Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1921, p. 16

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. CUP Quotations Furnished by Bongard, a ---------- RETAINS KINGSTON The Local Badminton Players Ryerson rg Bagot ~Defeat Ottawa Team on | ; : Saturday. New York Stocks. ; | [LA DLAW S Opening. Closing. An fuier. Som. DIRECT ATTENTION TO he Kings : . ° The Kingston Badminton Club r Am. Son, a 42 -- ~SPRIN amps a rata eats p------ paresis {tains the Kingston Cup, defeating Ot- smel tawa players here on Saturday after- pe le Loco. _nogn by five. matched to three. The phy AT Birr results were: Central Leather > Prof. P, G. C. Campball and Mrs [Crucible Steel .,. . i 'PLEASINGLY PRICED April calls for new things in the wardrobe, and new things in the home, and this store responds with glorious assortments of the very things everyone wants, at prices a great deal lower than have prevailed for many months, our efforts this year have ex- STOCK MARKETS. f u - > _-------- Campbell, Kingston, won from Mrs. | oo Cop ool Victor Anderson and Col. Snell, Ot- {Kennicott Copper .. 18% tawa, 15-3, 7-15, 15-5. Mex. Petroleum . 140% Mrs. W. G. Beeman and Col. Stock- [Northern Pacifice... 74% well, Kingston, won from Mrs. Snell Rep. Iron & Steel .. 65 15 and Major Foy, Ottawa, 15-4, 10-15, |; gd Runner 72% 15-6. 74 Southern Pacific Miss Rogers and Col. Foulkes, |g) qehaker . | 761 183g 140% 73% 631 73 741 | 761% | - i MERITS SUCCESS You are usually safe in dealing with a successful concern. It is a case of "Service of the fittest" in these trying times. \ Our March business was larger irr dol- lars and greater in the actual number of garments sold than in any previous year. Success has come to us--we are assur- "ed of this fact--because we deserve it. Suits and Overcoat prices, Ready-to- Wear are $20.00 upwards. --Wwith exceptional values at $30.00 and 35.00 . ® .f : A 9 Livingston's s 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." pe Youll find it the best Wilson's Majestic ~ Oleomargarine - None to Compare as a Spread for Bread ! There is a delicate, creamy flavor in" this wholesome spread that gratifies and satis- fies the appetite. Children enjoy it. Give them all they can eat of bread spread with 'Majestic Oleomargarine. Its nutritious, wholesome quality will supply them with the food fats that their ac- tivities require. , Use it in cooking and baking It is pure, rich, tasty and economical. Helps to make biscuits, pastries and cakes richer, lighter, more delicate. It's going good. Another carload dué to arrive first of the week. - SOLD BY LEADING GROCERS ALWAYS 3 WITH 4c. derson - Bros. FROM SWEET Limited CREAM FLAVOR Phones 458-459. Wholesale 1767. - Kingston, won from Mrs. McMillan and Capt. Eardley-Wilmot, Ottawa, 15-5, 10-15, 15-9 Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins Lafferty, Kingston, won from MacLaren and Capt. Chambers, |tawa, 7-15, 15-4, 15-4. Mrs. Lafferty and Capt. H. Roberts, | Kingston; lost to Miss Ewart and W. | Stewart, Ottawa, 14-17, 15-4, 4-15. 'Mrs. K. Hicks and Capt. D. Car- | ruthers, Kingston, lost to Mrs. Ken- {neth Archibald and Dr. H. T. Doug- i las, Ottawa, 9-15, 2-15. | Miss Callander and Col. lost to Miss Walsh and Major Ot- Elkins, {| Kingston, Miss E.. Carruthers and Major | Lawson, Kingston, won from Mrs {Thompson and Commander Hemsted, {Ottawa, 8-15, 15-8, 15-6. A friendly game of ladies' doubles |and men's doubles was as follows: | Mrs. Beeman and Miss Nora Mac- nee, Kingston, lost to Mrs. McMillan [aha Mrs. Snell, Ottawa Miss Rogers and Mrs. Elkins, King- {ston, won from Mrs. V. Anderson and | Mrs. McLaren, Ottawa. | Miss E. Carruthers and Mrs, La' | terty, Kingston, lost to Miss Walsh |and Miss Ewart, Ottawa. | Mrs. Hicks and Miss Callander, | Kingston, won from Mrs. Archibald {and Mrs. Thompson, Ottawa. Col. Foulkes and Major Lawson, Kingston, lost to Capt. Eardley-Wil- mot, and W. Stewart, Ottawa. Major Lafferty and Capt. Roberts, { Kingston, lost to Col. Snell and Major | Foy, Ottawa. Col. Stockwell and Capt. D. Car- ruthers, Kingstén, 'lost to Capt. Chambers and Dr. Douglas, Ottawa. Col. P. G. C. Campbell and Col. El- kins,. Kingston, won from Capt. Win- gate and Commander Hemsted, Ot- tawa. | 