, 78 Wellington street. Phone 2156. Rev, W. E; Kidd, M.A, s company takes the timber only, Queen Street Methodist Church, | 11 | Morning subject: "Seeing the Un- | e house he- axed to its capacity lin selec- were rendered Clarence Charles Garrah, and Gordon >, while Mrs. P. Quins played accompaniments. At 11.30 1e boxes, all of which were decorated, were auctioned Jackson, Pittsburg. The evem | both a social and financial sue- «afd the sum of fifty dollars was i for the relief of Irish com- ades in distress. Wise to Advertise. {°° Many merchants and business men "penny wise and pound foolish" course in failing to adver- tise in the local newspapers, which. are read in practically every home in the territory from which their trade |is drawn. A modest space in every issue, with crisp wording, and prices of articles advertised quoted when-| ever desirable, will pay every mer- | chant or business man tenfold, and | proof can be had in a brief trial. That advertising is the lifeblood of business is acknowledged by every | progressive business men who prac- tices what he preaches { pursue a Death of Anson j.owery, | Anson Lowery passedvaway'at his! | lome at Demorestville, Saturday, af- | ter a brief illnéss. The deceased was | {a son of George Lowery, and was | born in South Marysburgh forty-sev- | [en years ago. About twenty years ago | Lie and Ethel Dunning were married | and for the last five years they have | lived at Demorestville. Mr. Lowefy | wag a very useful citizen. For two | years he was assessor for the town- | ship of Sophiasburgh and had been! one of the township auditors, For | five Or<si¥ years he was steward on | the steamer North King 'when that | steamer's popular route was between | Rochester and the Thousand Islands. | Through the Wreck Clem Freeman, a son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Freeman, Deseronto, was | severely scalded on the right arm and left leg when the crown sheet of a locomotive upon which he was em- | ployed as a fireman blew out twenty- | five miles from Capreol bn March | 20th. Mr. Freeman, waose scape from death was nothing short cf mir- | a:lous, was blown from th cab. rea | reached Deseronto on ths C. N R. | lassenger that jumped the rails east | of Napanee on the morning of the 24th. The young man's friends will be pleased to learn that he is now rapidly recovering, | A AA ett. reams { M.C., curate, 7 Wellington street, | { Phone 869w. Second Sunday after Easter. 8 a.m., holy communion, 11 jam, morning 'prayer. Preacher, the {dean. . 3 p.m., Sunday schools. 4, p.m., holy baptism. 7 p.m., even- | song, Preacher, Rev. W. E. Kidd. The annual vestry meeting will be | held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock | {in St. George's hall, and all mem- | [ bers of the congregation are request- | | ed to attend. The regular meeting of the Wo- | gens Christian Temperance Union | { Will be held in the Y.W.C.A. parlors, | Johnston street, on Tuesday, 12th, at 3.30 p.m, come, April | All ladies wel- -------- Soldier Botanist. { During the occupation of Salonika | by the allies a private in the 28th division, William B. Turrill, found opportunities to gather and dry wild flowers from Macedonia and to col- lect their seeds for Kew gardens, | England. Being a member of the | expert staff of the establishment, he | bad sufficient experience to carry out { what must have been, in the circum- | stances, a fairly difficult enterprise, | Macedonia has been very little ex- | plored botanically and Mr. Turrill's collections form an important addi- | tion to the knowledge of its flora | One of his discoveries was a Silene | | Which was entirely new. No less than 60 packets of seeds he managed to | collect. When it is remembered that | some were secured when his unit wag actually under fire it will be seen they testify in no small degree to hig devotion, : -------- | BABYS OWN TABLETS Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenom, | Que., writes: "I do not think there is | any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones, I have | used them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. | Lefebvre says thousands of other | mothers say. They have found by | trial that the Tablets always do just | what is claimed for them. The Tab- | lets are a mild but thorough laxative | which regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus banish indi- | gestion, constipation, colds, colic, | ete. They are sold by medicine deal- | ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of | Brockville, Ont. -- Retro, Sattanus! 7 A little girl was attracted by a | dish of fruit which stood on the side- | board, and begged her mother to let | her have one of the plums. She was | met with a firm refusal. el That night, Walking in her sleep, | she was in the act of putting out her | hand to take the forbidden fruit! when she suddenly awoke. Looking around in astonishment at finding herself in the dining-room attired in her nightgown, she cried out: "Done you again, Satan!" --Tit. Bits. | ---------- On Monday a well-known farmer | of Huntley, Edward Kennedy, a man | fre NOTHING T0 EQUAL | ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Just in--a neat, 24 page Illustrated Cata- logue of Modern Homes, Barns, Garages and Farm Buildings. Yours for the asking. ~~ 8: ANGLIN" & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Phone 1413. A Office Phone 66. Factory i. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS All kinds of cut wood and soft Coal. Phone 155 Uptown Office. McGall Cigar Store, "phone 811. TNA AAA AAA Sarl tt at SUNKIST Economic - USE RAISINS FOR COOKING SEEDLESS - Wholesome Ne -------- Vacuum Cleaners To Rent For Spring House-Cleaning Motor Boat Supplies, Dry Cells, Spark Plugs, Coils, Switches, etc. _ HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. TO J. O. HUTTON. Phone 703 SIX ROOM FLAT--very desirable-- ex- cellent locality. Also some desirable houses for sale. KINGSTON AGENCIES, Limited LET B. G. ROBERTSON 67 Clarence Street. SPRING FURS Gourdier's BROCK STREET We're Ready for Spring With a Large, New Stock of Fine Quality Suits and Top Coats For Men and Young Men at Lower Prices $20.00, 22.00, 25.00, 28.00 \ $30.00, See our fine quality Blue Serge Suits at --$35.00 -- 32.00 TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) Of about fifty years of age, and the father of a large family, deliberate- ly left a companion he was walking with oa the bridge over the river, at Almonte, climbed over the rail and jumped into the rushing wa'ers te- «OW, being, cdrried away auickly by the current aud passing out of s'ght,