8S. 8. A. A. A. Baseball Meeting. It is almost certain that a baseball league will be run in connection with the 8. S. A. A. A. At a recent meet- ing the matter was considered, and it was decided to call a meeting in the very near future when the matter 'would be definitely decided. Since the first meeting, the boys representing the different Sunday schools have had a number of practices. It is expected that most of the schools in the bask- etball league will enter basaball teams. The members of the execu- tive are anxious that some cf the oth- er schools of the city enter teams. On Sunday, at a meeting of young | men and boys of Sydenham street { Methodist bible school, it was decided to enter junior and senior teams in the league. | | PENITENTIARY ENQUIRY | | | | DATE NOT YET FIXED it Will Be Into the Manage- ment. of the Female _ Department. The investigation did not open at the' Portsmouth penitentiary on Mon- day morning as previously au nounced. When interviewed, W. F. Nickle, K.C., stated that he was com | wi tioncd by the minister of justice {to "hold an investigation into the | present state and management bf the | female department of the Ports- | mouth penitentiary." He has not yet determined the date of the opening of the inquiry but will shortly do so. This inquiry will bring under review the complaints of Guards R. Corby and J, Givens and all of the circum- stances connected therewith will be subjectedy to thorough investigation, THEOLOGY DEGREES Announced At Queen's University on . Monday Morning. The following degrees were an- nounced at Queen's Theological Coi- lege on Monday. B. D. degrees--Nell David Patter- son, Boulordene West, N.S.; Magnus Andrew Bradford, Wynyard, Sask. Testamurs--C. P, McArthur, Mar- tintown; M. A. S. Bradford; W. T. Brown; A. Donaldson; G. A. Mitchell, H. R. James, N. D. Patterson, J. A. Mcinnis, A. L. Blacklock. The Hugh Waddell scholarship of $550, won by M. A. 8. Bradfovd, re- verted to N. D. Patterson, Queen's Research scholarship, wi by W. T. Brown, reverted to H. R. James. « Bt. Andrew's Church, Toronto, scholarship, won by A. Donaldson, reverted to J. A. Maclnnes. -------- Wanted in' Toronto. ; On Saturday the Kingston police arrested a young 'married woman here on a charge of theft preferred by her husband, who is Hving in Toronto. Constable Boaps took the accused to Toronto ED ------ Edward Cooper, dancing master, convicted on several charges of rob- bery and theft in Toronto, was sen- tenced to the penitentiary for fifteen years. J, Smythe Kerr, prominent Inger- soll manufacturer, died sudd ly Sat- urday. alia Cork, Mrs. | and, Capt. Wingate, Ottawa, 12-15, 10-15. | { U.S. Stee] 81 Canadian Stocks. Brazilian oo. 30% Sold in p.m. at .. | Brompton -as [Can. Steamships . . . {Can. Steamships, pfd. | Cons. Smelters .. .. {Dom. Steel 'iv |General Electric ... { Nat. Breweries ,, .. (N.Y. Exchange .. . |Steel ot Canada ... | Spanish River .. | 314%. .. Sold at 52 QUEEN'S HOCKEY TEAMS. | Guests at Banquet and Recipients of Q's and Crests. The members of the Queen's hock- | |ey teams wera entertained at a ban- quet on Saturday evening at the uni- versity. To mark the appreciation of [the Alma Mater society, the members lot the junior and intermadiate hock- ey teams, which won the Intercollegi- |ate trophies, were presented with | beautiful rings and crests. J. W. Do- | herty acted ag chairman. The toast to the "University" was proposed by Reginald Crawford and responded to by Dr. McNeill; "Our Champions" was proposed by Dean Skelton, and responded to by' Roy Blacklock, manager of the intermedi- ate team, and J. D. 'Johnston, man- ager of the juniors. W. Yule proposed the toast to James T. _Sutherland, honorary coach, and Ernie Sliter toasted Reginald Crawford, honorary coach. Prof. Lindsay Malcolm, who took a great interest in the junior team, was toasted by Roy Blacklock. Prof. Malcolm presented thy "Q's" and crests, and Dr. McNeill handed the rings to the players on the two championship teams. The managers of both teams received rings. -- Canadian Club, Tom Moore is to speak to. the club at luncheon, Randolph Hotel tomor- row at 12.30 p.m. DAILY MEMORANDUM, City Council, 8. "Way Down Bast" Grand, 8.15. Queen's Theo! Convocation, 8. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. BORN. HARRISON--At Napanee, on March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Har- rison, a daughten LEARY---At North Fredericksburgh. on April 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Leary, a daughter. DIED, COLE--In Kingston, . on April 11th, 192], Alice Corcoran, beloved wife of Samuel Cole, aged 35 years. Funeral from her late residence, 9 Barrack street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. : DILLON--At Coronation, Alta. on April 3rd. 1921, John Dillon, aged seven- ty-four years. Funeral will take place from his bro- ther's residence, William Dillon, 111 York Street, Tuesday, at 4 p.m to Cataragui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are spectfully invited to attend. McDONALD--At Collin's Bay. April 10, 1921, Ada M., youngest daughter of I, and the late D. W. Mec- Donald, aged twenty-five years and eight months. Funeral on Tuesday, April 12th, at 2 p.m. from her late residence, to Collin's Bay Methodist church, thence to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respective. ly invited to aitend. Motor fun- O'HARA--AL Kingston, George O'Hara, years, re- on April 4th Napanee, aged 89 O'REILLY--1Ipn Kingston, on April 11th, 1921, Mary Estella O'Reilly, daugh- ter of the late Edward O'Reilly, aged 27 years. Funeral (private) from her late resi- dence, 307 Alfred street, Wednes- day, at 9330 a. « Mary's Cathe- gral, rohere a 20lemn requiem mass sung for h of nr aay g the happy repose Please omit flowers Interment at Wolte Island. SWANN--In Toronto, A ril 10th, 192 Mary Ellen Rouke, Pi w of the late Samuel Swan aged 6% years. Funeral] from her ence, Mrs. McKeon, 298 Bar t. Wednesday afternoon, at 2 Cock to Cataraquj Cemetery, Friends and acquaintances invited to attend. In lovi nN ye oving memory of Mary Elliott Irwia, widow or an Yin Capt. Robert Chamberlain Irwin, who Tote taken home on Sunday, April 11th, "Love Never Dies." --The family, PE Pett REID respectfully Crown forces seized a rebel arsen- |2m0 807% | Te ------------ | | | { 1 i | | i | i | | i =o mr ---- daughter's residence | ceeded all 'previous records in value-giving. Taffeta Frocks in all the latest styles. For Women--$22 up--For Misses They are afternoon frocks, but so captivating in style that we feel sure many women will want to wear them on the street the first day the wea- ther permits one to go out without wraps. There isn't any reason why they shouldnt either, for the styles are all quite simple, even if they are up to the minute and smart. t THE COLORS are sensible, too--Navy, Brown, Harding Blue and Black. Eyelet works Embroideries, Beading, Self Sashes and Puffings are outstanding trimming features, early selection is advisable. I THE KNOCKOUT S ° uit is winning more enthus- iastic admirers every day and no wonder. It is the most practical costume ome can find. Made of WOOL JERSEY CLOTH, in a variety of mixed tones and mannishly tailored. It is appro. priate for sports' occassions, street wear and business; sizes for Women and Misses, $29.50 ets, Jport Coats are made.of all sorts of soft, woollen materials this season, Polo cloth, Worsteds, Velour and others, and without exception they are of length belted with patch pock- cross-over matched collar and a host of self-tone but- tons; coraes in new col ors: blue. ensively priced. almost three-quarter and smartly belt, Camel, Sand, They are inexp $14.50 up. ; COLORFUL NEW WASH FABRICS A -- EET IN SIMPLE and FANTASTIC PATTERNS /"~ ETE There are so many charming ways to make up Wash Frocks that women will surely want to choose enough néw Wash Fabrics for several to be included in their Summer wardrobes, this time because of their exceptionally beautiful interesting at patterns, mod- erate prices and adaptability to the latest styles are: VOILES. ORGANDIES. BATISTES. GINGHAMS. DIMITIES. "EACH CLOTHS. Supreme In Value and Style] An Every A real gir lar--a da Day and All Day Comfort! | Is' model--sure to be popu- fi ndy for school or sport. Its: strong wearing qualities make it ideal | for all-around Spring wear. . Brown and Black Calf -- in all sizes.

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